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Emergency Training Simulation
Art Hendela
President, Hendela System Consultants, Inc.
[email protected]
Mihai Moldovan
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Uses of Games and Simulators
Teaching - principles, methods, skills,
supplementary material
Training – allow dress rehearsals with
easy reset
Operations – explore, test, and plan
operational parameters Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Uses of Games and Simulators
- Continued
Research – hypothesis testing
Therapy – behavioral testing,
evaluation, and drug treatment
Entertainment – have fun and relax
(sounds good! ) Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Basic Design Philosophies
According to Gartner Group’s Clark
Aldrich (2001):
 Use Authentic Scenarios
 Force quick decisions
 Provide lots of options
 Repetition and choices help it sink in
 Customize to the culture Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Metaphors – the basis for
learning events
Use the 3 C model to help develop your
Combine Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Special Purpose Simulators
 Custom
built tool by an experienced
model builder
 Uses a data driven model of a specific
 The user is allowed to modify model
parameters in order to run tests and get
his/her results Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation Language History
 Fortran
– The mother of all mathematical
modeling languages (1956)
 Algol – influenced C’s development (1960)
 GPSS – IBM’s General Purpose System
Simulator (1961)
 Dynamo – used first for USAF logistics
 APL – A Programming Language – all
mathematical symbols. Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation Language –
 Developed
for modeling human-based
complex systems
 Used for analysis of resource
utilization, maintenance procedures,
military personnel performance
 Utilizes the Task Network Model to
answer what if questions Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
MicroSaint ApplicationHuman Factors
 Simulation
is new to Human
Factors/Ergonomic studies
 Used by industry and the military to
find optimal work teams
 Helped design Army’s Comanche
Helicopter Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation Design –
High Level Architecture
 Former
simulations used Monolithic
design techniques to create one large
 High Level Architecture (HLA) is used
for newer distributed simulations
comprised of sub-models Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
High Level Architecture –
Traffic Flow Example
Traffic Light
Traffic Lights
Runtime Infrastructure (RTI) Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation ApplicationHealthcare for the poor
Partnership of Immunization Providers
(PIP) used three steps to create simulation
to improve clinic performance
Create Workflow data acquisition tool
Break data into functional relationships
Create simulation model of ideal operation
Input is made simple for the staff
2. Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation ApplicationHealthcare for the poor 2
Five key areas are identified:
• Check-in,
• Waiting Room/pre exam
• Exam
• Check-out and Charting
• Post-checkout Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation Application –
Satellite Terminal Control
• Simulation of a direct control of satellite
ground terminal
• Runs on WIN NT-based laptop
• Employed with 3rd party tools,
packages and components
• Designed to simulate one control
terminal Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation Application –
• TRAINSET is a real-time railroad
• Designed with layout editor, state
display, control programs
• Automatic Control Interface (ACI)
establishes the connection Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation Application –
Simulated Fire
• Virtual Environment allows safe recreation of
• Building designs are evaluated from the
viewpoint of fire safety
• 3-D designs allow for the ability to “walkthrough” the building.
• Integrates NIST’s Consolidated Model of Fire
and Smoke Transport (CFAST) with Berkeley
Architectural Walkthrough (Walkthru). Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulated Fire –
CFAST Design
Environment composed of:
1. Rectilinear 3-D regions called volumes
2. Interconnection portals called vents
Differential equations are solved to create
the flow and exchange of gases
between the volumes Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulated Fire –
Walkthru Design
Walkthru adds properties and objects not
found in the basic CFAST simulation.
These include:
1. Wall Specifications such as thickness
and material
2. Furniture characteristics such as mass,
materials, chemistry, and combustion
details. Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation Application –
Submarine Combat
Sensors Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation Application –
Multiprocessor Applications
• S3E2S – CAD environment for
specification, simulation, and synthesis
of embedded electronic systems
• Combines analog parts, digital
hardware, and software.
• Mixes control dominated and data
dominated behavior of electronic
devices Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation Application –
Power Generation
Interest in power grid simulation high in
light of potential black outs and terrorist
STAR used for a variety of power
generation simulation:
Electrical Grid
Electrical Generator
Steam Turbine
High Voltage Regulation Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation Application – Hospital
Emergency Command System
• Four areas in which the system needs to
provide control and mobilization:
communications, personnel, equipment and
• Five phases in a hospital emergency: detect,
dispatch, deploy, deliver and disperse
• Simulation program has been prepared in a
modular manner
• Results showed improvements in emergency
response time when using the system Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation Application – Design of a
Submarine Voyage Training
• The simulator consists of three parts: Operation
Panel, Display Panel and Interface Cabinet
• System modeling – motion modeling and navigation
devices modeling
• Complex software design – differential equations,
database management, 3D animation, PID controller,
real-time communication
• Results showed that simulator could describe the
regulation of submarine movement and
maneuvering correctly and completely Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation Application – Inflight
Software Simulation of the
Harpoon Missile
• Harpoon missile – anti-ship missile that can
be launched from submarines, surface ships
and aircrafts
• Built by McDonnell Douglas Astronautics
• HACLCS – Harpoon Aircraft Command and
Launch System
• Two modes for launch – computer and line-of
sight Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation Application – Inflight
Software Simulation of the
Harpoon Missile 2
• Two launching modes – normal and abnormal
• Simulation function provides the operator with the
capability to simulate selection and release of missiles
• Simulation capabilities include: initialization
controlling and operating conditions, selection
simulation, tableau update simulation, aim point
update simulation, MGU update simulation, FTP
update simulation, release simulation Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation – Transaction Cycle of Agents
and Web-based Gaming Simulation for
International Emissions Trading
• ASIA – agent-based Java framework
(Artificial Society with Interacting Agents)
• Layered structure – application layer, social
layer, agent layer, Java virtual machine
• Greenhouse gas emission trading simulation
• Web applications for gaming Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation – An Environment
Simulator for the FDNY
Computer Aided Dispatch
• MICS System – Management and Information
Control System
• Environmental simulator – an integral part of the
• Six modes of operation: alarm receipt, decision
dispatch, display/fallback, notification, status
monitoring and management
• Results showed that the required performance of the
MICS system was more than adequately met Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation – Simulation Study of
a Hospital Automated Materials
Handling System
• ACT – Automated Cart Transport system – to
be implemented in the hospital
• There is a need for studying a number of
issues: manpower requirements, number of
needed transporters, interfacing with other
personnel using the system, scheduling
• A simulation is the best way to analyze all
these factors Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation – Simulation Study of
a Hospital Automated Materials
Handling System 2
• Two modeling concepts
• Breaking down the system activities into
identifiable event elements
• Use a dynamically changing list of future events
• WIDES – Wisconsin Discrete Event Simulator
• The system had four main components – the
database, the scheduler, the simulation
program and the output
• Conclusion – a feasible schedule of deliveries
has NOT been achieved Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation – Modeling with the
Microsaint Simulation Package
• Microsaint – a discrete-event simulation software
package for building models that simulate real-life
• Model development
• Task timing information
• Conditions for execution
• Beginning/ending effects
• Task sequencing
• Used successfully in the manufacturing industry and
in the health care industry Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation – Simulation Interoperability
with the Microsaint Simulation Software
and COM Services
• COM services developed as a new feature for
• COM services allow communication between
Microsaint and other software applications
• Examples of COM Services application
• Course of Action Training Tool (CATT)
• Combat Automation Requirements Testbed
(CART) Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation – Perspectives on
Simulation using GPSS
• GPSS – General Purpose Simulation System –
a popular simulation modeling language
• Offers a rich set of semantics and yet it is
sparse in syntax
• GPSS is a multi-vendor language
• Some versions provide built-in graphic and
animation features
• Some languages have GPSS embedded Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation – Perspectives on
Simulation using GPSS 2
• Five misconceptions about GPSS
• GPSS is inherently slow
• To do anything sophisticated in GPSS, HELP
blocks must be used to combine GPSS models
with FORTRAN routines
• GPSS is trivial to learn
• Modeling difficulties arise more frequently due to
language shortcomings than due to lack of
modeler expertise
• GPSS is batch oriented Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation – Medical Education as a
Model for Simulation Education
• Two models of simulation application – research
model and practice model
• Parallel between medical education and simulation
• Curriculum proposal
• Basic course work – mathematics, statistics,
probability, stochastic models, optimization and
simulation modeling
• Additional coursework – accounting, business
management, marketing, logistics, Info Systems
management, computing, communication and
technical writing Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation – A Microcomputer
Based Simulation Model for a
Military Scheduling Application
• Study tries to determine the manpower requirements
for an army orders processing operation
• Model development
• Arrivals
• Service
• Queue
• Results of the simulation model showed that overall
processing time can effectively be reduced by
designing the processing system on the basis of the
queue size of the orders and the number of clerks Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation - An Introduction to the
Simulation of a Multiple CPU
Military Communications System
• Design effort to extend the capabilities of Army’s
operational telecommunication system
• Resulting system – Pentagon Consolidated
Telecommunications Center System (PCTCS)
• Extensible Computer System Simulation (ECSS II)
language was used to simulate the new PCTCS
• ECSS II was found to be a powerful tool for
simulating military message processing systems Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation – Barriers to
Implementing Simulation in
Health Care
• Barrier #1 – A natural resistance to the
• Rule #1 – Get everybody’s fingerprints on the
• Barrier # 2 – The industrial “time and
motion” study stigma
• Rule #2 – Educate others and avoid the
industrial vernacular Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation – Barriers to
Implementing Simulation in
Health Care 2
• Barrier # 3 – The poorly conducted
simulation study
• Rule #3 – Don’t wind your toys too tight
• Barrier #4 – politics, personalities, over
confidence, misunderstanding , ambition,
poor data collection etc.
• Rule #4 – Don’t build barriers; build bridges Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation – A Tutorial on
Simulation in Healthcare:
Applications and Issues
• Computer simulation models conform both to
system structure and to available system data
• Simulation supports experimentation with
systems at relatively low cost and little risk
• Variation matters
• Simulation experiment results conform to
unique system requirements for information Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation – A Tutorial on
Simulation in Healthcare:
Applications and Issues 2
Simulation application in healthcare can
be classified into four categories
• Public policy
• Patient treatment process
• Capital expenditure requirements
• Provider operating policies Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation – Internet-based
Simulation using Off-the-shelf
Simulation Tools and HLA
• C++ not suited for developing simulations
• HLA – High Level Architecture
• Requirements imposed on simulation tools by
HLA are considerable
• Requirements derived from the HLA
programming paradigm
• Requirements derived from being part of a
distributed simulation Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation – Internet-based
Simulation using Off-the-shelf
Simulation Tools and HLA 2
• Four general solutions for integrating
existing simulation tools into HLA
• Re-implementation of the tool with HLA
• Extension of intermediate code
• Usage of an external programming
• Coupling via a gateway program Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation - Using Simulation to
Reduce Length of Stay in Emergency
• Object of the study – a medium to large
hospital in the southeast
• Simulation software – MedModel
• 10 steps in the project
• Identify the process to be simulated
• Define the goals and objectives of the study
• Formulate and define model
• Collect data
• Build the model Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation - Using Simulation to
Reduce Length of Stay in Emergency
Departments 2
• 10 steps in the process (cont)
• Verify the model
• Validate the model
• Set up alternatives for evaluation
• Run multiple replications on each
alterative and evaluate results
• Choose best alternative or combination of
alternatives Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation – A Review of Web-based
Simulation: Whither we Wander
• New software technologies
• Java is one of the most promising technologies for web
based simulation
• Environments and languages for web based simulation
• Simjava
• JavaSim
• JavaGPSS
• Silk
• WSE Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Simulation – A Review of Web-based
Simulation: Whither we Wander 2
• Areas of application:
• Manufacturing
• Education and training
• Military applications
• Scientific applications
• Other applications Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Training ApplicationHealthcare Treatment
Police are trained to recognize gestures and
verbal cues regarding mental illness
• Verbal interaction methods are taught
• The following are simulated:
1. Schizophrenia
2. Paranoia
3. Depression Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Healthcare Treatment –
Mental Illness Simulator
Language Processor
Virtual Human
Visualization Engine
Behavior Engine Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Training Application –
Multi-ship Air Combat
• Simulation used as inexpensive way to keep
skills sharp
• Live flight limited due to security, flight
safety, resources, range of flight
• Pilots train in a F-15 cockpit in a 40 foot dome
with target projection
• SIMNET implements multi-user design
utilizing pilots, weapons controllers, and
enemies. Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Training Application –
Multi-ship Air Combat 2
Simulation considered better for training:
Multi-bogey, four or more
Reaction to surface to air missiles
Employment of electronic
Escort tactics
All weather tactics
Low altitude tactics Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Training Application –
Multi-ship Air Combat 3
Simulator considered worse for:
1. Visual outlook
2. Tactical formation
3. Visual identification
4. Mutual support Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Training Application –
Virtual Patients
• Virtual human patient developed to train for
cardiac emergencies.
• Uses Artificial Intelligence to simulate
medical conditions
• Adds 3-D environment to visualize a patient
in an emergency room.
• Used to train medical students for cardiac
emergencies Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Virtual Patients –
System Design
• Patient’s appearance varies based on
clinical condition
• Emergency room is filled with virtual
nurses to execute requests for diagnosis
and treatment
• Complementary examination is carried
out to aid diagnosis. Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Virtual Patients –
Emotional Design
• Views are provided at user determined
• Animation shows the patient’s current state
• Commands carried out by menus or voice
• Environment becomes busier as situations
become more critical Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Training Application –
Tactical Network
• Communication Network Simulation
system (CNS) used for tactical
• Operators train in:
System Configuration
Message Response
Emergency Situations Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Tactical Network
Management - Functions
Network Planning
And Engineering
Spectrum Mngmt
Cots and Utility
System Admin
Management Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Training – Measuring the
Effectiveness of Simulation-Based
• Instructional Systems Design (ISD)
• Analysis of training needs
• Design of training curriculum
• Evaluation
• Development of training curriculum
• Implementation (delivery)
• Formulation of an elementary simulationbased training effectiveness measure Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Training – Firefighter Command
Training Virtual Environment
• System consists of three main components
• Virtual Environment
• Graphical Command Interface
• NIST Fire Dynamic Simulator
• Firefighter control
• Pathfinding
• Models and animation
• Realistic fire and smoke
• Fire simulation
• Volume compression
• Fire and smoke visualization
• Interactive fire and smoke Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Training – Developing and implementing
a Comprehensive Training and Incentive
Program for Student Employees in IT
Employee skills
Demographics of student employees
Who to look for in interviews
Orientation trainings
Tools to aid and supplement training
Ongoing or long-term training
Tracking student progress
Making students want to improve Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Conclusions – Strategic directions
in Distributed Simulation
• Systems operations and management
• Real-time decision making
• Combat consultant
• Aircraft navigation
• Crowd management
• Persistent virtual worlds
• Virtual verisimilitude Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
Conclusions –Research Challenges
in Distributed Simulation
• Human behavior modeling
• Simulation domain architectures
• Abundant network bandwidth
• Practical event management techniques Your Web Database Experts. Landing pages, Online Surveys, Search Engine Optimization
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