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“Wheels must turn steadily, but cannot turn untended. There must be
men to tend them, men as steady as the wheels upon their axles, sane
men, obedient men, stable in contentment.”
Mustapha Mond
Introduction | Task | Resources | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion
Congratulations and welcome to Mustapha Mond’s Department of Propaganda! As a new employee, it is
imperative that you understand clearly and completely your role in our brave new world of stability, harmony,
and never-surpassed human happiness. Please read the following closely.
The Department of Propaganda plays a key role in maintaining the paradise we have constructed. This world of
ours did not come about by accident—in fact, mankind almost destroyed itself first, and only the prospect of
imminent extinction through instability and war brought about the necessary changes leading to a better
tomorrow. We have less freedom now than in previous societies, but we are happier and more stable for it; in
fact, we have discovered that stability is more important than freedom. Our way of life is controlled and planned
down to the smallest details, and endless attention and care is required if society is to maintain its steady
progress towards an ever improving quality of life—hence your job in the Department of Propaganda! You play a
vital role in the health of our state. In attending to the organization and rationale of our society, we can never rest
in our efforts to ensure stability through social engineering and advanced science.
As you know, one our most important slogans reinforces: “No civilization without stability. No social stability without
individual stability.” Individual citizens need to know their role in society and how to fulfill their expectations;
everyone must be reminded how to keep happy, stable, and how, thereby, to keep the gears of our social machine
running smoothly. Your job is precisely to remind them of this correct way to live. Virtue and sanity in our world
rely, in large part, on how well you do your job. You must supply the healthy thoughts that will occupy the
minds of our citizenry. You must craft the powerful words and dynamic images that effortlessly but effectively
persuade and therein ensure obedience. Your efforts here at the Department of Propaganda are central to the
stability and strength of our civilization. The ideas you fashion and then communicate are the glue which helps
hold our social structure together, the grease that keeps the machine humming smoothly and contentedly. Good
You will be assigned to one of four Department of Propaganda subdepartments responsible for reinforcing correct
thought and correspondingly correct behavior:
Consumerism: Shop ‘til You Drop Subdepartment
You are responsible for promoting the idea that an increase in production and consumption lead to happiness and virtue. Newer is better! More is best! Old is horrid!
Science: Better Living through Test Tubes Subdepartment
Everyone belongs to everyone else! And all have a role and a function in society. Everyone has to do their part! To understand and act on this is to be happy and to live
healthily. One cannot be reminded of this long enough - or forget the ugliness, squalor, and irrationality of the old family-model based on [sic] “parents”!
Entertainment: Never a Dull Moment Subdepartment
Whether it be the Obstacle Golf, Orgy Porgy, or the Feelies, a normal person just wants to have non-stop 24-7 fun! Sensory stimulation is the highest pursuit of the best form
of happiness. Don’t be the last to indulge in the latest greatest amusement! And let’s all do it TOGETHER!
Medical Advancement: Happiness Is a Pill Subdepartment
Feeling a bit under the weather? Gloomy thoughts clouding your day? Take a Soma vacation! Pop a pill(s) and kiss those rain clouds good-bye. Relief is just a dose
away! What are you waiting for? TAKE IT NOW!
With the resources and virtually unlimited media access of the State, your job is to help design and shoot a public
service announcement for your subdepartment to be broadcast over the airwaves and through the digital pipes of
our world. Your video presentation should be polished and smooth, upbeat yet to the point, and simple but
catchy. It must effectively and dramatically convey the message that obedience to the values and
organization of our society leads to individual virtue and sanity, thereby bringing about stability and
happiness for all. The broadcast should last between 3-4 minutes and should be perfectly understandable and
equally digestible to both an Alpha-Plus and Delta-Minus. Your message will be broadcast tens of thousands of
times over weeks and even months, and millions of viewers will be exposed to it, so your work must be of the
highest quality. It cannot seem stale and boring after only a handful of viewings. Be advised!
In selecting you to work in his Department of Propaganda, Mustapha Mond has the highest confidence in your
ability to produce creative work realizing (and even surpassing!) these high expectations. In particular, he
wishes that you not lose sight of the following questions: How can you fashion your message so as to gain
maximum acceptance by the target audience? What tricks can you use to make your message seem
reasonable and not overbearing? What propaganda techniques can you use to influence people without
their feeling manipulated or controlled? Is your message upbeat and is the tone appropriate to our brave
new world? Will your slogans and/or jingles stay in people’s minds afterwards? Are they simple? Are they
catchy? Is the video broadcast polished and attention grabbing? Does it reinforce the core message of your
subdepartment, as well as the general values of the World State? Mustafa Mond wishes you good luck in the
discharge of your duties, among the most important in our brave new world of order and happiness! In having
given you full reign to be creative and develop your own ideas of exactly how to get our message across in the
video, Mond hopes to be pleasantly surprised by your work. Don’t let him down!
The following instructions will lead you to success in your broadcast:
Identity your Subdepartment and get to know the other members of subdepartment.
Decide on roles: one editor/leader, two or three actors, and one script writer.
Brainstorm as to ideas, themes, and slogans.
Fill out proposal form and present it to Mustapha Mond for approval. *
Make a storyboard for your presentation. **
Write scripts for individual members of subdepartment. *
Practice and rehearse scripts.
In costume report for video shooting.
Edit video and prepare it for broadcast.
Fill out self-evaluation and group evaluation. ***
Submit video to Mustapha Mond for evaluation.
*One Daily Grade
**One Quiz Grade
***Partial Test Grade
This assignment will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
 Is video between 3-4 minutes in duration?
 Does video effectively communicate the message of your subdepartment?
 Does it immediately grab viewer attention? Is message easy to understand? Is video creative and
powerful? Does it use catchy, easy to remember slogans and/or jingles?
 Could you see this video actually being broadcast in the World State? Could you see it in the plot of
Huxley’s book?
 Have all members of subdepartment played a role in creation and production of video?
Good luck!
When you complete this project you should be able to answer the following questions: Is it possible that
something that looks interesting and highly amusing is, in fact, poison for you? Can a video message be
attractive to the eye and ear and burst with energy and enthusiasm, yet in fact be banal? Can video be the
tool of brainwashing and enslavement?
“And that is the secret of happiness and virtue— liking what you’ve got to do. All conditioning aims at that: making
people like their inescapable social destiny.”
Director of Central Hatcheries
Mustapha Mond’s Department of Propaganda
Public Service Announcement VIDEO PROJECT PROPOSAL
Names of group members participating in this project:
Today’s date:
Step 1. Identify the Proposal
Name of the PSA (not your division) that you are planning to make:
Reason for choosing the subject of your PSA:
Step 2. Identify the Target Audience
Type of person who will see this PSA:
Audience characteristics:
How will the PSA entertain this audience?
Step 3. Identify Propaganda Techniques to Be Used
The major propaganda technique planned:
Other forms of propaganda that will be used:
Slogans and/or jingles to be used:
Step 4. Describe How You Mill Make This PSA Unique
Write your answer at length here:
Timeframe (30 sec., 60 sec., etc.) roughly broken down:
Who will do what in the creation of this PSA?
Step 5. Identify the Expected Results
The grade you wish to obtain:
What will determine the effectiveness of your PSA?
(Supervisor’s Signature of Approval)
World State Form 1-230543985670
Group Members__________________________________________________________
PSA Title ________________________________________
75% of your project will be graded on how well you work as a group, how effectively and creatively you convey your
division’s message, and by the technical quality of your video (editing, acting, etc.), as follows:
A+ (75), A (73), A- (71): This is an excellent PSA that creatively, powerfully, and insightfully communicates the core values of the
division specifically and World State generally. Makes good use of catchy slogans and holds viewers’ attention from beginning to end;
at least two types of propaganda are seamlessly imbedded in the video; the tone and pace of the video is upbeat and extremely
positive. Satire is both palpable and effective. Video effectively and completely satisfies all of Mustapha Mond’s guidelines. Length is
3-4 minutes long.
B+ (69), B (67), B- (65): This is a solid, above average PSA that has all the components Mustapha Mond desires: catchy slogans,
necessary tone and division message, etc. Propaganda may be less effective or less subtle. Satire is present but may be less effective or
even stilted. Overall, satisfies job requirements but not quite as attention grabbing, creative, or as dynamic as “A” videos. Length is
C+ (63), C (61), C- (59): This PSA communicates the division message, but it is less polished and does not hold viewer attention. It
comes across immediately as not of the highest quality; consequently, it does not convince or persuade but rather turns viewers off to
its message. Propaganda and satirical techniques are unclear. May be shorter than the required minimum length of 3minutes.
D (57): This is a project that is missing necessary components, or has a below average explanations. It is very short and fails to
satisfy the required expectations of Mustapha Mond.
F (55-0): This is a completed project which appears to have been “thrown together.” It is overly short with minimal effort evident. It
may also be very chaotic and sloppy. Mustapha Mond will be disappointed in your lack of effort.
F- (0): This is a project that was not completed or not turned in. PSA was neither completed nor presented. Save what’s left of your
dignity by quietly resigning from the Department of Propaganda.
Name _________________________
PSA Title ______________________________
Subdepartment _______________
75% of your project will be graded on how well you work as a group, how effectively and creatively you convey your
division’s message, and by the technical quality of your video (editing, acting, etc.), as follows:
A+ (75), A (73), A- (71): This is an excellent PSA that creatively, powerfully, and insightfully communicates the core values
of the division specifically and World State generally. Makes good use of catchy slogans and holds viewers’ attention from
beginning to end; at least two types of propaganda are seamlessly imbedded in the video; the tone and pace of the video is
upbeat and extremely positive. Satire is both palpable and effective. Video effectively and completely satisfies all of
Mustapha Mond’s guidelines. Length is 3-4 minutes long.
B+ (69), B (67), B- (65): This is a solid, above average PSA that has all the components Mustapha Mond desires: catchy
slogans, necessary tone and division message, etc. Propaganda may be less effective or less subtle. Satire is present but may
be less effective or even stilted. Overall, satisfies job requirements but not quite as attention grabbing, creative, or as
dynamic as “A” videos. Length is appropriate.
C+ (63), C (61), C- (59): This PSA communicates the division message, but it is less polished and does not hold viewer
attention. It comes across immediately as not of the highest quality; consequently, it does not convince or persuade but
rather turns viewers off to its message. Propaganda and satirical techniques are unclear. May be shorter than the required
minimum length of 3minutes.
D (57): This is a project that is missing necessary components, or has a below average explanations. It is very short and fails
to satisfy the required expectations of Mustapha Mond.
F (55-0): This is a completed project which appears to have been “thrown together.” It is overly short with minimal effort
evident. It may also be very chaotic and sloppy. Mustapha Mond will be disappointed in your lack of effort.
F- (0): This is a project that was not completed or not turned in. PSA was neither completed nor presented. Save what’s
left of your dignity by quietly resigning from the Department of Propaganda.
25% The remainder of your project grade will be based on your individual performance and a typed self-evaluation
in response to the following questions and prompts. This must be submitted with your PSA on the due date. Be sure
to follow MLA formatting guidelines: Use a MLA-formatted heading, double-space your document, and provide a
Student Evaluation and Comments:
What was your role(s) in this project?
What contributions did you make to the entire project?
What do you feel are the strengths of the PSA?
What challenges did you face in completing this project?
 What score out of 25 do you deserve for individual effort?
 Other comments and concerns…
This self-evaluation is completely confidential and will not be shared with the entire division. Staple this page to the
front of your self-evaluation before turning in.