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The Audiclean e‐booklet •
What is ear wax? Why do we need to clean our ears? How should we clean our ears? What is Audiclean Earwax Remover? What is Audiclean Ear Cleansing Wash? Frequently Asked Questions Contact us What is ear wax? There are many options out there for ear cleaning, however the best way to properly clean your ears is to know what causes ear wax build up and how each option works to clean the ear, as shown in this booklet. The ear canal is lined with hair follicles and glands that produce a waxy substance called cerumen. The wax usually makes its way to the opening of the ear where it falls out or is removed by washing. Ear wax protects the ear by trapping and preventing dust, bacteria, and other germs and small objects from entering and damaging the ear. It also protects the delicate skin of the ear canal from getting irritated when water is in the ear canal. Why do we need to clean our ears? In some people, the glands produce more wax than can be naturally removed by the ear. This extra wax may harden and block the ear. Wearing ear‐bud headphones, hearing aids or ear plugs for long periods can also interfere with the normal expulsion of ear wax. When you use a cotton bud to try and clean the ear, you can often push the wax deeper and block the ear canal. Some symptoms associated with wax blocking the ear can be: Earache, noises in the ear (tinnitus), fullness in the ear, dizziness and partial hearing loss. How should we clean our ears? The accumulation of ear wax can lead to serious disorders. Maintaining ear hygiene will help to avoid problems such as hearing loss, buzzing or ringing in the ears and loss of balance. However it is important to find the correct way of gently and safely removing ear wax build up and maintain ear cleanliness. Using cotton swabs to clean the ear is the most widely used method however it is also the most harmful. When you push a cotton swab into your ear, you are pushing the wax further into the ear and removing only about 10% of the top layer of wax. Overtime, this wax builds up and can cause partial deafness, vertigo, ringing in the ear, pain and discomfort. ‘Softeners’ are considered to be the most effective way of safely and gently removing ear wax that is built up in the ear canal. These ‘softeners’ are readily available at pharmacies and chemists and are often oil based, like Audiclean. The process uses an oil based lubricant to soften the ear wax which slowly drains out the ear after a few minutes. Other methods are ear candling; where a hollow cone shaped candle is held above the ear and a vacuum is created to remove wax, however this method has no scientific backing and is generally considered unsafe. Irrigation can be an effective method if you have problems with too much ear wax build up, as it uses a stream of water to ‘flush out’ any build up in the ear canal, but should only be done by a professional doctor. Curettes or Lighted Probes should also be left up to a healthcare professional as it involves manually removing wax using a wired loop instrument and can easily be pushed too far and damage the ear by an inexperienced person. What is Audiclean Earwax Remover? Audiclean Earwax Remover uses natural ingredients to gently and effectively remove ear wax from the ear canal. Audiclean Earwax Remover combines: A hydrating aqua base to dissolve and help disperse wax Apricot kernal oil to lubricate and detach dry hardened wax A combination of two natural antiseptics: eucalyptus essential oil and honeysuckle extract to help avoid any ear infection caused by the wax plug other ear drops, Audiclean ear wax remover is very gentle on the ear canal Unlike and contains no aggressive solvents or chemicals What is Audiclean Ear Cleansing Wash? Use of cotton buds works contrary to the natural ear cleansing process, forcing the dirty wax back into the ear canal, which may cause wax build up and hearing difficulties. Audiclean gently cleanses the ears and used on a regular basis, helps prevent the formulation of earwax. It can be used daily and is suitable for adults and children over 6 months. Audiclean Ear Cleansing Wash is especially suited for people wearing hearing aids or earphones, or for people producing excessive earwax. The Audiclean nozzle is specially adapted to the shape of the ear and gently diffuses circular jets sprays in order to avoid any direct contact with the ear drum. The Audiclean Ear Cleansing Wash formulation uses seawater taken from the crystal clear waters off St Malo, France. The tides here are amongst the strongest in the world, constantly enriching the waters with the natural mineral salts. It is a PH balanced, isotonic seawater solution, rich in bicarbonates and contains no preservatives. Audiclean Ear Cleansing Wash is quick, simple and easy to use. Use Audiclean Ear Cleansing Wash in the shower or bath and become part of your family’s regular health and beauty routine For ongoing ear hygiene, Audiclean should be used two to three times a week. It can also be used prior to appointments with GPs, paediatricians and Ear Nose and Throat specialists to facilitate the removal of ear wax. Frequently Asked Questions • Why is ear hygiene important? The accumulation of earwax can lead to serious disorders. Maintaining ear hygiene will help to avoid problems such as hearing loss, buzzing and loss of balance. • What is earwax? Earwax is a mixture of skin exfoliation and secretions of sebaceous and ceruminous glands, fatty acids, minerals and skin proteins. • Are some people more prone to earwax than others? Yes, this could be because of the narrowness of the ear canal – particularly in children, or the amount of hair in the ear – particularly in men, using cotton buds to clean earwax, working in dusty or dirty environments or certain conditions of the skin or scalp. • What are the symptoms of earwax build up? There are several, which include difficulty hearing, pain in the ears, a ringing noise in the ears, an awareness of something blocking the ears, and temporary deafness after swimming or taking a shower or bath. • Why are cotton buds dangerous? The regular use of cotton buds in the ear canal tends to push earwax back into the external auditory canal, which can encourage the development of wax plugs and associated disorders. Contact Us Audiclean is part of the Omega Pharma range of products To find out more about our range of products, please visit: