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Chapter 3
Organizing Data and Information
Database: an organized collection of data
Database management system (DBMS):
group of programs to manage database
Manipulates database
Provides an interface between database and the
user of the database and other application
Database administrator (DBA): skilled IS
professional who directs all activities related
to an organization’s database
The Hierarchy of Data
 Bit (a binary digit): a circuit that
is either on or off
 Byte: eight bits
 Character: basic building block
of information
 Each byte represents a
 Can be an uppercase letter,
lowercase letter, numeric digit,
or special symbol
 Field: typically a name, number,
or combination of characters
that describes an aspect of a
business object or activity
 Record: a collection of
related data fields
 File: a collection of related
 Database: a collection of
integrated and related files
 Hierarchy of data: bits,
characters, fields, records,
files, and databases
The Hierarchy of Data
Figure 3.1: The Hierarchy of Data
Data Entities, Attributes, and Keys
 Entity: a generalized class of people, places, or
things (objects) for which data is collected, stored,
and maintained
 Attribute: characteristic of an entity
 Data item: value of an attribute
 Key: field or set of fields in a record that is used
to identify the record
 Primary key: field or set of fields that uniquely
identifies the record
Data Entities, Attributes, and Keys
Figure 3.2: Keys and Attributes
The Database Approach
 Traditional approach to database management:
separate data files are created for each
 Results in data redundancy (duplication)
 Data redundancy conflicts with data integrity
 Database approach to database management: pool
of related data is shared by multiple applications
 Significant advantages over traditional approach
The Database Approach
Figure 3.3: The Database Approach to Data Management
The Database Approach
The Database Approach
Table 3.2: Disadvantages of the Database Approach
Data Modeling and the Relational
Database Model
 When building a database, consider:
 Content: What data should be collected, at what cost?
 Access: What data should be provided to which users and
 Logical structure: How should data be arranged to make
sense to a given user?
 Physical organization: Where should data be physically
Data Modeling
Building a database requires two types of
Logical design
Abstract model of how data should be structured and
arranged to meet an organization’s information needs
Physical design
Fine-tunes the logical database design for
performance and cost considerations
Data Modeling
 Data model: a diagram
of data entities and
their relationships
 Entity-relationship
(ER) diagrams: data
models that use basic
graphical symbols to
show the organization
of and relationships
between data
The Relational Database Model
 Relational model: all data
elements are placed in twodimensional tables
(relations), which are the
logical equivalent of files
 In the relational model
 Each row of a table
represents a data entity
 Columns of the table
represent attributes
 Domain: the allowable values
for data attributes
Manipulating Data
Figure 3.7: Linking Data Tables to Answer an Inquiry
Database Management Systems
 Interface between:
 Database and application programs
 Database and the user
 Creating and implementing the right database
system ensures that the database will support both
business activities and goals
 DBMS: a group of programs used as an interface
between a database and application programs or a
database and the user
Overview of Database Types
 Flat file
 Simple database program whose records have no
relationship to one another
 Single user
 Only one person can use the database at a time
 Examples: Access, FileMaker, and InfoPath
 Multiple user
 Allows dozens or hundreds of people to access the same
database system at the same time
 Examples: Oracle, Sybase, and IBM
Creating and Modifying the Database
 Data definition language (DDL)
 Collection of
instructions/commands that
define and describe data and
data relationships in a database
 Allows database creator to
describe the data and the data
relationships that are to be
contained in the schema
 Data dictionary: a detailed
description of all the data used
in the database
Storing and Retrieving Data
 When an application requests
data from the DBMS, the
application follows a logical
access path
 When the DBMS goes to a
storage device to retrieve the
requested data, it follows a path
to the physical location (physical
access path) where the data is
Manipulating Data and Generating
 Query-By-Example (QBE): a visual approach to developing
database queries or requests
 Data manipulation language (DML): commands that
manipulate the data in a database
 Structured Query Language (SQL): ANSI standard query
language for relational databases
 Database programs can produce reports, documents, and
other outputs
Database Administration
Database administrator (DBA): directs or
performs all activities to maintain a database
Designing, implementing, and maintaining the
database system and the DBMS
Establishing policies and procedures
Employee training
Popular Database Management
 Popular DBMSs for end users: Microsoft Access and
FileMaker Pro
 Entire market includes databases by IBM, Oracle, and
 Examples of open-source database systems: PostgreSQL
and MySQL
 Many traditional database programs are now available on
open-source operating systems
Selecting a Database
Management System
Important characteristics of databases to
Size of the database
Cost of the system
Number of concurrent users
Ability to be integrated with other systems
Vendor considerations
Using Databases with Other
Database management systems are often
used with other software packages or the
A database management system can act as a
front-end application or a back-end
Front-end application: interacts with users
Back-end application: interacts with applications
Linking Databases to the Internet
 Linking databases to the Internet is important for many
organizations and people
 Semantic Web
 Developing a seamless integration of traditional databases with the
 Allows people to access and manipulate a number of traditional
databases at the same time through the Internet
Data Warehouses, Data Marts, and
Data Mining
 Data warehouse: collects
business information from many
sources in the enterprise
 Data mart: a subset of a data
 Data mining: an informationanalysis tool for discovering
patterns and relationships in a
data warehouse or a data mart
Data Warehouses, Data Marts, and Data
Table 3.5: Common Data-Mining Applications
Business Intelligence
 Business intelligence (BI):
gathering the right information
in a timely manner and usable
form and analyzing it to have a
positive impact on business
 Turns data into useful
information that is then
distributed throughout an
 Competitive intelligence: aspect
of business intelligence limited
to information about competitors
and the ways that knowledge
affects strategy, tactics, and
 Counterintelligence: steps an
organization takes to protect
information sought by “hostile”
intelligence gatherers
Distributed Databases
 Distributed database
 Data may be spread across several smaller databases
connected via telecommunications devices
 Corporations get more flexibility in how databases are
organized and used
 Replicated database
 Holds a duplicate set of frequently used data
Online Analytical Processing
Software that allows users to explore data
from a number of different perspectives
Table 3.6: Comparison of OLAP and Data Mining
Object-Oriented and Object-Relational
Database Management Systems
Object-oriented database
Stores both data and its processing instructions
Method: a procedure or action
Message: a request to execute or run a method
Visual, Audio, and Other Database
 Visual databases for storing images
 Audio databases for storing sound
 Virtual database systems: allow different databases to
work together as a unified database system
 Other special-purpose database systems
 Spatial data technology: stores and accesses data according to the
locations it describes and permits spatial queries and analysis
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