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Leading to the colonization of
North America
The Crusades
• The Crusades were an attempt to take back the
Holy land in the Middle East from the Muslims
• Sparked an increase in trade and it weakened
the power of European Nobles who lost their
fortunes and lives during fighting
• As Crusaders returned from the Middle East
they brought spices, silk, jewels that fueled the
need for a quicker route to the East Indies
Map of Crusaders Path
European Society
• Population of Europe
was rebounding from
the plague or “black
• As population
increased the need for
more land due to the
overcrowding in cities
European Economy
As trade increased, companies
were formed
Investors formed International
Banking Houses which
allowed merchants to transfer
money from city to city
Joint Stock Companies were
also formed which permitted
people to pool money toward
Led Europe to ultimately
explore the America’s
Technological Change in Europe
• Sailing technology:
astrolobe…Aloud the
sailors to feel safe to
be farther from land
• The new innovations
of sails which now
allowed ships to sail
directly into the wind
Portugal led the Way
• The prince of Portugal (Henry the Navigator)led the way
of exploration, but an unknown sailor by the name of
Christophor Columbus had other ideas about finding the
• Columbus thought that if he sailed West he could reach
the East Indies much quicker than going around the
large continent of Africa. (what does he really believe ?)
• Columbus left the Canary Islands and landed in the
new land of America in October 1492.
• The lookout hollered. “Tierra, Tierra”! (land, land)
Christopher Columbus
• Born: Genoa, Italy (1451)
• Columbus made 4 voyages to the
new world.
• Scientists are not quite sure if Columbus
died of VD, but they do know that
Columbus and Isabella suffered the same
type of illness.
• It is known that Columbus died on May
20, 1506 a poor and disgraced man.
Explorers Map of the World
The first composed of
the Santa Maria, Nina,
and Pinta. Columbus
set sail with 90 men.
Columbus’ other
voyages to explore what
he thought to be the
West Indies!
The journey
Treaty of Tordesillas
• Overseas expansion
inflamed European
• Portugal, the pioneer,
resented Spain’s sudden
conquest of the new
• Pope Alexander VI, a
Spaniard, stepped in to
avoid war between the two
• Treaty of Tordesillas was
signed in 1494.
• Spain and Portugal
agreed to divide the
Western Hemisphere
• Lands to the west of an
imaginery line drawn in
the Atlantic belonged to
• Lands to the east of the
line, including Brazil
belonged to Portugal
Spain’s Encounters
• Gold, land, and silver
were the main reasons for
Spanish exploration.
• Columbus named the
island he came upon San
Salvador (Holy Savior)
• Columbus thinking he
had landed in the Indies
called the people he met
“los indios” meaning
• Columbus had become
Spain’s empire builder
rather than an explorer.
The Conquistadors
Spanish explorers took to the seas to claim new colonies for
Spain.Lured by the prospect of vast lands filled with gold and
silver these explorers became known as “conquistadors”or
conquerors. They first pushed into the Caribbean region and
the islands off Central and South America. Then sweeping
through Mexico to the tip of South America. Conquering
peoples and land along the way from 1492 – 1682.
Conquistador’s map
Hernando Cortes
Destroyed Teochtitlan (Mexico City) and killed Montezuma
Hernando Cortes
Montezuma’s castle
Francisco Pizzarro
Destroyed the Inca’s of South America
Juan Ponce de Leon
Discovered “la Florida” Island of Flowers looking for the
Fountain of youth
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
Explored southwest and influenced the pueblo
Menendez de Aviles
Settled 1st European permanent settlement of the new world
(America’s) in St. Augustine
The Importance of the
Conquistador’s in the New World
• Introduced mestizo
• Introduced encomienda which later lead to
bringing slaves from Africa
– Ended in 1542 due to the brutality
• Population of the Native Americans going
down due to diseases and weapons.
Importance to the World
• Start of new race
• Spread of religion and other customs of
the Spanish
• Permanent settlements of the new world
• Made Spain the most powerful country by
the 1500’s
• Trade with the New World – Columbian
Columbian Exchange
Old World to New World New World to Old World
Smallpox ,Measles, Chicken
Pox, Malaria, Yellow Fever,
Influenza, The Common Cold
Animal Horses ,Cattle, Pigs,
Turkeys, Llamas,
Alpacas, Guinea Pigs
Corn (Maize),Potatoes (White & Sweet
Varieties) Beans (Snap, Kidney, &
Lima Varieties)
Tobacco, Peanuts, Squash
Peppers, Tomatoes, Pumpkins
Pineapples, Cacao (Source of
Chocolate),Chicle (Source of Chewing
Sheep, Goats, Chickens
Rice ,Wheat, Barley, Oats, Coffee,
Sugarcane, Bananas
Melons, Olives, Dandelions, Daisies,
Clover, Ragweed
Kentucky Bluegrass