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Digestive System Flip
 Title each of the major sections (Upper digestive
system, stomach, small intestine, large intestine,
support organs, citations)
 For each section include the following
 What is its major function and what does it digests.
 Size (length or how much it holds)
 Diagram or picture with parts labeled (see parts below)
 One medical condition associated with region
 Include the parts with specific function of that part
Example- Mouth- Allows food to enter the body and holds
food until swallowed.
The stomach is part of the second stage of
digestion. It stores food, churns into chyme,
and provides time for digestion to take
place. Foods containing protein such as
meat and beans begin to become
digested here. The stomach can contain
up to 2 liters of food at a time and is
typically 12 inches long and 6 inches wide
but changes.( Man vs. food probably holds
Stomach Ulcers are a medical condition
where the mucus lining wears away and
stomach acid begins to make a hole in the
wall of the stomach.
Parts of the stomach
• Pouch- Holds the food until it moves into small intestine
• Stomach juices- Mixture of juices the continue digesting down food.
 Water- helps make the food more liquid like.
 Enzymes- break down protein into amino acids. (fats and carbs are not
digested here.
 Acid- creates the proper environment and kills bacteria.
 Mucus lining- Prevents the acid from burning through the stomach lining
• Smooth muscle- responsible for churning and moving foods around.
• Sphincter- Releases stomach mixture into the small intestine.
 Works Cited
 Capra, Judy, and Harold Pratt. Middle School
Life Science. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt,
1999. Print.
 Great Source. ScienceSaurus. N.p.: Houghton
Mifflin, 2002. Print.
 Taylor-Butler, Christine. The Digestive System.
Danbury, Connecticut: Children’s Press, 2008.