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Fundamentals of Internet and WWW
The modern digital experience involves the transition from traditional devices to multipurpose digital
devices. For example, earlier traditional wired phones were used to communicate with people. With
the introduction of digital technology, mobile phones—small wireless phones—came into the market.
These phones were not only used for communicating with people, but also for storing telephone
numbers and sending messages to other mobile phone users. Today, some of the latest mobile
phones (popularly called smart phones) help you do all this and also connect to the Internet or take
pictures by using a built-in camera.
Digital technology has changed the way you manage your work, communicate with others, and
entertain yourself. For example, with the use of digital technology, you can download music from
the Internet to your computer, copy music on a recordable CD, and listen to music by using a CD
player. To be able to live a digital lifestyle, an understanding of Internet and World Wide Web (www)
is compulsory.
6.2|THE INTERNET: It makes great sense to approach the study of Internet from computer
network background.
6.3|COMPUTER NETWORK: Computer network is the connectivity between two or more computers
for the purpose of sharing resources such as printers, hard disk etc. Therefore, computer network is
formed when two or more computers are connected together.
LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN): This is the connectivity among computers in a common
geographical region such as schools, churches, mosque etc.
WIDE AREA NETWORK (WAN): This is the connectivity among computers across geographical
Example of WAN is Internet (International Network).
6.5|UNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET (defined as network of networks)
Imagine that you have many friends, and you want to send them birthday greetings. If you use the
postal service (old method of communication) to send your greetings, your friends may not always
receive the greetings on their birthday. Instead, if you use the Internet, your friends will receive
your greetings in a few seconds. The Internet also provides you the advantage of sending music and
pictures along with your greetings and also provides chatting capabilities such as Facebook,
WhatsApp etc.
Imagine a scenario where you want to exchange information between a computer on your network
and a computer on another network. For this exchange, you can use the Internet to connect both
networks. The Internet is a collection of networks that are connected together to exchange
information. Today, the Internet is being used worldwide. Using the Internet, you can:
Perform banking transactions such as viewing details of your bank account and transferring
money from one account to another (Mobile Banking).|[email protected]|+2348053000256
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Fundamentals of Internet and WWW
Communicate with people all around the world instantaneously. The messages you sent over
the Internet can reach any part of the world in just a few seconds. For example Facebook,
Twitters and WhatsApp.
Obtain the latest information on events occurring around the globe. Many leading news
channels use the Internet as a medium to provide updated news.
Search for information on any topic (e.g. how to design website) using search engines such
as Google, Microsoft Bing etc.
Study any course of your choice and also take exams online.
Entertain yourself by listening to music, playing games, watching movies, and sharing
Buy and sell products, such as books and electronic goods, by specifying your credit or debit
card details.
6.7|COMMUNICATION SYSTEM: Communication is the act of passing messages and information.
It can also be seen as an act of message, passing by a transmitter to a receiver. Some people can
see communication as how we share information using a particular channel such as letter writing,
E-mail, voice talk etc.
Encoder-This is the transmitter of the message. He is the source of the message. Therefore,
he conceives the idea and sends to the receiver using a particular channel.
Message-This is the idea that struck the mind of the sender. Therefore, the message is the
content of any form of communication such as email content.
Channel-This is the path through which the message can get to the receiver. The path we
will discuss is called Electronic Mail (E-mail). When an idea is conceived, the encoder has to
think of a particular channel which could be letter writing (old method), Electronic mail (new
method) so that the message can get to the decoder or receiver.
Decoder- This is the person whom a message is sent. It is the receiver who interprets the
message and sends feedback.
Feedback- This is an important element because through this, the sender becomes
satisfied. For instance, when you send an e-mail or do WhatsApp message; you anticipate a
response from the receiver so that the communication can become complete. In fact,
communication is incomplete without feedback.
Message source and
E.g. via Electronic mail
(e-mail) to an email
address|[email protected]|+2348053000256
Receives the mail, read and
reply the mail (feedback)
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Fundamentals of Internet and WWW
NB: It is important to understand that communication is a continuous process. When a message is
sent via email or even Short Message Service (SMS), the receiver receives the message and replies
(feedback) making him/her to become the sender. In fact communication is a dual process.
In this demonstration, we are going create two email addresses using Microsoft email service
( The email addresses are:
Mr. Sender-Encoder
Mr. Receiver-Decoder
Mr. Sender will conceive the message, compose the message and send to Mr. Receiver who will read
the message and send feedback. The process continues making communication a continuous
process. I assume that your computer is connected to the Internet. NB: to connect your computer
to the internet, you need a MODEM (Modulator Demodulator). In Nigeria, you can buy MTN
fastlink MODEM, glo MODEM, etisalat MODEM, airtel MODEM, Visafone MODEM, HSDPA
universal MODEM etc.
Step 1: Launch the browser (double-click on Internet Explorer or other browser) as demonstrated
below. NB: The RUN program (WinKey or Window logo key+ R) can also be used to launch a web
address such as when typed on the RUN dialog box.
Address Bar
Browser showing a blank page
Step2: Type or on the address bar of the browser and press Enter key. The
Sign in page that also contains Sign up now link will appear as shown below|[email protected]|+2348053000256
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Fundamentals of Internet and WWW
Microsoft Outlook Home page
NB:To Sign in, you must have account. That is, email address such as [email protected] and a
password. If the Sign up now link is not visible scroll down to reveal.|[email protected]|+2348053000256
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