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F. Garde1, A. Lenoir1, A. Scognamiglio2, D. Aelanei3, D. Waldren4, H. N. Rostvik5, J. Ayoub6, L.
Aelanei7, M. Donn8, M. Tardif6, S. Cory8.
1: Faculty of Engineering ESIROI, University of Reunion, France
2: ENEA (Italian National Institute for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development),
Photovoltaic Technologies Area, Portici Research Centre, largo E. Fermi 1, Portici, Italy
3: Universidade Nova de Lisbon, Faculty of Science and Technology, Caparica, Portugal
4:Grocon Group, Melbourne, Australia
5 : Bergen School of Architecture, Bergen, Norway
6 : CanmetENERGY Natural Resources Canada/Government of Canada
7 : National Laboratory of Energy and Geology, Lisbon, Portugal
8 : Victoria University of Wellington School of Architecture, Wellington, New Zealand
The International Energy Agency (IEA), through the Solar Heating and Cooling programme (SHC)
Task 40 and the Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems programme (ECBCS, now
named ECB) Annex 52, works towards developing a common understanding and setting up the basis
for an international definition framework for Net Zero Energy Buildings (Net ZEBs). One of the
subtasks of this programme –SubTaskC focuses on a benchmark of the Net ZEBs around the world to
identify the innovative solutions sets that makes up this new type of building. This paper presents an
overview of the work conducted by the participants of Subtask C and of Zero Energy Building projects
that have been identified.
Keywords: Net-ZEBs, Case studies, solution sets, design strategies
Net Zero Energy Buildings have started to rise by 2005 and the number of projects /publications about
this king of building are growing constantly. In 2002, the EU adopted the Energy Performance of
Buildings Directive [1], which set minimum efficiency standards for both residential and commercial
buildings. The Commission then proposed a recast of the directive as part of its Second Strategic
Energy Review in November 2008. The second article of the directive of the 14th of April 2010 [2]
gives the definition of a “nearly zero-energy building”. The nearly zero or very low amount of energy
required should be covered to a very significant extent by energy from renewable sources produced
on-site or nearby. According to article 9, “by 2020, all new buildings are nearly zero-energy
In 2005/2006, the Net-ZEB concept was still generic and in 2006 there was no harmonized
understanding about what was really a Net Zero Energy Building [3]. This is why an international
work has started in 2008 within the framework of the International Energy Agency “Towards Net Zero
Solar Energy Buildings” [4]. The objective of this work is to study current net-zero, near net-zero and
very low energy buildings and to develop a common understanding, a harmonized international
definitions framework, new design tools, innovative solutions sets and industry guidelines. Since then,
thanks to the work of the Task participants, some deliverables have been released as journal papers or
books to give to the scientific community some clarification about definitions [5], [6] or to present
interesting case studies all around the world [7].
On a very simple basis, a Net ZEB is a very low energy building that balances its low energy
consumption by the use of renewable energy on site and on an annual basis.
To reach the Net-ZEB goal, two important must be conducted at the design stage :
- to reduce building energy demand (by passive solutions and energy efficient systems);
- to generate electricity to get enough credits to achieve the desired energy balance (by renewable
energy systems).
Passive approaches play a crucial role in the design of Net ZEBs as they directly affect the heating,
cooling, ventilation and lighting loads put on the buildings mechanical and electrical systems, and
indirectly reduce the sizing of the renewable energy systems that balance the consumption
Figure 1 : The Net Zero Energy Building Challenge
One of the subtasks of IEA Task40/Annex52 –SubTaskC focuses on a benchmark of the NZEBs
around the world to identify the innovative solutions sets that makes up this new type of building. A
list of 30 zero energy buildings and projects was established function of mandatory criteria such as the
availability of data, plans, design teams, monitored data etc. Those 30 Net-ZEBs are listed and plotted
on a world map (see Figure 2).
Figure 2 : World map of the 30 Net ZEBs by climate challenge and by building type.
The three pictures are the Net ZEBs in tropical climates : Enerpos (left) and Ilet du Centre (middle) in
Reunion island and BCA Academy in Singapore (Right)
The various building challenges are responded to by using particular building design approaches and
strategies to lower the energy impact of the space conditioning and building loads. Solution sets are
therefore a set of passive design solutions, energy efficiency solutions and/or renewable energy
solutions that are used in a building to mitigate or lessen the various building challenges and achieve a
building design goal. Thus, two kind of solution sets result, they are: Whole Building Solution Set:
The set of solutions used to lower the energy consumption of the whole building. Building Challenge
Solution Set: The set of solutions used to lower the energy needed by a particular building challenge
(e.g. heating, cooling, lighting, plug loads etc...).
Figure 3 : An example of analysis of solution sets by type of climate. One can see for instance that
100% of the buildings use PV as electricity generation or that 100% of Net-ZEBs in cooling
dominated climate use solar shading systems
The STC database and the 30 detailed case studies are the backbone of a source book project entitled
“Net Zero Energy Buildings Solution Sets: Lessons learned from international projects” that is the
main deliverable of Sub Task C. The book is planned to be released by the end of 2013. The audience
is all the people involved in the design process of Net-ZEBs. The main objectives of the book are :
to give recommendations about innovative solution sets that can be adopted by building type and
by type of climate challenge. A cross-case analysis is planned in order to facilitate identification
of the set of relevant design strategies. The close inspection of the strategies and indicators of the
relative performance of the projects revealed interesting features about the combination of design
challenges with techniques and technologies responsible for delivering the Zero Energy
performance [8], [9];
- to give an experimental feedback and recommendations thanks to all the monitored data
available. Few books and journal papers deal with the monitored feedback of low energy
buildings. The book will address to some interesting comparison between design data and
monitored data;
- to raise the issues of the design process and the integration of RE from the architectural point of
- to give a feedback about lessons learned, users behaviour and post occupancy evaluation of some
of the Net ZEBs.
The overview of the Net ZEBs carried out in the framework of Subtask C of the IEA Task 40/Annex
52 led to the identification of the new ways of design for this innovative type of building. The building
of the future should be bioclimatic with a passive design approach; their width should be reduced
compared to conventional buildings in order to improve cross natural ventilation and daylighting.
Their envelop should be not only dedicated to thermal insulation but becoming multi-functional to
protect from the outside environment while drawing from the free sources of energy such as wind, sun,
soil etc. Summer comfort should be studied because on one hand it becomes an issue in air-tight low
consumption buildings and on the other hand the design of Net ZEBs must take into account the effect
of global warming on the climate for the upcoming decades. The systems used should be more energy
efficient. Ceiling fans play a crucial role and can be used whatever the climate in non-residential
buildings for summer thermal comfort conditions.
The lifts are often a large source of consumptions representing 5 to 10% of the total energy use. In Net
ZEBs it is necessary to encourage the users to take the stairs at least to reach the first floors.
The sensitization of the users is also capital in this new type of building to explain the specific
operating process of the building. It is also important to show to the occupants the impact of their
behaviour on the energy consumption. The real plug loads energy consumption of the Elithis Tower (a
Net-ZEB in France) compared to the predicted values shows that the energy balance can only be
reached thanks to the involvement of the users of the building. The best-designed building in the world
can consume more than a conventional building if users are not informed and supported in the use of
the building. The aim is to design passive buildings with active occupants rather than active buildings
and passive occupants.
The comparison of the energy consumptions during design phase and occupancy shows that it is
always complicated to forecast the consumption of a building. One of the major problem to specify the
energy consumption during the design stage is the definition of a timetable to evaluate the occupancy
of the future building. For the office buildings it is a key element. This occupancy and use of
equipment scenario should be considered as a primary input data regarding the energy consumption
calculations to attain the maximum energy ratio objective. In the building standards, the energy ratio
takes into account some specific uses of consumption (e.g. for the some national thermal regulations:
heating, DHW, cooling, ventilation, lighting), a detailed floor area but never include the occupancy
scenario parameter. The impact on the final energy ratio result can be considerably modified by this
parameter. Therefore this scenario must absolutely be integrated as an input data of the project.
At last, the design stage can not neglect the importance of the brief and of the Integrated Design
Process. The brief step is essential because it defines the expectations of the building owner in terms
of energy index, energy efficient systems, performances of the building envelope. It provides the
objectives to reach and must be as accurate as possible. Within an Integrated Design Process (IDP)
structure the various design disciplines retain their conventional responsibilities within a collaborative
framework. Design of NZEBs is “just” adding extra specialists to deal with the design aspects of the
energy generation and its storage.
EBPD. 2010. Directive of European Parliament and of the Council of the Energy Performance of Buildings
(recast). Adopted by the Council on 2010/04/14. Brussels 2008/0223
EPBD. 2002. Energy Performance of Buildings Directive.
P. Torcellini, S. Pless and M. Deru. Zero Energy Buildings: A Critical Look at the Definition, 2006. National
Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).
IEA SHC Task 40/ECBCS Annex 52. Towards Net Zero Energy Solar Buildings (NZEBs). [].
Sartori, A. Napolitano and K. Voss. Net zero energy buildings: A consistent definition framework.
Energy and Buildings. Volume (48) 2012 220–232.
Marszal, P. Heiselberg, J. Bourelle, E. Musall, K. Voss, I. Sartori and A. Napolitano. Zero Energy
Building - A Review of definitions and calculation methodologies. Energy and Buildings 43 (4) 971–979.
K. Voss and E. Musall. Net Zero Energy Buildings. International project of carbon neutrality in
Buildings. 2011. Ed. Detail Green Books. ISBN 978-3-0346-0780-3
L. Aelenei, D. Aelenei, H. Gonçalves, R. Lollini, E. Musall, A. Sconamiglio, E. Cubi and M. Noguchi.
Design issues for net-zero energy buildings. In: ZEMCH, Glasgow, 20 - 22nd August, 2012.
D. Aelenei et al. Design strategies for non-residential zero - energy buildings. Lessons learned from Task
40/Annex 52 “Towards Net Zero - Energy Solar Buildings”. In proceedings of CLIMA2013 Prague.