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Aaron Mack, Brandon Guenther, Ian Kobler, Alex Guyer
Block 1
Qin Dynasty:
 By giving plots of land in the Qin state to peasant cultivators, Shang Yang established centralized,
bureaucratic rule in the state and weakened aristocratic class.
 First Emperor annexed initiatives to unify China: standardized laws, currencies, weights, and
measures. Roads and bridges also influenced separate ruling states to become a more tightly knit
central rule.
 Qin Shihuangdi ordered that there only be one writing used throughout Empire. Speak different
languages but all write the same language.
Liu Bang/Emperor Gaozu:
 Qin dynasty fell, but central rule returned immediately because of determined commander Liu
Bang. By 206 b.c.e; order was restored and Liu Bang became new Emperor.
 Named Han, lasted 400 years. Divided into Former/Later Han
First Emperor
 First Emperor was Qin Shihuangdi.
 Reigned from 221-210 b.c.e.
 He built roads and drafted people by the hundreds of thousands to build defensive walls.
 In his elaborate tomb, he was guarded by 15,000 terra cotta soldiers.
Han Government
 Han Power was based on direct control of people by the state.
 Han’s government was similarly to the Qin, but gradually incorporated Confucian Ideas.
 Emperor Gaozu- established Han Dynasty.
 Emperor Wu- built Great Wall of China.
Emperor Wu
 When his father died in 141 b.c.e; Wudi succeeded him in emperor (age 15).
 Wudi spent his reign engaged in military conquests and expansion of China’s territory, earning
him the name “Wu” meaning “Martial.”
 He reigned from 141-87 b.c.e., and became one of China’s most famous emperors.
 China expanded borders, repelling threats from the North and introducing the Silk Road.
 Wudi was also responsible for establishing Confucianism as China’s state religion.
The End of Han China:
 In AD 88, a young emperor, Hedi, succeeded to the throne. Once again, ambitious court officials,
powerful dowager empresses, and weak rulers upset political stability.
 By 170 AD Han China had became weakened by rivalry, earthquake, and famine, and various
 Cao Pi was the last Han China ruler, he earned it by defeating the rebels of the Yellow Turbans
and Cao Pi started the Wei dynasty.
Spread of Buddhism:
 The spread of Buddhism started in northern India.
 Merchants and nomads moved along the Silk Road, spreading Buddhism in trade spots.
 They were called the Silk Roads because expensive silk came from china and was traded on the
Silk Road.
 Buddhism was met with mixed reviews by the people in Han China.
Intellectual Life
 Han people tried hard to replace what was lost during the book burnings in the Qin Dynasty.
 Advanced medicine.
 Invented acupuncture.
 During Han times, paper was invented.
Daily Life
 10% of the population lived in cities.
 The poor lived in small houses packed together, had barely any food.
 Poor young males usually joined gangs.
 The rich built elaborate homes decorated with cashmere carpet and drapery.