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Work and Energy
Work done by an agent exerting a constant
force is defined as the product of the component
of the force in the direction of resulting
displacement and the magnitude of the
W = F cos · d
Dimensional Analysis
= kg · m/s2 · m
= kg · m2/s2
= Joule
1 N · m = 1 kg · m2/s2 = 1 Joule
The means to do work
Energy also has the units of “Joules”.
What happened to the energy that caused the force
that did the work?
Assume: Frictionless Surface
FNet,x = F = ma
a = F/m
Work is transformed into energy of motion.
vo = 0m/s
v2 = 2 ·F/m · d
a = F/m
2 = F · d
x = d
KE = mv2
Energy of Motion = Kinetic Energy = mv2
Fg = mg
Assume the object is moved at constant velocity
W = mgh
Work is transformed into energy of elevation.
Energy of Elevation = Potential Energy = mgh
PE = mgh
Work Energy Equation
In the absence of friction; work, kinetic energy, and
potential energy are conserved.
Win + KE1 + PE1 = KE2 + PE2
Win = Work put into the object or done on the object
KE1 & PE1 = Kinetic and Potential Energy of the object
before the work was performed.
KE2 & PE2 = Kinetic and Potential Energy of the object
at the end of the event.
Fa · d + ½ mv12 + mgh1 = ½ mv22 + mgh2
Example Problem (Frictionless Rollercoaster)
A motor does work as a 250kg coaster car is raised
vertically 85 meters up an incline. How much work is
“done on” the car?
W = F · d = mgh
= 250kg · 9.80m/s2 · 85m
= 210,000 kg ·m2/s2
= 210,000 Joules
210,000J of work resulted in 210,000 of Potential Energy
Example Problem (Frictionless Rollercoaster)
The 250 kg car is at rest on the top of the incline
when it is released and travels to the bottom of the
track. What is its velocity at the bottom?
Win + KE1 + PE1 = KE2 + PE2
0 + 0 + 210,000J = KE2 + 0
210,000J = ½ mv22
210,000J = ½ (250kg)v22
v2 = 41m/s
Loss of 210,000J of PE results in gain of 210,000J of KE
Potential Energy Stored in a Spring
x = spring displacement from the “relaxed” position
F = 0N
x = 0m
F = 98N
x = .35m
F = 196N x = .70m
Fs = -kx Hookes Law
k = spring constant
k = 280N/m in this example
k = a property of the spring
Hookes Law
F = kx
F (N)
x (m)
Work = Energy Done on the Spring
W = Area Under the Curve
W = ½ · kx · x
W = ½ kx2 = PEs
PEs = ½ kx2
PEs = Elastic Potential Energy
Spring Potential Energy
Example Problem (conversion of PEs)
A spring with a 15kg mass attached to it is stretched
horizontally .25m from its relaxed position. This requires a
force of 200.N. What is the spring constant?
F = kx
200N = k · .25m
k = 800. N/m
How much energy is stored in the spring in the stretched position?
PEs = ½ kx2
PEs = ½ · 800N/m · (.25m)2
PEs = 100. N·m
PEs = 100 J
Upon its release, the object reaches maximum velocity as it
passes through the relaxed position. What is that velocity?
PEs1 + KEs1 = PEs2 + KEs2
100.J + 0J = 0J + 100J
KE2 = 100J = ½ mv22 ;
m = 15kg
v2 = 3.7m/s
Principle of Conservation of Energy:
• Energy can never be created or destroyed.
• Energy may be transformed from one form into another.
• The total energy in an isolated system remains constant.
• The total energy of the universe is constant.
Mother of All Energy Equations:
Win + KE1 + PE1g + PE1s = Wout + KE2 + PE2g + PE2s
Win = Fa · d
Wout = Ff · d
Wout generally dissipates to heat which also has units of
Power is the rate at which work is done
P = W
Dimensional Analysis
P = W = Joules = Watt
1 Watt = 1 Joule/sec
Example Problem (Power)
A 55kg rock is lifted at constant velocity 15m in 10.sec by
a motor. What is the power output of the motor?
Work = PE = mgh = 8100 Joules
t = 10.sec
P = W = 8100J
P = 810J/s
P = 810 Watts