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Solar system!
Central Idea
Mans awareness of there universe and how
its operation on a set of constant
principles is growing.
Pluto was supposed to
be the last planet, but
because it’s a dwarf
planet it was chosen to
be removed from the
Pluto is also very far
from the sun, which
means its much
Other meteors and
rocks match Pluto, so
that means its not
• Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.
• Mercury is a hot and boiling planet.
• Lava flows in this planet.
• There is a temperature of 600 degrees
between the coldest spots and hottest
spots on the planet.
• It’s the brightest of all planets.
• 90% of the surface have volcanoes.
• Venus spins slowly , retrograde ( west to east ) all
the time.
• The Earth use to be hot and
many active volcanoes were there till one
day many meteors hit the Earth's ground, it
exploded and sent a massive amount of
water from it. And that’s how we got the
• The water covers 70 % of the Earth
surface. In other words two thirds.
• It has vast platues ( low lying, flat land. )
• The Earth is the only planet with living
organisms. It is also known for its
magnificent beauty.
• It is the only planet with liquid water.
Mars has the largest canyon in the solar system. It would
reach from Los Angeles to Chicago if it was on Earth!
Mars has a very thin atmosphere, mostly carbon dioxide,
but dust storms can cover the whole planet for months at
a time.
The planet has two moons, Deimos and Phobios.
About every two years the Earth and Mars come close
• Jupiter takes about 12 years to orbit the
sun and rotates in about 10 hours. This
short Jupiter "day" is amazing since the
planet is roughly 11 Earth diameters wide.
• The planet had 39 known moons.
• Unlike all the other rocky planets, Jupiter
is a ball of hydrogen, helium, nitrogen and
other gasses.
• It has powerful winds.
There are winds, magnetic field, auroras and
lightning on the planet
• It is know for its beautiful rings. The rings are made
of ice.
• There are winds, magnetic field, auroras and
lightning on the planet, similar to Jupiter.
has faint rings.
is an icy planet.
smaller than Jupiter.
has a lot of moons.
• Neptune is the eighth planet in our solar system
• Blue Neptune is a gas giant. Instead of being a
rocky planet it is a gas planet. Which means it has
gasses like hydrogen, helium, and methane.
• The planet has faint (light) rings.
• The methane gas on Neptune gives the
planet its blue color because the gas
absorbs red light and reflects the blue
back into space.
Neptune and its moon, Triton.
The moon was formed when asteroids and meteors
crashed together. It made a big ball in space.
• The moon has many craters. ( holes )
• The moon takes 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes, 11.6
seconds to go all the way around the Earth.
• The Diamond Ring
Just before the moon completely covers the sun,
mountains on the moon allow a bit of light to peek
through creating this beautiful diamond ring effect.
Stars come in different sizes. Supergiant stars range
from 100 to 1000 times the diameter of the sun and
giants range from 10 to 100 times the diameter of the
sun. Dwarf stars can be 1000 times smaller than the sun.
• Some stars are bigger than the sun.
• Stars look small because they are in a distance.
• Stars are gigantic balls of plasma ( a fireish ball. )
• Stars can be galaxies away.
The sun
• The sun is mostly hydrogen with about 10% helium and
other elements.
• It was first a shining light that was formed with lava soon
it became our sun.
• The sun is bright.
Warning : Do not ever look at the sun directly without special eye
protection. If you do you will be permanently blind.
The sun.
Special cameras were used
to take this picture.
• Asteroids are made of rocky and/or iron-nickel material
and most are found in an orbit between Mars and Jupiter.
Most are pitted with impact craters and dust left from
collisions with other objects in the solar system.
When asteroids crash together they can form new
The Asteroid Gaspra.
• A galaxy is like an island in space made up of gas, dust
and millions of stars. Our own galaxy, the Milky Way,
includes about a trillion (a thousand billion) stars in a
disk shape.
• Gas and dust from star
explosions and around star
forming regions are called
• The image at right is the
Eagle Nebula in the
constellation Aquila. You can
see the darker clouds in the
center look like a diving
eagle. This emission nebula
glows red because of hot
hydrogen atoms.
(Shooting Stars)
• Meteors, known also as shooting stars, are usually sized
from a grain of sand to about a softball. As the meteor
enters the Earth's atmosphere it becomes very hot
because of friction, just like when you rub your hands
• When the Earth enters a meteoroid stream left by a
comet it produces a meteor shower. These showers
can be predicted and come every year or so. They
are named after the constellation that the meteors
appear to be coming from.
• The name "comet" comes from the Greek meaning "longhaired" because of their tails. Chinese astronomers
record several observations as well. Comets throughout
history have been thought to bring bad luck but these are
just natural items of the solar system.
• A comet is like a ball of rock and dirty snow. As these
objects get close to the sun the frozen areas and dust
begin to heat and cause a long tail of vaporized gases
and dust start to flow behind them. As it melts a cloud of
gases and dust forms a coma.
• Many cultures told stories about hunters,
warriors, queens and kings, birds, bears,
horses, and other figures they saw in the
sky. They used these myths to teach their
history and how they saw their place in the
• Constellations are when stars come
together to make a shape.
Other information
• Olympus Mons, a 550 km wide volcano, is the
largest volcano in the solar system and covers an
area about the size of Arizona. It is 27 km high in
contrast to Mt Everest on Earth at 8.85 km.
I would really like to thank the
internet and friends for helping