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Chapter 9
Early Middle Ages
Feudal Europe
Law codes
Justinian codification of
Roman law resulted in The
Body of Civil Law.
Also, during this time a book
called the Domesday Book
established the first census
since Roman times.
Code of Hammurabi?????
Under early Germanic
law, a wrongdoer had
to pay wergild, or
“money for a man,” to
the family of the
person he injured or
Under Germanic law,
if an accused person
was unharmed after a
physical trial, or
ordeal, he or she was
presumed innocent.
The Vikings were
made part of European
civilization by the
Frankish policy of
settling them and
converting them to
established the missi
dominici, who were
two men who were
sent out to local
districts to ensure that
the counts were
carrying out the king’s
The Carolingian
Renaissance was a
revival of learning and
Although women in
feudal Europe could
legally hold property,
most women remained
under the control of
their fathers until they
were married, and
their husbands after
Still, aristocratic
women had many
opportunities to play
important roles.
Because the lord was
often away at war or
court, the lady of the
castle had to manage
the estate.
Households could
include large numbers
of officials and
servants, so this was
no small
Care of the financial
accounts alone took
The lady of the castle
was also responsible
for overseeing the
food supply and
maintaining all the
other supplies needed
for the smooth
operation of the
Chivalry was a code of
ethics that knights
were supposed to
In addition to their
oath to defend the
Catholic Church and
defenseless people,
knights were expected
to treat captives as
honored guests instead
of putting them in
Chivalry also implied
that knights should
fight only for glory
and not for material
An ideal that was not
always followed.
The most important
gift a lord could give
to a vassal was a piece
of land.
At the heart of
feudalism was
vassalage, which
meant warriors swore
loyalty to a lord, who
in turn took care of
their needs.
Feudal framework
Pawns (8) --- Represent the Serfs of Feudalism
---Place on the Row Ahead of the Nobility
---May Move 2 Spaces Straight Ahead on First Move
---Every Move There After Must Only Be 1 Space
---May Only Take Pieces By Going Diagonally 1 Space
Rooks (2) --- Represent the Workers of the Castle
---Place on 2 Back Corners of Nobility Line
---May Move Unlimited Vertically or Horizontally 
---May Not Jump Pieces
Knights (2) --- Represent the Knights of Chivalry
---Place on the Back Row Inside of the Rooks
---May Move in an “L” Shape
---Any Combination of 2 and 1 Forwards or Backwards
---May Jump Over Pieces
Bishops (2) --- Represent the Church
---Place on the Back Row Inside of the Knights
---May Move Diagonally Unlimited
---May Not Jump Pieces
---Each Bishop Must Stay on Its Color Throughout
Queen (1) --- Represents the Lady of the Kingdom
---May Move Unlimited in Any Direction
---May Not Jump Pieces
---Starts on Her Color
King (1) --- Represents the Head of the Kingdom
---May Move Any Direction 1 Space
---Must Be Protected or Moved If Put in Check
In 1066, William of
Normandy invaded
England, soundly
defeating King
Harold’s forces at the
Battle of Hastings.
Magna Carta
The Magna Carta
(1215) was a
document that
eventually was used to
strengthen the idea
that a monarch’s
power was limited, not
Gregory I, also known
as Gregory the Great,
strengthened the
power of the papacy
and the Roman
Catholic Church.
Saint Benedict
founded a community
of monks that
established the basic
form of monasticism
in the Catholic
Late (fourth) Crusade
Pope Innocent III
initiated the Fourth
The Venetian leaders
of the Fourth Crusade
saw an opportunity to
neutralize the
Byzantine Empire and
diverted their army to
Saladin led the
Muslim forces to
retake Jerusalem from
the crusaders.