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Document related concepts
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Pages made using data in a database
Use scripting languages
Use of RDMS
Look and feel by templates, CSS
High scaling
Admin pages as back end
Enables one system to be built and modified.
No need to “roll out” a system to each
All a staff member needs is being able to
browse web.
◦ Online Transaction Processing system
◦ Very many changes to data
◦ Online Analytical Processing
◦ Maybe no change to data but lots of analysis
◦ Supermarket
◦ Bank
◦ Ecommerce
◦ Mailing Lists
◦ Data Mining
◦ Surveys
Express (Free version)
Uses an installer
◦ Can be used to download all kinds of software
◦ Open source as well as propriety
Visual Web Developer Express
◦ WYGIWYS Web Design and Development
Sql Server RDMS Express
◦ High End Graphical based database management
management system
Silverlight Tools
IIS and ASP.NET Extensions
Install Visual Studio Express 2012
Use Web Platform Installer
Allows further downloads
◦ Allows a lot of 3rd party installations as well
Can run on Macs with virtual Windows
Possible to use Visual Studio in Delphinium
Sql Server Management Studio Express
Fonts and Colours
Text Editor
File Extensions
Setting up SQL queries
Setting up Reports
Setting up Databases
Use SSMSE (SQL Server Management Studio
Express )
Expand Object Explorer to see your database
Click on your database
Right Click Tables and select New Table
Point and click to build table
Field types
Integers/Floating Point
Some field types have been left in from older
versions of SQL Server.
They will be cancelled in the future.
Check Help for this.
Ensure SSMSE is running
Find the table in question
Select the column you are going to use
(previously called, for example, AddressID)
Right Click column
Click “Select Primary Key”
Small Key Appears against the field (column)
◦ Can help in normalisation process
Automatic Backups
Deduplication checks
Does drag and drop design
◦ (Design is creating look and feel of site)
Similar in approach to most WYSIWYG design
Draw tables, image placement, menus
Design Templates, grandfather, father , son
Code or graphics or both
1000s of Extensions
Drag and Drop environment
Connect to Database
Drag fields to design page
Set up queries
Insert, modify and delete records
◦ First, previous, next last etc
Master/detail sets
Easy forms to database handling
NO Exam
You need to put in time!
You should try to work on SQL Server and
Web developer
You can’t use or specify database systems if
you don’t practice
You learnt Word, Excel
Why not SQL Server?
Now in a position to……
Write functional requirements
Design Database
Design Some front end pages
Write RDBMS selection
Next lectures on:
Rollout, Maintenance and Disaster Recovery
Conclusions & Recommendations
Time Management
Write chapters listed above before we restart.
There are 6 lectures left. Only five used for
Last lecture used for any questions