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An exoplanet or exo-solar planet is a planet
that orbits another star from ours
We can find them by using The transit method.
A transit occurs when a planet passes over its
The shadow cast by
the orbiting planet
blocks some of the
light being emitted by
the sun.
The shadow cast on the
star could be big or
small. The size of this
shadow tells us a great
We used the equation 8.94² /the drop in
brightness for that particular planet. This gave
us the radius of the planet.
To work out the volume we used the
equation:4/3 pi r³
For these planets the Goldilocks zone is 0.108au0.232au. We calculated the inner edge by doing
the square root of 0.024 x 0.7=0.108
For the outer edge it’s the square root of 0.024 x
1.5 =0.232
We need Oxygen for respiration as this provides us with the
energy to form the basic bodily functions. We need Carbon
Dioxide and water for trees to convert carbon dioxide and water
into Oxygen and Glucose during photosynthesis. This oxygen is
then used by the animals and the exhaled carbon dioxide and
water vapour as a waste product. Once again the trees take in the
carbon dioxide and water to produce oxygen and glucose. This
cycle is constantly ongoing and is needed for animals and plants
to survive. We also need carbon dioxide in our atmosphere to
reflect heat. This CO2 is reflecting the heat that comes from the
Earth itself. If there was no carbon dioxide in the atmosphere there
would be less heat reflected and the average global temperature
would drop dramatically. There probably wouldn’t be any liquid
water if there was no carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The
absorption lines of the spectrum can show this. Each of the
elements has a different colour on the spectrum. This is how you
can tell what types of gases are in the atmosphere of a planet.
To work out the density we used the equation density= mass/volume (
we had previously calculated and shown in a different slide)
To work out the gravity score we used the formula m/r²
This is needed to know because I think that too little gravity will cause
your muscles to waste away. I think that this is because you body
originally used you muscles to move and work against the forces of
gravity. This ” exercise” is what made your muscles stronger and bigger.
But when there is very little gravity your muscles are not needed as
much. This causes them to waste away. Also, all some of the blood from
your legs rushes to the upper half of your body under the influence if
gravity. This means that there will be high blood pressure in the upper
half of your body which causes you brain to think that you are making
too much blood, so the amount of blood you make drops.
Too much gravity could cause the smallest of movements to becomes a
movement which needs a days worth of energy, this may be just lifting
you neck, walking, even breathing! Also your heart has to beat much
harder which causes huge strain on you heart which could lead to heart
problems. Also you actually become smaller! The elastic tissue is
compressed so you decrease in height
We think we will need to visit exoplanets to
find life outside our solar system and natural
resources as the Earth is rapidly running out of
WE think that exoplanet BML-0798b is the most
likely exoplanet to hold life as it is in the
goldilocks zone , It has enough gravity to hold
onto its atmosphere. It is also not too close, or
too far away from the sun