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Part of our everyday lives:
Energetic people
Food that is “full of energy”
High cost of electric energy
Risks of nuclear energy
Reference point
the amount of work a physical
system is capable of performing.
Energy can neither be created nor
consumed or destroyed
When anything happens in the
physical world, energy is
somehow involved.
 Definition:
A measure of the change a force
“The work done by a force acting on an
object is equal to the magnitude of the
force multiplied by the distance through
which the force acts”.
W  Fd
 Work
is done…
…by a force when the object
it acts on moves
NO work is done by pushing
against a stationary wall.
Work IS done throwing a ball
because the ball MOVES
while being pushed during
the throw.
 Equation
for work:
In words:
W  Fd
Work done  applied force  distance through w hich 
the force acts
The direction of the force (F) is assumed to be the
same as the direction of the distance (d)
A force perpendicular to the direction of motion of
an object cannot do work on the object
The Joule
 joule
The SI unit of energy
Amount of work done by a force of one
newton when it acts through a distance of
one meter:
1 joule (J)  1 newton . meter (N  m)
 Push a box 8 m across the floor with a force of
100 N performs 800 J of work:
W  Fd  (100 N )(8m)  800 N  m  800 J
Direction of Force
When a force and the
distance through which it
acts are parallel, the work
done is equal to the
product of F and d
If the forces are NOT
parallel, work done is
equal to the product of d
and the projection of F in
the direction of d.
 The
RATE of Doing Work…
Rate is the amount of work done in a
specified period of time
The more powerful something is, the faster it
can do work
work done
Power  P 
time interval
Units of Power
 Standard
(SI) unit of power is the watt
1 watt (W)  1 joule/seco nd
500W motor can perform 500J of work in 1 s
… or 250J of work in 0.5 s
… or 5000J of work in 10 s
Watts are very small units
Kilowatts are used most commonly
1 kilowatt  1000W  1 kW
Types of Energy
Kinetic – Energy of Motion
Potential – Energy of Position
Chemical Energy
Heat Energy
Electric Energy
Radiant Energy
 Food converted to energy in our bodies
 Heat from burning oil to make steam to drive turbines
 Electricity turns motors in homes and factories
 Energy from the sun
Kinetic Energy
Kinetic energy = the energy a body
possesses due to its motion
velocity, v
mass, m (kg)
Kinetic energy
= ½ mv2
Kinetic Energy
Moving objects can exert forces on
other moving or stationary objects
Kinetic energy depends on the mass and
speed of a moving object
KE  12 mv
Note that v2 factor means that KE
increases VERY rapidly with
increasing speed
Kinetic Energy
Kinetic energy of a 1000kg car moving at 10
m/s is 50kJ
( 50kJ of work must be done to start the car
from a stop, or stop it when it is moving)
Force on a Nail
 When
a hammer strikes a nail, the hammer’s
kinetic energy is converted into work, which
pushes the nail into the wood
Force on a Nail
 Example:
Using a hammer with a 600g head moving at 4
m/s to drive a 5mm nail into a piece of wood,
what is the force exerted on the nail on impact?
KE of hammer head  work done on nail
mv2  Fd
(0.6kg)( 4m / s )
 960 N
Potential Energy
 Energy
stored in the set-up of a mechanical
Elastic potential Energy
Gravitational Potential Energy
When a stone is dropped, it falls towards the
ground, until it hits the ground
(if the ground is soft, the stone will make a small depression in the
Potential Energy
 Gravitational
Potential energy =
the energy a body possesses
because of its position relative to
the ground
= mgh
Potential Energy Example
 Potential
energy of a car pushed off a
45m cliff
PE  mgh  (1000kg)(9.8m / s 2 )(45m)  441kJ
 Compare
with amount of KE done by a
car moving at 30m/s (108 km/hr)
Examples of Potential Energy
Examples are almost everywhere
Book on the table
Skier on the top of a slope
Water at the top of a waterfall
Car at the top of a hill
A stretched spring
A nail near a magnet
Potential Energy is Relative
Amount of potential
energy is a function
of the relative
height of the
Gravitational PE is
Conservation of Energy
 The
Law of Conservation of Energy:
Energy cannot be created or destroyed,
although it can be changed from one form
to another.
This principle has the widest application to all
Applies equally to distant stars and biological
processes in living cells.
Conservation Principles
 Conservation
of energy is significant
because, if the laws of nature…
…are the same at all times (past, present, and
future), then energy must be conserved.
Energy Transformations
 Most
mechanical processes involve
conversions between KE, PE, and work
A car rolling down a hill into a valley
PE at the top of the hill is converted into KE as the car
rolls down the hill
KE is converted to PE as the car rolls up the other side
Total amount of energy (KE+PE) remains constant
All kinetic energy
(greatest speed)
K.E. = 10 J
P.E. = 0 J
All potential energy
(stops for an instant)
P.E. = 10 J
K.E. = 0 J
All potential energy
(stops for an instant)
P.E. = 10 J
K.E. = 0 J
Potential energy &
Kinetic energy
P.E. = 5 J; K.E. = 5 J
Potential energy &
Kinetic energy
P.E. = 4 J; K.E. = 6 J
Energy Transformations
m = 4kg
A parcel of mass 4 kg slides down a
smooth curved ramp. What is the
speed of the parcel when it reaches
the bottom.
Top of ramp: all potential energy
P.E. = mgh = 4 kg  10 ms-2  5 m = 200 J
Bottom of ramp: all kinetic energy
(all P.E. has changed to K.E.)
K.E. = ½ mv2 = 200 J
½  4 kg  v2 = 200 J
v2 = 100
v = 10 ms-1
What is the speed of the
rollercoaster at P, Q and R?
16.2 m
11.2 m
9.0 m (h3)
At P: P.E. = 0 J
At R: P.E. = mgh3
K.E. = maximum
K.E. = loss in P.E.
K.E. = P.E. at the start
½ mv2 = mgh1 – mgh3
½ mv2 = mgh1
= mg(h1-h3)
At Q: P.E. = mgh2
v = 18 ms-1
v = 12 ms-1
K.E. = loss in P.E.
½ mv2 = mgh1 – mgh2
= mg(h1-h2)
v = 10 ms-1
Rest Energy
 Matter
is a form of energy
Most important conclusion of special
relativity theory is that matter and energy
are closely related
Matter  Energy and Energy  Matter
Rest Energy
The energy equivalent of an objects mass
E0  m0c 2
Rest energy  (rest mass)(spee d of light)
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
Left school at 16 to work in the Swiss patent office
(his math teacher called him a “lazy” dog)
Developed 3 papers that would revolutionize
physics and modern civilization:
 Wave and particle theory of light
 Brownian motion of particles
 Introduction of the theory of relativity
In 1919, his predictions on gravitational effects on
light were proven…became a world celebrity
Left Germany in 1933 and spent rest of his life at
Princeton University
 Searched for a “unified field theory” that would
relate gravitation and electromagnetism.
Energy and Civilization
 The
rise of modern civilization
Impossible without vast resources of
Development of ways to convert energy forms
Most convenient fuels are limited
Oil, natural gas, and coal
Other sources of energy have various
Population increasing, as is demand for
Energy Demand and Type
The Energy Problem
 Limited
Supply, Unlimited Demand
The sun – source of most of our energy
Food, wood, plants
Water power – The hydrological cycle
Wind power – Temperature changes
Fossil Fuels
Nuclear and hydrothermal power
Not related to the sun
Solar Cells
 Variation
due to climate and latitude
 $70/watt in 1960, $3/watt today
 Economics still limit widespread
Fossil Fuels
 Limited
Most large deposits of oil and gas
Remaining reserves = 100 years??
No new deposits being formed
 Problems
with coal
Mining needed to extract from earth
Air pollution – dangerous to health
 All
Fossil Fuels
Adds CO2 to atmosphere –
greenhouse effect
Hydroelectric Power
 Kinetic
energy of falling
water converted into
electricity using
New hydro projects
unlikely due to
environmental and landuse constraints
Two-sided arguments
Environmental concerns
Development concerns
Wind Energy
 Advantages
Don’t contribute to
global warming
Renewable resource
 Disadvantages
Only work where winds
are powerful and
Take up a lot of space
Noisy, some
environmental concerns
Other Energy Sources
 Geothermal
 Nuclear Energy
 Tidal Energy
Future Energy Supplies
 Fusion
Technology may be many years into the
 Most
alternate energy sources are
very expensive
Cost of fossil fuels is still the lowest and
easiest to distribute