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Data Resource
Chapter # 5
Learning Objectives (continued)
• Illustrate each of the following concepts:
Logical data elements
Major types of databases
Data warehouses and data mining
Fundamental database structures
Database access methods
Database development
• Explain how database management software
helps business professionals and supports the
operations and management of a business.
Learning Objectives
• Explain the importance of
implementing data resource
management processes and
technologies in an organization.
• Understand the advantages of a
database management approach to
managing the data resources of a
Section I
• Technical Foundations of Database
Foundation Data Concepts (continued)
• Levels of data
– Character
• Single alphabetical, numeric, or other symbol
or (byte) example a, C, 8, *
– Field
• Groupings of characters
• Represents an attribute of some entity
• Example Lahore , Asim, 1200, 12/42008
Foundation Data Concepts (continued)
– Records
• Related fields of data
• Collection of attributes that describe an
• Fixed-length or variable-length
• Example: name course grade
Foundation Data Concepts (continued)
– Files
• A single table may be referred to a flat
• A group of related records
• Classified by
– Primary use
– Type of data
– permanence
Foundation Data Concepts (continued)
– Database
• Integrated collection of logically related data
• Combine records into a common pool of data
• Data is independent of the application
program using them and type of storage
Foundation Data Concepts
• Logical Data Elements
Database Structures
• A database is an integrated collection
of logically related data elements.
Five fundamental database structure:• Hierarchical
– Treelike
– One-to-many relationship
– Used for structured, routine types of
transaction processing
Database Structures (continued)
• Network
– More complex
– Many-to-many relationship
– More flexible but doesn’t support ad hoc
requests well
Database Structures (continued)
• Relational
– Data elements stored in simple tables
– Can link data elements from various tables
– Very supportive of ad hoc requests but slower at
processing large amounts of data than hierarchical
or network models
• Relational operations
– Select : to create a subset on given criteria
– Join : two or more table
– Project: join columns to construct specific report, or
answer question
– Tools: oracle , DB2, SQL, Access
Database Structures (continued)
• Multi-Dimensional
– A variation of the relational model
– Cubes of data and cubes within cubes
– Easy to understand
– Popular for online analytical processing
(OLAP) applications
Database Structures (Multi-Dimensional)
Database Structures (continued)
• Object-oriented
– Key technology of multimedia web-based
– Entity, attributes, and related operations
are combined in single object
– Good for complex, high-volume
applications like graphics, audio, video
– Web based applications and CAD
Database Structures (continued)
Evaluation of Database Structure
• Hierarchal: Basic and for routine types of
transaction processing
• Network: more flexible, can handle data for
more than one department
• Relational: easier to work easier to maintain,
end user easily retrieve information
• Object oriented and Multidimensional models
are growing steadily
Database Development
• Database administrators use the DDL (Data
Definition Language) like Oracle 10g or IBM
• Data dictionary
– Directory containing metadata (data about data)
Data elements
Information regarding access and use
Maintenance & security issues
Database Development
• Data Planning & Database Design
– Planning & Design Process
Top down planning process (figure 5-10)
Enterprise model
Entity relationship diagrams (ERDs)
Data modeling
– Develop logical framework for the physical design
• Data Planning
– Corporate planning and analysis function
– Developing the overall data architecture
Section II
• Managing Data Resources
Data Resource Management
• A managerial activity
• Applies information systems technology to
managing data resources to meet needs of
business stakeholders.
• Data from internal operations and from
external environment
• Each mouse click generate fresh piece of
data, analyze each click for competitive
Types of Databases
• Operational database
– Supports business processes and
– Also called subject-area databases,
transaction databases, HR database, and
production databases
Types of Databases (continued)
• Distributed
– Replicated and distributed copies or parts of
databases on network servers at a variety of
– Done to improve database performance and
• Storage requirements
– Primary challenge is data accuracy,
– Replication and duplication
Types of Databases (continued)
• External
– Available for a fee from commercial
sources or with or without charge on the
Internet or World Wide Web, google
• Hypermedia
– Hyperlinked pages of multimedia
Data Warehouses and Data Mining
• Data warehouse
– Stores data extracted from operational,
external, or other databases of an
– Central source of “structured” data
– May be subdivided into data marts
– Metadata :data about data
Data Warehouses and Data Mining
• Data mining
– A major use of data warehouse and
– Data is analyzed to reveal hidden
correlations, patterns, and trends
• Perform market basket analysis
• Find root cause of problems
• Cross sell
Traditional File Processing
Different application programs creates information
Organized in different file and in different ways
Too difficult, inflexible and too costly
No common application to retrieve
• Data redundancy :
– wasted and inefficient storage of data
• Lack of Data integrity :
– conflicted contents of files
• Updating:
– adding and modifying records
Traditional file Processing
Database Management Approach
• Consolidates data records and objects
into databases that can be accessed
by many different application
• DBMS provides common interface
between user and database
Database Management Approach (continued)
• Database Management System
– Software interface between users and
databases that controls the development,
use and maintenance of database
– Functions
• Creation,
• Maintenance the data quality,
• and use of the database
Database Management Approach (continued)
• Database Interrogation
– Query
• Supports ad hoc requests
• Tells the software how you want to organize
the data
• SQL queries
• Graphical (GUI) & natural queries
– Boolean Logic
• Consist of three logical operators
Database Management Approach (continued)
– Report Generator
• Turns results of query into a useable report
• Database Maintenance
– Updating and correcting data
Database Management Approach (continued)
• Application Development
– Data manipulation language
– Data entry screens, forms, reports, or
web pages
Discussion Questions
• How should an e-business enterprise store,
access, and distribute data & information
about their internal operations & external
• What roles do database management, data
administration, and data planning play in
managing data as a business resource?
Discussion Questions (continued)
• What are the advantages of a database
management approach to organizing,
accessing, and managing an
organization’s data resources?
• What is the role of a database
management system in an e-business
information system?
Discussion Questions (continued)
• Databases of information about a firm’s
internal operations were formerly the only
databases that were considered to be
important to a business. What other kinds of
databases are important for a business
• What are the benefits and limitations of the
relational database model for business
Discussion Questions (continued)
• Why is the object-oriented database model
gaining acceptance for developing
applications and managing the hypermedia
databases at business websites?
• How have the Internet, intranets, extranets,
and the World Wide Web affected the types
and uses of data resources available to
business end users?
• James A. O'Brien; George M. Marakas.
Management Information Systems: 8th Ed.,
Boston: McGraw-Hill/ Irwin