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Endangered species
An endangered species is a population of
organisms which is facing a high risk of
becoming extinct because it is either few
in numbers, or threatened by changing
environmental or predation parameters.
India have laws offering protection to
conservation reliant species; forbidding
hunting, restricting land development or
creating preserves.
The Siberian tiger is
a subspecies of tiger
that is critically
endangered; three
subspecies of tiger
are already extinct.
The most endangered
Asiatic top predator,
the Dhole, is on the
edge of extinction.
Endangered species: The bengal tiger
Scientific name: Panthera tigris
Current population: 1,706-1,909
The Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris ) is the most
numerous tiger subspecies. It is the national animal
of India. Its populations have been estimated at
1,706 – 1,909 in India.
Bengal is traditionally fixed as the typical locality for
the binomial Panthera tigris.Since 2010, it has been
classified as an endangered species by IUCN. The
total population is estimated at fewer than 2,500,
and none of the Tiger Conservation Landscapes within
the Bengal tiger's range is large enough to support an
effective population size of 250 adult individuals.
A Bengal tiger
A White Bengal
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Subfamily: Pantherinae
Species: Panthera tigris
Subspecies:Panthera tigris tigris
The Bengal tiger's coat is yellow to light orange, with
stripes ranging from dark brown to black; the belly
and the interior parts of the limbs are white, and the
tail is orange with black rings.
Male Bengal tigers have an average total length of
270 to 310 cm including the tail, while females
measure 240 to 265 cm on average.The tail is
typically 85 to 110 cm long, and on average, tigers are
90 to 110 cm in height at the shoulders.The average
weight of males is 221.2 kg , while that of females is
139.7 kg .
Endangered species: The House Sparrow
Sciencetific name: Passer domesticus
Current population: Less than 23%
The House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) is a bird of
the sparrow family Passeridae, found in most parts of
the world. A small bird, it has a typical length of
16 cm and a weight of 24–39.5 g . Females and young
birds are coloured pale brown and grey, and males
have brighter black, white, and brown markings. One
of about 25 species in the genus Passer, the House
Sparrow occurs naturally in most of India, and much
of Asia.
A male sparrow
Female Sparrow
in India
Scientific classification
P. domesticus
The House Sparrow is a compact bird, typically
about 16 cm long, ranging from 14–18 cm .It has a
large rounded head, and a stout bill with a culmen
length of 1.1 to 1.5 cm. It has a short tail, 5.2 to
6.5 cm long. The wing chord is 6.7 to 8.9 cm, and
the tarsus is 1.6 to 2.5 cm.[In weight, the House
Sparrow ranges from 24–39.5 g Younger birds are
smaller, males are larger during the winter, and
females are larger during the breeding season.
Between and within subspecies, there is further
variation based on latitude, altitude, climate, and
other environmental factors, under biological
principles such as Bergmann's rule.
A female sparrow
feeding a fledgling
A pair of the
indicus mating
Endangered species: The Asian Elephant
Scientific name: Elephas maximus
Current population: 41,410-52,345
The Asian or Asiatic elephant (Elephas maximus) is the only
living species of the genus Elephas and is distributed
in India . Asian elephants are the largest living land animals
in Asia.
Since 1986, Elephas maximus has been listed
as endangered by IUCN as the population has declined by at
least 50%..In 2012, the wild population was estimated at
between 41,410 and 52,345 individuals.
Asian elephants are rather long-lived, with a maximum
recorded life span of 86 years.
This species has been domesticatedand is used for such
purposes as timber-carrying and transportation.
A male tusker in
the wild in India
Baby elephant
and his mother
in India
Scientific classification
Elephas maximus
The Borneo elephant is smaller than other Asian
elephant subspecies, and has relatively large ears,
a longer tail, and straighter tusks.
In general, the Asian elephant is smaller than the
African elephant and has the highest body point on
the head. The back is convex or level. The ears are
small with dorsal borders folded laterally. It has up
to 20 pairs of ribs and 34 caudal vertebrae. The
feet have more nail-like structures than those of
African elephants — five on each forefoot, and four
on each hind foot.
Bong Su, a
male Asian
elephant in
Endangered species: The Panda
Scientific name: Ailuropoda melanoleuca
Current population:Around 1,590
The panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) . It also known as the
giant panda to distinguish it from the unrelated red panda,
is a bear[native to Asia.It is easily recognized by the large,
distinctive black patches around its eyes, over the ears, and
across its round body. Though it belongs to the order
Carnivora, the panda's diet is 99% bamboo. Pandas in the
wild will occasionally eat other grasses, wild tubers, or even
meat in the form of birds, rodents or carrion. In captivity,
they may receive honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves,
oranges, or bananas along with specially prepared food.
Giant panda
Pandas eating
Scientific classification
Gao Gao, an
adult male
giant panda
Hua Mei, the baby
Endangered species: The Floria panther
Scientific name: Puma concolor
Current population: 100-160
The Florida panther is an endangered subspecies of cougar
(Puma concolor). This species is also known as the cougar,
mountain lion, puma, and catamount. Males can weigh up
to 160 pounds and live within a range that includes the
Big Cypress National Preserve, Everglades National Park,
and the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge. This
population, the only unequivocal cougar representative in
the eastern United States, currently occupies 5% of its
historic range. In the 1970s, there were an estimated 20
Florida panthers in the wild, and their numbers have
increased to an estimated 100 to 160 as of 2011.
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Species: P. concolor
Subspecies:P. c. coryi
The Majestic Florida
Currently Highly
Florida Panthers are spotted at birth and typically have
blue eyes. As the panther grows the spots fade and the coat
becomes completely tan while the eyes typically become
more of a yellow. The panther's underbelly is a creamy
white, with black tips on the tail and ears. Florida panthers
lack the ability to roar, and instead make distinct sounds
that include whistles, chirps, growls, hisses, and purrs.
Florida panthers are mid-sized for the species, being
smaller than cougars from Northern climes but larger than
cougars from the neotropics. Adult female Florida panthers
weigh 29–45 kg whereas the larger males weigh 45–72 kg
Total length is from 1.8 to 2.2 m and shoulder height is 60–
70 cm .
Reasons for Endagereness
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) has organized many of the risks of climate
change into five "reasons for concern." The reasons
for concern show that these risks increase with
increases in the Earth's global mean temperature
(i.e., global warming)due to human violation. The
IPCC's five reasons for concern are: threats to
endangered species and unique systems, damages
from extreme climate events, effects that fall most
heavily on developing countries and the poor
within countries, global aggregate impacts, and
large-scale high-impact events.
Wildlife conservation
Wildlife conservation is the practice of protecting
endangered plant and animal species and their habitats.
Among the goals of wildlife conservation are to ensure that
nature will be around for future generations to enjoy and to
recognize the importance of wildlife and wilderness lands to
humans. Many nations are government agencies dedicated
to wildlife conservation, which help to implement policies
designed to protect wildlife..Wildlife conservation has
become an increasingly important practice due to the
negative effects of human activity on wildlife. The science of
reasons. Either they are few in number or are threatened by
the varying environmental or predation parameters. The
endangered species in India have been identified by
different national and international organisations like the
World Wildlife Fund
Statistics of endangered species in India
As per the official records, in India, there are over
130000 endangered animal species, although some
experts believe that the number may be even more
than the projected figures. However, some claim
that the number is actually much more. The
number of endangered species in India accounts
for around 8.86% of the world’s mammals. The
mammals are extended over 186 genera, 45
families and 13 orders out of which around 89
species are listed as threatened in the IUCN Red
List of Threatened Animals (IUCN 2006).
So, Friends its my humble request for
everyone to protect the nature. Nature
has been giving us every thing ,so its our
time to give something to nature & to
protect it. Without these bio-diversity
the life of human is worthless. Nature
has always kept us teaching in every
part of our life. So myself C.Yashwant is
leaving with a humble request.
Thank you