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Lecture 2 – Changing Advertising Landscape: An Introduction to IMC
Advertising: is any paid form of non-personal communication about an organisation
about an organisation, product, service or idea by an identified sponsor (mass
oriented, not at all personal). It used to be effective until recently when:
o Mass media losing viewers, readers, listeners
o Digital media targets narrow audience
o Consumer not content to be passive message recipients
o Information obtained from a myriad of sources
IMC: the cross-functional business process of developing and implementing various
forms of persuasive communications programs with multiple relevant audiences
such as customers and stakeholders over time to develop profitable relationships.
o The goals:
 Short-term financial returns
 Long-term brand awareness
 Preference
o 4 elements
1. Affects behaviour
2. Considers all contacts: use forms of media relevant to the audience
you are targeting
3. Begins with the customer: work back to determine what messages
will be most persuasive for them
4. Achieve synergy: coordinated message across media forms
Value: a customer’s perception of all the benefits of a product or service
o Functional: attempt to fulfil the consumer’s consumption related problems
(Dollar Shave Club)
o Symbolic (or psychological): fulfil a consumer’s desire for self-enhancement,
group membership (Gucci)
o Experiential: represent a buyer’s need for sensory pleasure, variety and
cognitive stimulation (Crown Casino)
Lecture 3 – The Communications Process I
Encoding: a massage is a communication containing information or meaning that a
source want to convey to a receiver
o Three components of every message:
 Object: the product
 Sign/symbol: sensory imagery that represents the intended meanings
of the object
 Interpretant: the meaning derived (sexy, glam)
o Symbolic meaning
o Cultural meaning (Italian = style/fast cars)
o Figurative language (simile, metaphor, allegory)
Channel message: the method by which the communication travels from the source
or sender to the receiver
o Personal: WOM
o Non-personal: print media, broadcast media
Decoding: the process of transforming the sender’s message back into thought
o Heavily influenced by the receiver’s frame of reference or field of experience
(perceptions, experiences they have).
Noise: extraneous factors that create unplanned distortion or interference in the
communication process.