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Linus Langels
Technical Artist/Generalist
Mejerigatan 9, 621 45 Visby
+46 70 32 979 23
[email protected]
My name is Linus, I am 25 years old. Currently I reside in Visby Sweden, where I live and
work. I have been studying various subjects for the last few years ranging from programming to graphical design. Giving me a multitude of skillsets and a wide range of capabilities. For the last 6 years I have worked and educated myself in the field of computer
graphics. This field requires a lot of time and effort outside of school and education to
get really good at it, and to gain a deep and passionate understanding for how the tools
and workflow function. I started freelance and industry work in early 2010.
Along with my work I spent 3 years of university studies at various institutions but I
came to the conclusion that after having spent so much time and effort,(we’re talking
8-10 hours daily on my freetime for years.) I really was overqualified for those schools I
went to. I spend almost all of my free time to constantly improve my skills.
Please visit my web site for samples of my private and professional work.
To conquer the world with my ideas and become the best :). Really!
I specialize in rigging and writing tools and technical solutions. However I like to see myself as a generalist TD when it’s called for. Most people out there know either animation,
modelling, texturing or rendering. Through my years I have had the chance to sample all
those fields. But as time went on I realized my true calling lay in creating the infrastructure and tools so that artists can work unhindered without the technical part looming
over their heads. And has thusely excelled at the task. These forays into other fields has
also contributed to a greater understanding of anatomy to aid in my modeling and rigging processes. I love challenges and problem solving and finding new solutions to situations that might arise, no matter how impossible they might appear at first.
Architectural visualization
Project: Lotus Spa
May 2012 - August 2012
Modeling and texturing
Lighting and rendering
S2 Games
Rigger and design artist
Game: Heroes of Newerth
June 2011- May 2012
Character rigging
Tool writing
R&D for movement
Freelancing design and technical artist
Project: tv commercial development with particles
July 2011-August 2011
R&D for particle systems
Rendering solutions
Look and Design
Scripting behaviour
CMID Skellefteå
Freelancing design and technical artist
Project: Design logo for Masters program
October 2011
Personal work(highlights)
The Old Man
Project: Developing realistic head for moCap solutions
January 2012-February 2012
Improve the standard of facial riggs and development of new interesting methods for
animators to interact.
Music amplitude movement
Project: R&D where modification of existing plugin made possible to break music up into
different bands within maya and use that information to drive animation.
Introduce multispectral amplitude analysis into the maya package and develop new interesting methods for using MEL programming.
Digital media production at Umeå University
September 2010-June 2011
Computer graphics and animation at HGO
September 2011-October 2012
3DS Max
Cinema 4D
After Effects
AutoDesk Composite
Headus UV layout
FX Composer
MEL and Python programming
Creating tools and scripts
Rigging characters, mechanical objects and props
Realistic skin deformations and knowledge of anatomy
Shading/material solutions
Particle and fluid systems
Rendering (mentalray and vray)
Limited C++ skills
HLSL and CG shader programming
Work well in teams
Excellent Swedish and English skills, written and verbal
Some Finnish(ancestry)
Daniel Olsson
[email protected]