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Chapter 2
The Relational Model of Data
Prof. Yin-Fu Huang
2.1 An Overview of Data Models
2.1.1 What is a Data model
 Data model: a notation for describing data or information
 Three parts:
1) Structure of the data
a. Conceptual model
2) Operations on the data
a. Queries and modifications
b. By limiting operations, it is possible for
programmers to describe database operations at
a very high level, yet have the DBMS
implement the operations efficiently.
3) Constraints on the data
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.1.2 Important Data Models
 Two important data models:
1) The relational model, including object-relational
2) The semistructured-data model, including XML and
related standards
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.1.3 The Relational Model in Brief
 (See Fig. 2.1)
 This physical implementation is only one possible way the
table could be implemented in physical data structures.
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.1.3 The Relational Model in Brief
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.1.4 The Semistructured Model in Brief
 (See Fig. 2.2)
 XML: a way to represent data by hierarchically nested tagged
 The operations usually involve following paths in the implied
tree from an element to one or more of its nested subelements,
then to subelements nested within those, and so on.
 The constraints often involve the data type of values associated
with a tag.
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.1.4 The Semistructured Model in Brief
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.1.5 Other Data Models
 Object-relational model
1) Values can have structure, rather than being elementary
types such as integer or strings.
2) Relations can have associated methods.
 Object-oriented model
 Hierarchical model
 Network model
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.1.6 Comparison of Modeling Approaches
 It appear that semistructured models have more flexibility than
 However,
1) SQL enables the programmer to express their wishes at
a very high level.
2) The short SQL programs can be optimized to run as
fast, or faster than the code written in alternative
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.2 Basics of the Relational Model
 (See Fig. 2.3)
2.2.1 Attributes
2.2.2 Schemas
 Movies(title, year, length, genre)
 Database schema
2.2.3 Tuples
 (Gone With the Wind, 1939, 231, drama)
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.2 Basics of the Relational Model
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.2 Basics of the Relational Model
2.2.4 Domains
 Each component of each tuple should be atomic.
2.2.5 Equivalent Representations of a Relation
 Relations are sets of tuples, not lists of tuples
 (See Fig. 2.4)
2.2.6 Relation Instances
 A relation about movies is not static; rather, relations change
over time.
 It is less common for the schema of a relation to change.
 The current instance
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.2 Basics of the Relational Model
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.2 Basics of the Relational Model
2.2.7 Keys of Relations
 A set of attributes forms a key for a relation if we do not allow
two tuples in a relation instance to have the same values in all
the attributes of the key.
2.2.8 An Example Database Schema
 (See Fig. 2.5)
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.2 Basics of the Relational Model
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
Defining a Relation Schema in SQL
 Current standard for SQL: SQL-99
1) Data-definition sublanguage
2) Data-manipulation sublanguage
2.3.1 Relations in SQL
 Stored relations called tables
 Views defined by a computation
 Temporary tables
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
Defining a Relation Schema in SQL
2.3.2 Data Types
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
Defining a Relation Schema in SQL
2.3.3 Simple Table Declarations
(See Fig. 2.7 and Fig. 2.8)
2.3.4 Modifying Relation Schemas
1) ADD followed by an attribute name and its data type
ALTER TABLE MovieStar ADD phone CHAR(16);
2) DROP followed by an attribute name
ALTER TABLE MovieStar DROP birthdate;
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
Defining a Relation Schema in SQL
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
Defining a Relation Schema in SQL
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
Defining a Relation Schema in SQL
2.3.5 Default Values
 gender CHAR(1) DEFAULT ‘?’,
birthdate DATE DEFAULT DATE ‘0000-00-00’
 ALTER TABLE MovieStar ADD phone CHAR(16)
DEFAULT ‘unlisted’;
2.3.6 Declaring Keys
 We may declare one attribute to be a key when that attribute is
listed in the relation schema.
 We may add to the list of items declared in the schema an
additional declaration that says a particular attribute or set of
attributes forms the key.
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
Defining a Relation Schema in SQL
 Two declarations:
 Two tuples in R cannot agree on all of the attributes in set S
(i.e., key), unless one of them is NULL.
 If PRIMARY KEY is used, then attributes in S are not allowed
to have NULL as a value for their components.
(See Fig. 2.9, Fig. 2.10, and Fig. 2.11)
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
Defining a Relation Schema in SQL
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
Defining a Relation Schema in SQL
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
Defining a Relation Schema in SQL
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.4 An Algebraic Query Language
 Relational algebra
2.4.1 Why Do We Need a Special Query Language?
 Relational algebra is useful because it is less powerful than C
or Java.
 Two huge rewards:
1) Ease of programming
2) Producing highly optimized code
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.4 An Algebraic Query Language
2.4.2 What Is an Algebra?
 Atomic operands:
1) Variables that stand for relations
2) Constants, which are finite relations
2.4.3 Overview of Relational Algebra
 Operations: Four broad classes
1) The usual set operations – union, intersection, and
2) Operations that remove parts of a relation – selection
and projection
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.4 An Algebraic Query Language
3) Operations that combine the tuples of two relations –
Cartesian product and join
4) An operation called renaming
 We generally shall refer to expressions of relational algebra as
2.4.4 Set Operations on Relations
 R∪S, R∩S, R-S
 Some conditions on R and S:
1) Schemas with identical sets of attributes, and the types
(domains) for each attribute must be the same
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.4 An Algebraic Query Language
2) The order of attributes is the same for both relations.
 Different names ⇒ renaming operator
 (See Fig. 2.12)
2.4.5 Projection
 πA1, A2, …, An(R)
 (See Fig. 2.13)
πtitle, year, length(Movies), πgenre(Movies)
2.4.6 Selection
 σC(R)
σlength≧100(Movies), σlength≧100 AND studioName=’Fox’(Movies)
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.4 An Algebraic Query Language
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.4 An Algebraic Query Language
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.4 An Algebraic Query Language
2.4.7 Cartesian Product
 R×S
 The components from R precede the components from S in the
attribute order for the result.
 If R and S should happen to have some attributes in common,
then we need to invent new names for at least one of each pair
of identical attributes.
 (See Fig. 2.14)
2.4.8 Natural Joins
 R∞S
 (See Fig. 2.15)
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.4 An Algebraic Query Language
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.4 An Algebraic Query Language
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.4 An Algebraic Query Language
 Joined tuple vs. dangling tuple
 (See Fig. 2.16)
2.4.9 Theta-Joins
 R∞CS
 Constructed as follows:
1) Take the product of R and S.
2) Select from the product only those tuples that satisfy
the condition C.
 U∞A<DV (See Fig. 2.17)
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.4 An Algebraic Query Language
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.4 An Algebraic Query Language
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.4 An Algebraic Query Language
2.4.10 Combining Operations to Form Queries
 One can construct expressions of relational algebra by
applying operators to subexpressions, using parentheses when
necessary to indicate grouping of operands.
 “What are the titles and years of movies made by Fox that are
at least 100 minutes long?”
 Four steps:
(See Fig. 2.18)
 πtitle, year(σlength≧100(Movies)∩σstudioName=’Fox’(Movies))
 πtitle, year(σlength≧100 AND studioName=’Fox’(Movies))
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.4 An Algebraic Query Language
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.4 An Algebraic Query Language
2.4.11 Naming and Renaming
 ρS(A1, A2, …, An)(R)
 R×ρS(X, C, D)(S), ρRS(A, B, X, C, D)(R×S)
(See Fig. 2.19)
2.4.12 Relationships among Operations
 Some of the operations can be expressed in terms of other
relational-algebra operations.
 R∩S=R-(R-S)
 R∞CS=σC(R×S)
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.4 An Algebraic Query Language
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.4 An Algebraic Query Language
 R∞S=πL(σC(R×S))
1) C: R.A1=S.A1 AND R.A2=S.A2 AND … AND
2) L: Attributes of R followed by those attributes in S that
are not in R.
 U∞V ⇒ πA, U.B, U.C, D(σU.B=V.B AND U.C=V.C(U×V))
 U∞A<D AND U.B≠V.BV ⇒ σA<D AND U.B≠V.B(U×V)
 The six remaining operations – union, difference, selection,
projection, product, and renaming – form an independent set.
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.4 An Algebraic Query Language
2.4.13 A Linear Notation for Algebraic Expressions
 The notation:
1) A relation name and parenthesized list of attributes for
that relation
2) The assignment symbol :=
3) Any algebraic expression on the right
 R(t, y, l, i, s, p):=σlength≧100(Movies)
S(t, y, l, i, s, p):=σstudioName=’Fox’(Movies)
T(t, y, l, i, s, p):=R∩S
Answer(title, year):=πt, y(T)
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.5 Constraints on Relations
 Many kinds of constraints can be expressed in relational
2.5.1 Relational Algebra as a Constraint Language
 Two ways:
1) Equal-to-the-emptyset; e.g., R = 
2) Set-containment; e.g., R ⊆ S
2.5.2 Referential Integrity Constraints
 Movies(title, year, length, genre, studioName, producerC#)
MovieExec(name, address, cert#, netWorth)
πproducerC#(Movies) ⊆ πcertC#(MovieExec)
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.5 Constraints on Relations
 StarsIn(movieTitle, movieYear, starName)
Movies(title, year, length, genre, studioName, producerC#)
πmovieTitle, movieYear(StarsIn) ⊆ πtitle, year(Movies)
2.5.3 Key Constraints
 If two tuples agree on name, then they must also agree on
σ AND MS1.address≠MS2.address (MS1×MS2) = 
2.5.4 Additional Constraint Examples
 Domain constraint
σgender≠’F’ AND gender≠’M’(MovieStar) = 
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
2.5 Constraints on Relations
 MovieExec(name, address, cert#, netWorth)
Studio(name, address, presC#)
σnetWorth<10000000(Studio∞presC#=cert#MovieExec) = 
πpresC#(Studio) ⊆ πcert#(σnetWorth≧10000000(MovieExec))
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang
The End.
Database Systems
Yin-Fu Huang