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Introducing Ad hoc Reporting
with Jaspersoft Studio
Solutions Summit 2014
John Snyder
• Defining Jaspersoft Studio
• What is JasperReports?
• What is Jaspersoft Studio?
• How do they work?
• Using Jaspersoft Studio
• Learning the user interface
• Creating a new report template
• T-Recs and Jaspersoft Studio
• Connecting to your T-Recs database
• T-Recs integration with a new report template
• Getting Started
• How you get Jaspersoft Studio?
• What resources are available?
• What do you need to know?
Chesapeake System Solutions, Inc. • Proprietary and Confidential
What Is JasperReports?
• An open source, Java based, reporting engine
• Supported and distributed by Jaspersoft
• Used for all T-Recs reporting
• Delivered with T-Recs as part of the installation
• Outputs PDF, HTML, XLS(X), RTF, TXT, XML, and CSV
• Supports internationalization, multi-language and multicurrency
Chesapeake System Solutions, Inc. • Proprietary and Confidential
What Is Jaspersoft Studio?
• The successor to iReport (which is being sunsetted in 12/15)
• A small footprint, standalone, desktop report designer program based
on JasperReports
• No runtime platform, just design and test
• Similar to Crystal Reports (now SAP Business Objects), MS Access
report designer, etc.
• Not included with T-Recs
• Produces the same report template files Chesapeake already uses in TRecs, jrxml files
• Used by our implementers and developers to create custom reports for
our customers
• T-Recs customers may use it to create their own custom reports
Chesapeake System Solutions, Inc. • Proprietary and Confidential
How Does It Work?
Chesapeake System Solutions, Inc. • Proprietary and Confidential
Using Jaspersoft Studio – Demonstration
Chesapeake System Solutions, Inc. • Proprietary and Confidential
Connecting Jaspersoft Studio
To Your T-Recs Database
• Developing a new report template requires a direct
connection to your T-Recs database from your iReport
• Database access should be read only
• Licensed customers:
• Work with your DBA team to acquire appropriate authorization
• Establish a connection using the same authentication as T-Recs uses
• Hosted customers:
• Create a test database environment
Chesapeake System Solutions, Inc. • Proprietary and Confidential
T-Recs Integration With A New Jaspersoft
Studio Template (PDF)
Chesapeake System Solutions, Inc. • Proprietary and Confidential
T-Recs Integration With A New Jaspersoft
Studio Template (Internal)
Chesapeake System Solutions, Inc. • Proprietary and Confidential
How You Get Jaspersoft Studio
• Only the Community Edition is free
• Trial editions of the Commercial Edition are available
• Download Jaspersoft Studio Community Edition installation setup
• Context sensitive help is built in
• Get the latest version, currently 5.6
• Backward compatibility is supported
• T-Recs is currently using version 4.7
Chesapeake System Solutions, Inc. • Proprietary and Confidential
What Resources Are Available?
• Books:
• “Jaspersoft Studio User Guide” from: (current version 5.6)
• “JasperReports Ultimate Guide” from:
(last updated 2011)
• Jaspersoft Resources:
• Chesapeake Training:
• At Chesapeake
• Onsite
Chesapeake System Solutions, Inc. • Proprietary and Confidential
What Do You Need To Know?
• About Jaspersoft Studio
Report design concepts and practices
Database connectivity and structure
Basic SQL
Jaspersoft Studio design user interface and processing
• About T-Recs
• The database schema
• How to set up External Tasks
Chesapeake System Solutions, Inc. • Proprietary and Confidential
Other Possibilities
• JasperReports Server
• Report depository
• Build your own dashboards
Chesapeake System Solutions, Inc. • Proprietary and Confidential