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IT 21003 Database Administration
Section 05
Rollback Segments: An Introduction
What are they?
Space within a database used to store “before”
 Made up of extents and blocks (similar to data
 Consist of rollback entries
 A rollback
entry has the necessary information to undo
the changes made by one transaction
Rollback Segments: An Introduction
What are they used for?
Rollback of transactions
 Read Consistency
 Recovery
Rollback Segments: Structure
Rollback segments contain rollback entries,
which consist of
Transaction ID of the transaction, which makes
the change to the database
 Block information about the affected blocks
 The “before” image – an inverse of the transaction
Rollback Segments: Structure
Consist of extents and treated as a “ring of
extents” for cyclic reuse
Extents may be freed up for “normal” use when
the rollback segment is
Shrunk to its normal size
Each rollback segment requires a least two
Rollback Segments: Structure
The rollback entries require protection using
the redo logs
They are stored within the database
 Needed for rollback when recovering from media
Rollback Segments: Usage
When are rollback segments required?
Deadlock or statement execution error
 Rollback to a savepoint
 Rollback of a transaction due to user request
 Rollback of a transaction due to abnormal process
 Rollback of uncommitted transactions on instance
 Read-consistent snapshots – need old versions of
data and index
Rollback Segments: Usage
How big should they be?
Rollback segment sizing suffers a fundamental
Short transactions – small rollback segments
 Long transactions – large rollback segments
Rollback Segments: Requirements
How many?
The SYSTEM tablespace requires its own special
rollback segment
 At least one additional rollback segment is
required for databases using more then one
 The quantity depends entirely on the transaction
Rollback Segments: Requirements
Oracles recommended number of rollback
Number of concurrent transactions Recommended rollback segments
Fewer than 16
Between 16 and 31
Greater than 31
5 but never more than 50
Rollback Segments: Public and Private
PUBLIC rollback segments
Used by any instance accessing a database in
parallel server mode
 Declared as public in
Create Public Rollback Segment
Once “claimed” by an instance, cannot be used by
other instances
Rollback Segments: Public and Private
PRIVATE rollback segments
Limited for use by only one instance accessing the
 Explicitly listed in the parameter file and picked up
by the instance on startup
 Lie dormant if no instance specifies them in the
parameter file
Rollback Segments: Public and Private
The rollback_segments parameter
rollback_segments = rbs_1, rbs_2
Default value is NULL, causing the instance to use
only the SYSTEM rollback segment plus any
available public rollback segments
Rollback Segments: Usage
How are rollback segments acquired?
On startup, the instance consults the list of private
rollback segments in the parameter file and
acquires all those specified
 If the number acquired does not satisfy the ratio:
65/20 then Oracle attempts to acquire 4 rollback
it attempts to acquire any PUBLIC rollback
segments within the database until the ratio is
If the ratio is not satisfied, the segments are used
Rollback Segments: Creating Rollback Segments
Create [Public] Rollback Segment rs_name
[Tablespace tablespacename]
 [Storage ( [Initial n] [Next n] [Minextents n]
 [Maxextents n] [Optimal n] ) ];
Rollback Segments: Creating Rollback Segments
It is recommended to set INITIAL equal to
NEXT in order to make all extents the same
Size of extents should be
Small enough to minimize page faulting in the buffer
 Large enough to minimize excessive recursive SQL due
to dynamic allocation of space and to support read
 After
creation, rollback segments must be
altered to be brought online for use
 Alter
Rollback Segment rs_name Online;
Rollback Segments: Guidelines
Must have a minimum of two extents
(preferably more) on creation
Set MINEXTENTS to a value between 8 and 20
 MAXEXTENTS should be “high” to cater to large
normal transactions
Initial default value for MAXEXTENTS depends on the
value of DB_BLOCK_SIZE
Transactions use rollback segments on an extentby-extent basis, so the value of INITIAL should be
equal to NEXT
Rollback Segments: Guidelines
Use PRIVATE rollback segments when
PUBLIC rollback segments are mainly used in
parallel server mode
 Make a list of them in the parameter file
Cannot set a value for PCTINCREASE
It is set by Oracle to Zero
Rollback Segments: Guidelines
Make all rollback segments the same size
Rollback segments allocated to transactions on a
round-robin basis (Cyclic Reuse)
 Could define on large rollback segment and
manually direct large transactions to it
Include the following statement at the start of the
 Set Transaction Use Rollback Segment rs_name;
Rollback Segments: Guidelines
Size of rollback segment – a rule of thumb
On average, each rollback segment should be
about 10 percent of the size of the largest table
 So:
Total size of rollback segment = T
 Number of Initial extents specified = n
 Then size of each extent(s) = T/n
Rollback Segments: Positioning
Rollback segments are critical for normal
running of a database
Loss of rollback segment(s) can interrupt
database availability
Rollback segments may be stored in any
SYSTEM rollback segment must be in the
SYSTEM tablespace
Could store all rollback segments in the
SYSTEM tablespace
Rollback Segments: Positioning
Store a rollback segment in each tablespace
Balances I/O but makes every disk critical and is
not recommended
 Tablespaces with active rollback segments cannot
be taken offline
Store all rollback segments on a disk of their
own this is the recommended way
Create a tablespace for rollback segments
 Makes it easier to take tablespaces offline
Rollback Segments: OPTIMAL Clause
Your chance to specify an optimum working
size for a rollback segment
OPTIMAL is the amount of residual space to
which rollback segments will truncate when inactive
extents are discovered by transactions
Small values of OPTIMAL help to keep
rollback segments small enough to fit in
Suitable for systems with high frequency of short
 Do not set OPTIMAL such that the rollback
segments shrinks to below 8 to 20 extents
Rollback Segments: OPTIMAL Clause
Large values reduce the number of shrink and
extend operations (Dynamic Space Allocation)
Suitable for large transactions or long-running
v$rollstat – provides information about rollback
Rollback Segments: v$rollstat table
Select *
 From v$rollstat;
Contains information about:
Current size and average active size of rollback
 Number of shrink and extend operations
 Largest size to which the rollback segment has
extended (represented by HWMSIZE known as the high
Rollback Segments: OPTIMAL Clause
Setting Guidelines for OPTIMAL
Shrinks Avg Size
Periodic long transactions could cause this, set
OPTIMAL higher until shrinks are low
OPTIMAL is too small (too many shrinks)
If average active size = OPTIMAL then OPTIMAL is
Ok else OPTIMAL is too large (not many shrinks
being performed)
OPTIMAL is set correctly – Do Nothing
Rollback Segments: Setting OPTIMAL
Rollback segments can also be manually
 Alter
Rollback Segment rs_name Shrink To 2M;
Do not set a value for OPTIMAL for the
SYSTEM rollback segment
Rollback Segments: How Transactions Use them
On initiation a transaction is allocated a
rollback segment on a round-robin (cyclic
reuse) basis
Once a rollback segment is allocated, the
transaction can use no other
 The transaction places its ID in a transaction table
held in the header block of the rollback segment
Usual to have a number of rollback segments to
prevent transactions from queuing and waiting for others
to insert their IDs
Rollback Segments: How Transactions Use them
Each rollback segment has cyclically reusable
extents and a head and tail pointer
The “Head” is the position at which the new
rollback information is to be written
 The “Tail” is the position of the oldest active data
written by an uncommitted transaction (cannot yet
be overwritten)
The Head cannot proceed past the Tail
Rollback Segments: How Transactions Use them
 A transaction
writes rollback data into the
rollback segment on an extent-by-extent basis
Starts writing into the current extent
This is the extent containing the “Head” pointer
When the extent fills – the head moves on to the
next extent
If the next extent is not yet free (contains the tail), a
new extent is allocated
Extents can be shared by transactions, but not
blocks within the extents
 Inactive extents contain no active rollback
entries from transactions
Rollback Segments: Removal of Extents
 A rollback
segment may shrink only when an
extent fills and the Head is able to move into the
next extent
 At
this point, further “Next” extents are
investigated and if they are also inactive, they are
deallocated from the rollback segment until the
OPTIMAL size is reached
 In this way server processes looking for free
extents deallocate the oldest inactive extents first
 This means it could be some time before the
rollback segment actually shrinks
Rollback Segments: Processing
Rollback Segment Phase 1
Extent 1
Extent 4
Extent 2
Extent 3
Active Extent without space
Active Extent with space
Rollback Segments: Processing
Rollback Segment Phase 2
Extent 1
Extent 4
Extent 2
Extent 3
Active Extent without space
Active Extent with space
Rollback Segments: Processing
Rollback Segment Phase 3, Option 1
Available Extents
Extent 2
Extent 1
Extent 3
Extent 1 has become inactive
Extent 4
Active Extent without space
Active Extent with space
Rollback Segments: Processing
Rollback Segment Phase 3, Option 2
Extent 1 remains active
No Available Extents
Extent 1
Extent 5
Extent 2
Extent 4
Active Extent without space
Active Extent with space
Extent 3
Rollback Segments: Dropping
Drop [Public] Rollback Segment rs_name;
 Performed when the rollback segment extents
have caused free-space fragmentation, or when it
needs to be relocated
 All storage is returned to free space
 The rollback segment must be Offline
 Remember to remove its name from the
parameter file
Rollback Segments: Manipulation
To set a rollback segment offline (unavailable
for transactions)
 Alter
[Public] Rollback Segment rs_name Offline;
 The segment will not actually go offline until all its
active transactions have completed
The SYSTEM rollback segment cannot be
taken offline
 Manipulation is similar to tables
Rollback Segments: “Snapshot Too Old” Error
This error normally occurs when a longrunning query needs to access rollback
information to obtain a consistent view of the
Oracle always presents queries with a consistent
set of data from a combination of data in the
database tables and rollback segments
 Transactions are given priority in the use of
rollback segments
 A transaction
can overwrite data in inactive extents
even if that information may be needed to construct a
read-consistent view for queries
Rollback Segments: “Snapshot Too Old” Error
This is the reason for maintaining a
reasonable number of extents in a rollback
 Avoids
a rollback segment wrapping around too
quickly on the extents
When the “Before Image” doesn’t exists