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I. Energy = the ability to do
A. Work and Energy:are related, we
give energy to an object by doing
work on the object.
B. Measuring Energy: Because work
is the transfer of energy, we can
measure energy by measuring the
work done.
 For example if a boat does
5,000 Newton’s of work, the
engine of the boat put out
5,000 N-m’s of energy.
One Newton meter is = to a
Joule (J)
 So to find out how much
energy is needed to do
something we use the formula
for work.
II.Kinetic Energy: is the energy
of motion.
A. If you stop a moving object you can
feel it’s Kinetic Energy.
1. Kinetic Energy depends on two
 Mass & Speed of the object.
More Kinetic Energy
III.Calculating Kinetic Energy:
KE=1/2mv2 answer is in Joules.
Example: A girl has a mass of 40 kg
skates around a rink at 12m/s. What is her
Kinetic energy?
1.A boy has a mass of 120 kg runs at a
speed of 4 m/s. What is his KE?
2.A man has a mass of 100 kg walks at
a speed of 2 m/s. What is his KE?
3. A baseball with a mass of 0.08 kg is
thrown at a speed of 20 m/s. What is
the KE of the baseball?
4. A soccer ball with a mass of 2 kg is
kicked at a speed of 5 m/s. What is
the KE of the soccer ball?
IV.Potential Energy: Is energy
due to an objects position.
A. Calculating Potential Energy: Is work
done or Force X Distance = Joules
1. Example: If a boy carries a 70 n bowling
ball up a flight of 20 m high stairs. What is
the balling ball PE?
Answer: 70 n X 20 m = 1400 J
B.Law of Conservation of
Energy: States that energy
cannot be created or
destroyed. It can change
from one form to another.
But the total amount of
energy remains the same.
C.Friction Wastes Energy:
1. The lower the friction the less energy wasted.
2. The less energy wasted the faster you go.
3. The less energy wasted the more PE converted
to KE.
PE if
V. Forms of Energy
1. Mechanical: energy an object has from its motion.
2. Internal: energy from all the particles of an object.
3. Electrical: electricity
4. Chemical: energy from an objects
position and its form of PE.
5. Radiant: energy in the form of a wave the
6. Nuclear: energy released from splitting or
combining atoms.
A.Power: is the rate at which work is
1. Power = work/time it’s the rate at which
energy is used.
 Example: If a person used 1200 J’s of energy in
10 minutes how much power does that person
Answer: 1200 J / 10 minutes = 120 J/m
Some times we convert minutes to seconds for
example 10 minutes = 600 seconds.10 X 60.
2. 1 Joule per second is equal to a watt (W)
3. Power is measured in watts.
1- Chemical Energy: Energy from an
objects position. (Potential Energy)
2- Electrical Energy: Energy that flows
through a wire (Kinetic Energy)
3- Energy: The ability to do work.
4- Internal Energy: Energy to the particles
that make it up.
5- Joule: Metric Unit for energy.
6- Kinetic Energy: Energy because the
object is moving.
7- Law of Conservation of Energy:
Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
Energy changes from on form to another.
8- Mechanical Energy: Energy an object
has from its motion.
9- Nuclear Energy: Form of Potential
energy the splitting of atoms
10- Potential Energy: Energy due to an
objects position. We give objects energy
by doing work on them.
11- Power: The rate at which work is
12- Radiant Energy: Energy from the sun
in the form of a wave.
13- Watt: Metric unit for power.
14-If the rock's potential energy is100 J,
the hill is _________ high.
15-At point C, the rock's potential
energy will be __________ .
16-The rock's kinetic energy at point
A is __________.
17-At point B, some of the rock's potential
energy will be changed to.
18-The rock's potential energy at point
A is __________ than it's kinetic energy.