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The Crossroads of Accounting & IT
Chapter 14
Accounting System Design
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Databases Types
Databases can be:
External databases, such as Gartner Research.
Internal databases, such as the database used to store
accounting transactions.
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Databases Types
Internal databases can be classified as:
Operational databases
Databases used in the operations of the business
Most are relational databases
Oracle is the largest provider of relational database tools.
Data warehouse
Contains data collected from a variety of sources
Data not used for routine business activities.
Often used for business intelligence (BI) purposes
XBRL databases
Contains XBRL data and metadata used for creating XBRL
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Relational database management system (RDBMS) software
Software used to create, manage, maintain, and manipulate a relational
Software that interacts with accounting software to insert, update, and
delete data from the database.
All database programs (including MS Access, MS SQL Server, and
Oracle) use RDBMS software.
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Databases Essentials Revisited
Database essentials an accountant
needs to know include:
Field: pieces of information about
events and objects.
Records: collection of related
Table: a collection of related
records with a unique table name.
Database: a collection of related
tables with a unique database name.
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Database Integrity
Database integrity refers to data being accurate and complete.
Four rules helps to ensure database integrity:
Rule 1: Entity Integrity. Each record in the database must have a
unique identifier called a primary key. No two records in the database
table can have the same primary key value.
Rule 2. Primary Key Integrity. The primary key value cannot be null
(empty). Each record must have a value for the primary key field.
Rule 3. Domain Integrity. The field values must be from a
predefined domain. For example, the Date field must have a date and
not any other values (Validation Rule).
Rule 4. Referential Integrity. Data referenced and stored in related
tables must be consistent across the database. Referential integrity is
improved when the customer address, for example, is stored in one
location only, eliminating the possibility of the address differing from
table to table.
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Database Anomalies
Database anomalies are problems within a database
table that result in inaccurate or incomplete data.
A well-designed database is free of deletion, update,
and insertion (DUI) anomalies and are removed
through a process called normalization.
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Database Anomalies
Three types of anomalies shown in Figure 14.2 are:
Deletion problem. Deleting Vincent as a customer will cause the deletion
of four records. These four records hold vital information about four orders
and four items.
Update problem. To update Vincent’s customer address, four records
would need to be updated.
Insertion problem. To identify a unique record, we have to use the
customer number, order number, and item number. That means these three
fields together form the primary key. If we want to insert a new customer who
hasn’t placed an order yet, then the order number and item number fields
would be empty. (This violates database integrity Rule No 2: The Primary Key
Value Cannot Be Null.)
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Database Modeling
Database modeling, also called data modeling, is a technique used to
develop an anomaly-free database with database integrity.
When designing a database, you can think of it as three different
Database designer realm
Database builder realm
Database user realm
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What is ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)?
Entity relationship diagram (ERD) depicts the relationship
among entities in the database.
The ERD shows:
Entities: Customer and Sales Order
Relationship between entities: customer places an order
Relationship cardinality:one-to-one, one-to-many, or manyto-many.
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Database Entities
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Entity Relationships
An entity relationship diagram shows the relationships among
Three different types of relationships among entities are:
One-to-one relationships
One-to-many relationships
Many-to-many relationships
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Entity Relationships
For a single occurrence of one entity (one customer),
cardinality defines the maximum and minimum number of
occurrences that might relate to the other entity (sales
The name given to the relationship (one-to-one, one-to-many,
and many-to-many) refers to the maximum cardinalities
(Steps 1 and 3 in Figure 14.8).
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Entity Relationships
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How To Build an ERD
Step 1: Determine the relevant business transactions that the
organization must support.
Step 2: Determine the business rules for a specific business transaction.
Step 3: Determine business entities and the relationship among them.
Step 4: Determine the entity identifier(s) for each entity.
Step 5: Draw entity relationship diagram.
Step 6: Optimize the entity relationship diagram by removing many-tomany relationships.
Step 7: Add business-related attributes to the entity relationship diagram.
Step 8: Implement relationships.
Step 9: Develop relational database tables.
Step 10: Build relational database tables.
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ERD Relationship Cardinality Symbols
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One-to-Many Relationship Possibilities
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ERD Using Intersection Table to
Remove Many-to-Many Relationships
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EspressoCoffee Sales Transaction ERD
with Foreign Keys
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Conceptual Database Tables
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Relational Database Design and Development
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How is SQL Used in Database Queries?
Structured query language (SQL) is a 4th generation, nonprocedural language designed to define and manipulate
relational database objects.
SQL can query many records from one or more tables with a
single statement.
SQL statements, also called commands, are divided into two
distinct categories:
Data definition language (DDL)
Data manipulation language (DML)
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DDL Statements
DDL statements create, alter, and drop database objects.
CREATE statement is used to create relational database
objects such as creating a database or a table.
ALTER statement is used to change the relational database
object such as adding a new field to a specific table.
DROP statement is used to delete a database object such
as deleting a table or removing an existing field from a
specific table.
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DML Statements
DML statements are used to manipulate data within a relational
DML statements select, insert, update, and delete database records.
The SELECT statement is the primary one used to create database
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