Download Resolution for Justice for the Crisis at the California Valley Miwok Tribe

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Resolution for Justice for the Crisis at the California Valley Miwok Tribe
WHEREAS, The University of California System and the Associated Students of the University
of California, San Diego, herein referred to as the ASUCSD, has been and remains a supporter
and advocate of local, national, and international human and civil rights;
WHEREAS on June 17, 2009 an eviction notice was issued upon the California Valley Miwok
Tribe, a federally recognized tribe, by the INDYMAC BANK;
WHEREAS the INDYMAC BANK, with support of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, did not treat
the California Valley Miwok tribe as a Sovereign Nation;
WHEREAS the entire tribe, elders and children included, is going to be removed by force from
their land with no place to go, and have ultimately barricaded themselves in the tribal office;
WHEREAS this notice of eviction against the California Valley Miwok Tribe violates the
‘Government to Government Consultation’ clause in the Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation (herein referred to as ACHP).
WHEREAS the ‘Government to Government Consultation’ clause states that the United States
acknowledges Indian tribes as sovereign nations with inherent powers of self-governance;
WHEREAS the ACHP acts on behalf of the Federal Government to fulfill the intent of the
President and Congress regarding government-to-government consultation;
WHEREAS the ACHP also acknowledges that Federal-tribal consultation is a bilateral process
of discussion and cooperation between sovereigns;
WHEREAS Action has already been taken by the Local Affairs Office of the ASUCSD through
the means of petition, which gained media attention and discussion by the Indigenous Rights
Council of the United Nations;
BE IT RESOLVED That the ASUCSD supports tribal chair, Silvia Burley, in her effort to
maintain her tribe, cultural heritage, and people during this time;
BE IT RESOLVED That the ASUCSD demands that 1) the California Valley Miwok Tribe be
allowed to stay on the land they have lived on for 7 years and 2) be given the chance to dialogue
with the appropriate legislatures and officials about the matter; such as the United States Justice
Department: Civil Rights Division’s office of American Indian and Alaska Native Affairs;
BE IT RESOLVED That the ASUCSD supports tribal chair, Silvia Burley, in her effort to maintain her
tribe, cultural heritage, and people during this time;
BE IT RESOLVED That the ASUCSD demands for this resolution to be sent to California
Legislatures and to the United States Justice Department.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED That the ASUCSD declares that it will not tolerate such an
infringement of human and civil rights on the California Valley Miwok Tribe.