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Survey of the Universe
Tom Burbine
[email protected]
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
• He was able to figure out answers to these
• 1) Things in motion tend to remain in motion.
• 2) He used a telescope to see sunspots on the Sun
and features on the Moon.
• 3) Galileo found that stars were more numerous
and more distant than imagined
He also
• He discovered the moons of Jupiter and saw that
they were orbiting Jupiter
• Proving that bodies could orbit other bodies
besides the Earth
Galileo also found that
Venus orbited the Sun
Difference between mass and weight
• Mass is the amount of matter in your body
• Weight is the amount of force acting on your
• So on the Moon, you would have the same mass
as on Earth but weigh less on the Moon since the
Moon is less massive than Earth
• Mass in metric system is usually measured in
Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
• Supposedly saw an apple fall to the ground
• He then understood that gravity was universal,
meaning it affected both the planets and us on
• Came up with 3 Laws of Motion
• Also came up with calculus
• Force – anything that can cause a body to change
• Velocity – a speed in a particular direction
• Gravity is a natural phenomenon by which objects
with mass attract one another.
• In the absence of a net (overall) force acting upon
it, an object moves with a constant velocity
• An object at rest remains at rest
• An object in motion tends to remain in motion
unless a force is acting upon it
Why do things on Earth not
remain in motion?
Why do things on Earth not
remain in motion?
• Friction
Objects in orbit
• Because the planets are moving in elliptical orbits
around the Sun and not straight lines, there must
be a force acting on the planets
• This force is gravity
• Acceleration is when your velocity is changing
• Velocity not changing, no acceleration
a = ∆v/∆t
Car is travelling at 10 m/s
Increases its speed to 30 m/s over 5 seconds
a = (30 m/s – 10 m/s)/5 seconds
a = 4 m/s2
Acceleration due to Earth’s gravity
• g = 9.8 m/s2
• If something is dropped, it will gain 9.8 m/s in
velocity for every second it falls
• Force = mass x acceleration
• Units of Force kgm/s2 = newton
• A Newton is equal to the amount of force required
to accelerate a mass of one kilogram at a rate of
one meter per second per second
How much do you weigh?
So much do you weigh
Say your mass is 100 kg
F = 100 kg x 9.8 m/s2
F = 980 Newtons
• 9.8 m/s2 is the acceleration of gravity on Earth
• This is the acceleration due to the Earth’s
gravitational field
• For any force, there is an equal and opposite
reaction force
• Gravity is holding you on the ground
• The ground is also pushing back up on you with
the same amount of force
Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation
• Every mass attracts every other mass through the
force called gravity
• Every point mass attracts every single other point
mass by a force pointing along the line
intersecting both points.
• The force is directly proportional to the product of
the two masses and inversely proportional to the
square of the distance between the point masses
• Newton came up with this formula
Force is proportional to
M1 M2
M1, M2 are the masses of the two objects
d is the distance between the objects
• If you want to calculate actual forces
F = G M1 M2
M1, M2 are the masses of the two objects
d is the distance between the objects
G = constant = 6.67 x 10-11 m3/(kgs2)
So what should you know
about this formula
F = G M 1 M2
• The force of attraction between any two objects is
directly proportional to the product of their masses
• The force of attraction between two objects decreases
with the square of the distance between their centers
• G is a very small number
assume all mass is concentrated
in the center of a body
What is the attraction of two 100 kg
people in the same room?
F = G M1 M2
Say their masses are both 100 kg
Their distances are 10 meters apart
F = 6.67 x 10-11 m3/(kgs2) * 100*100 kg2/(10*10 m2)
F = 6.67 x 10-9 N = 0.0000000067 N
Remember the person weighs 980 N
F = G M1 M2
• The value of G was determined by
Henry Cavendish between
• G = 6.67 x 10-11 m3/(kgs2)
Any Questions?