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Chapter 9-2:
Sparta and Athens
Bell Work 1/18
Use Notes on Chapter 9-1
I continued to extend the
Persian Empire by
conquering Egypt.
2. A series of wars between
Persia and Greece is called
3. The Persian Army included 2
major groups. The
________ and _______.
4. The Persian religion was called
5. I created the Persian empire
after defeating the Medes.
6. I killed my rivals for the throne
and reorganized the Persian
Empire into provinces.
7. In the Battle of _______, a
traitor turned on the Spartans
making the Persians
8. There are ___ major battles in
the Persian Wars.
9. I tried to conquer Greece ten
years after the battle at
10. In this battle, an army from all
over Greece beat the Persians.
Sparta and Athens
p. 266-271
• Athens and Sparta fought together against
Persia. Their friendship didn’t last long though.
• Two of the greatest city-states in Greece were
Sparta and Athens. Sparta, had a culture that
valued physical strength and military might. The
Athenian culture placed more value on the mind.
However, both city-states played important roles
in the defense of ancient Greece.
Sparta v. Athens Venn Diagram
Government/political structure,
roles of women and children,
military strength/alliances,
social class structure,
cultural achievements/legacies
Sparta and Athens
The Big Idea
The two most powerful city-states in Greece, Sparta and Athens, had
very different cultures and became bitter enemies in the 400s BC.
Main Ideas
• The Spartans built a military society to provide security and
• The Athenians admired the mind and the arts in addition to
physical abilities.
• Sparta and Athens fought over who should have power and
influence in Greece.
Main Idea 1:
The Spartans built a military
society to provide security and
• Daily life in Sparta was dominated by the army, and boys were trained from
an early age to be soldiers.
– Spartan men reached full citizenship at age 30 and could then move
back home, but they stayed in the army until they turned 60.
• Courage, strength, self-discipline, and obedience were the most important
qualities to have.
• Because men were often at war, women had more rights than other Greek
– They ran the household and owned property.
– They also received physical training and sometimes competed with men
in sporting events.
• Sparta was officially ruled by two kings who jointly led the army, but
elected officials actually had more power than the kings.
• These officials handled dealings between Sparta and other citystates.
• Sparta’s government was set up to control the city’s helots, or
Main Idea 2:
The Athenians admired the mind
and the arts in addition to
physical abilities.
Boys and Men in Athens
• Sparta’s main rival in Greece was Athens.
• Though they also worked to improve their bodies, they had to devote
only two years to the army.
• They learned to read, write, count, and sing.
• Wealthy boys continued their education with a private tutor.
• Boys from poor families usually became farmers.
Girls and Women in Athens
• Unlike boys, girls received almost no education, because men did not
think they needed to be educated.
• Athenian women had fewer rights than women in many other citystates; in fact, they hardly had any at all.
Main Idea 3:
Sparta and Athens fought over
who should have power and
influence in Greece.
• Sparta and Athens worked together to win the Persian Wars.
• After the Persian Wars, city-states joined an alliance, which
historians call the Delian League.
– “Alliance” means they agreed to work together.
• Sparta formed its own alliance, called the Peloponnesian League.
The Peloponnesian War
• Sparta declared
war on Athens,
starting the
• The war lasted
for ten years
before they
decided to call a
• The war started
up once more
when Athens
tried to expand
its empire. The
Spartans won.
• With the defeat
of Athens, Sparta
became the most
powerful citystate in Greece.
• Other city-states
started to resent
Sparta, leading
to a period of
• Control of Greece
shifted from one
city-state to
another for
Sparta v. Athens Debate
• Resolution: Which was more superior,
Athens or Sparta?
– Research these topics of each polis
• Government/political structure, education, roles of
women and children, military strength/alliances,
economy, social class structure, lifestyle,
values/beliefs, cultural achievements/legacies
– In your group, divide topics up so that
everything is covered
• Research ancient Athens and Sparta and
add more information to your Venn
Diagrams so that you are prepared for
debate no matter what side you end up.