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An update on Fermi’s famous question about ...
“Where Are They?”
Dr. Bruce Cordell
Fullerton College
May, 2006
Tonight’s Path...
• What is Fermi’s Paradox anyway?
• How has Fermi’s Paradox traditionally
been explained?
• What new data do we have that
illuminates this question?
• What tentative conclusions are possible
at this time?
Our Galaxy is Old
Fermi’s Paradox
• Our Galaxy is old (12+ billion years)
• Plus, it is moderate in size (100,000 l.y.)
• Any advanced civilization could colonize
the Galaxy in a few million years…
Therefore, ETs should be here…so...
“Where are they?”
Possible Types of Answers to
Fermi’s Paradox
• They don’t exist
• They can’t contact us (comm or
• They don’t care to contact us
• They are here.
Maybe...They don’t exist...
The Drake Equation
Does N=1 ?
Are There Other Planets?
As of 11/14/2008, 326 planets are known to
exist outside our solar system!
No Earth-like Planets Are Known
A Unusual Solar System!
The Secret to Earth...
Earth’s Big Brother
Are Earth-like Environments
• Star Lifetime
• Distance/Spin/
• Mass/Atmos
• Circular Orbits
• Large Satellite
• Jupiter Comet
• Solar (2%+)
• Galaxy Orbit (a
few %)
• Magnetic
Earth’s Climatic Anchor
Do They All Die Young?
Cosmic Dust Clouds
Small Black Holes
Environmental Crises
Machine Intelligence
Maybe...Contact is Impossible...
• They Can’t Find Us?
Von Neumann Machines
• They Can’t Get Here?
V= 0.001c
• They Can’t Communicate?
Arecibo and beams
Maybe…They’re Just Not
We are subjects of an experiment?
We are being monitored and controlled?
They are not gregarious?
They are playing with an inferior
• We’re considered dangerous?
We cannot judge their motivations.
Maybe…They’re Here!…
Are Some UFOs ET Spacecrafts?
• Extraordinary unidentified sightings do
exist by reliable observers
• Physical evidence includes photos and
environmental effects
• Influentials add authenticity (e.g. Mitchell)
• Government interest and cover-ups are
“UFOs are real.” Apollo Astronaut
A UFO Sightings Sampler
Whatever they are, UFOs do exist.
• Best FOIA Jet Incident
• Best self-admitted
- Tehran, Iran (1976)
Gov’t CoverUp • Best Photo Roswell, NM (1947)
• Best multi-witness
• Best Public SightingCE-III - Fr. Gill,
Washington National
Papua New Guinea
Airport (1952)
• Best UFO Survey of
• Best Abduction Astronomers Travis Walton, AZ
The Astronomical Observations...
• There are no electromagnetic signals from
• There are no Dyson Spheres
• There is no observational evidence for ET
spacecraft in the Galaxy
• There are no “polluted” stellar spectra
• There are no known Earth-like planets
• There is no convincing evidence for ET
artifacts on other planets
Two Preliminary Observations
• Everything we see in the Galaxy is
consistent with a non-ET model…
ETs may not exist.
• A wealth of unidentified sightings by
reliable witnesses exists that is supported
by impressive evidence...Therefore,
UFOs may exist.
2 Speculative Models Currently
Consistent with Observations
1. A Blast From the Past
UFOs might be Von Neumann Machines
of ancient ET civilizations that are no
longer present
2. Messengers of Deception
UFOs might be a human-created Control
System designed to reduce global
conflicts by simulating an ET threat