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Welcome to the Summer Edition of the Cancer Learning Newsletter!
In this issue:
The Lung Foundation's New Awareness Campaign
Cancer Directory: Australia's Cancer Care Resource Portal
Watch Your Back! Cancer Council Australia and the Australasian College of Dermatologists
are urging men to watch their backs.
New Research to Practice Paper by CanTeen
New project Manager for the Cancer Learning team
List of new resources on the Cancer Learning site
For the Diary: Upcoming Events
The Round Up
Lung Foundation's New Lung Cancer Awareness Campaign
The Australian Lung Foundation launches its first ever lung cancer TV Ad and interactive webbased campaign called "End the Unspoken" to highlight the extent of lung cancer in Australia.
They really need your support and invite you to lend your voice to this important campaign.
Simply go to and use the "SHARE" button on the campaign to
send it to your networks through email, facebook and twitter. By doing so you will help raise
awareness of Australia's biggest cancer killer.
Other things you can do to help raise awareness:
Say "YES" to the petition in support of raising awareness of lung cancer, Australia's
biggest cancer killer, and to asking the government for lung cancer funding
View the 30 second TV Community Service Announcement
Complete a one minute survey on lung cancer
Access a lung cancer fact sheet around symptoms and risks
Complete the Lung Health Checklist
View the short film "The Unspoken" - a moving tribute from a son to his father, a
father dying of lung cancer.
Cancer Australia's Cancer Care Resource Portal
Searching for health information online is one of the most common tasks performed by
people who face cancer. Many users begin searching on popular search engines rather than
accessing evidence-based information from credible sites.
With so much information available on the internet, how can one tell what information is
reliable and whether the host website is trustworthy? Cancer Council NSW now hosts a
national website portal, containing only credible, current and complete cancer care resources
that are published to a high standard, screened and peer-reviewed. The Cancer Directory has
created for use by health professionals and members of the public. All State governments, the
Australian government, all the Cancer Councils, major health services and the large not for
profit organisations contribute to it.
The Cancer Directory contains 2000 plus resources, in over 40 languages on prevention,
screening, early detection, treatment, advanced cancer, practical support - including finance
and workplace guidelines, psychosocial needs and cancer survival.
For further information or to request leaflets on the Cancer Directory please email:
[email protected]
Watch Your Back!
In its latest campaign, Cancer Council Australia and the Australasian College of
Dermatologists are urging men to watch their backs.
Men aged 45 and over have more than double the risk of dying of melanoma than women the
same age, with two men in this age group dying of melanoma every day.
Although melanoma can develop anywhere on the body, around one in three cases in men
occur on the back.
It seems men are failing to protect themselves properly in the sun, with Cancer Council
research from the National Sun Protection Survey indicating only 24 per cent of men aged 4569 years reported wearing sunscreen and 12 per cent - the equivalent of almost 400,000 men
- still believe a tanned person is healthier.
Tennis legends John Newcombe and Tony Roche, who have both had skin cancers, took
centre court at the campaign launch in November, urging men to 'watch their back' in two
ways: always protect yourself in the sun and check your entire body for skin changes. Ask your
wife, partner or a mate to check your back, and anywhere else you can't see yourself.
For more information visit
New Research to Practice Paper
A new Research to Practice Paper 'Supporting adolescent and young adult siblings of cancer
patients in the education system' recommends how those working with young people with
cancer can support adolescent and young adult siblings of cancer patients.
Around 1000 young people are diagnosed with cancer each year and on average this will
affect approximately 1000 siblings. This research conducted by CanTeen, in conjunction with
the University of Sydney found that 57% of siblings aged 12-24 years old experience high to
very high levels of distress, compared to 9% of young people in the general population.
Siblings are often overlooked in service delivery and many of their needs go unmet.
This latest paper highlights the needs of siblings and provides recommendations of supportive
strategies that can be implemented by those working in the education sector.
For more information visit
New Project Manager for Cancer Learning
The Cancer Learning team welcomed Bobbi Moore as its new Project Manager in early
November 2012. Bobbi manages the Cancer Learning site, maintains and promotes existing
programs and develops and evaluates new online courses and programs for health
Bobbi has a background in TV production and adult education, and is passionate about
delivering engaging and effective learner focused programs using technology and creative,
innovative approaches to enhance learning outcomes.
If you would like to suggest feedback or add new resources or links to our site, or contribute
to the bi-monthly Cancer Learning newsletter please contact Bobbi on
[email protected] or 02 9036 7208. Bobbi works three days per week - Tuesdays,
Wednesdays and Thursdays.
New Cancer Australia Resources
The following new resources are available:
Intimacy and sexuality for women with gynaecological cancer - starting a
Cancer Australia has developed this resource to support women (and their partners) in
understanding and addressing issues of intimacy and sexuality following the diagnosis
and treatment of gynaecological cancer.
Investigating symptoms of lung cancer: a guide for GPs
This has been developed by Cancer Australia to assist GPs to manage people who have
symptoms that may be lung cancer, and support the early and rapid referral into the
cancer care pathway. A report accompanies the guide.
Breast cancer in Australia: an overview
This report, developed by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) in
collaboration with Cancer Australia, presents the most up-to-date national statistical
information available on breast cancer in Australia. Cancer Australia also released a
concise, online summary version, Report to the nation - breast cancer.
Gynaecological cancers in Australia: an overview
This report, developed by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) in
collaboration with Cancer Australia, provides comprehensive national statistics on the
five main types of gynaecological cancers, presenting the latest data and trends. Cancer
Australia also released a concise, online summary version, Report to the nation gynaecological cancers.
EdCaN (National Cancer Nursing Education Project)
The EdCaN project provides a way forward for the development of the cancer nursing
workforce in Australia through a framework and a set of capabilities outlining the role
expectations of nurses working in cancer control.
The project's web-based resource materials help nurses acquire these capabilities. The
framework and accompanying education resources are part of the broader cancer control
efforts needed to reduce the burden of cancer in Australia.
The EdCaN and Cancer Learning team are currently working on updating the site and adding
new content and will keep you updated on new developments in 2013.
If you have any questions, comments or feedback on EdCaN, please email
[email protected].
PSGC (Psychosexual care of women affected by gynaecological cancers)
PSGC learning modules aim to help health professionals develop their knowledge and skills to
support women and their partners experiencing psychosexual concerns following
gynaecological cancer. This resource can be used for self-directed learning or by educators in
both clinical and academic settings as part of a facilitated learning program.
If you are interested in finding out more about PSGC, or if you have any other feedback,
please contact the project team on [email protected].
Upcoming Events 2013
14th National Breast Care Nurse Conference (28 Feb - 1 March)
Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre
International Meeting on Psychosocial Aspects of Hereditary Cancer (7- 8 March)
Sydney, New South Wales
Behavioural Research in Cancer Control Conference (
8- 10 March)
Adelaide, South Australia
Second Lowy Cancer Symposium 'Discovering Cancer Therapeutics'
(15- 17 March)
Sydney, New South Wales
Australian & New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate (ANZUP) Cancer Trials Group Annual Scientific
Meeting (ASM)
(14- 16 July)
Gold Coast, Queensland
Cancer Nurses Society of Australia 16th Winter Congress
(25 - 27 July)
Brisbane, Queensland
Blood, Biomarkers and Beyond MOGA 2013 Annual Scientific Meeting (1- 2 August)
In 2013 the Medical Oncology Group of Australia will hold its Annual Scientific Meeting, Blood,
Biomarkers and Beyond in Melbourne, from 1st-2nd August. The Scientific Program for the meeting
will explore important current issues and themes including Biomarkers as tools for screening,
diagnosis and treatment; Translational Biomarker issues; Practical aspects of biomarker development;
future approaches as well as applications in translation see
The Prostate Cancer World Congress (6 - 10 August)
The Prostate Cancer World Congress is a major prostate cancer event globally and will incorporate the
14th Australasian Prostate Cancer Conference, at Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre. Please
InSiGHT 2013 Conference (25- 31 August)
Cairns, Queensland
Clinical Oncological Society of Australia's (COSA's) 40th Annual Scientific Meeting (12- 14 Nov)
Adelaide, South Australia
Global Controversies and Advances in Skin Cancer Conference
(21- 24 Nov)
Brisbane, Queensland
We are always looking for ways to develop and improve the Cancer Learning website and
newsletter to meet the needs of our members, visitors and wider communities. We welcome and
encourage your feedback and recommendations on all aspects - from its useability, relevance, look
and feel or content, so please feel free to contact the Cancer Learning Team.
Don't forget to send us through any new resources or links to relevant information you have
developed or that may not currently feature on our site.
The direct contact number for Cancer Learning is 02 9036 7208 or send an email to
[email protected]
Take Care,
The Cancer Learning Team
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monthly email update newsletters here.
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