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American Journal of Modern Physics
2015; 4(1): 15-18
Published online January 20, 2015 (
doi: 10.11648/j.ajmp.20150401.13
ISSN: 2326-8867 (Print); ISSN: 2326-8891 (Online)
Apparent nuclear transmutations without neutron emission
triggered by pseudoprotons
Ruggero Maria Santilli
Thunder Fusion Corporation, Tarpon Springs, U.S.A
Email address:
[email protected]
To cite this article:
Ruggero Maria Santilli. Apparent Nuclear Transmutations without Neutron Emission Triggered by Pseudoprotons. American Journal of
Modern Physics. Vol. 4, No. 1, 2015, pp. 15-18. doi: 10.11648/j.ajmp.20150401.13
Abstract: In this paper, we review the work by Don Carlo Borghi and R. M. Santilli on the laboratory synthesis of the neutron
from the proton and the electron under the laws of hadronic mechanics. We then review the prediction of a subsequent synthesis,
this time, of the neutron and the electron into a new particle, known as Santilli pseudoproton, which has essentially the same
characteristics of the neutron except being negatively charged. We then outline, apparently for the first time, ongoing research on
esoenergetic nuclear transmutations without neutron emission that are triggered by a flux of Santilli pseudoprotons.
Keywords: Neutrons, Pseudoproton, Antiproton
1. Introduction
The synthesis of the neutron from the Hydrogen atom inside
stars was proposed in 1920 by H. Rutherford [1],
experimentally established in 1932 by J. Chadwick [2], and
formulated by E. Fermi [3] via his theory of weak interactions
according to the familiar form
Systematic theoretical studies on the above synthesis were
conducted by R. M. Santilli at the nonrelativistic and
relativistic levels [4-7]. The major difficulty originated from
the fact that, from the known data
= 938.272MeV,
= 0.511MeV,
= 0.782
= 939.565MeV (2a)
the rest energy of the neutron is 0.782 MeV bigger than the
sum of the rest energies of the proton and the electron, thus
requiring a “positive binding energy” and resulting in a “mass
excess” that are anathema for quantum mechanics, since the
sole consistent bound states predicted by quantum mechanics
are those characterized by “negative binding energies”
resulting in the well known “mass defect”.
Santilli solved the problem, firstly, via the construction of a
new mathematics today known as isomathematics, and then its
use for the construction of a non-unitary covering of quantum
mechanics for the invariant description of extended particles
moving within physical media under the name of hadronic
mechanics (see Refs. [8] for a comprehensive presentation and
literature up to 2008). These studies allowed the exact and
time invariant representation of all characteristics of the
neutron in synthesis (1) at both non-relativistic [4,5] and
relativistic [6,7] levels.
The first laboratory synthesis of the neutron according to
reaction (1) was done in the late 1960s by the Italian
priest-physicist Don Carlo Borghi and his associates at the
University of Recife in Brazil [8]. In the late 1990s, R. M.
Santilli conducted systematic tests [9-14] that confirmed the
laboratory synthesis of the neutron from a Hydrogen gas,
although via principles and apparatus different than those used
by Don Borghi.
An important finding during tests [9-14] was the apparent
production under minimal condition of power, pressure, etc.,
of an intermediate state prior to the full synthesis of the
neutron called neutroid with the same characteristics of the
neutron, except that its spin is zero according to the reaction
expressed in standard nuclear units
→ %&1, 0, 0, 1.008'
Therefore, Santilli introduced in Ref. [9] apparently for the
first time a basically new class of nuclides called nucleoids not
existing in the Table of Nuclides that are characterized by the
absorption of a nuclide by a conventional nuclide according to
the rule
%&1, 0, 0, 1.008' + (&), *, +,
, &) + 1, *, +,
+ 1.008' (4)
Ruggero Maria Santilli:
Apparent Nuclear Transmutations without Neutron Emission Triggered by Pseudoprotons
Since the neutroid is unstable when isolated and predicted
to decay according to a yet unknown extremely short mean life
when absorbed by a nuclide, nucleoids are predicted to have a
very short mean life, and to admit decays into conventional
nuclides, betas and gammas (see Ref. [9] for details and
numerous examples).
The U. S. publicly traded company Thunder Energies
Corporation (TEC) with stock symbol TRNG is currently
setting up the production and sale of a Thermal Neutron
Source (TEC-TNS-14003) for the production where and when
desired of thermal neutrons at the desired flux and energy (see
Refs. [13-15] for details).
Keynote lectures on the above aspects are available from
Refs. [16]; and independent review specifically devoted to the
neutron synthesis is available in Ref. [17]; and a general
independent review is available from monograph [18].
Following the mathematical, theoretical and experimental
understanding of the synthesis of the neutron from a Hydrogen
gas, Santilli proposed in Ref. [19], that Rutherford
̅ &1, −1, 1/2 , 1.008' + (&), *, +,
where we have assumed the virtually instantaneous decay of
the pseudoproton when absorbed by a nuclide, with
consequential beta emission. The existence of the
pseudoproton was additionally studied in the paper [13],
where it is noted that the experimental set up for the synthesis
of the neutron from a Hydrogen gas appears to be suited for
the production of Santilli pseudoproton.
This is due to the fact that the neutrons synthesized by the
DC arc generally have low (thermal) energy and, therefore,
are predicted to remain within the plasma surrounding the DC
arc for a time sufficient to allow a second synthesis according
to reaction (5). Needless to say, in the event produced,
pseudoprotons cannot be detected outside the reactor due to
their charge.
Consequently, the resolution as to whether the synthesis of
the neutron also synthesizes Santilli’s pseudoprotons requires
the construction of a sufficiently large, specially designed,
reactor containing in its interior all necessary equipment for:
1) The separation of positively and negatively charged
particles expectedly via positively and negatively charged
plates with sufficiently strong different of potential;
2) The separation of electrons from the pseudoprotons
expectedly via their large mass difference and possibly via
mass spectrometers; and
3) The elimination from all detections of counts caused by
Hydrogen atoms in one of its ionized forms and other
The plausibility of the existence of Santilli pseudoproton
and a detailed study of its detection means has been confirmed
by V. de Haan in the recent paper [20].
In this paper, we indicate that, subject to independent
confirmations and expected numerous additional developments,
the energy output of Hydrogen based nuclear transmutations
(see, e.g., representative tech- nologies [21, 22], can be
enhanced to such a level to achieve industrial value.
compression of the electron within the proton can occur a
second time, resulting in a new particle, known as Santilli
pseudoproton and denoted with the symbol ̅ , possessing
spin 1/2, negative charge, esentially the same charge radius,
rest energy, mass and mean life of the neutron, according to
the synthesis
→ ̅ &1, −1,1/2, 1.008'
where: we should note the appearance, apparently for the
first time in nuclear data, of the negative charge of the
pseudoproton; we have ignored in first approximation the
correction of the neutron mass due to the rest energy of the
electron me = 0.0005 amu; and one should note the lack of
need for the emission of a neutrino in agreement with Refs.
It is evident that the absorption of a pseudoproton by a
tabulated nuclide creates a nucleoid according to the rule
,&) + 1, *, +,
'→ (
+ 1.008' + /
2. Nuclear Transmutations Triggered by
Santilli Pseudoprotons
Some of the most interesting nuclear energies are those
based on Hydro- gen to trigger esoenergetic transmutations of
stable nuclides into stable nuclides without the emission of
neutronic or other damaging radiations and without the release
of radioactive waste.
The biggest difficulty in these studies is that the proton
(considered as the nucleus of the Hydrogen atom) is protected
in nature by a spherical distribution of the peripheral electron
orbits. Following ionization of the Hydrogen atom, there exist
evident difficulties to achieve an industrial valuable energy
output because the proton is positively charged and, as such, it
is repelled by the positive charge of the selected nuclide.
These features essentially imply that the desired nuclear
transmutations can at best be at random. II any case, no energy
output sufficiently large to have industrial value has been
achieved to date via nuclear transmutations stimulated by
Hydrogen and none can be expected in the near future to our
best knowledge.
An interesting approach to resolve the proton of the
Coulomb repulsion between the proton of the Hydrogen atom
and the selected nuclide has been recently proposed by U.
Abundo [23] according to which the problem of the Coulomb
repulsion can be bypassed by the synthesis of the Hydrogen
into Santilli nucleoids (3) [9] because, being neutral, they can
be readily absorbed by nuclides resulting into unstable Santilli
nucleoids as per reaction (4) with conventional esoenergetic
In this paper, we propose apparently for the first time the
research and development under way at the U. S. publicly
traded company Thunder Energies Corporation on the
stimulation of nuclear transmutations via the Santilli
American Journal of Modern Physics 2015; 4(1): 15-18
pseudoprotons (5) [19]. Since the pseudoprotons are negatively charged, they are attracted by the positively charged
nuclides. Once physical contact has occurred between the
pseudoproton and the nuclide, strongly attractive nuclear
forces take over resulting in the absorption of the
As recalled in Section 1, the mean life of the pseudoproton
when isolated is unknown, but it can be safely assumed in first
approximation to be that of the neutron (15 minutes). However,
when the pseudoproton is absorbed by the nuclide resulting in
the formation of an extremely unstable nucleoid, the
pseudoproton is expected to decay almost instantly into the
proton with the expulsion of the excess electron.
Additionally, the charged character of pseudoprotons merits
their fully controlled industrial production in a way definitely
preferable to that of the neutroids. We should finally indicate
that the controlled production of pseudoprotons via electric
discharges can be done via available tech- nologies, such as
those developed for the claimed antiprotons.
One illustration among several possible not presented for
brevity, is given by the nuclear transmutation of the Li-7
stimulated by a pseudoproton according to the sequential
̅ &1, −1,1/2 ↑ ,1.008' + 01&7, 3, 3/2↓ , 7.016' →
→ Be&8, 4, 2,8.0225' + / →
ΔE = 2.887 × 10
where one should note: the antiparallel spin polarizations of
the pseudo- proton and the Lithium to trigger the release of the
excess electron; the necessary intermediate production of the
nucleoid L3i&8, 4, 3/2, 8.0225' that does not exist in the
standard Table of Nuclides; and the produc- tion of two
electrons that can be used to collect additional heat and crate
separate source of electric energy.
In this case, we have the energy output (7b) per stimulated
nuclear transmutation (where we ignore in first approximation
the energy input and the beta emissions) with total energy
output per hour predicted in Ref. [9]
E>?@ = &2.88 × 10
of stimulated transmutations (7) in regard to their initiation,
energy output, and termination via the corresponding control
of the flux of Santilli pseudo- protons.
It may be of some value to indicate the additional nuclear
transmutations currently under study of Li-7
̅ &1, −1,1/2 ↑ ,1.008' + Li&7, 3, 3/2↓ , 7.016' →
→ L3i&8, 3, 3/2,8.0225' + / →
→ Be&8, 4, 2,8.0225' + / →
2He&4, 2, 1, 4.0026' + ΔE
of Pd-106
̅ &1, −1,1/2,1.008' + Pd&106,46, 0 , 105.903 →
Pd&107,46, 0 , 105.911 + / →
→ Ag&107,47,1/2 , 106.9050' + / + Δ
and of Au-197
̅ &1, −1,1/2,1.008' + Au&197, 79, 3/2, 196.966' →
,u&198, 79, 3/2, 196.974' + / →
→ Au&198, 79, 2, 197.972' + / + Δ → &11'
→ L3i&8, 3, 3/2,8.0225' + / →
2He&4, 2, 1, 4.0026'ΔE
J' × 10;A = 2.8 × 10B J/min = 1.7 × 10A J/h
which, in case confirmed, has evident industrial value
because the indicated considerable energy output per hour can
be achieved with a rate of e.g., 10;A stimulated
transmutations per hour on 10<F nuclei in a mole of Li-7,
namely, with a efficiency rate of 10 G .
These conditions are rather reasonable, for instance, for the
use of a collimated beam of thermal pseudoprotons hitting a
rod of Li-7 along its symmetry axis, the dispersal of the
pseudoproton bean on Lithium plate, and other configurations
(international patent pending by Thunder Energies
Additionally, one should note the truly controlled character
where Au−198 is unstable and decay in 2.69 days into betas
and Hg−198 with the release of 1.372 MeV .
The industrially relevant aspect is thatb in none of
Reactions (7)-(11) there can be any production of harmful
neutronsm, although the production of all types of
electromagnetic waves, all the way to energetic gammas, have
been systematically measured.
To prevent unrealistic expectations of a rapid production of
the new clean hadronic energy, we should stress the need to
resolve a number of engineering problems, such as the
efficient production of the needed pseudoproton flux, the
efficient use of the produced heat, the elimination of possible,
locally explosive events, and others.
Nevertheless, we can realistically state that the plausibility
of the existence of the pseudoprotons is established buy the
very existence of the neutron and that, apparently for the first
time to our knowledge, more adequate mathematical and
physical theories have apparently resolve major objections
against the achievement of much needed, industrially valuable,
nuclear energies without harmful radiations.
3. Conclusion
Following three quarter of a century of attempts in the
achievement of low and high energy nuclear syntheses
without reaching industrially valuable results despite
combined expenditures estimated to be of the order of trillions
of dollars, it is time to admit the need for new vistas in the
search of new clean nuclear energies.
Above all, there is the need to admit that the lack of
achievement of industrially valuable results may be due to
Ruggero Maria Santilli:
Apparent Nuclear Transmutations without Neutron Emission Triggered by Pseudoprotons
insufficiencies of quantum mechanics for nuclear structures
and reactions, such as the notorious insufficiencies for the
synthesis of the neutron, the representation of basic nuclear
data, such as nuclear spins and magnetic moments, the
reversible character over time of quantum mechanics
compared to the strict irre- versibility over time of all nuclear
reactions, and other insufficiencies.
We hope that this paper may stimulate young minds of any
age to use of new vistas in the search for new clean,
industrially valuable nuclear energies, firstly, by using a more
adequate mechanics resolving the insuf- ficiencies of quantum
mechanics and, secondly, by searching for new optimization
means that, by conception, cannot be even predicted by
quantum mechanics, but are fully predictable and
quantitatively treatable by the covering hadronic mechanics
and related isomathematics.
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