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• Cosmology: the study of the universe as a
whole and single system
• Physical Cosmology: the scientific study of
the universe as a whole and single system
• Newtonian Cosmology: the model of the
universe proposed before the Big Bang
• Big Bang Cosmology: the model of the
expanding universe consistent with general
Newtonian Cosmology
• Four assumptions about the average
properties of the universe on the largest
physical scales:
The universe is static
The universe is eternal
The universe is homogeneous
The universe is infinite in volume
• Assumptions are treacherous!
Obler’s Paradox
• Adopting the
assumptions of the
Newtonian cosmology
results in a paradox:
• Why is the night sky
dark instead of light?
– Every line of sight will
have a star or other
source of light
Assumptions Challenged
• Edgar Allen Poe noted that universe may
have been “created” and thus is not eternal
– The distance light travels over the life of the
universe is our “horizon”.
• The static assumptions will prove
to be wrong: Edwin Hubble (1929)
• We will examine our assumptions carefully
General Relativity
• According to solutions from General Relativity,
the universe cannot be static.
• The Cosmological Principle contains the two
assumptions about the universe on the largest
– The universe is homogeneous
– The universe is isotropic
• These assumptions make it possible to calculate
evolution of the universe
• LeMaitre and Friedman argued for an expanding
spacetime for the Universe
Big Bang Theory
Uniform Expansion
of the Universe
The Hubble Law: vr = H0 D
Galaxies Recede
Using Redshifts to Map Galaxies
Large Scale Structure
Mass Density of the Universe
Spacetime Curvature
Three Possible Geometries
The Cosmological Constant
• Einstein introduced this term to the models
of LeMaitre and Friedman so that the
Universe would not expand
• Called it his “the worst mistake”.
• It now is represented by the term
Quintessence (or Dark Energy)
• Interpreted as an energy fluctuations in the
vacuum of spacetime
Expansion History and Fate
Looking Back in Time
The Cooling Universe
The Early Universe
Particle Physics in the Early Universe