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Current events article due Monday
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Aim 7: How did the
“golden age” of Athens
come to an end?
December 7, 2015
I. The Peloponnesian Wars (431
B.C.- 405 B.C.)
During the Persian Wars, Athens had formed an alliance
with hundreds of other city-states called The Delian
League. These city-states paid tribute (financial
payments) to Athens, and in return Athens gave them
military protection. This made Athens incredibly rich and
powerful for over fifty years. Sparta was threatened by
Athens power, and in 431 B.C., war breaks out between
the two city-states!
Who do you predict will win? Why?
II. The Melian Dialogue: During the war,
Athens seeks to take over many small
islands to gain more resources. One of
those islands was Melos
Athens: Wants to
conquer Melos and
add it to their empire.
Melos: Wants to
remain neutral
Teams – Period 2
Will – Amy
Joe – Nick B
Julian – Nico
Bryce – Alex
Courtney – Michael
Bella – Isabelle – Menglu
Caroline – Maegan
Jodi - Brianna
Gina – Kylie
Ross - Chris
Sid - Gabe
Sabrina – Christina - Jacey
Hailey – Stephanie
Period 6 Teams
Alycia – Seanne – Emily
Natalie - Karen
Dean – Michael M
Francesca – Kaylie
Isabella – Michael R
Nicole – Monica
Marisa – Angeli
Ismael – Michael P
Leo – Jamie
Karter – Joe
Quinn – Guanming
Period 7 Teams
Alyssa – Chris
Michael – Josh
Isha – Demetri
Katie – Aidan
Kyle – William
Jack O - Emily
Kyra – Charlie
Tyler – Jack Y
Erin – Nicole
Caroline – Andrew
Rebecca – Gloria
Polina – Ariana – Lara
Melian Dialogue Questions
Why does Athens argue that Melos should give up? Why
do the Melians believe they should fight back?
If you were the leader of the Melos, what would you do
here (give up or fight back)? Why?
Think about the values and ideals that Pericles talked
about in In Praise of Athens. Did the Athenians display
these values in their dealings with the Melians?
Was Athens justified in the way it treated Melos?
Can Athens be a democracy and an empire at the same
III. Outcome of the Peloponnesian
In 405 B.C., the Athenian navy is
destroyed at Aegospotami. Sparta wins
the war and dismantles Athens’ empire.
Concluding Questions
 Based
on what we have learned, to what degree
did Sparta truly win the Peloponnesian War?
 If
the Peloponnesian War had never happened,
which city-state do you think would have been
most likely to unify Greece: Athens or Sparta?