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Survey of the Universe
Tom Burbine
[email protected]
All stars rotate around Polaris throughout the evening
• Polaris' altitude, or height above the horizon, is
equal to an observer's latitude.
Celestial Coordinates
• Coordinates on the celestial sphere
• Right ascension – east-west position (hours, minutes,
• Declination – north-south position (degrees)
• The zodiac is an imaginary belt in the heavens
extending approximately 8 degrees on either side
of the Sun's apparent path (the ecliptic), that
includes the apparent paths of the Moon and the
planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune.
• Why do all the planets seem to
follow the same path?
• The planets, the Earth, and the Sun
all tend to fall in the same plane
called the ecliptic
Celestial Equator
• Extension of the Earth’s equator into the Celestial
• Why is the path of the constellations
on the zodiac not on the celestial
• The rotation axis of the Earth is
inclined with respect to the ecliptic
Long Term Changes
• Earth precesses like a top
• Precession - phenomenon by which the axis of a
spinning object (e.g. a part of a gyroscope)
"wobbles" when a torque is applied to it
• For a top, the force is gravity, which is trying to
pull the top down
• For the Earth, the forces are due to the pull of the
Sun and Moon, which is trying to align the
Earth’s axis with the ecliptic
Because of precession
• The position of a star that corresponds to the
North Celestial Pole changes
What causes seasons?
• The tilt of the Earth’s axis relative to the ecliptic
• Summer Solstice –June 21 – Northern
Hemisphere receives its most direct sunlight
• Winter Solstice – December 21 – Northern
Hemisphere receives its least direct sunlight
• Sun shines equally on both hemispheres
• Spring Equinox – March 21 – Northern
Hemisphere goes from slightly tipped away from
the Sun to slightly tipped towards
• Fall Equinox – September 21 - Northern
Hemisphere goes from slightly tipped toward
from the Sun to slightly tipped away
Why does the orbital
difference not matter?
• There is only a 3% difference in the distance from
the Earth to the Sun at its farthest and closest
• The Earth is actually closer to the Sun in the
winter than in the summer
• Everybody should watch this video on why we
have seasons
Any Questions?