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DO NOW – 5 Minutes
November 9, 2010
Page __________
Reflect on your progress during 2nd 6 weeks:
What academic goals have you set? What score
did you predict you will get on the next
Are you meeting your academic goals?
Are you learning the material presented in class?
Did you prepare for the test?
Record your answer with a minimum of 3 complete
DO NOW – 5 Minutes
November 9, 2010
Update your table of contents:
68. Speed Practice Do Now
69. Balanced and Unbalanced Forces Homework
70. Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration
71.11/2 Do Now and Exit Ticket (practice problems)
72.11/3 Do Now – Is it Balanced?
73.11/5 Do Now – 5 key Points for Test
74.Isaac Newton Reading
75.Newton’s Laws of Motion Foldable
Today’s Schedule
Agenda - PreAP:
1. Comp Book Update
November 9, 2010
Homework: No Homework
2. Newton’s Laws of Motion
3. Newton’s Laws of Motion
Wednesday testing in RODEO –
Essential Questions:
schedule is changed for
How do Newton’s Laws describe
What are examples of Newton’s Laws
in the real world?
Newton’s Laws Foldable
Create a foldable that includes:
The official law
The law in your own words
A picture or illustration to represent the law
A real-world example of the law
Important vocabulary or math formulas that
go with the law
for each of Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion
Today’s Schedule
Agenda - GL:
1. Comp Book Update
November 9, 2010
Homework: No Homework
2. Complete 2nd 6 weeks test
3. Newton’s Laws of Motion
Essential Questions:
How do Newton’s Laws describe
What are examples of Newton’s Laws
in the real world?
Wednesday testing in RODEO –
schedule is changed for
Read and Re-Read the Problem
Underline the question
[Bracket] Important Information
Identify the Main Idea
Eliminate the Wrong Answers
Select the Best Answer
After the Test
• Use the Newton’s Laws foldable
template to learn about Newton’s
Laws of Motion.
• Attach the template to page 75 in
your comp book.
• Use the book to find your answers.
• Work quietly on your own.
Describing Motion
Newton’s Laws
First we need to define the
word FORCE:
• The cause of motion (what
causes objects to move)
• Two types of forces
– Pushes
– Pulls
Forces are measured in
• SI unit of force
• Symbol: N
• Measured by using a spring scale
Forces may be balanced or
• Balanced forces – all forces acting
on an object are equal
– There is NO MOTION
• Unbalanced forces – one or more
forces acting on an object are
stronger than others
– There is MOTION
Newton’s Laws
• First Law – Inertia
• Second Law – Acceleration,
Force & Mass
• Third Law – Action-Reaction
First Law
• Inertia
– An object at rest
[not moving]
remains at rest
unless acted on by
a force [push or
– An object in
motion remains in
motion unless
acted on by a force
[push or pull].
First Law
• Inertia & Mass
– Mass is the amount of matter in an
– The more MASS an object has, the
more INERTIA the object has.
– Bigger objects are harder to start &
First Law
Example of Newton’s First Law in
Second Law
• Acceleration & Mass Definitions
– Acceleration is a change in velocity
[speed or direction].
– Mass is the amount of matter in an
Second Law
• Acceleration & Force
– The more force placed on an object,
the more it will accelerate [change its
• Acceleration & Mass
– The more mass [or inertia] an object
has, the more force it takes to
accelerate the object.
Second Law
Force = Mass x Acceleration
Example: A 25 g object with an
acceleration of 4 m/s2 will have a
force of ______ Newtons.
Second Law
Force = Mass x Acceleration
Example: A 25 g object with an
acceleration of 4 m/s2 will have a
force of 100 Newtons.
25 x 4 = 100
Second Law
Force = Mass x Acceleration
Falling objects have acceleration due
to gravity which is 9.8 m/s2
Third Law
• Action – Reaction
– Forces are always produced in pairs
with opposite directions & equal
– For every force there is an equal and
opposite force.
Third Law
• Action – Reaction
– Action – Reaction Forces act on
different objects…
• When you kick a soccer ball, you exert a
force on the ball and the ball exerts a force
on you. The harder you kick the bigger the
force on you (kicking REALLY hard might
Third Law
The truck is in motion. What is the force
that causes it to stop?
The push of the stopped car.
The car is at rest. What is the force that
causes it to move?
The push of the truck.
What about the ladder on top of the truck?
The ladder is in motion because the truck is in
When the truck stops, the ladder stays in motion.
The truck is stopped by the force of the car, but the
ladder is not.
What force stops the ladder?
The truck is in motion, the car is at rest. How do
each of these vehicles accelerate?
The truck stops moving. The car starts moving.
Which one will be the hardest to accelerate?
The truck because it has the most mass.
Why does the car move [accelerate] when it is hit
by the truck?
The heavy and moving truck has more force than
the small, at rest car.
Why does the truck stop moving when it hits the
The force of the car pushing back on the truck,
plus the force of friction between the massive truck
and the road slow down, the stop the truck.
The truck hits the car. An action force stops the
What is the equal and opposite reaction force?
The force that pushes the car forward.
DO NOW – 5 Minutes
November 10, 2010
Pick up a handout on your way into class.
Be ready to discuss your answers.
Today’s Schedule
1. Motion Problems Do Now
2. Marble Tower
Essential Questions:
How do Newton’s Laws describe
What are examples of Newton’s Laws
in the real world?
November 10, 2010
Homework: No Homework
DO NOW – 5 Minutes
November 11-12, 2010
Page 76
Write Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion in your own
Newton’s 1st Law of Motion says ________
Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion says ________
Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion says ________
Today’s Schedule
1. Newton’s Laws Review
2. Newton’s Laws Station Lab
Essential Questions:
How do Newton’s Laws describe
What are examples of Newton’s Laws
in the real world?
November 11 - 12, 2010
Homework: Complete Lab
November 11 - 12, 2010
How is each of Newton’s Laws represented in the
picture above?