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Unit 11
Let’s Be “Diverse”
 Beginning I
It is highly probable that if bees become extinct,
humans will be in danger. Without bees, humans
would not be able to access to many resources
and would face food shortages.
 Beginning II
Unfortunately, there has been a drastic decline in the
bee population because of human activity. And
science and technology could not solve this crisis.
 Body I
Healthy biodiversity can ensure a balanced
ecosystem and the survival of all the species
within it. However, over the centuries, human
activity has resulted in a continuous decline in
biodiversity all over the world to the extent that
the ecosystem cannot be recovered.
 Body II
Low genetic diversity impairs the biological
fitness of a species; thus increasing the
likelihood of extinction. The Great Famine in
the 19thcentury Ireland is a perfect example.
 Conclusion
If the biodiversity continues to deteriorate, not
only will all species in the world find it hard
to flourish, but humankind will be unable to
is said that if bees become extinct,
humans will have no more than four years to
live. Stunning as the prediction may seem,
it is highly probable. Bees, which qualify as
the best pollinators in nature, carry pollen
from one plant to another during their
daily search for food.
 It is said that . . . humans will have no more than
four years to live.
 It is said that . . . (人們相信的事)據說
◊ It is said that Lydia is the president’s relative.
→ People say that Lydia is the president’s relative.
Lydia is said to be the president’s relative.
Legend has it that . . . 據傳
◊ Legend has it that ghosts wander the earth in the
seventh month of the Chinese calendar.
 According to legend, ghosts wander the earth in
the seventh month of the Chinese calendar.
→The island
 no more than 不多於 ( ↔ no less than)
◊ No more/Fewer than 100 people are
said to have been in the audience.
不定詞to live在此作形容詞,用以後位
修飾前方的名詞four years。
Stunning as/though the prediction may seem,
it is highly probable.
 Though the prediction may seem stunning, . . .
◊ Though the girl is little, she is brave.
 Little though/as the girl is, she is brave.
◊ Though Michael is a man, he is good at cooking and
taking care of children.
 Man though/as Michael is, he is good at cooking and
taking care of children.
→ Tired
from one + N + to another 在…之間
from + N + to + N
from + one + N + to + the next
◊ The butterflies are flying from one flower to
another in search of nectar.
 The butterflies are flying from flower to
flower in search of nectar.
 The butterflies are flying from one flower
to the next in search of nectar.
it not for bees, most plants would
not be able to 1be fertilized and 2reproduce,
nor would humans be able to use these
plants for food, clothing, medicine, and fuel.
If bees became extinct, crop yields would
fall. Next, food shortages would surely arise.
It is no exaggeration to say that bees are
vital to human survival.
 Were it not for bees, most plants would not
be able to…, nor would humans be able to
use these
 Were it not for bees, most plants would not
be able to…
→ If it were not for bees, most plants would not be
able to…, …
 此句型為「與現在事實相反」的假設語氣,如
◊ If Ben were a parent, he would know how hard it is
to be a good one.
 Were it not for bees . . . , nor would humans
be able to use . . .
→ If it were not for bees…, and humans would
not be able to use…, either.
If bees become extinct, humans will have no
more than four years to live.
If bees became extinct, crop yields would fall
and humans would starve.
 It is no exaggeration to say that bees are vital to
human survival.
  It won’t be an exaggeration to say that . . .
 We can say without exaggeration that . . .
 Bees are, without exaggeration, crucial to human survival.
 It’s not too much/going too far to say that . . .
 it is no + N + that . . . 毫不…
◊ It is no surprise that most companies are investing a
large amount of effort and money in the new technology.
 be vital to . . . 對…來說很重要、不可少
essential、crucial、necessary 等,例:
◊ The patient’s taking medication at regular intervals
is essential to his recovery.
此句型為 It + be + adj./N(P) + that-clause,其
中的 it 為虛主詞,真主詞為由 that 所引導的名詞子
句,而 be 動詞後方為主詞補語,用以修飾主詞,其
◊ It was quite disappointing that the tickets to the
baseball game had been sold out.
◊ It is an honor to have the chance to dance with the
◊ It was the coach’s command that each of the
players had to go to bed before 9 p.m. and get up
before 6 a.m.
The bad news is that there has been a
steep decline in the bee population since
the 1970s. Human activity has destroyed
the natural habitats of many animals and
plants, one of which is the natural habitat
of bees. Agricultural practices, especially
the use of insecticides, are one of the
contributing factors in the destruction.
To solve this crisis, some people have
suggested artificial pollination.
The bad news is that there has been a steep
decline in the bee population since
the 1970s.
the bad news是主詞
that-子句 是主詞補語 (連接詞that不可省略)
 the 1970s表「1970年代」,指1970年到
1979年,亦可寫作the ’70s,讀作the
 Human activity has destroyed the natural
habitats . . . , one of which is the natural habitat
of bees.
 Human activity has destroyed the natural
habitats . . . , and one of them is the natural
habitat of bees.
  The natural habitats of many animals and
plants have been damaged by human activity,
including those of bees.
 關係代名詞本身就兼具連接詞及代名詞的功能。關
I have two sisters,
 Agricultural practices , . . . the contributing
factors in the destruction.
 practice n. [C][U] 作法,慣例
◊ Tipping the waiter or the waitress is common
practice in the United States.
 contributing factor 成因
◊ Stress may be a contributing factor to overeating.
 To solve this crisis, some people have
suggested artificial pollination.
* (in order) to solve…此處表示「目的」
 crisis為單數,複數型為crises,其它類似單
◊ oasis → oases 綠洲
◊ basis → bases 基礎
◊ analysis → analyses 分析
◊ diagnosis → diagnoses 診斷
◊ emphasis → emphases 強調
 suggest 除了如本處接名詞(片語) suggest + N./Ving
的用法,亦可接上that 子句,分別表示以下兩種不
1 表「暗示、意味著(某事)」,後面接一般的子
◊ Olivia’s smile suggested that she was in love
with Mike.
2 表「建議、要求、命令、堅持某人做某事」,
that子句中的 should 可省略,後方動詞應為原
◊ It is suggested that students (should) do their
homework by themselves.
It sounds feasible in some ways; however,
little do they know that a worker bee can fly
among at least 5,000 flowers a day, with more
than ten thousand pollen grains attached to
its body hair. So quickly do worker bees
pollinate plants that science and technology
alone can’t compare.
 however, little do they know that a worker bee can
fly among at least 5,000 flowers a day…
 否定副詞 (如 little、never、seldom、hardly、
not . . . until、rarely、by no means、in no
situation 等)置於句首時,必須將述詞移至主詞之
◊ Serena didn’t know that the DVD player she had
bought was already broken until she unwrapped it.
 Not until Serena unwrapped the DVD player she
had bought did she know that it was already
 at least 表示「至少」,即 not less than。
 little do they know that a worker bee can fly among
at least 5,000 flowers a day, with more than ten
thousand pollen grains attached to its body hair.
 with + O + OC 用來表示「附帶的情況」,其受詞補
詞,此句中pollen grains是被黏到蜜蜂身上的細毛,
 with + O + OC 用來表示「附帶的情況」,其受詞補
◊ The injured motorcyclist lay on the ground, with his
leg broken.
◊ The heartbroken parents looked at their son’s body,
with tears rolling down their faces.
◊ The boy stood in the street, with a 10dollar coin in his
◊ The children stared at the magician, with their mouths
wide open.
2. 那隻鴨媽媽走在路上,後面跟著一群小鴨。
The mother duck
3. Joe 腳交叉坐在床上。
 grain 在此譯作「細粒」,而非穀物,例:
◊ a grain of sand/salt/sugar
a grain of sth 微量、一點點的某事物
◊ There wasn’t a grain of truth in what Winston
had told you.
So quickly do worker bees pollinate plants that
science and technology alone can’t compare.
→ Worker bees pollinate plants so quickly that
science and technology alone can’t compare.
**so/such . . . that . . .表「如此…以致於…」的句型中
**so/such . . . that . . .表「如此…以致於…」的句型中
◊ The weather was so cold that I couldn’t help trembling.
→ So cold was the weather that I couldn’t help
◊ The volcano eruption was such that hundreds of people
were buried alive.
→ Such was the volcano eruption that hundreds of
people were buried alive
2. 她很好心,每個人都喜歡她。
 alone adj. 光光是,單單
◊ This is a reputed café. A cup of mocha alone
costs NT$500.
worse is that most people are
not alert to the even bigger crisis behind the
phenomenon of the declining bee
population—that is, a severe ecological
imbalance. All species on Earth, including
animals, plants, and microorganisms, have
important roles to play. Various species,
together with the environment they live in,
form an ecosystem.
 What’s worse is that . . . that is . . .
 此句中what’s worse 為主詞,that –子句為主詞補語。
what’s worse 表示「更糟的是」,用來提點接下
還有 what’s better 「更好的是」、what’s more「而
◊ My new cell phone is more advanced than yours, and,
what’s more, it is cheaper.
 that is表示「也就是說」,其它意思相近的字詞還
有 that is to say、namely、in other words 等。
 . . . , including animals, plants, and
microorganisms, have important roles to play.
  . . . , inclusive of animals, plants, and
microorganisms, . . .
 . . . , animals, plants, and microorganisms
included, . . .
 play a(n) (important) role/part 扮演(重要的)角色
◊ Music plays a significant role in my life, especially
when I am down.
 不定詞 to play 在此作形容詞用法,修飾前方的名
variety of life within a particular
ecosystem, such as a rain forest, a desert, or
even the entire Earth, is referred to as
biodiversity. Healthy biodiversity can
ensure a balanced ecosystem and the
survival of all the species within.
Nevertheless, over the centuries, humans
have caused the Earth’s biodiversity to
drop to such an extent that it can never be
  People refer to the variety of life within
a particular ecosystem . . . as
refer to…as… 可代換成?
 ensure vt. 確保
◊ The procedures are adopted to ensure the
safety of the passengers.
insure vt. 為(某人)投保
◊ It’s wise to insure yourself against any accident
before you depart.
reassure vt. 使放心
◊ The missing child’s phone call reassured his
anxious parents.
 代名詞it指稱的是前方所提及的名詞
the Earth’s biodiversity。
Why is it important to conserve biodiversity?
One reason is that genetic diversity is closely
related to biodiversity. The poorer the
biodiversity is in an ecosystem, the smaller the
gene pool will be. In other words, poor
biodiversity will lead to low genetic diversity
and reduce the biological fitness of a species, thus
bringing about a greater chance of extinction.
Unfortunately, humans have long gotten used to
planting only one staple crop in an area, which
causes the loss of local biodiversity.
 One reason is that genetic diversity is
closely related to biodiversity.
 that子句在此引導名詞子句,作主詞
one reason的補語。
 be related to sth 與某事相關的
(= be connected with sth)
◊ Much of the crime is related to poverty.
 The poorer the biodiversity is in an
ecosystem, the smaller the gene pool will be.
此為 the more . . . , the more. . . 的句型,表
示「愈…就愈… 」。其基本句構為比較級移
◊ The higher blood pressure you have, the
more likely you will have a heart attack.
◊ The more we know about the universe, the
more confused we seem to become.
 . . . lead to low genetic diversity . . . , thus
bringing about a greater chance of extinction.
 lead to sth 導致某事
◊ The engineer’s continuous overwork led to his
sudden death.
 thus adv. 因此 (= therefore, hence, consequently)
◊ The employee always complained about having piles
of work to do, but she never really got down to it
and finished her job. Thus, she was fired.
…poor biodiversity will lead to low genetic
diversity and reduce the biological fitness of
a species, thus bringing about a greater
chance of extinction.
 …will lead to. . . and thus bring about a
greater chance of extinction.
對等連接詞 and 的分詞構句,例:
◊ The man didn’t know that he had left his car
key in his house, still fumbling around in his
bag for it.
 Unfortunately, humans have long gotten used to
planting only one staple crop in an area, which
causes the loss of local biodiversity.
 be/get + used to + V-ing/N 習慣於(做)某事
◊ Having lived in Indonesia for five years, Paula gets
used to the spicy food.
◊ Rachel is used to jogging in the morning.
used to V 過去常常、習慣做某事
◊ Tanya used to practice playing the guitar before she
went to bed. Now that she’s preoccupied with her
schoolwork, she doesn’t have much time for it.
 Unfortunately, humans have long gotten
used to planting only one staple crop in an
area, which causes the loss of local
 關係代名詞 which 前面有逗點時,引導非
限定的關係子句,此時 which 指的是前面
◊ Sarah had dropped out of school three times,
which greatly disappointed her parents.
本句中的which指甚麼? 為什麼前面要逗點?
Unfortunately, humans have long gotten
used to planting only one staple crop in an area,
which causes the loss of local biodiversity.
The Great Famine in Ireland in the
19th century is a classic example. Because
of potato blight, the locals had a very bad
harvest of the potato species that they had
lived on. The famine took around one
million Irish lives and forced another million
to emigrate. Had the Irish introduced other
potato species that were resistant to this
disease, the disaster would have been much
less grave.
 classic adj. 典型的 (= typical/prime)
◊ Mozart is a classic example of a child
 Owing to/Due to/On account of potato
blight, . . .
 The famine took around one million Irish lives and
forced another million to emigrate.
 take在此表「奪走(生命)」,即 claim,例:
◊ The earthquake took/claimed the lives of a
hundred people and left thousands of people
 another 在此不是「另一個」的意思,而是表示
◊ I still need another 15 minutes to get ready for
the party.
 Had the Irish introduced other potato species that
were resistant to this disease, the disaster would
have been much less grave..
 If the Irish had introduced other potato species. . . 。
假設語氣如果省略 if,必須將動詞提前形成倒裝,
◊ If I were the teacher, I would cancel all the exams and
 Were I the teacher, I would cancel all the exams
and assignments.
◊ If it were not for air and water, we could not live.
 Were it not for air and water, we could not live.
◊ If I had been honest in the beginning, the boss would
not have been so angry.
 Had I been honest in the beginning, the boss would
not have been so angry.
◊ If it had not been for your advice, I might have made a
huge mistake.
 Had it not been for your advice, I might have made
a huge mistake.
1. 若不是因為他的朋友,他會覺得很孤單。
, he would feel very lonely.
2. 假如當時他沒有即時停車,車禍可能就要發生。
is apparent that biodiversity is of great
importance to all biological species. If the loss
of biodiversity continues, humans will certainly
suffer the consequences of it in the future. In the
long term, trying to survive would be a difficult
task for all of the species in the world, including
humankind, not to mention the possibility of
flourishing. Therefore, conserving the
endangered species is not simply about saving
beautiful plants and animals. It is actually about
saving ourselves and our descendants alike.
 It is apparent that biodiversity is of great
importance to all biological species.
  Apparently, biodiversity is very important
to . . .
 It在此為虛主詞,真正的主詞是後面的 that子
 be of (great) importance to sth/sb = be adj. to
◊ Torn as the toy may seem, it is the first gift that
my grandmother bought me and is of great
importance to me.
「of + 抽象名詞」即為該抽象名詞之形容詞,
◊ It is of no use to cry over spilt milk.
 It is useless to cry over spilt milk.
◊ We should solve this problem as soon as possible
since it is of great significance.
 We should solve this problem as soon as
possible since it is very significant.
 If the loss of biodiversity continues, humans
will certainly suffer the consequences of it in
the future.
  If biodiversity continues to decrease,
humans will definitely suffer . . .
 suffer/face/accept/take the consequences
◊ If anyone’s to blame, it’s me. I’ll take the
 not to mention
更不用說 (let alone否定時)
◊ This puzzle is too complicated for a high school
student, not to mention a ten year old.
not to mention為準對等連接詞,其後大多接
◊ I don’t like the style of this dress, not to
mention its strange color.
 本句主詞為動名詞片語conserving our
endangered species,故後方動詞應與其一
I. Complete the flow chart below
according to the reading.
Bees have become extinct.
pollen from one plant to
There are no bees carrying 1_______
reproduce/be fertilized
Crops and plants cannot 2______________________.
Humans can’t make use of
what those plants reproduce in
food, clothing, medicine
and fuel
Crops yields will decline,
and 4______________
food, shortages/
famine will arise.
Humans are faced with 5___________.
II. Choose the correct answer to each question or
( D ) 1. Which of the following statements about
biodiversity is true?
(A) The variety of life within a small area
cannot be referred to as biodiversity.
(B) Humans caused a great decline in the
earth’s biodiversity in the 19th century.
(C) The loss of biodiversity in an area can
strengthen the surviving species.
(D) Healthy biodiversity can ensure the survival
of all the species within a particular
( B ) 2. According to the reading, poor
biodiversity leads to ___________.
(A) high genetic diversity
(B) small gene pools
(C) few chances of extinction
(D) bountiful harvests
( C ) 3. Which of the following statements about
bees is NOT true?
(A) Bees are the best pollinators in nature.
(B) A worker bee is able to fly among at
least 5,000 flowers a day.
(C) Artificial pollination can be a way to
solve the crisis of the declining bee
(D) The number of bees in the world has
been decreasing drastically since the
( B ) 4. From the reading, we can infer that
(A) millions of local Irish residents died
of potato blight
(B) the Irish did not diversify their staple
food sufficiently in the 19th century
(C) the Great Famine forced two million
people to emigrate from Ireland
(D) the new potato species that some Irish
farmers introduced caused the famine