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Stone Age
Question 1 - 10
Early humans living during the Stone Age most
a. settled in permanent villages for
common defense.
b. lived in small groups and moved to new
areas as food became scarce.
c. were uninterested in art or music.
d. worshipped one common god.
Answer 1 – 10
Early humans living during the
Stone Age most likely
lived in small groups and moved to new
areas as food became scarce.
Question 1 - 20
The shift from hunting and gathering to farming
is called the Neolithic Revolution because it
a. coincided with the development of wooden
b. began the process of global warming.
c. changed life dramatically.
d. began a long period of warfare in the Fertile
Answer 1 – 20
The shift from hunting and gathering to farming
is called the Neolithic Revolution because it
changed life dramatically.
Question 1 - 30
• How do archaeologists, anthropologists, and
historians reconstruct life during the period of
time called prehistory?
• a. They study the calendars from that time
• b. They study the cities that were organized
during that time period.
• c. They study written records from that time
• d. They study the artifacts of cultures from that
time period.
Answer 1 – 30
How do archaeologists, anthropologists, and
historians reconstruct life during the period of time
called prehistory?
They study the artifacts of cultures
from that time period.
Question 1 - 40
Which of the following advances in farming was
most important in the development of cities?
a. The plow
b. Domestication of cattle
c. irrigation
d. use of metal tools
Answer 1 – 40
Which of the following advances in farming was most important
in the development of cities?
Question 1 - 50
Cultural diffusion may have affected an
early civilization
a. by making it more difficult to control trade.
b. by encouraging the preservation of distinct
c. when people adopted new customs, skills,
and technologies.
d. by lowering the standards for entry into a
craft guild.
Answer 1 – 50
Cultural diffusion may have affected an
early civilization
when people adopted new customs, skills,
and technologies.
Question 2 - 10
The first civilization arose in Mesopotamia
a. the area was suitable for agriculture.
b. the Hittites were able to master ironworking
c. people in the Fertile Crescent had a vibrant
religious life.
d. the Phoenicians had become expert sailors.
Answer 2 – 10
The first civilization arose in Mesopotamia
the area was suitable for agriculture.
Question 2 - 20
How did geographic location influence the civilization that
existed 4,000 years ago between the Tigris and Euphrates
a. People there built tunnels to escape the flooding rivers and
mummified their rulers to prepare them for the afterlife.
b. People there performed complex surgical operations, which
they described on papyrus scrolls.
c. People there worshiped thunder and lightning and traveled
on the rivers in hollowed-out logs.
d. Stories of catastrophic floods entered their literature, and
the fertile land produced surplus food that supported
growing populations.
Answer 2 – 20
• d. Stories of catastrophic floods entered
their literature, and the fertile land produced
surplus food that supported growing
Question 2 - 30
What important advancement did the Sumerians
introduce by 3200 B.C. that would later allow
historians to study their culture?
a. The Sumerians made the first books, using thin
strips of wood and bamboo.
b. The Sumerians introduced cuneiform, the earliest
known form of writing.
c. The Sumerians created the Rosetta Stone, a black
stone with a message in three scripts.
d. The Sumerians established trade outposts in the
Fertile Crescent.
Answer 2 – 30
How did geographic location influence the civilization
that existed 4,000 years ago between the Tigris and
Euphrates rivers?
The Sumerians introduced cuneiform, the earliest
known form of writing.
Question 2 - 40
The geography of Mesopotamia led
people to
a. migrate to the Sinai Peninsula.
b. develop methods to control water.
c. adopt hunting and gathering as a way of life.
d. build cities along the Mediterranean
Answer 2 – 40
The geography of Mesopotamia led people to
develop methods to control water.
Question 2 - 50
Based on this passage from Hammurabi’s Code,
in Babylonian society
a. all people were treated equally.
b. no one owned slaves.
c. punishment was based on social status.
d. women had the same rights as men.
Answer 2 – 50
Based on this passage from Hammurabi’s Code,
in Babylonian society
punishment was based on social status.
Question 3 - 10
What civilization probably produced the
painting shown?
A. Egyptian
B. Incan
C. Sumerian
D. Minoan
Answer 3 – 10
What civilization probably produced the
painting shown?
Question 3 - 20
Why did the Pharaoh in Egypt make Hebrews
A. he believed they were responsible for the
plague that killed his son
B. He feared they would take over Egypt
because of their large population
C. He opposed the teachings of the Torah
D. He feared they would take over Egypt
because they were mighty warriors
Answer 3 – 20
Why did the Pharaoh in Egypt make Hebrews
He feared they would take over Egypt because
of their large population
Question 3 - 30
How did the Sumerians differ from the Egyptians
in the way they viewed their rulers?
A. they obeyed their rulers without questions
B. They worshipped their rulers as gods
C. They saw their rulers as the god’s chief
D. They allowed their rulers to govern for only
ten years
Answer 3 – 30
How did the Sumerians differ from the
Egyptians in the way they viewed their rulers?
They saw their rulers as the gods’ chief servants
Question 3 - 40
Why does Egyptian art often feature people
from the neighboring civilization of Nubia?
A. after centuries of trade and warfare between
Egypt and Nubia, the Nubians were a part of
Egyptian culture
B. The Nubians defeated the Assyrians
C. The Egyptians adopted their religion from the
D. Religious beliefs forbid the portrayal of
Answer 3 – 40
Why does Egyptian art often feature people
from the neighboring civilization of Nubia?
After centuries of trade and warfare between
Egypt and Nubia, the Nubians were a part of
Egyptian culture
Question 3 - 50
Why did pharaohs of the Egyptian Middle
Kingdom improve defenses along the Nile?
A. to defend against the nobles of the Old
B. To fight the Phoenicians
C. To restore stability to Egypt
D. To protect trade routes
Answer 3 – 50
Why did pharaohs of the Egyptian Middle
Kingdom improve defenses along the Nile?
To protect trade routes
Question 4 - 10
Which of the following is true about the Indus
Valley Civilization?
A. it thrived until modern times
B. it disappeared without a trace and was only
rediscovered in 1922
C. it spread to other parts of Asia
It lasted for thousands of years
Answer 4 – 10
Which of the following is true about the Indus
Valley Civilization?
It disappeared without a trace and was only
rediscovered in 1922
Question 4 - 20
• Hindus believe that the atman Is released
from the body at death and later reborn in
another body in a process called:
• A. Reincarnation
• B. Moksha
• C. karma
• A. Devas
Answer 4 – 20
Hindus believe that the atman Is released from
the body at death and later reborn in another
body in a process called:
Question 4 - 30
What high school is the bone game for LVHS
against? What is their mascot?
Answer 4 – 30
Question 4 - 40
What have archaeologists concluded about
cities in the Indus River Valley from studying
their careful planning and modern plumbing?
A. the cities had a well organized government
B. The cities had a single powerful leader
C. The cities were actually less than 1000 years
D. The cities flourished and then vanished
without a trace.
Answer 4 – 40
What have archaeologists concluded about
cities in the Indus River Valley from studying
their careful planning and modern plumbing?
The cities had a well-organized government
Question 4 - 50
Why was the Huang He nicknamed the River of
A. it often dried up
B. the emperor drowned in it
C. if often flooded and destroyed crops
D. The Chinese believed its waters were actually
the tears of a god.
Answer 4 – 50
Why was the Huang He nicknamed the River of
It often flooded and destroyed crops