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CS240A: Databases and Knowledge Bases
Time Ontology and Representations
Carlo Zaniolo
Department of Computer Science
University of California, Los Angeles
Notes From Chapter 5 of
Advanced Database
Systems by Zaniolo, Ceri,
Faloutsos, Snodgrass,
Subrahmanian and Zicari.
Morgan Kaufmann, 1997
Time Properties
Time Data Types
Time and Facts
Time Structure
Linear Time
 Branching Time
 Directed Acyclic Graph
 Periodic/Cyclic Time—e.g. the week.
 Boundedness of Time
 Boundedness
 Unbounded
 Time
origin exists (bounded from the left):
from now on
 Bounded time (bounds on both ends)—the end of time.
Time Density
Dense: (difficult to implement)
Time line is isomorphic to the rational numbers.
Between any two chronons is an infinite number of other instants.
Continuous: (very difficult to implement)
Time line is isomorphic to the integers
Timeline composed of a sequence of nondecomposable time
periods of some fixed, minimal duration, termed chronons.
Between each pair of chronons is a finite number of other
Time line is isomorphic to the real numbers.
Between each pair of instants is a infinite number of other instants.
A bounded discrete representation of time is the simplest
option used in SQL-2 and most temporal DBs.
Internal Representation of Time
UNIX time is specified as the number of seconds since
January 1, 1970. (Unix Epoch)
Windows NT time is specified as the number of 100
nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601.
There are 134,774 days (or 11,644,473,600 seconds) between
these dates.
Nt2unix Divide by 10,000,000 and subtract 11,644,473,600.
unix2nt:Add 11,644,473,600 and multiply by 10,000,000.
SQL standards are independent from OS and based on:
Timestamp: Date || Time
Support for leap seconds, Julian calendar (almost)
Date and Time Data Types in SQL-2
Date: four digits for the year and two for month and
day. Multiple formats allowed:
E.g., 2001-12-08 or 12/08/2001 or 12.08.2001
 ISO,
USA, EUR, JIS representations supported---DBA
selects which one is used in specific system.
Time: 2 digits for hour, 2 for minutes, and 2 for
seconds, plus optional fractional digits (system
dependent). E.g., 13:50:00, 13:50, 1:50 PM
denote the same time.
 These
are external representations: internal
representation is unique, independent of external ones.
The Maximum Second [Trudy Pelzer, DBAzine, 2005-04-18 09:41 PM]
The largest second in a minute is given as 59, since the seconds in a minute are generally numbered from 0 to 59. Although
that might seem obvious and uncontroversial, it's not 100% true:
First exception: DB2 happens to allow a time of '24:00:00' for midnight. ('24:00:01' is not legal.) This is an extension
that is probably best avoided, because it's not compatible with other DBMSs, and because it's hard to distinguish
'1999-01-01 24:00:00' from '1999-01-02 00:00:00'. Nevertheless, it might be necessary to correspond to legal
documents that refer to "midnight on January 1" because in such documents midnight means the end of the day, not
the beginning.
Second exception: At irregular intervals, but always as the last second at the end of a calendar quarter, the
International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) declares a leap second. (June 30th and December 31st are the preferred
dates; since the system was introduced in 1972, only dates in June and December have been used.) That means the
day has (24 x 60 x 60 + 1) 86,401 seconds instead of the usual mere 86,400 – which is why counting seconds between
two wide-apart timestamps is almost certainly unreliable.
The SQL Standard actually allows for two leap seconds, so the last second on June 30 1972, for example, could have been
'1972-06-30 23:59:61'. But in fact, it wasn't — the IERS has never declared a double leap second.
SQL Server Magazine Leap Second for 2005: The year 2005 will be one second longer than a usual non-leap
year. For the first time since 1998, the IERS has announced that the earth's rotation is running slow relative to atomic
time standards, and the last minute of December 31 will contain 61 seconds in order to get things back on track:
Hmmm, interesting. But how does this impact SQL Server?
All versions of SQL Server don’t support valid DATETIME values such as '2005-12-31T23:59:60.500' that occur during
leap seconds. In addition, SQL Server's DATEDIFF function does not take into account leap seconds. Be prepared!
Time Datatype in SQL-2
TIMESTAMP: date+time with six fractional digits for the
second field. E.g., 2001-01-05-
TIME(STAMP) WITH ZONE: offset according to UTC
(universel temps coordonné)
INTERVAL: I.e. a time span. In DB2 is called a labeled
duration. E.g. , 10 DAYS
Time expressions. Using the labeled duration in arithmetic:
orderdate + 10 DAYS < CURRENT DATE --- this is valid, but
CURRENT DATE - orderdate > 10 DAYS --- this is not valid.
CAST expressions: E.g.
returns 48 HOURS
Various Temporal Types
used in temporal DBs
A time instant is a time point on the time line.
An event is an instantaneous fact, i.e, something
occurring at an instant. The event occurrence
time of an event is the instant at which the
event occurs in the real world.
An instant set is a set of instants.
A time period is the set of time instants
between two instants (start time and end time).
Periods versus Time Intervals
Periods are frequently called (time) intervals.
but this conflicts with the SQL data type
INTERVAL and we will try to avoid it.
In SQL:1999, a time interval is a directed
duration of time. A duration is an amount of
time with a known length, but no specific
starting or ending instants.Also called a span.
A positive interval denotes forward motion of
time; a negative interval denotes backwards
motion of time.
Valid Time and Transaction Time
Valid Time of a fact: when the fact is true in the
modeled reality
Transaction Time of a fact: when it was recorded
in the database.
Thus we have four different kinds of tables:
Example: Tom's Employment History
On January 1, 1984, Tom joined the faculty as an
On December 1, 1984, Tom completed his
doctorate, and so was promoted to Assistant
Professor effective retroactively on July 1, 1984.
On March 1, 1989, Tom was promoted to
Associate Professor, effective July 1, 1989
(proactive update).
Queries and Updates
A transaction time table is append only it keeps the history
of the updates made on the database.
Transaction time tables supports rollback/flashback
queries, such as:
On October 1, what rank was our database showing for Tom?
A valid time table can be updated: e.g., Tom’s past record
is changed once his rank is changed retroactively.
Valid time tables support historical queries, such as:
What was Tom’s rank on October 1 (according to our current
Bitemporal Tables
Bitemporal Tables are appendonly and supports
queries of both kinds (rollback& historical) such
 On
October 1, 1984, what did we think Tom's rank
was at that date?
FROM Faculty AS F
WHERE Name = 'Tom‘
Desiderata for a Temporal Data Model
and Query Language
Capture the semantics of timevarying
 Retain simplicity of the relational model: Strict
superset of the relational model
 Present all the information concerning an object
in a coherent fashion
 Ensure ease of implementation
 Ensure high performance
Regrettably SQL-2 falls way short of these
desiderata, and extending SQL to achieve
them has also proven to be very difficult!