* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Patient Registration Registracion Del Pacienre Patient Information-Informacion del Paciente Patient's Name: Nombre del Paciente Date: Fecha Home Address: Direccion del Paciente (Street/Calle) (City'Ciudad) (Stare/Estado) Home Phone: Telefono de Casa W o r k Phone: Teiefono del Trabajo Cellular Phone: Celuiar Alt. Phone: Telefono Alternativo S.S.# Numero de Seguro Social Sex: Sea-o Birthdate: Fecha de Nacimiento Employer: Empleador Age: Edud Marital Status: Estado Matrimonial {Zip Code/Codigo Postal) S S M C D D Occupation: Ocupacion ALLERGIESIALERGIAS: LIST OF MEDICATIONS: LlSTA DE MEDICAMENTOS REASON FOR V I S I T : RAZON DE VISITA E-mail Address: Correo Electronic0 Referred By: Referido Por Primary Care Physician: Doctor Primario Referring Doctor Phone: Telefono del Doctor que lo refirio Primary Care Physician Phone: Telefono del Doctor Primario Emergencv Contact- En Emergencias, Contactar a. Name: Nombre Relationship to Patient: Relacion a1 Paciente Home Phone: Telefono dei Hogar Cellular Phone: Telefono de Celular S~ouse/Guarantor/ResponsibleParty-Esposo/Persona Responsable Name: Nombre Date o f Birth: Fecha de Nacimienfo Home Phone: Telefono del Hogar Relationship: Relacion 1 1 S.S. # Nurnero de Social Securin/ Cellular Phone: Telefono del Celulur W V INSURANCE INFORMATION lnformacion de Seguro Primary Insurance: Seguro Primario Phone: Telefono Contract/Policy#: No. de Contrato/ldentrficacion Group#: Grupo Subscriber's Name: Nombre de Asegurado DOB of Subscriber: Fecha de Nacimienro Secondary Insurance: Seguro Sentndario Phone: Telefono Contractmolicy#: No. de Contrato/Identlficacion Subscriber's Name: Nombre de Asegurado DOB of Subscriber: Fecha de Nacimiento Under Florida law, physicians a r e generally required to carry medical malpractice insurance or otherwise demonstrate financial responsibility to cover potential claims for medical malpractice. YOUR DOCTOR HAS DECIDED NOT TO CARRY MEDICAL MALPRACTICE INSURANCE. This is permitted under Florida law to subject to certain conditions. Florida law imposes penalties against non-insured physicians who fail to satisfy adverse judgments arising from claims of medical malpractice. This notice is provided pursuant to Florida law. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE ABOVE MEDICAL MALPRACTICE NOTICE Signature: Date: Bajo la ley de la Florida, Los medicos son generalmente requeridos de llevar un seguro medico para negligencia o de otra manera demonstrar responsabilidad financiera para cubir 10s reclamos potenciales contra negligencia medica. SU MEDICO HA DECIDIDO NO LLEVAR SEGURO DE NEGLIGENCIA MEDICA. Esto es permitido bajo la ley de la Florida sujeto a ciertas condiciones. La ley de la Florida impone penalidades contra medicos que no estan asegurados que fallan de satisfacer juicios adversos originando de reclamos de negligencia medica. Esta Notificacion esta proporcionada de acuerdo con la ley del estado de la Florida. YO LEI Y ENTIENDO LA NOTIFICACION DE NEGLIGENCIA MEDICA Firma Del Paciente: Fecha: REISS, KANG, BURKS, JAYANETTI & PEREDA, M.D., P.A., AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE OF HEAUH INFORMATION Uelivery Me!hod Mail Pickuo Date Records w~llautomat~callybe ma~led10 days after pick-up ddte (initial) I hereby author~zethe use dnd/or drsclosure of the below named rd~vrduals health rnformafion ds described below Baptist Hospital .South Miami Hospital - Doctors Hosp~tal Surgery Center ; Marmers Hospltal Physlclan Practice to make the d~sclosureof health information in the manner descr~edherein 1 I hereby author~zethe foilowing ~nd~vidual(s) or organizationjs) , Homestead Hospltal ; Diagnostlc Center . Other (speclfy) *rent -- Baptist outpatient Servlces Urgent Care Center - - ' Ambulatory Name Telephone (please prlnt) Address DO6 Social Security # 2 The health informatlon described below may be used by or disclosed to the follow~ng Name of person/organizat~on Address: city. ~ State: Zip: Phone # 3 Descr~bethe health lnformatlon you are authorzing to be used/d~sciosed ;All records 3 Operative Record , Physician Orders ? Mental Health* (initial) 1 Pert~nentInformation -3 Pathology Report 2 Laboratory 7 HIVIAIDS (inltlal) :Emergency Record 11 Consultation :Pathology Slides 7 Substance Abuse (~nitiat) 7 Drscharge Summary Z Progress Notes 7Cath Lab cine / CD 1 Imaging Films - _ ? Other 3 Imaging Studles Report _ (*If this form authorizes the use/disclosure of mental health records it may not be used to author~zethe use/disclosure of any other health lnformation A separate Authorcation IS needed for any other use/d~sclosure) Note You must obtarn lnltial HIV Antibody testlng lntormation from your physrc~an This form may not be used for marketing or research purposes 4 Confined to records regarding admission and treatment on or about 5 The disclosure of the health information described herin IS bemg made for the reason below r ' At the request of the ~nd~v~dual 2 Sharlng with other health care prov~dersas needed Other (describe) 6 1 understand that I have a right to revoke thrs Author~zationat any time and that if I revoke this Authorlzatlon I must send a written request to Reiss, Kang, Burks, Jayanettl 8 Pereda, M.D., PA., 6200 Sunset Drive, Suite 505, South Mtarni, FL 33143, Attn: Privacy Officer. I understand that the revocation w~llnot apply to information that has already been released in reliance of th~sAuthorlzatlon and to my Insurance company when the law prowdes my Insurer w~ththe right to contest a claim under my policy 7 Th~sAuthorizat~onwill explre (Insert date or event) ( ~f left blank, the Authorizat~onw~llexplre one (1) year from date on which it was signed ) 8 1 understand that this author~zationis voluntary I understand that once the health information described herern IS disclosed, ~t maybe re-disclosed by the recipient and may no longer be protected by federal privacy laws however under federal and state laws respectively, the recrplent may be proh~b~ted from re-disclosing substance abuse and HlViAlDS lnformation w~thoutspectfic wr~ttenconsent of the person to whom it pertains, or as otherwse perm~ttedby such laws, I understand that I may refuse to sign this author~zationand that my refusal will not affect my abMy to obtain treatment, payment, enrollment or eligibil~tyfor beneflts )(Signature Relationship to Patient of Patient*, Personal Representative Witness Date *The above individual is unable to consent because (check one): ; Minor 2 Incompetent 3 Other (explain): 1 1 1' I I Fees In accordance wth FS 395 3025 Healthcare facilrtles and ambulatory surgery centers charge for medical record copy IS $1 00 search fee for every year requested $1 00 per page for paper records. $2 00 per page for non-paper records plus sales tax and actual postage In accordance with FS 456 057 Healthcare practitioners and physicians offices charge for medical record copy IS $1 00 per page for the first 25 pages and 25 cents for any page after that Informed of charge for coples (Please ~n~tlal) You are entitled to a copy of this authorization after you sign it. IAN M. REISS, IM.D., F.A.C.S. STEVEN S. KANG, M.D., F.A.C.S. JAMES A. BURKS, JR.,M.D., F.A.C.S. CHAM A. JAYANETTI, M.D., F.A.C.S JUAN CARLOS PEREDA, M.D. 6200 Sunset Drive Suite 505 South Miami, Florida 33143 I I I Reiss, Kang, Burks, Jayanetti & Pereda M.D. P.A. 6200 Sunset Drive* Suite 505 South Miami, Florida 33143 305-668- 1660 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT O F RECEIPT OF NOTICE O F PRIVACY PRACTICES Reconocimiento De Recibo de Aviso de Prrvacidad de Practica I have received a copy of this office's Notice of Privacy Practices. Yo he recibido una copia del Aviso de privacidad de esta Practica. Name: Nombre Signature: Firma Date: Fecha CONSENT T O USE AND DISCLOSE HEALTH INFORMATION Consentimiento de utilizar y divulger infbrmacion Medica Please inform us as to whom we may disclose your Health Information. Porfmor informenos a quien podemos divuglar su information Medica. SpouseJSignificant Other Esposo (a)/Pareja Childredstep Children Hijos/Hijastros ParentsIIn-laws Padres/Suegros SiblingsJStep Siblings HermanodHermanas All relatives/other family members Cualquier Familiar An aide or helper Asistente Oh Ayudante All the above Todo 10s Anteriores No one/Nobody Nadie Other (please specify) Otro (porfa~orespecificar) Signature: Firma FOR PHYSICIAN OFFICE'S USE ONLY Solamente para el uso de consulta Medica We attempted to obtain written acknowledgement of receipt of our Notice of Privacy Practices, but acknowledgement could not be obtained because: N o s o ~ o sintentamos obtener un reconocimiento escrito que recibio nuestro aviso de privacidad de la practica, per0 no pudo ser obtenido por: -Individual refused to sign Individuo se nego afirmar -An emergency situation prevented us from obtaining acknowledgment Una emergencia nos impidio obtener reconocimiento Communication barriers prohibited obtaining the acknowledgment Barreras de comunicacion prohibieron obtener reconocimiento LIFETIME INSURANCE AUTHORIZATION Patient's certification authorization to release information and payment request. I certify that the information given by me in applying for payment is correct. I authorize any medical or other information about me to be released to my insurance company or its intermediary carries, which includes any information needed for this claim, or any future claim. I also authorize payment of medical benefits to Reiss, Kang, Burks, Jayanetti & Pereda, M.D. P.A, or to any orf it's associates. I understand that I am financially responsible for payment of my medical services to Reiss, Kang, Burks, Jayanetti & Pereda, M.D. P.A, regardless of any insurance benefits I may have. and understand that it is my responsibility to collect any reimbursements from my insurance company. I understand that I will be responsible for any fee that might be incurred by Reiss, Kang, Burks, Jayanetti & Pereda , M.D. P.A, in their efforts to collect fees due to us, including fees from collection agencies, attorney's fees, and court fees. Patient Name: (Print) Patient Signature: AUTORIZACION POR VIDA DE SEGURO Certification y autorizacion del paciente para liberar informacion y pedida de pago. Yo certifico que la informacion dada por mi para pedir pago a mi seguro, sus provehedores intermediaries de 10s cuales incluyen cualquier informacion que sea necesaria para este reclamo o cualquier otro reclamo en el futuro. Yo tambien autorizo el pago de beneficios medicos a Reiss, Kang, Burks. Jayanetti & Pereda, M.D., P.A. o cualquier asociado. Yo entiendo que yo soy responsable financierarnente por mis servicios medicos a Reiss, Kang, Burks, Jayanetti & Pereda, M.D., P.A, a pesar de cualquier beneficios de seguro que pueda tener; tarnbien entiendo que es mi responsabilidad colectar cualquier reembolso de mi compania de seguro. Yo entiendo que soy responsable de cualquier cargo que pueda ser efectuado por Reiss, Kang, Burks, Jayanetti & Pereda M.D., P.A. en sus efuerzos de colectar cargos debidos por mi, ,incluyendo cargos de agencias de recolecta, abogados, o de corte. Nombre del Paciente: (Emprirnir) Firma del Paciente: ASSIGNMENT OF BENEFITS I request that payment of authorized insurance benefits be made on my behalf to Reiss, Kang, Burks, Jayanetti & Pereda, M.D. P.A, for services furnished to me by any associate of this office. 1 authorize any holder of medical (your insurance company) any information information about me to release to needed to determine these benefits or the benefits payable for related services. Patient Name: (Print) Witness Name: (Print) Patient's Signature: Witness Signature: ASIGNACION DE BENEFICIOS Yo solicito que el pago de 10s servicios medicos que han sido autorizados se hagan en mi nombre a Reiss, Kang, Burks, Jayanetti & Pereda, M.D., P.A. para cualquier asociado de esta oficina. Yo autorizo a cualquier poseedor de ( Su compania de seguros) toda la informacion medica sobre mi para liberar a informacion necesaria para determiner estos beneficios o 10s beneficios pagaderos para servicios relacionados. Nombre del Paciente: (Emprimir) Nombre de Testigo: (Empritnir) Firma del Paciente: Fimra del Testigo: (En~primir) (Emprimiu)