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Great Muslim Empires & Europeans Take to the
 Return
Vocab Quizzes and Collect Notebooks
 Reformation Test
 Hwk- Reading Guide on Muslim Empires
 Review
Homework on Muslims
 Primary Documents on Mughals
 Notes on Muslims Empires
 Muslim Empire Packet
 Homework- Reading Guide on Exploration in
the East
 Original
– Asia Minor
 Expanded to
Southwest Asia,
Southeastern Europe
(Balkan Peninsula),
and North Africa
 Ottomans
 Capital
at Istanbul
 Used Islam as a unifying force
 Traded in coffee and ceramics
North India
 Spread Islam into India
 Taj Mahal was built by
Emperor Shah Jahan to
remember who favorite who
died in childbirth.
 Southern
India traded spices, silks, and gems
 Europeans set up trading outposts in India
(British East India Company)
 French, British, and Dutch competed with
each other
 Influence of Indian Textiles on the British
 Warm-up
and review homework
 Review Vocab Assignment
 Columbus- Hero or Villain
 Notes
 Foldable on Explorers
 Homework- Choose Explorer for Project
 Crusades
introduced Europeans to luxury
goods from Asia
 Silk Road and other trade routes 
enabled goods from Asia to reach Europe
 Mongol
Empire provided the organization and
structure necessary to maintain the trade routes
between Europe and Asia
 In addition, goods were sent to Western Europe
from merchants in Constantinople (major
trading center in the Byzantine Empire)
 European
trade with Asia was disrupted by
the Black Death and the decline of the
Mongol Empire
 Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks
 Muslim and Italian merchants controlled the
majority of the trade between Europe and
Asia (middle men)
 Europeans
wanted direct access to Asian
products/markets  European powers
searched for a new route to Asia that did not
include Mediterranean region
Reasons for Exploration
 Gold
– riches
 Glory – land
 God – spread religion
 Cartography
– created more accurate maps
and sea charts
 Astrolabe – used by sailors to determine
their latitude at sea
 Compass – a device for determining direction
 Spain
 Conquered
in Mexico
the Aztecs
 Spain
 Conquered
in Peru
the Incas
 Spain
 Discovered
 Portugal
 First
to sail around
Cape of Good Hope
 Spain
 First
circumnavigate the
 Raided Spanish treasure
 Pirates
 France
 Explored
the St.
Lawrence River
 Portugal
 Encouraged
supported exploration
(school for explorers)