* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project Web Application Development Particulars Rob Boyett height: 5’7” weight: 165 lbs 40yd: 6.0 sec Occupation: Instructional Technologist Languages: English, Russian, Python, Html, CSS, Javascript and a little of everything else. How are web applications built? Dynamic content static pages get manipulated for each user “Your google drive does not look like mine. Static pages are going the way of the dinosaur!” Django The web development framework that saves you time. How does it work? - this is the DNS link to your server. mainpage - this tells your server what piece of code to run. How does it work? The code (called views) pull in database info (called models) for this user. How does it work? It then loops through the database info and plugs it into an html template (called templates). It then serves up the dynamically created web page for the user. “Hello World” Let’s do this! First, lets set up your machine. django-training@djangotraining-VirutalBox:~$ _ (linux only) sudo apt-get install python-setuptools (mac only if you need python) sudo brew install python Open the terminal. ctrl+alt+t (linux and mac) sudo easy_install pip sudo pip install --upgrade virtualenv Let’s do this! Next: django-training@djangotraining-VirutalBox:~$ _ ~$ cd Programming/ ~$ ls -l ~$ virtualenv helloworld ~$ ls -l ~$ source helloworld/bin/activate (helloworld)django-training@djangotraining-VirutalBox:~/Programming$ _ Let’s do this! Next: (helloworld)django-training@djangotraining-VirutalBox:~$ _ ~$ cd helloworld/ ~$ clear ~$ ls -l ~$ pip install django ~$ pip freeze Let’s do this! Next: (helloworld)django-training@djangotraining-VirutalBox:~$ _ ~$ startproject helloworld_project ~$ ls -l ~$ cd helloworld_project/ ~$ ls -l ~$ python migrate (do this the first time) ~$ python runserver Now let’s build it. Open a new terminal window: (helloworld)django-training@djangotraining-VirutalBox:~$ _ ~$ (linux only) sudo komodo-edit Mac users: Let’s Start By Handling URL’s Open, and create a under helloworld_project: Resources section: google drive or resources folder of virtualbox image. You can find example scripts. Let’s create some Folders! Under helloworld_project, create templates, static and media. Under templates create the file hello_world.html Now lets make make this rock! in your change HttpResponse(“Hello World”) to render_to_response(“hello_world.html”) Now let’s pass some info --> Let’s add some args={} args = { ‘first_name’:’Robert’, ‘last_name’:’boyett’, ‘favoriteColor’:’blue’, } Move over Bacon! Let’s get into something a little meatier! What’s an app? (helloworld)django-training@djangotraining-VirutalBox:~$ _ ~$ python startapp login ~$ ls -l Move over Bacon! Next, create a and a templates folder in the login folder. Inside the templates folder create a login.html Add ‘login’, to the INSTALLED_APPS in your Create your login HTML We will just create a simple username and password form that will submit to /login-user/ Next we will need to create the ‘login-user’ url handler and view in order to process the user’s credentials. “Post” or “Get” and “CSRF” Get - Requests data from your server. Post - Submits data to your server. CSRF - (Cross Site Request Forgery) Web site that contains a link, a button or script that is made to perform an action on your site, trying to trick the user into submitting personal info or inject “malicious” info into your database. Let’s add CSRF Protection In the In login.html: Now, let’s handle the submit In Where are User’s Created? Django Models: Python way of creating SQL relational databases without needing to know SQL. first_name, last_name, email, username, password, groups, active, etc. Now we need to create the User (helloworld)django-training@djangotraining-VirutalBox:~$ _ ~$ python syncdb You have installed Django’s auth system, and don’t have any superusers defined. Would you like to create one now? (yes/no): yes Username (leave blank to use ‘django-training’): whatever Email address: [email protected] Password: Password (again): Superuser created successfully. ~$ python runserver Now let’s login the User In Now let’s login the User In Now we can logout a User Advanced way to handle a url for logout (in Now, we need to create Users Create handler and function and a template create_user.html: Let’s be a little more advanced about this! Now, we need to create Users Now, handle account creation Now let’s add something better! Javascript and ajax! Create this folder structure: Place the jquery files from resources into the js folder you created. Add them to your HTML Now let’s create user side validation! Add required to the parts of your form that are required. Add any minlength=”5” and maxlength=”30” values that you want. And we must also create special situations for the password and username. Let’s create our own javascript! In the js folder create a main.js file: 1st: Use jquery $(document).ready(function(){}); 2nd: create special validation rules. We want our usernames to have no spaces. No Space Validation Turn on Validation for all Forms Add special validation for password confirmation... Add id=”password1” to the first password element. Add equalTo=”#password1” to the second password element. Now let’s add some AJAX In our main.js and create_user.html files: 1st: Add id=”create-user-form” to the form element. Then: Let’s make our AJAX error handling a little better... In add: In createUser view change: to = change result variables to: Let’s make our AJAX error handling a little better... Now, in main.js change the .ajaxform datatype to json. Let’s make our AJAX error handling a little better... Now, add some error handling. Let’s make it easier for the User Your user doesn’t want to login every time they come to your site. Especially if the just left. Let’s correct this issue. Sessions and Cookies Let’s keep track of our users In add (this checks cookies): Now, lets make the session In the loginUser view: Changing Gears Let’s get out of this hello world and make a new one. (helloworld)django-training@djangotraining-VirutalBox:~$ _ ~$ deactivate ~$ cd ~/Programming/ ~$ virtualenv bootstrap ~$ source bootstrap/bin/activate ~$ cd bootstrap/ ~$ pip install django Changing Gears (bootstrap)django-training@djangotraining-VirutalBox:~$ _ ~$ startproject bootstrap_project ~$ cd bootstrap_project/ ~$ python migrate ~$ python syncdb ~$ python runserver Go through the steps... ● ● ● ● ● Add the extras to Create an index in and Create an media, static and templates. Create (in static) bootstrap_projcet folder. In static/bootstrap_project create css, images, js. ● Create an index.html (with whatever). Then serve it up and make it work! Bootstrap (oooohhh, aaahhh) Free Bootstrap themes - just do a search and browse. Our Bootstrap Admin Console Play around with this website for a sec. Copy only what you need! ● Move images over to you static images folder. ● Move AdminLTE.css to the static css folder. ● Move app.js to the static js folder. Create your index.html ● Inside Komodo-edit, open the empty.html in Recources/AdminLTE-master. ● Copy and paste its contents into your index.html. ● Correct all the http:// css links and add staticfiles to the css, js and images. Let’s compare... In Komodo-edit open login.html and register.html which is found inside Resources/AdminLTE-master/pages/examples. Now, let’s look at your new index.html as well as the ones you just opened. You will notice similarities as well as differences. The magic of Django In the templates folder, create a base.html file. Copy and paste everything from index.html to base.html and let’s get busy! Next, use base.html to extend Add: to any html templates that contain the base. your content ---- Let’s Create the Login Process! WAIT! DIDN’T WE ALREADY DO THAT? That’s right, just copy and paste it from the last one. Be sure to add it to your list of INSTALLED_APPS and Now, Check for User We can check that users are logged in before they get to the index. Let’s make the login look smart! Now, see if you can make the login.html look like the one that goes with our bootstrap dashboard. Now correct the rest of login This app can easily be adapted to any web application you want. But what if there were programmers out there that would share their apps? Let’s create our own Models Let’s say that we want to create a user directory for room #, phone ext, subject they teach, etc. So, create a new app called “directory”. Think, Models = Databases In add and then syncdb: Django Admin Console ● ● ● ● logout first (not necessary) x now login and explore we don’t see your new model? (let’s fix that) Open add: Let’s Add info to the Database ● ● ● ● Create an addEmployee.html in templates. Add handler. Add addEmployee view. Add link on sidebar nav to addEmployee. Create a form and ajax ● ● ● ● ● Create the form. Create handler. Create view for ajax. Add jquery validation to the form. Add ajax form handler (jquery). Save new info to database Next... Import the database model: Create the object or find it if it already exists: Next, let’s put it in a table ● In our index.html create a table to display the data. Let’s get some data to fill it! In the index view: Template Tags in your table Piece a Cake, Piece a Pie! Voila!