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Near Real Time
Ocean Observations
the Escape of SEACOOS
(Southeastern Atlantic Coastal Ocean Observing System)
Data Management and Visualization Secrets
The (tiny) big picture
Near Real Time Ocean Observations
Online : SEACOOS
Near Real Time Ocean Observations
Online : SEACOOS
The nuts & bolts
Data is aggregated and stored
Data is normalized
Data is visualized
Data is disseminated
Near Real Time Ocean Observations
Online : SEACOOS
Data aggregation & storage
Format flavors
netCDF: coverage may vary;
format may not vary
PNG: coverage may not vary;
color scale may not vary
Near Real Time Ocean Observations
Online : SEACOOS
 Perl
Data aggregation & storage
Relational database
One table per in-situ variable type
E.g. a wind_table, sst_table
 Contains the real data
One table per raster variable
E.g. a sst_raster_table
 Contains pointers to PNG files + boundaries
One table per model variable per hour
E.g. a 12_00_00_current_forecast_table
Near Real Time Ocean Observations
Online : SEACOOS
Reporting time varies
In-situ data
Remotely-sensed data
E.g. daily, hourly, half-hourly, every 10 minutes
E.g. twice daily
Reporting area varies
data passes
Near Real Time Ocean Observations
Online : SEACOOS
Main engines
PHP, PHP-MapScript
MapServer, of course
Icing on the cake
Dynamic shapefile
creation for colorbars
AnIS and GIFSicle for
ImageMagick for image
manipulation and raster
Time-series graphs using
Near Real Time Ocean Observations
Online : SEACOOS
Icing on the cake : dynamic
Near Real Time Ocean Observations
Online : SEACOOS
Icing on the cake : animations
AnIS and GIFsicle
Produce several
images and glue them
Near Real Time Ocean Observations
Online : SEACOOS
Icing on the cake : raster queries
Let MapServer take care of projection issues
How to get an SST, for example, from a raster PNG
Dump the current extent view of just the raster to PNG
Get (x,y) clicked pixel RGB of the dumped image with
Lookup pixel RGB in database to find out SST
Return SST in the normal query data train
Near Real Time Ocean Observations
Online : SEACOOS
Icing on the cake : mouseovers
Use MapServer 4.x searchmap
Produce two images for an HTML
One is static; with the querymap
The other is an input image
Use javascript to swap the two
images based on user activity
The querymap is produced by
making a simple LWP::simple
request for a querymap, and then it
is merged with the HTML page
Near Real Time Ocean Observations
Online : SEACOOS
Icing on the cake : time series graphs
Pass a query result set to
Gnuplot for a time-series
Near Real Time Ocean Observations
Online : SEACOOS
Maps and charts, of course
OPeNDAP (DODS) data access
OGC-friendly: WMS, WFS
SEACOOS pushed a lot of data to the IOOS
interoperability project
Down the pipeline
Ad-hoc CSV and/or netCDF data extraction
Near Real Time Ocean Observations
Online : SEACOOS
Magic 8 ball
Everyone wants speed
‘Near real time’ implies constantly updated databases
 Recently introduced round-robin-ing of database
As machine A is populated with new data, send all DB
requests to machine B
 When machine A is done populating, have it resume DB
handling, and go update machine B
Want to round-robin MapServer requests, too, as
well as pull application server to its own box
Near Real Time Ocean Observations
Online : SEACOOS
A friend in the business
Development site:
Production site (new interface to be released soon):
Very active listserv dealing with mainly remote-sensing
issues: [email protected]
mailto: [email protected]
message text: subscribe remotesensing
Who am I?
Charlton Purvis, University of South Carolina, SEACOOS
[email protected]
Happy to help and share.
Near Real Time Ocean Observations
Online : SEACOOS