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Unit 3
• describe / ask about food and food value
• express attitudes to / taste of food
• comparing diets / eating habits
• follow / write recipes
• describe problems at work
• offer advice / suggestions for dealing with problems
Before we come to the content, in order to be familiar with the
vocabulary and expressions about food, let’s have a discussion.
The following is the topic:
* Why is food important?
The answer is mainly associated with these three aspects:
Food gives us energy.
Food provides us with chemical elements our body needs
Food keeps us healthy.
Actually they are also the main focus of this unit.
a healthy diet and healthy eating habits
Activity 1
Food and Food Values
* You would learn a lot of words about the nutrients and various
foods. Page 111
* Some expressions describing the sources of nutrients:
1) … be rich in …
e.g. All of vegetables are rich in various vitamins.
2) … contain / have …
e.g. Meat contains vitamin B complex and iron.
3) … can be found in …
e.g. Carbohydrates and proteins can be found in cereals.
4) … be full of / high in …
e.g. Milk is high in calcium and proteins.
5) … provide / provide … with…
e.g. Food can provide people with energy and nutrients.
* Some expressions describing the value of nutrients:
1) … be good /essential for …
e.g. Milk is good for the growth of children.
2) It is vital to have a regular supply of …
e.g. It’s vital to have a regular supply of fruit because it can
keep our constant need for vitamin.
3) … reduce the risk …
e.g. Eating liver can reduce the risk of infection.
4) … help us to …
e.g. Fruit and vegetables help us to fight infections.
5) … prevent …
e.g. Vitamin prevents bacteria and viruses entering people’s
Task For All of You
Organize brief talks about two of these unfamiliar foods,
describing their nutritional value with the vocabulary and
expressions we’ve learned above.
Topic: Foods and Food Values
Activity 2 Advice about Eating Habits
Some key words in this part:
• dietician : someone whose job is to advise people about
what they should or should not eat in order to be
• puree: thick liquid made of fruits or vegetables
• dressing: sauce , 调味品,调味汁
• beefburger: 德式牛排,煎牛肉饼
hamburger: 牛肉饼, 汉堡包
burger:碎肉夹饼, 各种夹饼
• blender: 搅拌机
• liquidiser: 榨汁机
• ground meat: 碎肉,肉末
Describing People’s Attitude to Food
Some expressions to show “likes”:
Some expressions to show “likes”:
• … like …
• … don’t care for …
• … are my favorites …
• … don’t really like …
• … keen on …
• … never appeals to …
• … can never resist them …
• … can’t stand …
• … really love …
• … dislike …
• … fond of …
• … always put me off …
Some expressions to show that “you don’t know”:
• … have never heard of …
• … have never eaten …
• … sounds new to me …
Some useful expressions for giving advice and responses:
---- you could try…
---- I could try that, I suppose.
---- I always recommend …
---- That sounds a good idea, but I’m not sure that it will work.
---- What about …?
---- Yes, I think that would work.
---- I always think it’s a good idea to …
---- That’s another good suggestion, you’re certainly giving me
lots of ideas.
---- Well, another useful strategy is to …
---- Well, you have really inspired me! I’m full of ideas now.
---- One last word of advice ---- don’t forget …
---- Yes, I will.
Activity 3
Reading about Eating Habits
• Requirement: Through an intensive reading of Text 3.1 on page 129,
not only are all of you expected to get a general idea
about the great changes in Chinese eating habits, but
also you can acquire a lot of words and expressions
in this aspect.
Title: China’s Great Gastronomic Revolution
Interpretation: The great changes of Chinese people’s eating habits
Key Word:
gastronomic: a very formal word, usually used to describe something
concerned with good food that has been prepared by
an expert. / of eating art.
The eating habits of the British people:
Breakfast: porridge, bread, milk, egg, ham, bacon
Lunch: self- made sandwich, snack
1. appetizer
2. soup
3. main dishes and staple food
4. dessert
5. coffee
Please pay attention to the following words and expressions:
• profusion: a large quantity of
e.g. a profusion of fruits on the market
• indulgence: the state of satisfying desires 尽情享受 / 纵情
• yuppy:fashionable young people belonging to middle or upper
• blanch: become pale with fear, cold
e.g. Her face blanched with fear at the news of her daughter's
• chafing dishes: 火锅
• electric steamer: 电饭煲
• electric range: 炉灶
Activity 4
Cooking and Recipes
• Where can you get recipes?
1) in special recipe books
2) on leaflets
3) on packets of food we buy
The items contained in a recipe:
• the name of the dish
• ingredients
• the amount of each ingredient required
• the method / procedure / instruction
• the utensils required
The grammatical features in writing a recipe:
the accurate choice of verbs
the use of imperatives
some verb participles used as adjectives
All of these futures can contribute to a clear and complete
conveyance of messages and an easy job for the cook.
材料: 包心菜1/4个,红萝卜2个,蕃茄3个,排骨半斤(或
A、 排骨洗净,红萝卜削皮切块,蕃茄切块置入锅中。
B、 加水熬汤熬2小时。
C、 加入适量的盐。
1. Wash the rib, peel the
• a quarter of a white cabbage
radishes and dice the
• 2 radishes
radishes and tomatoes.
• 3 tomatoes
2. In a large saucepan, put the
• 250 grams pork rib ( an OX-tail )
the rib, diced radishes and
• salt
3. Add the water and boil for
two hours.
4. Put in a bit of salt.
原料:玉米淀粉100克 豆浆350克 小菠菜50克 水发木耳50克
笋片25克 胡萝卜片5克 精盐4克 味精3克 精炼油5克 素清
Activity 5 Describing Processes
Through learning the text 5.1, you’re expected to be able to do
the following tasks.
A. Can you paraphrase these words in English?
• scoop : make sth hollow by removing part of it with a spoon
• flavour : add flavour to sth to give it a particular taste
• conch : make sth into tiny pieces by pressing it or hammering it
• mould : crush / make sth into a particular shape
• ferment : let chemical change take place in sth
• sweeten : make sth sweet
• shell : remove the natural covering from sth
• enrich : improve the quality or value of sth by adding sth else to it
B. Can you tell me how many parts the text is divided according
to the content?
Two parts:
Part A: a general introduction
Part B: the description of the actual process
Please pay attention to the use of sequence markers:
In a description of a process, such words as first, then,
next, etc. are clear signals to show the sequence of the
C. Can you express the main idea of the text by the flowchart?
the cocoa beans
1. scooped out of their pods
2. fermented and dried
3. roasted
4. shelled
5. crushed
The paste
1. enriched with extra cocoa butter
2. sweetened with sugar
3. flavoured with vanilla
the mixture
1. rolled
2. conched (irregularities removed)
the chocolate
1. cooled
2. moulded
D. Can you summarize the features of writing clear description of a
1. sequence markers
2. passive voice
3. accurate choice of verbs and a clear specification of subjects
4. clauses to state the purpose of a certain step
5. gerunds to name the stages
Activity 6
Writing Process Description
( Practice
Class )
Here you are required to write a description of the doufu
making process, according to what we have learned about it
in the first some activities.