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Pablo Sánchez Jerez
Just Bayle Sempere
Celia Ojeda
Aitor Forcada
Francisca Gimenez-Casalduero
Carlo Valle
Damian Fernandez-Jover
Pablo Arechavala
Jose Zubcoff
Dept. Marine Science and Applied Biology
Selection of sustainability indicators and standards for Spanish aquaculture
3 year project (2008-2011), funded by JACUMAR (Junta Nacional Asesora de Cultivos
Marinos) belonging to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries,
Indicator selection, determination of standards, sampling programs design and
protocols of methods and measurements for environmental studies in marine
Selection of sustainability indicators and standards for Spanish aquaculture
Revision of Indicator of sustainable aquaculture for Spanish aquaculture.
Responsible: Dra. Nieves Gonzalez ICCM
Selection of sustainability indicators and standards for Spanish aquaculture
Revision of Indicator of sustainable aquaculture for Spanish aquaculture.
The objectives of the project are the next:
a)Identify the parameters and methodologies already use for the different
spanish administrative regions (Comunidad Autónoma).
Revision of results from several national projects related with the subject
(EIA 1997-1999, FBI 1998-2000, IPSIAM 2003-2005; “Protocolo para la
gestión medioambiental de las instalaciones de acuicultura en jaulas”
(1999 – 2007) AZTI).
Review of environmental studies, monitoring programs and EIA develop
during the last 20 years.
Develop a data base with extracted data.
b)Develop a conceptual model cause-effect for selection of indicator, using the
DPSIR approach.
Selection of sustainability indicators and standards for Spanish aquaculture
Revision of Indicator of sustainable aquaculture for Spanish aquaculture.
c) Select and compare the parameters, as well as methodology for
obtaining the data from the field.
To carry out a pilot study for comparing results at different spatial
scales using different indicator.
Validate the results for different oceanographic conditions.
d)Develop a protocol with a list of indicator and methodologies for the
Programs of Environmental Assessment.
e)Build up a National Net for Environmental Monitoring of Aquaculture.
Selection of sustainability indicators and standards for Spanish aquaculture
1. Statistical validation of parameters
•Case studies included had different sampling design, sampling intensity
and spatial or temporal scales addressed.
•The answer of parameters to different intensity of production should
statistically validate.
•To explore the possible relationship among each parameter and
environmental conditions and aquaculture features several statistical
approach can be used, from the more simple Pearson’s correlation
coefficient to more complex as multiple regressions, asimetrical analysis
of variance or GAM models.
Selection of sustainability indicators and standards for Spanish aquaculture
1. Statistical validation of parameters
•GAM models.
Selection of sustainability indicators and standards for Spanish aquaculture
Statistical validation of parameters
•Mutivariant approach.
BEST routine included in PRIMER v6 software (Clarke and Gorley, 2006)
can be used to select the subset of aquaculture features which best
explains the answer of indicators.
Multiple regression analyses
to model the relationship between potential indicators and aquaculture
features (and their quadratic and cubic terms to explore the possible
nonlinear relationship), can be performed in the framework of
generalized linear models (GLM) (McCullagh and Nelder, 1989;
Chapman and Kramer, 1999).
Selection of sustainability indicators and standards for Spanish aquaculture
Statistical validation of parameters
Multiple linear regression model explaining abundance of escaped Dicentrarchus labrax in relation to
environmental variables and distance to fish farms (Toledo et al, Hydrobiology in press).
(Small blocks)2
partial R2
N = 143; adjusted R2 = 0.293; F = 30,438; P < 0.001
Selection of sustainability indicators and standards for Spanish aquaculture
Statistical validation of parameters
defined as the quantitative analysis of data that originated from several
independent studies) is other option to choose indicator from an extensive
data set and provides major advantages over more traditional synthesis
and reviews (Hedges and Olkin 1985; Gurevitch and Hedges 1993).
The underlying approach and objectives are to quantify emergent patterns
by applying specific statistical procedures (Hughes et al. 2002).
Selection of sustainability indicators and standards for Spanish aquaculture
Statistical validation of parameters
Selection of sustainability indicators and standards for Spanish aquaculture
Statistical validation of parameters
Data mining
Other statistical procedure which can be used.
It is the process of discovery useful information patterns and trend often
previously unknown from large quantities of existing data.
Classification is one of the most used data mining techniques in the social
and medical sciences.
It has also had increasing applications in environmental modelling with the
considerable accuracy and ease of interpretation (Zubcoff et al, 2006).
Selection of sustainability indicators and standards for Spanish aquaculture
2. Validation and cooperation with stakeholders.
The main attribute of an ecological indicator is to combine numerous
environmental factors in a single value,
It might be useful in terms of management and for making ecological concepts,
compliant with the general public understanding.
It is important to develop participation processes were managers and even
stakeholders could participate in the definition, selection and evaluation of
aquaculture indicators.
Selection of sustainability indicators and standards for Spanish aquaculture
Validation and cooperation with stakeholders.
Trough a participation process applying the DPSIR methodology framework a list
of parameters and criteria are defined.
The five criteria defined within the participation process are:
1)consistency (maintenance of low variability of response over time and space),
2) ease of understanding (how easy is the indicator understood by stakeholders),
3) relevance (importance for that to be assessed),
4) feasibility (how difficult is it to obtain and/or measure records for a given
indicator considering cost-effective criteria)
5) sensitivity (susceptibility to detect changes that can be adverted by
management actions).