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Organizatorius ‐ VšĮ Kultūros artelė
Bendrarengėjas ‐ Vilniaus m. savivaldybės choras
Jauna Muzika
KVIEČIA BENDRADARBIAUTI Įgyvendinant bendrą kūrybinį projektą su Olandų, Ispanijos ir Lietuvos iškiliausiais ir profesionaliausiais muzikais.
Rėmėjų pagalba šis projektas galėtų tapti sudėtine EUROPOS MENŲ IR PARKŲ FESTIVALIS dalimi
Projekto įgyvendinimo data: 2006.11. 20 ‐ 26, Vilnius
Projekto iniciatorė ir vadovė: Odeta Abromavičiūtė
Cello Octet
Conjunto Iberico
Meno vadovas ir dirigentas
Elias Arizcuren, Olandija‐Ispanija
Vilniaus m. savivaldybės choras Jauna Muzika Meno vadovas ir dirigentas Vaclovas Augustinas, Lietuva
Cello Octet Conjunto Iberico
The Cello Octet Conjunto Ibérico is a full time ensemble, a unique formation in the world of classical music. Writing about the Cello Octet Conjunto Ibérico, the press has said: ʺthey are the discovery of the nineties, demonstrate the perfection of a string quartet and combine the volume of a small chamber orchestra with Mediterranean passion.ʺ Recently the same press described the concerts with Teresa Berganza in
Amsterdam, Brussels and at French festivals as ʺhighlights of the season.ʺ
The career of Conjunto Ibérico, founded in 1989 by Elias Arizcuren and supported by Mstislav Rostropovich and Yo‐Yo Ma, could be summarised as 11 CDs and over 60 first performances of works by todayʹs most notable composers. Thanks to Elias Arizcurenʹs tenacity, the Cello Octet is able to offer original works, most
of them dedicated to Conjunto Ibérico, by composers including Xenakis, Nobre, Halffter, Pärt, Boulez, Donatoni, De Pablo, Bussotti, Denisov, Loevendie, Riley and Glass. Conjunto Ibérico also plays some 100 beautiful Spanish songs (Turina, De Falla, Nin, Montsalvatge, Granados, Guridi, Albéniz) and South Americans (Villa‐Lobos, Ginastera, Guastavino, Piazzolla) that have been a pleasant surprise to many an audience for several years. The world‐famous cellist Yo‐Yo Ma recently said in an interview: ʺ This ensemble is a treasure indeed, a fine example to the world of music. Wherever I play: Brazil, Japan, USA, people talk to me about Conjunto
Ibérico. EliasArizcuren is a true visionary, who has achieved something absolutely unique with his group.ʺ
Cello Octet Conjunto Ibérico has shown enormous diversity over the years: concerts with Teresa Berganza, dance productions with Conny Janssenʹs dance company, concerts with flamenco singer Carmen Linares and premières of works by reputed composers. In addition to the concerts in many European countries and at prominent festivals, Cello Octet Conjunto Ibérico has also performed in Asia, the United States and Canada. Elias ARIZCUREN, conductor and cellist, was born in Spain. He received his first lessons from his father and subsequently studied with Gaspar Cassadó, André Navarra and Sandor Végh. In 1969 he founded the Mendelssohn Trio, which now has an extensive discography. He established a video method of cello techniqueʹ, and wrote several books on ʹcello historyʹ and has published a collection of works of the repertoire. Elias Arizcuren is often invited to become a member of the jury in international competitions and gives master‐classes in many countries (Conservatory of Utrecht, Holland), in addition to his activities as a conductor.
For more information on Conjunto Ibérico visit the website: www.cello‐
Mr. Elias Arizcuren
Cello Octet Conjunto Iberico
meno vadovas ir dirigentas (Ispanija‐Olandija)
The Cello Octet Conjunto Ibérico is a full time ensemble, a unique formation in the world
of classical music. Writing about the Cello Octet Conjunto Ibérico, the press has said:
“…they are the discovery of the nineties, demonstrate the perfection of a string quartet and combine the
volume of a small chamber orchestra with Mediterranean passion.” Recently the same press described the concerts with
Teresa Berganza in Amsterdam, Brussels and at French festivals as “… highlights of the season.”
The career of Conjunto Ibérico, founded in 1989 by Elias Arizcuren and supported by Mstislav
Rostropovich and Yo-Yo Ma, could be summarised as 11 CDs and over 60 first performances of works by
today’s most notable composers. Thanks to Elias Arizcuren’s tenacity, the Cello Octet is able to offer
original works, most of them dedicated to Conjunto Ibérico, by composers including Xenakis, Nobre, Halffter,
Pärt, Boulez, Donatoni, De Pablo, Bussotti, Denisov, Loevendie, Riley and Glass. Conjunto Ibérico also plays
some 100 beautiful Spanish songs (Turina, De Falla, Nin, Montsalvatge, Granados, Guridi, Albéniz) and South
Americans (Villa-Lobos, Ginastera, Guastavino, Piazzolla) that have been a pleasant surprise to many an
audience for several years.
The world-famous cellist Yo-Yo Ma recently said in an interview: “ This ensemble is a treasure indeed, a fine
example to the world of music… Wherever I play: Brazil, Japan, USA, people talk to me about Conjunto Ibérico… Elias
Arizcuren is a true visionary, who has achieved something absolutely unique with his group.”
Cello Octet Conjunto Ibérico has shown enormous diversity over the years: concerts with Teresa Berganza,
dance productions with Conny Janssen's dance company, concerts with flamenco singer Carmen Linares
and premières of works by reputed composers. In addition to the concerts in many European countries and
at prominent festivals, Cello Octet Conjunto Ibérico has also performed in Asia, the United States and
Elias ARIZCUREN, conductor and cellist, was born in Spain. He received his first lessons from his
father and subsequently studied with Gaspar Cassadó, André Navarra and Sandor Végh. In 1969 he
founded the Mendelssohn Trio, which now has an extensive discography. He established a video method of
‘cello technique’, and wrote several books on ‘cello history’ and has published a collection of works of the
repertoire. Elias Arizcuren is often invited to become a member of the jury in international competitions
and gives master-classes in many countries (Conservatory of Utrecht, Holland), in addition to his activities
as a conductor.
For more information on Conjunto Ibérico visit the website:
Conjunto makes a colorful case for its octet of cellos
By Josef Woodard, Special to The Times
Riding a wave of distinction as the ʺworldʹs only full‐time cello octet, ʺConjunto Iberico has been busy quelling skeptics and winning friends since leader Elias Arizcuren formed the group in 1989. But the acclaimed Amsterdam‐ based ensemble has yet to make its mark in North America, a project fleetingly broached through a performance at the Ford Amphitheatre on Saturday evening, before the group headed to Mexico.
In Conjunto Ibericoʹs hands, what might seem like an arbitrary lifting of the cello section out of an orchestra instead strikes the ear as a logical ensemble of like instruments, with uniformity and diversity on its side. The celloʹs broad register and its legacy as both an expressive and supportive musical force make it ideal for the multiple instrument tactic, as this group persuasively demonstrated.
The ensemble stated its case with a compact yet eclectic program, leaning on Spanish and Latin American music. Spanish soprano Laura Alonso also lent her lustrous voice to several works, including Brazilian composer Marlos Nobreʹs colorful ʺTrês Cançoes de Beiramarʺ and Manuel de Fallaʹs ʺSiete
Canciones Populares Españolas,ʺ with Alonso sounding warmly evocative.
Two purely instrumental works relied heavily on rhythmic fervor and math in different directions.Philip
Glassʹ ʺSymphony for Eight,ʺ adapted from a movement from his Third Symphony, sounds fresh with its new textural heft and focus wedded to chugging eighth‐note locomotion, suddenly sounding closer than ever to rock and roll guitar culture. (Before their performance, the musicians aptly noted the generous rock audience for Glassʹ easy‐does‐it music).
Spanish composer Cristóbal Halffterʹs ʺFandango, Sobre un Tema del Padre Solerʺ is an engaging ensemble piece. A simple and obsessive fandango theme ebbs and flows as the composer puts the cellos through inventive paces. The group closed with Brazilian composer Villa‐Lobosʹ landmark ʺBachianas
Brasileiras,ʺ which includes passages designated for a cello octet, one of the few examples of the form before this Group began.‐et‐conjunto10oct10,0,3765604
Apie chorą
Jauna Muzika
Penkiolikos tarptautinių
chorų konkursų laureatas, 1993‐ųjų m. Europos didžiojo prizo (Grand Prix Europeo) laimėtojas, choras „Jauna muzika“, yra vienas ryškiausių
meno kolektyvų Lietuvoje. Profesionalių muzikų
kolektyvo misija – pasiūlyti klausytojui be galo turtingą ir
vertingą choro muzikos a cappella lobyną. Ši misija, reikalaujanti ypatingo profesinio meistriškumo,
suteikė chorui galimybę pasiekti tarptautinį pripažinimą
pelniusį atlikimo lygį. Šiandien „Jauna muzika“ yra geidžiamas partneris
atliekant vokalines‐instrumentines kompozicijas tiek savo
krašte, tiek ir užsienyje.
Daugiau informacijos:
Cello Octet Conjunto Iberico
REKOMENDUOJAMA PROGRAMA (Nr. 1) XXI a. muzika Adventui
Spiritual Music from the XXI Century
Ivan Moody *1964
Ossetian Requiem Mario Lavista *1943
Stabat Mater Franz Schubert (1797‐1828)
Gesang der Geister über den Wassern
Gil Shohat *1973
Glass Reflections with choir
Philip Glass *1937
Symphony for eight, quartets Façades
Attack and Fall and Funeral (from opera Akhnaten)
Cello Octet Conjunto Iberico
Cello Octet Conjunto Iberico
Meno vadovas ir dirigentas Elias Arizcuren, Olandija
Enric Morera i Viura (1865‐1942)
Alberto Ginastera (1916‐1983)
Suite Ballet Estancia
Manuel de Flla (1876 ‐ 1946) El amor brujo
Philip Glass *1937
Symphony for eight
Cristóbal Halffter *1930
Fandango Jauna Muzika
Cello Octet Conjunto Iberico ‐ 8‐10 min.
Jauna Muzika ‐ a capella 8‐10 min
Ivan Moody (*1964) ‐ Ossetian Requiem
Atlieka: Cello Octet Conjunto Iberico ir Jauna Muzika
Jauna Muzika a capella 6 ‐ 8 min.
Cello Octet Conjunto Iberico: 6 ‐ 8 min.
Atlieka: Mario Lavista (*1943) ‐ Stabat Mater III PROGRAMA:
Cello Octet Conjunto Iberico ‐ 12 min.
Ivan Moody (*1964) ‐ Ossetian Requie
Atlieka: Cello Octet Conjunto Iberico ir Jauna Muzika
Jauna Muzikaa capella 12 min.
Mario Lavista (*1943) ‐ Stabat Mater
Atlieka: Cello Octet Conjunto Iberico ir Jauna Muzika
2006‐11‐20, 21, 22 (23)
Repeticijos (numatomos Šv. Kotrynos bažnyčioje) bei Kultūrinis turizmas (pažintinės ekskursijos su Lietuvos gražiausiomis vietovėmis)
2006‐11‐23 (ketvirtadienis) ?
(pasiūlymas verslo bei įmonių įvaizdžio formavimo renginiams)
Mažeikių r. savivaldybės kultūros centras / arba
Alytuje, Sporto rūmai
2006‐11‐24 (penktadienis) ?
Panevėžyje, Muzikinis teatras/ arba
Šiauliai, Filharmonijos salė
2006‐11‐25 (šeštadienis)
Vilniaus Universiteto Šv. Jonų bažnyčia /arba
Anykščių kultūros centras / pasiūlymas programai “Muzika mano miestui”
2006‐11‐26 (sekmadienis)
Televizija ir radijas: laidos, anonsai, reklama minint rėmėjo statusą.
LRT (10 anonsų, reklama, reportažai, „Labas rytas“, „Kultūra“, 2 kanalas –
Tavo kultūros kanalas, LR programa „Klasika“ (pokalbiai laidose Muzikis
pastišas, Ryto Allegro, Ryto garsai ir kt.), TV3 (anonsai), TV‐1 (anonsai), Žinių radijas (pokalbiai, anonsai), Užupio bei Žinių radijas bei regionų
televizija ir radijas.
Žurnalai: straipsniai, interviu, 5 renginio maketai (20x21) su rėmėjo statusu.
Lietuvos žinios, Muzikos barai, Geras skonis, Veidas, Verslo renginiai ir pramogos, Extra Panelė, NK. Straipsniai žurnaluose ir dienraščiuose kitomis kalbomis: Echo Litwy, Litovskij Kurier, Kurier Wilenski, reklama leidiniuose anglų
kalba Lithuania Today, Lithuania in the world, Lithuanian Business Review, Business & Exhibitions, City Paper, Events in Lithuania, Verslo klasė bei lietuvių išeivijos spaudoje užsienyje Draugas, ir kt.
Reklama lėktuvuose per Europos avia linijas, projekto maketas skelbiamas su logo užsienio žurnaluose.
Internetas –, ( tikimės) informacinėse bei kitose interneto svetainėse: arba,
www.botanikos‐ ir kt. tinklapiuose ir daugelyje kitų. Kita: ACM ‐ Informacija miestui, spaudos konferencijos ir žodiniai rėmėjo statuso paminėjimai renginio atidarymo / uždarymo metu, spaudos konferencijoje ir pan. Įmonės logo ir statusas patalpinant visose reklaminėse kampanijose tiek Lietuvoje, tiek užsienyje (reklaminiai plakatai 10 vietų DJ Decaux ‐ 2 savaites iki renginio pradžios, reklaminiai transparantai, plakatai, bilietai ir
pakvietimai, skrajutės, lankstukai, bukletai, firmos reklaminis skydas renginių metu).
Išankstinė informacija pateikiama BNS, ELTA, Vilniaus savivaldybės Turizmo departamentui ir Lietuvos turizmo biržai.
Paramos suma derinama pagal atskirą susitarimą ir galimybę padengiant renginio sąnaudas bei išlaidas:
1. Autoriniai atlyginimai
2. Organizacinės išlaidos
3. Reklama
4. Viešieji ryšiai
5. Transportas
6. Kelionės išlaidos
7. Viešbučiai
8. Bilietų platinimas
9. Latga‐A
11. Koncertinių salių nuoma
10. Darbuotojai, vadybininkai
12. Kitos išlaidos
13. Kultūrinio turizmo programa
Biudžeto išlaidos tikslinimos
P.S. VšĮ Kultūros artelė yra ne PVM mokėtoja
Viešoji įstaiga KULTŪROS ARTELĖ
Įmonės kodas 300146129
Adresas: Šilo g. 1‐5, Vilnius LT‐10322
Tel: +370 5 234 80 95 GSM: +370 595 77
El. paštas: [email protected] arba
[email protected]
Direktorė Odeta Abromavičiūtė
Banko sąskaita:
Įmonės apskaita rūpinasi:
AB Hansabankas
UAB Audito formulė
LT 73 73000 1009 181 5353 (einamoji a/s)
Tel: +370 5 272 77 31
LT 83 73000 1009 196 9306 (biudžetinė a/s) El. paštas: [email protected]
Banko kodas 73000
Skatinant tarptautinius Europos šalių kultūros ir meno mainus maloniai kviečiame apsvarstyti galimas bei pageidaujamos bendradarbiavimo formas šiame projekte.
Mums būtų didelė garbė matyti Ispanijos ir Olandijos ambasadas reklaminėje kampanijoje bei tapti projekto globėju ar rėmėju.
Lauksime paskirto laiko mūsų susitikimui.
Iki malonių susitikimų.
Pagarbiai, Projekto iniciatorė ir vadovė Odeta Abromavičiūtė