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Embarcadero Company Overview
Turkey, December 2008
• Introduction Embarcadero Technologies
• Partner Overview
• Modelling Data and Beyond
• Managing Change in your Database Environment
• Monitoring and Optimizing Database Performance
• Tools for the Database Developer and the Database Administrator
• Summary
• Questions & Answers
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Who is Embarcadero?
Embarcadero Technologies provides
database professionals and application developers
with award-winning software tools
to design, build, and run their systems
in the environment they choose
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Our Customers
• DatabaseGear™ and CodeGear™ products serve:
• IT Developers, individual software vendors (ISVs), VARs, database
professionals, and large enterprise teams
• Most demanding vertical industries
in 29 countries
• 3.2 million customers
• 90 of the Fortune 100
• 97% of the Global 2000
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Fundamentals Driving
Systems Development*
• Moore’s law is alive and well – processing power continues to
double every 18-24 months
• In 2006, electronics manufacturers produced more transistors (at
least 26 million-million of them) than the world’s farmers grow
grains of rice
• Computer systems not only process data, they also store it, and in
increasingly vast quantities
• It is projected that by 2010, the world’s information base will be
doubling in size every 11 hours!
*IBM Global Technology Services - “The toxic terabyte: How data-dumping threatens business efficiency,” July 2006
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Systems Are Developed With Languages
• Most systems today are developed with a mix of many languages
• Only Embarcadero provides full, rich support for all of these languages
SQL (all versions and derivatives)
Transact/SQL (Sybase)
PL/SQL (Oracle)
TSQL (Microsoft SQL Server)
SQL Procedure Language (DB2)
E/R Modeling
Java Script
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Why Customers Need Embarcadero
• Data is growing at mind bending speed
• The number and diversity of applications is striving to keep up with
market demand, which is further driving data growth
• More and more people are needed to manage the data, collaborate and
create applications as business complexity increases:
• 16 million application developers today, growing at nearly 2 million annually*
• Time-to-market, quality, and predictability of software systems continues
to plague the software industry
• Customers need tools that:
• Address the development of entire systems
• Embrace all platforms
• One size does not fit all – choice is good
*IDC, “Worldwide Professional Developer Model”, June 2007; Evans Data Corp, “Global Developer Population And Demographics Report”, September 2006
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Customer Pain Points
Embarcadero Customers
Pain Points
Data and
System Architects
Database and
• Data and application
• Productivity
• Availability
• Performance
• Performance
• Business rules
• Code quality
• Optimization
• Communications
• Time to market
• Business process
DBAs, QA and
System Analysts
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Product Categories
• We categorize our products into three easy buckets:
• Design: all the tools to visualize data and code
• Build: all the tooling to create, optimize, and deploy code
• Run: all the tools to manage live systems
• Model driven
• Sophisticated
• Build once/use lots
• Developer
• End-to-end
• Code quality
• Manage change
• Integrate
• Collaboration
• Do more with less
• Develop code fast
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Embarcadero’s Product Portfolio
Product, Technology, Database and Platform Coverage
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
What We Do
Embarcadero® makes professional grade database tools
95 of the Fortune 100 companies use Embarcadero
Cross-platform tools you can rely on to design,
develop, and manage all your databases
More than 100,000 database pros use Embarcadero tools every day
Tools that work together and get results fast
Embarcadero tools have won more than 30 awards for usability and productivity
The Embarcadero Solution
• Embarcadero’s suite of professional grade database tools solves today’s database
The Database Lifecycle
• Data Reuse
• Development Productivity
• Availability
• Visualization
• Code Quality
• Performance
• Data Integration
• Database Optimization
• Unplanned Changes
Rapid SQL®
Performance Center™
Schema Examiner™
Change Manager™
DB Optimizer™
What is Professional Grade?
• Professional grade database tools are:
• Cross-Platform – One window to manage many
types of enterprise DBMSs
• Quick to Master – Intuitive user interfaces that
don’t require training
• Reliable – Must be dependable for both
development and production
• Scalable – Must scale across global data centers
and small to large data sets
• Professional grade database tools deliver:
• Better database performance and availability by reducing complexity
• Better security by embedding security in the tools themselves
• Increased productivity by adding efficiency and accuracy
• Results in less than 1 hour!
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Embarcadero’s Value Proposition
• Independence
• Consistent tooling between vendor stacks, languages and databases (e.g.
Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, homegrown, etc)
• Productivity
• Usability in UI’s, quick ramp up times, quality code in every keystroke,
“build once/use often” capabilities
• Community
• We now serve over 3 million dedicated end users willing to share knowledge
• Collaboration
• Collaboration-focused workbenches, repositories and project management
systems allow the power of many to get it done fast
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
About Embarcadero
• Founded in 1993, headquartered in San Francisco
• Profitable since 1995
• $200 million go-private transaction with Thoma Cressey Bravo June 27, 2007
• Acquired CodeGear™ from Borland® software June 30, 2008
• $100MM in annual revenue
• More than 500 employees worldwide
• Global sales footprint – 29 countries
• Company leverages Thoma Cressey Bravo’s market leadership,
knowledge and resources:
• Revenue and EBITDA in excess of $1.6 billion and $490 million, respectively
• Growth in excess of 20% annually
• Serves more than 90,000 customers
• Employs approximately 7,000 people
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Modelling Data and Beyond
Turkey, December 2008
• Introduction to Data Modelling
• Effective Data Models – Beyond the Entity Relationship Diagram
• Data Governance
• Web Services and XML Schema
• Regulatory Compliance
• Collaboration, Communication and Publication
• Summary
• Questions & Answers
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Audience Poll
• Using ER/Studio?
• Using other Data Modeling Tool?
• Not currently using a Data Modeling Tool?
• Using other Embarcadero products?
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
ER/Studio & EA/Studio are
The tools that you need to model your data and your business
with the different views needed by different people
& Process
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Who should use ER/Studio?
• Our Target Audience for ER/Studio includes:
• DBAs:
• Understanding the physical structure of their databases
• Forward/reverse engineering databases
• Data Architects and Analysts:
• Designing logical data models
• Creating physical data models and generating DDL
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
ER/Studio: Data Modeling
Model-Driven Design Environment
Powerful and easy-to-use user interface
Logical and physical design support
Automation and scripting support
Complete Database Lifecycle Support
Forward- and reverse- engineering
Automated database code generation
Enterprise Model Management
Integration of models and metadata
Extensive collaboration support including sub model
management, repository, “where used”
Enterprise Communication Capabilities
Web publishing, RTF, XML Schema and
DTD output
Data Warehouse and Integration Support
Data lineage documentation
Dimensional modeling
Quality Database Designs
Design validation, referential integrity enforced
Capacity planning and security
Audience Poll
• What’s your role within your organization?
• Data Architect
• Manager or Executive Sponsor
• Business Analyst
• Consultant
• Other
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Common problems we are all facing…
• Data volumes are exploding at alarming rates
• 1.5  2 exabytes of unique data produced yearly* (1 exabyte = 1 billion gigabytes)
• Poor data quality is prevalent in all industries
• A huge percentage of data in an organization is unusable
• Lack of communication
• Little (if any) sharing between data stake holders
• No centralized inventory of data "assets"
• Small percentage of data sources are actually documented
• Regulatory Compliance and Security
• Sarbanes Oxley, HIPAA, Basel II
• Requiring traceability of data
* Source: Forrester
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Who is coming to the rescue?
• You, the database professional / data architect!
• You know where the data is
• You enforce the standards
• You align the data with the business
• You have the ear of multiple audiences
• Where can you help?
• Data Governance Initiatives
• XML / Web Service Evolution
• MDM / CDI Implementations
• Communication / Publication
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Implementing Data Governance
• Define Ownership, Roles, and Responsibilities
• Establish a Common Repository of Information
• Single version of the truth
• Define a Process for implementing changes
• Model-driven approach: conceptual  logical  physical  database
• Make accessible and part of a user’s daily workflow
• Repository updated on model check-in
• Web portal integration for information sharing
• Define lifecycle of models and data (dev, test, prod)
• Implement proper security and role-based access
• Define a means of Communication
• Where and how are the changes published? Make it accessible.
• Repurpose information for end users – via web reports, DDL, UML, Excel
• Communication is bi-directional!
• Don’t just post/publish, allow users to easily update relevant information (via
models, via web, depending on the audience)
• Make this security/role-based and lifecycle-driven, however.
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Model-Driven Data Governance
• Databases
• Spreadsheets
• Models
• Worker knowledge
Model/Analyze Store Repository of Assets
• Visualize
• Create Standards
• Export/Provide
• Rationalize
• Multiple formats:
• Share Information
• Create Standards
• Design
• Web publishing
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Model-Driven Data Governance
Multiple Levels of
“Data” Objects:
Subject Area
Is Mapped To
Business Entity
Is Mapped To
Logical Entity
Is Mapped To
Physical Table
Is Mapped To
Implemented Table / DDL
Repository &
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Data Governance Summary
• A common definition…
• Set of Standards, Policies, and Guidelines centered around managing enterprise data
• Goals
• To enhance Data Quality
• Promote Reuse of core assets
• Better service Executive Management and their decisions
• To Communicate effectively to diverse stakeholders
• To provide Accountability of data
• Tools, Modeling and Metadata help, but aren't the answer
• Need a defined program
• Need principles to dictate ownership and accountability
• Need to get to the source of the problem
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Aligning with Data Governance Initiatives
• Stewardship
• Define Roles and Responsibilities in context
• Map to data models and subject areas
• Standards
• Define data standards and validate them across data models
• Validate business terms and definitions with business folks
• Leverage common naming standards
• Communication
• Be Visible about the program: Part of your job is Marketing!
• Identify key decision-makers in your organization and update them on your project and its value to the
• Provide reports in the “language” of the target audience
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
What is ER/Studio
ER/Studio is a data modeling and
enterprise data architecture tool
It helps companies create and manage
database designs, and discover, document
and reuse data assets.
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Web Services and XML
• Web services are vital for integrating systems
• Promote reuse of data and reducing redundant data
• XML is a rapidly growing “data source”
• Still that cowboy mentality of the wild, wild west
• More times than not, corporate standards are not incorporated in XML development
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Aligning with the web service evolution
• Documentation is key
• In order for an interface to be built, the source needs to be documented
• Introduce canonical models to define standards
• A common vocabulary can be leveraged from the data models
• Use canonical models to generate first cut XML Schemas
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
So what is the solution?
• You can become a critical member of your SOA implementation by
bridging the gap between XML schemas and the database
To enable something via a service, don’t you need to know what it is?
Wouldn’t it be nice to reuse the metadata you have?
Don’t logical models explain the rules of the data independently of platform?
Shouldn’t XML schemas be governed like a true “data source?”
• Now you will have some harmony…
• So you can avoid this…
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
So that you can avoid this…!!
<xs:element name="Order" nillable="true">
<xs:element name="CustomerLastName" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="CustomerFirstName" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="CustomerEmailAddress" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="OrderSubmitDate" type="xs:time"/>
<xs:element name="OrderSalesTaxAmount" type="xs:float"/>
<xs:element name="OrderTotalAmount" type="xs:float"/>
<xs:element name="OrderItem" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" >
<xs:element name="ProductName" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="ShipToAddress" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="ShipMethod" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="ItemQuantity" type="xs:integer"/>
<xs:element name="ItemPrice" type="xs:float"/>
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
• Define single source of truth for core data sets like Customer, Party,
Product, etc
• Common data can live in many different systems
• Typically no more than 20% of customer data resides in one location
• Goals
• Provide “real time” operational agility for a business
• Turn fragmented data into knowledge
• Allow an organization to more efficiently services their customers
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Aligning with MDM/CDI Implementations
• If you want a single truth for X, you need a common definition of X
• A “customer” means different things to different people in an organization
• Discover deviant standards across database systems
• Analyze why they may be different
• Centralize and consolidate them to fix the problem
Element A
Element A_1
Element A_2
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Element A
Security and Compliance
• IT Compliance Chaos
Financial Services
Basel II
21 CFR Part 11
Federal Government
State Data Breach
Disclosure Laws
ISO 11179
NIST 800-66
NIST 800-53
Int’l. Data Privacy Laws
Regulatory Compliance
• Some common scenarios…
• Meeting set Mandates and Initiatives
• Data Lineage
• To trace Data Movement throughout the Enterprise
• To define the Sources and Targets of Data flow
• To document Extract Transform Load (ETL) movement rules
• Data Modeling for ERP Systems – Why Bother?
• Model Data Requirements, Fit for Purpose Evaluation
• Data Re-Use, Legacy Data take-on
• FISMA Mandate Requirements
• Security of Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Data Lineage
• SOX lineage requirements
• Repository based
Data migration design - Consistency
• Legacy data take on
• Source to target mapping
• Reverse engineer &
generate ETL
• Impact analysis
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Data Modelling
Visual Data Lineage
Why Data Lineage is Important?
In order to achieve compliance and data governance, companies
must be able to demonstrate where data comes from, where it
flows, and how it is changed along the way.
Data Lineage enables:
• Meet compliance regulations
• Supports impact assessments
• Ensures data governance
• Enables data standardization and reuse
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Visual Data Lineage
Understanding the Single Source of the Truth. Data Warehouse,
MDM, Data Governance, SOA and other projects demand integrity
and knowledge of the data and where it is used.
ER/Studio 8’s Visual Data Lineage feature provides data professionals
with the ability to do an impact analysis between data sources and
visually analyze and document how data flows through the organization
without having to inspect code.
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Visual Data Lineage
With the onslaught of compliance regulations and the heightened need
to understand the usage of their data, the task of effectively
documenting and communicating the originating source of information
can be cumbersome to organizations.
Visual Data Lineage provides a visual representation of where data
resides and how it flows and changes throughout the enterprise,
empowering users with an automated, flexible process, and richer
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Visual Data Lineage
Managing source to target mappings is a manual and time consuming
process, and often stored outside the data model in MS Excel or
custom repositories which makes managing changes time consuming.
ER/Studio makes tracing data lineage easy. Because the models are
stored in a shared repository, extracting, documenting and keeping the
information up-to-date is easy.
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Visual Data Lineage
Understand and
visualize the source
Understand and
visualize the target
Visually capture the
rules between them
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Maximise the Impact of data modeling
Collaboration, Communication and Publication
of data assets
For instance, models help us
• Design databases to meet technical and business requirements
• Understand the impact of changes to applications
• Develop new applications that leverage existing data assets
• Locate and explain data that our company uses to make decisions
• Reuse designs and design patterns
• Train people that aren’t familiar with particular databases
• Understand and explain what that data means
• Find, control, and audit who has access to what data
• Create and enforce design standards
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
In a decentralized system
• Design databases to meet technical and business requirements
• Understand the impact of changes to applications
• Develop new applications that leverage existing data assets
an individual
and explainare
data only
that ouravailable
company usesto
to make
• Reuse small
designs and
for the model
• Train people that aren’t familiar with particular databases
• Understand and explain what that data means
Find, control, and audit who has access to what data
no access
no understanding
no benefit
• Create and enforce design standards
sales and customer
In a centralized system
• Design databases to meet technical and business requirements
• Understand the impact of changes to applications
• Develop new applications that leverage existing data assets
• Locate
explain datacan
that our
company to
to make modeler,
• Reuse designs
and design
and business analyst
• Train people that aren’t familiar with particular databases
• Understand and explain what that data means access
• Find, control,understanding
• Create and enforce design standards
sales and customer
In a centralized system you also get
A holistic view
of data assets
Reusability of data assets – Don’t we
already have a database that does this
Design standards – ‘Address’ has a
standard data model that we use, why don’t
we reuse it?
Standard data definitions – Why do we
have the same data elements defined
differently in various databases?
Centralized Metadata – Where is customer
data used across our business?
Security Classification – Who can tell me
every database that has credit card
information in it and who has access to it?
In a centralized system you get
A collaborative
work environment
• Centralized model storage – no more,
who was the last person to edit this?
Hey Jamie can you email it to me?
• Version control – What version is
running in production?
• Check in / check out – allow many
modelers to work on the same model
at the same time
• Branch and merge – work in a
decentralized model when it’s helpful,
and then sync up
Data Model Repository - What is it?
• The Repository is a relational database that stores all the models allowing
• Collaborative Development
» Work collaboratively at the object\entity level
» Understand who in your enterprise is accessing objects in real-time
• Version Management
» Branch\Merge capabilities allow for different working versions of a model
» Named releases allow the user to create snapshots of models to rollback changes
• Security Management
» Create different roles for different types of users
» Provide access only to the models and projects that the user is authorized to view or change
• Component Sharing and Reuse
» Create and maintain corporate metadata standards
» Enterprise Data Dictionary Standardizes Low Level Object use across diagrams
» Report on distribution of objects across diagrams
• Reporting
» Enterprise Portal
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
What is ER/Studio Enterprise Portal?
ER/Studio Enterprise Portal
Self-service reporting, browsing and searching
of the ER/Studio Repository metadata
The Enterprise Portal allows you communicate your ER/Studio
Repository metadata across the Enterprise in a easy-to-use
browser-based reporting tool
Share Metadata Across Business & IT
Modeling Teams
Web Portal
• App and DB Developers
• Data Stewards
• DBAs
• Business
• Executives
Browser-based solution allows organizations to search, browse and report
on the information contained in the ER/Studio Repository
Standard Out-of-the-Box Reporting
Standard Reporting Features
• Business Reports
• Entity Definitions
• Attribute Definitions
• Business Rules – Verb Phrases,
• Technical Reports
• Column Data Lineage
• Security Classifications of Objects
• Impact Analysis Reports
• Attachments of Objects
• Attribute Reference Values
• Domain Bindings
• Entity, Submodel, Model, Diagram
Why Choose an Enterprise Portal?
Enterprise-wide visibility into on-going
Increased compliance with standards &
Less metadata redundancy
Centralized reporting and processes
Elimination of spreadsheets and other
stand-alone documents
Standardized HTML reporting of
repository metadata
Structured browsing and navigation of
repository hierarchy
Ad-hoc searching of repository
Business, Technical, & Impact Analysis
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
• Maximise the Impact of your Data Models
• Make your models as agile as possible
• Align them with initiatives in your organization
• Don’t forget to Collaborate and Communicate!
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Managing Change within your Database Environment
Turkey, December 2008
Database Change Management
Embarcadero’s Change Management objectives: to provide
process-neutral tooling to fully enable an efficient, reliable,
and traceable Database Change Process
Where Database Change Management comprises:
…managing structures, settings, and data over time and across physical
environments. (And to/from the design layer.)
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Database Change Management:
Common Challenges
• Preserve data when making a structural change
• Maintain separate storage settings for objects across environments
• Maintain security differences between environments
• Maintain standard configurations across related environments
• Shared ownership responsibility for certain object types
• Manage and report on database differences over time
• Manage reference data across many environments
• Validate the synchronicity in a replicated environment
• Support for parallel development efforts
• Accommodate both planned and unplanned changes
• Manage reference data across many environments
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Typical Change Management Process
1. Identify the need for change
2. Log the change
3. Analyze the impact
4. Design the change
5. Codify the change
6. Test the change
7. Schedule the change
8. Roll out the change
9. Communicate the change
10. Monitor the change
11. Close the change ticket
Modeling &
Dev/Test Databas
Change Manager supports two worlds:
Model Driven and Development Driven… as well as tightly + loosely governed
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
What is Change Manager?
Multi-functional tool for handling database change management:
across multiple DBMS platforms, from a single interface
• Schema Compare & Alter
• Automatically capture schema “snapshots” to quickly identify changes and correct problems in less time.
• Compare live databases or archives to track and report on change, and to generate change scripts.
• Configuration Management & Auditing
• Compares and monitors database configuration attributes to ensure compliance with regulations and
company policies and maintain overall database performance and availability
• Data Compare & Synchronization
• Data compare and synchronization tool compares, validates and synchronizes data within or across
database platforms
*** Change Manager supports DB2 for LUW, MS SQL Server, Oracle, and Sybase ***
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Key Benefits for the DBA
• Track and report on change in the database
• Report and communicate changes, then roll changes forward or roll back
• Quickly validate critical data and settings to ensure they are in sync
• Quickly pinpoint database problems caused by change
• Determine exactly what has changed in the database since a particular point in time
• Restore configuration, schema, and users to get things running smoothly again
• Roll out database changes more easily
• Ensure traceability by selectively archiving components ( e.g., objects) that belong to a release
• Generate change scripts that handles dependencies and preserve data
• Comply with database audit and reporting requirements
• Report on changes to the database at or between points in time, to meet auditing requirements
• Check database configurations against established standards, to ensure security and performance
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Key Benefits for Developers
• Streamline and accelerate development cycles
• Baseline your changes, using archives to track and report your progress
• Generate change scripts, saving time and improving accuracy when rolling out or restoring objects
• Ensure the integrity of your environments
• Validate the synchronicity of development, QA, and production, before you begin testing
• Ensure environments stay in sync by monitoring and reporting on changes
• Improve collaboration
• Communicate you changes with dev teams, DBAs, QA and data modelers, via reports, DDL, and
change scripts
• Integrate with your favorite source code control product to further enhance collaboration and workflow
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Schema Management Features
• Schema Capture
• Historical ‘snapshot’ of database schema
or schema subset to baseline changes
• Schema Compare and Alter
• Visual comparison of object-level differences
• Examine and report on changes between one
or more live databases or archives
• Automatic SQL synchronization script generation
• Command-Line API
• Schedule jobs to run at any time, via the
command line interface
• Notification and Reporting
• Email notification of job completion and status (success/failure), option to attach compare reports
• Share information with interested parties (QA, development, etc.) when certain types of changes occur
Configuration Management Features
• Configuration Compare
• Compare configuration settings between
two databases
• Configuration Standards
• Validate compliance to a standard set of
configuration values
• Use a Standard in a one-to-many comparison
to validate your entire enterprise’s compliance
• Use the command line interface to create
batch processes to monitor your environment
• Configuration archives
• Define and archive standard configurations based
on live data sources, archives, and custom values
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Data Compare and Synch Features
• Data synchronization
• Generates and execute synchronization scripts to resolve
differences in data. Handles object dependencies and
preserves data
• Automatic and custom mapping
• Map all tables and attributes between two datasources or
select specific tables and attributes for comparison jobs.
• Selective comparison
• Flexible comparison criteria can compare all tables and
attributes or specific tables and attributes.
• Selection criteria can further filter data to suit specific
needs, such as creating subsets of production data for
testing purposes
• Compression Comparison
• Quickly compare large volumes of data using
Embarcadero’s unique compression compare, which can
greatly speed comparison with wide rows and over slower
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Common Uses
• Rolling out database changes (e.g. from Dev into QA, and QA into
• Take snapshot, roll out using live-to-live compare & synchronize, can roll back if needed
• Includes schema and reference data
• What has changed in my database lately?
• Change Manager as a diagnostic tool
• Compliance & Auditing of Structures, Users, Permissions, Settings, etc. at
points in time, and changes over time
• Reporting & email notification
• Carrying out and validating database migrations
• Move & validate schema and data
• Piercing the veil of packaged application databases
• Vendor provides a “black box” patch. How does that patch affect the database.
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Why use Change Manager?
• Decreased Downtime
• Less downtime through improved control and
traceability. The majority of outages result from
• Faster recovery from outages: Most outage time
(70-80%) is spent doing root cause analysis. The
remaining 20-30% is spent fixing the problem.
Change Manager helps decrease both these
• Improved Productivity
• Automates and streamlines complex manual tasks
According to Gartner, a
rigorous IT Change
Management Process is a
primary mitigating factor for
the 80% of outages that are
people and process related1.
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Why Change Manager?
• Increased productivity & functional capability
• Change Manager is designed expressly for database change management
• Better accuracy within the database
• Reliable history via archive snapshots
• Accurate and efficient comparison of schema, configuration, and data
• Reliably roll forward or roll back between versions and databases
• Better accuracy within the database design
• Keep data modelers and developers apprised of what is happening in production
• Cascading impacts can improve metadata quality and timeliness across the organization
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Monitoring and Optimizing Database Performance
Turkey, December 2008
• Monitoring and Optimizing Database Performance - Introduction
• Performance Center – Product Overview
• Presentation and Demonstration
• DB Optimizer – Product Overview
• Presentation and Demonstration
• Open Q&A
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Monitoring Database Performance
Turkey, December 2008
What is Performance Center
Performance Center is a 24x7 database performance
monitoring tool that helps ensure
database availability and performance
throughout your enterprise.
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Business Benefits
• Reduce performance inefficiencies and lower maintenance costs
• Address performance proactively; spend less time in crisis management
• Gain insight into usage trends to plan for capacity changes
• Improve service levels, prove SLA performance requirements
• 24x7 monitoring and alert notification
• Quickly identify and correct potential problems
• Decrease response times
• Historical reporting and analysis
• Leverage existing staff to meet increasing demand
• Reduce the time spent finding problems with the centralized user interface
• Help DBAs work across database platforms
• Enable novice administrators, Help Desk or NOC Managers to monitor database performance
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Technical Benefits
• Monitor and analyze all databases, regardless of platform
• Monitors IBM DB2 for LUW, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and Sybase ASE from one easy to read and configurable
• Key statistics rolled up into one indicator for at-a-glance performance analysis
• Historical performance statistics for every monitored database
• Pre-configured templates for alarm thresholds and notifications to facilitate standard operating procedures
• Easily view, identify and protect against potential problems
• Web-based interface for viewing anywhere
• Customizable problem notification: define alarm
thresholds, method of notification (email, pager, etc)
• User-defined escalation path
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Technical Benefits - Continued
• “Agentless” Architecture
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Key Features
24x7 Protection
• Constant performance monitoring
Enterprise Ready Interface
• One consolidated view for all DB2,
Oracle, Sybase, and SQL Server databases
• User-defined alarm thresholds
• Drill-down capability per database
Embarcadero Health Index
• Single indicator for overall database performance
• Customizable by user
Key Features - Continued
Historical Reports
• Repository of performance statistics
• Scheduled extractions to flat files
Proactive Notification
• Threshold alarms
• Customizable problem notification with templates
Programmable Responses
• Automatic scripted response support (command line
or SQL job invocation)
What’s New in 2.5
• Enterprise View
An enhanced Enterprise View with all the
enterprise-wide alert and health status
information required for real-time monitoring
• Server-side caching
Server-side caching of monitored metrics results
in immediate population of graphs and grids without
the need for client-side caching or initialization.
• Increased server capacity
Increased server capacity for greater scalability
• Updated User Interface
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
What’s New in 2.5 – Continued
• Enterprise Alert Views
Enterprise wide alert view allows a single
view summary of all current database
conditions that needs to be dealt with.
• New reporting engine
Quicker report set up and configuration and more flexibility for custom report formats
• Improved Enterprise Alarm Center
Access a historical record of all performance
violations for all monitored databases from a single interface
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Why Choose Performance Center
• 24x7 Database Monitoring
• Health Index monitors key performance indicators such as: memory, I/O, contention,
space, network, objects, users, and SQL and displays customizable, at-a-glance
• Unattended, “lights out” monitoring for early detection and notification
• Complete historical reporting and analysis
• “Agentless” Architecture
• Non-Invasive server-side solution
• Does not deploy agents or put anything into the database
• Heterogeneous Tool – Supports Multiple DBMS
DBAs need to keep tabs on multiple databases across multiple DBMS’s in their environment. Individual
DBMS systems may offer performance monitoring features, but DBAs need an at a glance solution.
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Database Optimization Overview
Turkey, December 2008
Problem Statement(s)
• Production:
• DBA’s get calls at all hours about poor-performing databases – they need
something that will help them quickly discover and diagnose bottlenecks, and
then provide suggested fixes to development
• Development:
• Development needs to assess performance before they promote
aforementioned suggested fixes to production
• Ensure SQL specific to any packaged or homegrown application meets required
service levels and does not cause any bottlenecks prior to their release/launch
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
DB Optimizer in 5 seconds
Embarcadero® DB Optimizer enables developers and DBAs to
quickly discover, diagnose, and optimize poor-performing SQL
to maximize overall database performance.
Why DB Optimizer? Why wait-time analysis? It is a simple yet
powerful method for honing in on SQL causing bottlenecks. It
focuses your attention on those areas that will yield the
highest performance return for your efforts.
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
What does that mean?
• Discover: graphical visualization of wait-time analysis to
easily pinpoint the SQL causing poor database performance
• Diagnose: explain plans and hyperlinked drill-downs for
analyzing detailed activity statistics for an individual SQL
• Optimize: fully integrated SQL IDE and batch tuning of DML
statements, stored routines, entire SQL files and the System
Global Area
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
What is DB Optimizer?
• SQL profiler: all the information needed to identify large and frequentlyused SQL statements that need tuning, presented in a graphical interface
• SQL tuner (Oracle): suggested improvements that can be quickly
implemented in batch or real-time
• SQL editor: a full editor interface with code completion, error checking,
and SQL project management (incorporates PowerSQL Pro)
• Cross-platform: native support for IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server,
Oracle, and Sybase
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Why Use DB Optimizer
• Production
• Quickly diagnose SQL-related performance issues when “those” calls come in
• Provide specific diagnosis and fix suggestions to Development DBAs
• Proactively profile production databases to eliminate or delay hardware upgrades and
boost end-user productivity
• Development
• Assess performance bottlenecks before fixes are promoted to production
• Ensure application-specific SQL meets required service levels while still in development
• Faster execution means faster test cycles
Stop the proliferation of poor-performing SQL – prevent it from ever
reaching production – and stomp it out quickly when it rears its ugly head
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
What are the Trends?
Trends: With Graphics
Statspack Example
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Solution : DB Optimizer
Simple, Powerful
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Imagine Trying to Drive your Car
if your Dashboard looked like:
And is updated once and hour
Or would you like it to look …
Copyright 2006
Like this
And is updated once and hour
Copyright 2006
What is wait-time analysis?
• Find problematic SQL by analyzing a list of collective time
delays that cause end users to wait for the information they
• Know where your long running and frequently executed
queries and procedures are getting stuck and why
• No agents: samples system tables to quickly discover
• Focuses your attention on those areas that will yield the
highest performance return for your efforts
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
What is sampling?
If happens a lot or for long… we’ll catch it, guaranteed
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Average Active Sessions (AAS)
• DB Optimizer is based on a simple powerful metric
AAS = DB Time/Elapsed Time
• Number of sessions active, on average
• Allows us to take a simple metric and use it in a
pragmatic way, measuring it against max CPU
• In turn, helping you focus your attention on the SQL
that will yield the highest performance gains for your
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
What are Average Active Sessions?
Idle DB
Looks OK
Complementary Products
• Rapid SQL and DBArtisan: heavy duty for the DB
• PowerSQL: empowering application developers, QA
engineers, and business analysts with the right tool
for the job
• Performance Center: 24/7 monitoring with
thresholds and alerts
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Complementary Products
Database Developers: Rapid
DBA: DB Optimizer for SQL
optimization and DBArtisan for
administrative tasks
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Complementary Products
Application Developers:
DBA: DB Optimizer for SQL
optimization and DBArtisan for
administrative tasks
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Complementary Products
DBA: DB Optimizer for SQL
optimization and DBArtisan for
administrative tasks
Performance Center
DBA: DB Optimizer for SQL
optimization and DBArtisan for
administrative tasks
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Differentiating Features
• Full Oracle 11g support – including all hints
• Quick Fixes (cross-plat in next release) – light bulb with faster-running
replacement SQL statements
• Predicate analysis – a way to roll-up data presentation for a “real” picture
of how often a SQL statement runs
• Wait time analysis – tells you exactly where and how long a SQL
statement is getting hung up
• Stored outlines – improve the performance of an “untouchable” app by
making it use better execution plans
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Tools for the Database Developer and Database Administrator
Turkey, December 2008
The Embarcadero Solution
• Embarcadero’s suite of professional grade database tools solves today’s database
The Database Lifecycle
• Data Reuse
• Development Productivity
• Availability
• Visualization
• Code Quality
• Performance
• Data Integration
• Database Optimization
• Unplanned Changes
Rapid SQL®
Performance Center™
Schema Examiner™
Change Manager™
DB Optimizer™
What is Professional Grade?
• Professional grade database tools are:
• Cross-Platform – One window to manage many
types of enterprise DBMSs
• Quick to Master – Intuitive user interfaces that
don’t require training
• Reliable – Must be dependable for both
development and production
• Scalable – Must scale across global data centers
and small to large data sets
• Professional grade database tools deliver:
• Better database performance and availability by reducing complexity
• Better security by embedding security in the tools themselves
• Increased productivity by adding efficiency and accuracy
• Results in less than 1 hour!
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
The New DBArtisan and Rapid SQL
These releases deliver improved
productivity and greater scalability in
complex or large, distributed
• New Editor
New user interface supports new datatypes (i.e. XML) and
enhanced SQL editing tools
• New Engine
Highly scalable engine better manages large, complex datasets and
produces faster queries
• New Results
Flexible result set viewing
• New Database Support
Oracle 11g, Sybase 15, SQL Server 2005 and DB2 v9
Design and Deploy High-Quality Code
Embarcadero™ Rapid SQL is an integrated cross-platform
database development environment that raises productivity for
both novice and expert programmers.
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
How Rapid SQL Helps Businesses
• Leverage existing resources across database platforms
• Database developers can be deployed on new platforms without DBMS specific training
• Consistent, robust functionality simplifies cross-platform tasks
• Deliver more with fewer resources
• Automation of common tasks allows developers to focus on value-add
• Increased productivity will lead to greater output
• Novice developers can easily and efficiently create complex code
• Strong scripting support minimizes errors
• Optimize existing applications
• With Rapid SQL developers will be able to identify and correct inefficiencies in significantly less time
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Rapid SQL: Technical Benefits
• Raise developer productivity
• Rich visual environment streamlines the task of SQL coding
• Work seamlessly across platforms
• Deep Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase and MySQL support simplifies development in
heterogeneous environments
• Improve code quality
• Scripting support features like syntax checking and auto-complete prevent errors while other features
help developers evaluate code efficiency
• Develop, test, and tune – all in one unified environment
• Embarcadero SQL Debugger, SQL Profiler integration speeds up code optimization
• Pinpoint problems and expensive SQL code
• Code Analyst performs detailed response-time analysis on stored procedures and functions
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
Rapid SQL: Key Features
• Rich SQL Programming IDE
Highly productive environment with code generation, multiple
workspaces and customizable code templates
Comprehensive scripting support including syntax checking,
auto-code complete, and built-in hot keys
Visual tools for ad-hoc data editing and simple to complex query
Customizable explorer, multiple workspaces
• Schema Development
Database platform and version specific graphical object editors
with full knowledge of underlying DBMS
• Sophisticated Database Project Management
The ability to work with off-line SQL source code, instead of live
Extraction of predefined subsets to create single files for specific
database objects
Code templates
• Version Control
Seamless integration with most commercial version control
Support for all operations including get, checkout, check-in,
history, and diff
• Code Debugging, Optimization, and Profiling
Code generation
Debugging for programmable objects such as stored
procedures, functions and triggers
Integration with Embarcadero SQL Tuner
Response time analysis and benchmarking capabilities with
Code Analyst (Rapid SQL Professional only)
Rapid SQL: Key Features
• Rich SQL Programming IDE
Highly productive environment with code generation, multiple
workspaces and customizable code templates and facilities
Comprehensive scripting support including syntax checking,
auto-code complete, and built-in hot keys
Visual tools for ad-hoc data editing and simple to complex query
• Schema Development
Database platform and version specific graphical object editors
with full knowledge of underlying DBMS
• Sophisticated Database Project Management
The ability to work with off-line SQL source code, instead of live
Extraction of predefined subsets to create single files for specific
database objects
• Version Control
Seamless integration with most commercial version control
Support for all operations including get, checkout, check-in,
history, and diff
• Code Debugging, Optimization, and Profiling
Debugging for programmable objects such as stored
procedures, functions and triggers (optional)
Integration with Embarcadero SQL Tuner
Response time analysis and benchmarking capabilities with
Code Analyst (Rapid SQL Professional only)
Rapid SQL: Key Features
• Rich SQL Programming IDE
Highly productive environment with code generation, multiple
workspaces and customizable code templates and facilities
Comprehensive scripting support including syntax checking,
auto-code complete, and built-in hot keys
Visual tools for ad-hoc data editing and simple to complex query
• Schema Development
Database platform and version specific graphical object editors
with full knowledge of underlying DBMS
• Sophisticated Database Project Management
The ability to work with off-line SQL source code, instead of
live databases
Extraction of predefined subsets to create single files for
specific database objects
• Version Control
Seamless integration with most commercial version control
Support for all operations including get, checkout, check-in,
history, and diff
• Code Debugging, Optimization, and Profiling
Debugging for programmable objects such as stored
procedures, functions and triggers (optional)
Integration with Embarcadero SQL Tuner
Response time analysis and benchmarking capabilities with
Code Analyst (Rapid SQL Professional only)
Rapid SQL: Key Features
• Rich SQL Programming IDE
Highly productive environment with code generation, multiple
workspaces and customizable code templates
Comprehensive scripting support including syntax checking,
auto-code complete, and built-in hot keys
Visual tools for ad-hoc data editing and simple to complex query
• Schema Development
Database platform and version specific graphical object editors
with full knowledge of underlying DBMS
• Sophisticated Database Project Management
The ability to with off-line SQL source code, instead of live
Extraction of predefined subsets to create single files for specific
database objects
• Version Control
Seamless integration with most commercial version control
Support for all operations including get, checkout, check-in,
history, and diff
• Code Debugging, Optimization, and Profiling
Debugging for programmable objects such as stored
procedures, functions and triggers (optional)
Integration with Embarcadero SQL Tuner
Response time analysis and benchmarking capabilities with
Code Analyst (Rapid SQL Professional only)
• Microsoft SourceSafe
• IBM Clear Case
• Serrano PVCS
• etc.
Rapid SQL: Key Features
• Rich SQL Programming IDE
Highly productive environment with code generation, multiple
workspaces and customizable code templates
Comprehensive scripting support including syntax checking,
auto-code complete, and built-in hot keys
Visual tools for ad-hoc data editing and simple to complex query
Code Analyst
• Schema Development
Database platform and version specific graphical object editors
with full knowledge of underlying DBMS
• Sophisticated Database Project Management
The ability to with off-line SQL source code, instead of live
Extraction of predefined subsets to create single files for specific
database objects
• Version Control
SQL Debugger
Seamless integration with most commercial version control
Support for all operations including get, checkout, check-in,
history, and diff
• Code Debugging, Optimization, and Profiling
Debugging for programmable objects such as stored
procedures, functions and triggers (optional)
Integration with Embarcadero SQL Tuner (Oracle only)
Response time analysis and benchmarking capabilities with
Code Analyst (Rapid SQL Professional only)
Managing your Database Environment
Embarcadero DBArtisan, the leading cross-platform
database administration solution, helps DBAs
maximize availability, performance and security.
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
How DBArtisan Helps Businesses
• Reduce costs and increase flexibility across database platforms
• With DBArtisan, organizations can easily manage multiple platforms from a single, consistent, and
comprehensive console
• Rich cross-platform capabilities eliminate the need to retrain staff when new platforms are added or
resources need to be shifted
• Leverage existing resources, even as demands grow
• Highly scalable for managing large, complex datasets
• Easy-to-use interface helps novice DBAs handle tasks that normally require highly experienced staff
• Superior diagnostic capabilities help fully exploit existing hardware investments
• Improve service quality
• Using DBArtisan Workbench, IT departments can diagnose problems more quickly, prevent
bottlenecks before they happen, and proactively plan for storage
• Tuning capabilities ensure that applications are deployed efficiently
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
DBArtisan: Technical Benefits
• Simplify cross-platform administration with one standard solution
• Rich and consistent feature implementation across platforms make it easy to be productive in
heterogeneous environments or unfamiliar databases
• Enable higher availability and better performance
• Intelligent diagnostics help prevent problems before they happen
• Diagnosis and correction capabilities minimize slow performance and down-time
• Focus on value-add, not repetitive tasks
• Automation of common tasks such object and schema migration, SQL editing and job scheduling
minimize time spent on tedious chores
• Rich utilities and editors reduce errors and save time
• Effectively manage database security
• Graphical object editors and dialog boxes establish and maintain security across platforms
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential
DBArtisan: Key Features
• Highly Automated Cross-Platform Solution
Utilities and wizards for all common and repetitive administration
Support for Oracle®, Sybase®, Microsoft SQL Server®, IBM
DB2® for Open Systems, and IBM DB2® for z/OS and OS/390
• Schema Management
Platform- and version-specific graphical object editors and
wizards for creating and editing a variety of database objects
• Security Management
• Wizards for schema migration; job reorg;
creating, editing and altering objects, etc.
• Rich ISQL editor – create, save, and
execute all SQL Code against your
• Extensive graphical object editors for all
database objects
Comprehensive facilities for managing users within and across
• Data Management
Power visual tools for creating and editing complex SQL
statements, including insert statements, and server-side objects
ISQL facility for creating, saving and executing SQL statements
against your database
• Proactive Diagnostic and Management Tools
Space Analyst: storage/object diagnostic tool combined with
powerful reorg job wizard
Capacity Analyst: storage and object growth tracking facility for
pro-active planning and problem prevention
Performance Analyst: client side visual database monitor that
pinpoints problems that threaten availability
• Powerful Back-up and Recovery
Engine for back-up and recovery that significantly reduces
storage requirements (SQL-Server) and speed-up the task
DBArtisan: Key Features
• Highly Automated Cross-Platform Solution
Utilities and wizards for all common and repetitive administration
Support for Oracle®, Sybase®, Microsoft SQL Server®, IBM
DB2® for Open Systems, and IBM DB2® for z/OS and OS/390
• Schema Management
Platform- and version-specific graphical object editors and
wizards for creating and editing a variety of database objects
• Security Management
Comprehensive facilities for managing users within and across
• Data Management
Power visual tools for creating and editing complex SQL
statements, including insert statements, and server-side objects
ISQL facility for creating, saving and executing SQL statements
against your database
• Proactive Diagnostic and Management Tools
Space Analyst: storage/object diagnostic tool combined with
powerful reorg job wizard
Capacity Analyst: storage and object growth tracking facility for
pro-active planning and problem prevention
Performance Analyst: client side visual database monitor that
pinpoints problems that threaten availability
• Powerful Back-up and Recovery
Engine for back-up and recovery that significantly reduces
storage requirements (SQL-Server) and speed-up the task
DBArtisan: Key Features
• Highly Automated Cross-Platform Solution
Utilities and wizards for all common and repetitive administration
Support for Oracle®, Sybase®, Microsoft SQL Server®, IBM
DB2® for Open Systems, and IBM DB2® for z/OS and OS/390
• Schema Management
Platform- and version-specific graphical object editors and
wizards for creating and editing a variety of database objects
• Security Management
Comprehensive facilities for managing users within and across
• Data Management
Power visual tools for creating and editing complex SQL
statements, including insert statements, and server-side objects
ISQL facility for creating, saving and executing SQL statements
against your database
• Proactive Diagnostic and Management Tools
Space Analyst: storage/object diagnostic tool combined with
powerful reorg job wizard
Capacity Analyst: storage and object growth tracking facility for
pro-active planning and problem prevention
Performance Analyst: client side visual database monitor that
pinpoints problems that threaten availability
• Powerful Back-up and Recovery
Engine for back-up and recovery that significantly reduces
storage requirements (SQL-Server) and speed-up the task
DBArtisan: Key Features
• Highly Automated Cross-Platform Solution
Utilities and wizards for all common and repetitive administration
Support for Oracle®, Sybase®, Microsoft SQL Server®, IBM
DB2® for Open Systems, and IBM DB2® for z/OS and OS/390
• Schema Management
Platform- and version-specific graphical object editors and
wizards for creating and editing a variety of database objects
• Security Management
Comprehensive facilities for managing users within and across
• Data Management
Power visual tools for creating and editing complex SQL
statements, including insert statements, and server-side objects
ISQL facility for creating, saving and executing SQL statements
against your database
• Proactive Diagnostic and Management Tools
Space Analyst: storage/object diagnostic tool combined with
powerful reorg job wizard
Capacity Analyst: storage and object growth tracking facility for
pro-active planning and problem prevention
Performance Analyst: client side visual database monitor that
pinpoints problems that threaten availability
• Powerful Back-up and Recovery
Engine for back-up and recovery that significantly reduces
storage requirements (SQL-Server) and speed-up the task
DBArtisan: Key Features
• Highly Automated Cross-Platform Solution
Utilities and wizards for all common and repetitive administration
Support for Oracle®, Sybase®, Microsoft SQL Server®, IBM
DB2® for Open Systems, and IBM DB2® for z/OS and OS/390
• Schema Management
Platform- and version-specific graphical object editors and
wizards for creating and editing a variety of database objects
• Security Management
Comprehensive facilities for managing users within and across
• Data Management
Power visual tools for creating and editing complex SQL
statements, including insert statements, and server-side objects
ISQL facility for creating, saving and executing SQL statements
against your database
• Proactive Diagnostic and Management Tools
Space Analyst: storage/object diagnostic tool combined with
powerful reorg job wizard
Capacity Analyst: storage and object growth tracking facility for
pro-active planning and problem prevention
Performance Analyst: client side visual database monitor that
pinpoints problems that threaten availability
• Powerful Back-up and Recovery
Engine for back-up and recovery that significantly reduces
storage requirements (SQL-Server) and speed-up the task
DBArtisan: Key Features
• Highly Automated Cross-Platform Solution
Utilities and wizards for all common and repetitive administration
Support for Oracle®, Sybase®, Microsoft SQL Server®, IBM
DB2® for Open Systems, and IBM DB2® for z/OS and OS/390
• Schema Management
Platform- and version-specific graphical object editors and
wizards for creating and editing a variety of database objects
• Security Management
Comprehensive facilities for managing users within and across
• Data Management
Power visual tools for creating and editing complex SQL
statements, including insert statements, and server-side objects
ISQL facility for creating, saving and executing SQL statements
against your database
• Proactive Diagnostic and Management Tools
Space Analyst: storage/object diagnostic tool combined with
powerful reorg job wizard
Capacity Analyst: storage and object growth tracking facility for
pro-active planning and problem prevention
Performance Analyst: client side visual database monitor that
pinpoints problems that threaten availability
• Powerful Back-up and Recovery
Engine for back-up and recovery that significantly reduces
storage requirements (SQL-Server) and speed-up the task
Why Choose DBArtisan
• Comprehensive consistent solution
• Unlike other products, DBArtisan has everything DBAs need in one integrated console
• True cross-platform capabilities
• DBArtisan is the only solution with consistent, rich functionality regardless of platform
• Strong integration with other Embarcadero products
• DBArtisan seamlessly integrates with Embarcadero’s Performance Center and Job Scheduler
• De facto industry standard
• DBArtisan is “built by DBAs, for DBAs”
• 5 minutes to real work, no training required
Embarcadero Technologies Confidential