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1. _____ The Hepatitis Virus that is spread by putting something in the mouth that has been
contaminated with the stool or a person is:
a. Hepatitis A
b. Hepatitis B
c. Hepatitis C
d. Hepatitis D
2. _____ The Hepatitis Virus that occurs when blood or body fluid from an infected person
enters the body of a person who is not immune is:
a. Hepatitis A
b. Hepatitis B
c. Hepatitis C
d. Hepatitis D
3. _____ The Hepatitis Virus that can cause lifelong infection, cirrhosis of the liver, liver
cancer, liver failure and death is:
a. Hepatitis A
b. Hepatitis B
c. Hepatitis C
d. Hepatitis D
4. _____ The Hepatitis Virus that also is spread by infected blood and body fluids and is the
leading indicator for liver transplant is:
a. Hepatitis A
b. Hepatitis B
c. Hepatitis C
d. Hepatitis D
5. _____
The Hepatitis Virus that is a defective virus that needs the hepatitis virus to exist is:
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis D
6. _____ The only Hepatitis Virus that does not occur in the United States at this time and is
spread similar to Hepatitis A is:
a. Hepatitis A
b. Hepatitis B
c. Hepatitis C
d. Hepatitis D
7. _____ The Hepatitis Virus attacks what vital organ?
a. Heart
b. Kidney
c. Liver
d. Pancreas
8. List five of the seven signs of Hepatitis A
a. _________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________
d. _________________________________________________________
e. _________________________________________________________
9. _____
Which of the Hepatitis Viruses have a vaccine
A and B
B and C
10. _____ Which of Hepatitis Viruses only 80% of the infected persons have no signs or
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
11. List three preventive measures for Hepatitis Virus.
a. __________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________________
12. _____ What is the virus that destroys the immune system?
a. Hepatitis Virus
b. Human Immunovirus
c. Tuberculosis
d. Cancer
13. _____ What is the ONLY way for someone to know if they are HIV positive?
a. Test a stool sample
b. Have a HIV blood test done
c. Check urine specimen
d. There is no way to definitely know if you are HIV positive
14. _____ The idea that all blood and body fluids are treated as if known to be infected with
HIV, HBV, HCV, etc is what?
a. Isolation Precaution Guidelines
b. Exposure Control Plan
c. Universal Precautions
d. Personal protective Equipment
15. List four methods in which you CANNOT get HIV or HBV
a. ___________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________
d. ___________________________________________________________________
16. List the three methods of HIV transmission
a. ___________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________
17. _____
Pathogenic Organisms that are present in blood that can lead to a disease are:
Universal Precautions
Blood borne Pathogens
18. _____ What is the number one potentially infection material that can transmit HIV, HBV and
a. Semen
b. Blood
c. Vaginal Secretions
d. Sweat
19. _____ Which of the following fluids DOES NOT contain potentially infectious materials?
a. Aqueous and vitreous humors in the eyes
b. Unfixed tissue or organs
c. Amniotic Fluid
d. Sweat
20. List four other diseases that are considered blood borne pathogens other than HIV, HBV or
a. ___________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________
d. ___________________________________________________________________
21. _____ What is the primary method of transmission of potentially infectious materials?
a. Blood transfusion
b. Stick with a contaminated needle
c. Contact with glass
d. Contact with patients
22. _____ What is the single most important aspect of infection control?
a. Develop an exposure plan
b. Wear gloves all the time you are at work
c. Avoid working with sharps
d. Perform handwashing after every patient contact, when handling body fluids or when
contact is made with blood or body fluids
23. ______ Which of the following relates to the use of needles or sharp objects?
a. Do not bend, break, or remove needles
b. Only use sharps containers in a hospital
c. Do not overfill sharps containers
d. Place contaminated sharps in puncture resistant containers that are labeled and leakproof.
24. _____ Equipment that you wear to prevent blood or bodily fluids from getting on your
clothes, skin or undergarments is called:
a. Universal Precautions
b. Blood borne pathogens
c. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
d. Isolation Precautions
25. _____ What factors should you consider when choosing PPE?
a. Parental exposeure
b. Mucous Membrane contamination
c. Non-Intact Skin exposure
d. All of the above
26. List four of the six items that are included in Personal Protective Equipment
a. ___________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________
d. ___________________________________________________________________
27. _____ What is the most economical disinfectant made of?
a. Alcohol
b. Iodine
c. Hydrogen Peroxide
d. 10% solution of Bleach
28. _____
What is the primary color of a sharps container in most situations?
29. _____ How many injections are needed in a Hepatitis series for someone to be considered
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
30. _____
What is the number one method of protection from the Hepatitis B Virus?
Hepatits B Vaccine
Nothing can protect one
Avoid all blood and body fluids when you are working in the health care profession
31. _____ You are working as a student on the nursing unit. You walk into a room and find the
patient has pulled their intravenous needle from his arm. What should you do?
a. Go get your instructor or a nurse
b. Put on gloves, get a towel to place over bleeding area and turn on call light to report
c. Grab a towel and place it over the patient’s area of bleeding
d. Go get another student and let them help you
32. _____ You are job shadowing in a doctor’s clinic. You follow the nurse into the room
where she is going to give a patient an injection. When she finishes the injection the patient
begins to show signs of a reaction. The nurse throws the need on the counter to help the
patient. You back up against the counter and stick yourself with the used needle. What is the
first step in post-exposure follow-up
a. Panic and go get your instructor
b. Do nothing the nurse will take care of you when she is finished with the patient
c. Do nothing since there is no bleeding
d. Go quietly to your instructor or another nurse, tell them what has happened, clean the
wound out well with soap and water. Have blood drawn from patient and yourself to
check for HBV, HIV and HCV
33. _____ How often should health care employees and others in health care be updated on
OSHA and Universal Precaution Standards?
a. Every six months
b. Every year
c. Every two years
d. Every three years