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MAKE UP for Reproduction
Quiz/Assessment Task, p. 1
• Asexual Reproduction – make offspring by
dividing cells; offspring is an identical cell.
• Ways for Asexual Reproduction – budding, binary
fission, mitosis, regeneration
• Sexual Reproduction – Two sex cells combine to
make a normal amount of chromosomes and there
is an exchange of genetic material.
• Advantage of Sexual Reproduction – Offspring
get genes from both parents making them stronger
and/or different so they can survive better.
MAKE UP for Reproduction
Quiz/Assessment Task, p. 2
• Phases of Mitosis
– Prophase = chromatin condenses into
– Metaphase = chromosomes line up in the
middle of the cell and attach to spindle fibers.
– Anaphase = chromosomes divide into
chromatids and move to opposite sides of the
– Telophase = new nuclear envelope forms;
chromosomes stretch out.
MAKE UP for Reproduction
Quiz/Assessment Task, p. 3
QUIZ questions:
• Nucleus divides during mitosis.
• During anaphase, chromatids move to
opposite sides of the cell.
• Meiosis results in the production of sex
• Three stages of cell cycle are: Interphase,
Mitosis, and Cytokinesis.
MAKE UP for Reproduction
Quiz/Assessment Task, p. 4
QUIZ questions (continued):
• During metaphase, chromosomes line up in
the middle of the cell.
• Chromosomes are located in nucleus.
• Each sex cell has half the number of
chromosomes to provide the new organism
with correct amount of chromosomes when
parent cells combine.
MAKE UP for Reproduction
Quiz/Assessment Task, p. 5
QUIZ questions (continued):
• The difference between meiosis and mitosis
is meiosis makes four cells with half the
number of chromosomes.
• Sexual reproduction requires the exchange
of genetic material.
• The cell pinching in two to form two new
cells does NOT happen in mitosis.