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Lecture Outline
Chapter 7
College Physics, 7th Edition
Wilson / Buffa / Lou
© 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 7
Circular Motion and
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Units of Chapter 7
Angular Measure
Angular Speed and Velocity
Uniform Circular Motion and Centripetal
Angular Acceleration
Newton’s Law of Gravitation
Kepler’s Laws and Earth Satellites
© 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
7.1 Angular Measure
The position of an
object can be described
using polar
coordinates—r and θ—
rather than x and y. The
figure at left gives the
conversion between the
two descriptions.
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7.1 Angular Measure
• r is a distance that extends from the origin.
r is the same for any point on a given
circle. (like the radius!)
• Θ is an angle, and it changes with time.
• Linear Displacement…how do we
• Angular Displacement is VERY similar
7.1 Angular Measure
• Δθ = θ - θi
• The unit for angular displacement is the
• There are 360 degrees in one complete
7.1 Angular Measure
• The arc length, s, is
the distance that is
traveled along the
circular path.
• The θ is said to define
the arc length.
• It is most convenient
to measure the angle
θ in radians.
7.1 Angular Measure
Relationship between arc length, the
radius, and the angle:
For one full circle,
with s = 2πr
(this is the
circumference of
the circle)
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7.1 Angular Measure
• A spectator standing at the
center of a circular running
track observes a runner start a
practice race 256m due east of
her own position. The runner
runs on the track to the finish
line, which is located due north
of the observer’s position.
What is the distance of the
7.1 Angular Measure
• A sailor sights a distance
tanker ship and finds that
it subtends an angle of
1.15 degrees. He knows
from the shipping charts
that the tanker is 150m in
length. Approximately
how far away is the
7.2 Angular Speed and Velocity
• How do we calculate speed?
• What’s the difference between average
speed and instantaneous speed?
7.2 Angular Speed and Velocity
In analogy to the linear case, we define the
average and instantaneous angular speed:
Angular Velocity??
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7.2 Angular Speed and Velocity
The direction of the
angular velocity is along
the axis of rotation, and is
given by a right-hand rule.
How does this work?
Counterclockwise is
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7.2 Angular Speed and Velocity
• A particle moving in a circle has an
instantaneous velocity tangential to its
circular path.
• What is a tangent?
• Tangential speed (the particle’s orbital
7.2 Angular Speed and Velocity
Relationship between tangential and angular
This means that parts
of a rotating object
farther from the axis of
rotation move faster.
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7.2 Angular Speed and Velocity
• An amusement park merry go
round at its constant
operational speed makes one
complete rotation in 45
seconds. Two children are on
horses, one at 3.0 m from the
center of the ride and the other
farther out at 6.0 m from the
– What are the angular speeds
of each?
– What are the tangential
speeds of each?
7.2 Angular Speed and Velocity
The period is the time it takes for one complete
revolution (rotation)
For example: The period of revolution of the
Earth around the Sun is one year.
Or the period of the Earth’s axial rotation is 24
Units: seconds or sometimes seconds/cycle
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7.2 Angular Speed and Velocity
• the frequency is the number of revolutions
(rotations) per second. [Units: Hertz]
• The relation of the frequency to the
angular speed:
7.2 Angular Speed and Velocity
• A CD rotates in a player at a constant
speed of 200 rpm. What are the CD’s
– Frequency?
– Period?
7.3 Uniform Circular Motion and
Centripetal Acceleration
• The acceleration in uniform circular motion
is called centripetal acceleration.
• Centripetal means “center-seeking.”
• Centripetal acceleration is directed inward
or “into” the circle.
• The tangential velocity is perpendicular to
the centripetal acceleration.
7.3 Uniform Circular Motion and
Centripetal Acceleration
Instantaneous centripetal
Can also be written as…
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7.3 Uniform Circular Motion and
Centripetal Acceleration
• A laboratory centrifuge operates at a
rotational speed of 12,000 rpm.
– What is the magnitude of the centripetal
acceleration of a red blood cell at a radial
distance of 8.00 cm from the centrifuge’s axis
of rotation?
– How does this acceleration compare with g?
7.3 Uniform Circular Motion and
Centripetal Acceleration
The centripetal force (net inward force) is the
mass multiplied by the centripetal
This force is the net force on the object. As
the force is always perpendicular to the
velocity, it does no work.
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7.3 Uniform Circular Motion and
Centripetal Acceleration
• A ball is attached to a
string is swung with
uniform motion in a
horizontal circle
above a person’s
head. If the string
breaks, which of the
trajectories shown on
the following slide
would the ball follow.
7.3 Uniform Circular Motion and
Centripetal Acceleration
• Centripetal force is not a new individual
force, but rather the cause of the
centripetal acceleration.
– What do I mean?? Examples?
7.3 Uniform Circular Motion and
Centripetal Acceleration
• Suppose two masses, m1 = 2.5
kg and m2 = 3.5 kg are
connected by two light strings
and are in uniform circular
motion on a horizontal
frictionless surface where r1 =
1.0 m and r2 = 1.3 m. The
tension forces acting on the
masses at T1 = 4.5 N and T2 =
2.9 N. Find the magnitude of
the centripetal acceleration.
7.3 Uniform Circular Motion and
Centripetal Acceleration
• A 1.0 m cord is used to
suspend a tetherball from the
top of a pole. After being hit
several times, the ball goes
around the pole in uniform
circular motion with a
tangential speed of 1.1 m/s at
an angle of 20 degrees. The
force that supplies the
centripetal acceleration is:
– A.) the weight of the ball?
– B.) a component of the tension
force in the string?
– C.) the total tension in the string?
7.4 Angular Acceleration
The average angular acceleration is the rate at
which the angular speed changes:
In analogy to constant linear acceleration:
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7.4 Angular Acceleration
Just like we had angular speed/velocity and
tangential speed, we also have the same for
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7.4 Angular Acceleration
• A CD accelerates uniformly from rest to its operational
speed of 500 rpm in 3.50 s.
– What is the angular acceleration of the CD during this time?
– What is the angular acceleration of the CD as its playing the
song at a constant speed?
– If the CD comes to a stop in 4.50 seconds, what is the angular
7.4 Angular Acceleration
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7.4 Angular Acceleration
• A microwave oven has a 30 cm diameter
rotating plate for even cooking. The plate
accelerates from rest at a uniform rate of 0.87
rad/s2 for 0.50 s before reaching its constant
operational speed.
– A.) How many revolutions does the plate make before
reaching its operational speed?
– B.) What are the operational angular speed of the
plate and the operational tangential speed?
7.5 Newton’s Law of Gravitation
• What is Newton’s Law of Gravitation?
• Do you remember the video you watched
last year that deals with this? 
– Had to do with 2 lead balls over time coming
7.5 Newton’s Law of Gravitation
Newton’s law of universal gravitation describes
the force between any two point masses:
G is called the universal gravitational
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7.5 Newton’s Law of Gravitation
• The gravitational attractions of the Sun and the moon
give rise to ocean tides. It is sometimes said that since
the Moon is closer to the Earth than the Sun, the Moon’s
gravitational attraction is much stronger, and therefore
has a greater influence on ocean tides. Is this true?
mE = 6.0 x 1024 kg
mM = 7.4 x 1022 kg
mS = 2.0 x 1030 kg
rEM = 3.8 x 108 m
rES = 1.5 x 108 km
7.5 Newton’s Law of Gravitation
Gravity provides the centripetal force that
keeps planets, moons, and satellites in their
We can relate the universal gravitational force
to the local acceleration of gravity:
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7.5 Newton’s Law of Gravitation
• The acceleration due to gravity does vary
with altitude. This means we need to
account for any height changes.
• ag
(RE + h)2
7.6 Kepler’s Laws and Earth Satellites
Kepler’s laws were the result of his many years
of observations. They were later found to be
consequences of Newton’s laws.
Kepler’s first law:
Planets move in elliptical orbits, with the Sun at one of
the focal points.
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7.6 Kepler’s Laws and Earth Satellites
Kepler’s second law:
A line from the Sun to a planet sweeps out equal areas
in equal lengths of time.
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7.6 Kepler’s Laws and Earth Satellites
Kepler’s third law:
The square of the orbital period of a planet is directly
proportional to the cube of the average distance of the
planet from the Sun; that is,
This can be derived from Newton’s law of
gravitation, using a circular orbit.
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Summary of Chapter 7
Angles may be measured in radians; the angle
is the arc length divided by the radius.
Angular kinematic equations for constant
© 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Summary of Chapter 7
Tangential speed is proportional to angular
Frequency is inversely proportional to period.
Angular speed:
Centripetal acceleration:
© 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Summary of Chapter 7
Centripetal force:
Angular acceleration is the rate at which the
angular speed changes. It is related to the
tangential acceleration.
Newton’s law of gravitation:
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Summary of Chapter 7
Gravitational potential energy:
Kepler’s laws:
1. Planetary orbits are ellipses with Sun at one
2. Equal areas are swept out in equal times.
3. The square of the period is proportional to
the cube of the radius.
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Summary of Chapter 7
Escape speed from Earth:
Energy of a satellite orbiting Earth:
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