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Liquid Herbs & Extracts 2 oz.
ALJ® Liquid allergies, lungs, bronchitis, congestion, cough, asthma, sinus
Black Walnut herpes, ringworm, warts, expels worms, skin rashes, restores tooth enamel
Blue Vervain calms nerves, natural relaxant, relieves stress
Capsicum promotes circulation, prevents colds and flu
Catnip & Fennel colic, gas, sedative, appetite depressant, chicken pox, fever
CC-A w/Yerba Santa cold, cough, flu, virus, respiratory, aches, chills
CBG ear infections, equilibrium and inner ear problems, spastic conditions
Dulse Liquid iodine supports normal thyroid function, increase energy (2 oz.)
Echinacea (Ultimate) rich in echinacosides in an alcohol-free herbal extract
Echinacea/Golden Seal antibiotic, lymph system, blood purifier, immune builder
Golden Seal/Parthenium natural antibiotic, lymph cleanser, blood purifier, immune builder
Hawthorn Berries strengthens heart, heart beat, angina, heart rhythm, diuretic
Kidney Drainage supports normal urinary function, increases energy (2 oz.)
LB Extract constipation, cleanses intestinal system, herbal laxative
Licorice Root acts like natural cortisone, adjusts blood sugar, quick energy
Lobelia Essence asthma, bronchitis, convulsions, croup, hiccups, lockjaw
Lymphatic Drainage supports immune system, promotes health (2 oz.)
Oregon Grape jaundice, lymes disease, staph infections, syphilis
Pau D’Arco earache, athlete’s foot, fungus infections, candida
Red Clover Blend blood purifier, cancer, childhood diseases, skin problems
Red Raspberry female herb, pregnancy, lactation, nausea, reduces sweets cravings
Stress-J stress, A.D.D., Hyperactivity, nervous stomach or colon
VS-C®chinese formula, fights viruses and infection, immune builder
HERBS really work
Historical Uses of Single Herbs & Combinations
Homeopathics Natural Medicine: 1 fl. Oz. or Cough Syrup: 4 fl. Oz.
Acne - allergy
Allergy - hayfever / pollen
Distress remedy
PMS - prevention
Allergy - mold / yeast / dust
Eczema / psoriasis
Appetite control
Fatigue / exhaustion
Feminine tonic
Sore throat / laryngitis
Sprains and pulls
Caffeine detox
Tobacco detox
Vaccination detox
Viral recovery
Cough syrup
Migraquel (migraines)
Depressaquel (depression)
Nervousness - pain
Digestive Aids Plus Enzymes
Digestive Bitters Tonic improves digestion, cleanses liver & gall bladder (4 fl. Oz.)
Food Enzymes digestion for all food types, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, sugars (120)
Hi Lipase digestion of fats, supports liver and gall bladder
Lactase Plus milk intolerance, protein or sugar, dairy allergies
Papaya Mint Chewable Tablets tastes great, works quickly to relieve heartburn (70)
PDA aids in the digestion of protein, meats, beans, hcl (hydrochloric acid) (200)
Proactazyme® Plus indigestion, hiatal hernia, activates stomach enzymes, acid reflux
Protease-Plus * assists digestion of proteins, supports red blood cells & blood flow (60)/(90)
Stomach Comfort control acid reflux, neutralize acid, soothe the stomach (60)
Babies & Children Liquid herbs and homeopathics for kids
Bedwetting homeopathic (no alcohol)
Calming homeopathic (no alcohol)
Catnip & Fennel colic, gas, fever, chicken pox
CBG ear infections, colds, flu
Cold homeopathic (no alcohol)
Cough Syrup homeopathic (no alcohol)
Echinacea (Ultimate) colds, flu (no alcohol)
Echinacea/Golden Seal natural antibiotic
Licorice Root constipation
Teething homeopathic (no alcohol)
Children’s chewable herbasaurs
Antioxidants tastes great (120)
Elderberry Plus immune & respiratory (60)
Multivitamin chewable w/ minerals (90)
Multivitamin liquid multi (4 fl oz)
Essential Oils & Natria®
Enjoy the many benefits of aromatherapy using pure oils, single and blended, in 32 varieties Plus
offering massage oil and nebulizer diffuser. Natria is nature’s solution for healthier skin and hair
© 2007 Karen stene-finch
For additional catalogs 1.888.225.6601 or
Single Herbs
Eyebright improves vision, eyes, cataracts, sties, liver stimulant
False Unicorn overall tonic, menopause, headaches, depression
Feverfew * migraine headaches, muscular tension, fever, arthritis
Garlic Oil/Garlic normalizes blood pressure, yeast and bacterial infections, colds (60)
Garlic High Potency, enteric coated all the benefits without the odor (60)
Ginger expels gas, motion and morning sickness, flu, diarrhea, liver detox
Ginkgo Biloba (Extract T/R) clear thinking, memory, oxygen to the brain (30)
Ginseng, Korean overcomes mental and physical fatigue, improves working ability
Ginseng, Wild American cure-all herb, longevity, vigor & vitality (50)
Golden Seal antibiotic, infections, natural insulin, bleeding
Gotu Kola brain food, memory, learning disabilities, vitality, depression, senility
Green Tea Extract powerful antioxidant, healthy kidney function, immune booster (60)
Guggel Lipid Concentrate* herb from india, lowers cholesterol, heart, circulation
Chinese Herbal Combinations
• They feed, regulate and cleanse the body naturally
• Were created for the use of man
Alfalfa ** health builder, arthritis, appetite, pituitary gland, trace minerals
Algin excellent minerals, assists body in removing heavy metals
Aloe Vera Freeze Dried * soothing for digestion, constipation, ph balance (64)
` immune supporting properties, cell protection, joint repair
Astragalus adaptogenic, cope with stress, stimulates immune system
Barley Juice Powder * energy, nutritional, fights aging, rheumatism
Bayberry cleansing, rejuvenating, increases vitality & immune, colds
Bee Pollen allergies, quick energy, nature’s most perfect food, amino acids
Bilberry Fruit Concentrate* strengthens capillaries, prevents retinal blindness, eyes, antioxidant (60)
Black Cohosh natural estrogen, hot flashes, bronchitis, nerves, hormone balance
Black Walnut * cleanses parasites and worms, skin rashes, lupus, eliminates toxins, warts
Blessed Thistle female hormone balancer, memory, increases mother’s milk
Blue Cohosh relieves cramps & pain, promotes labor at time of delivery
Burdock reduces swelling and deposits in joints, blood purifier, gout, eczema
Butcher’s Broom improves circulation, phlebitis, leg cramps, varicose veins
Capsicum circulation, colds, prevents stroke or heart attack, blood pressure
Cascara Sagrada constipation, increases peristaltic action, gall bladder, bile
Catnip colic, nerves, chicken pox, colds, flu, digestion, hiccups, gas, fever
Chamomile insomnia, improves appetite, drug withdrawal, nerves, stomach
Chickweed appetite suppressant, burns fat, dissolves plaque from veins, mucus
Cordyceps relieves fatigue, enhances vitality, promotes heart, lung, kidneys, liver function (90)
Cornsilk kidneys, bladder, bed-wetting, painful urination, prostate
Damiana hormone balance, parkinson’s disease, stimulant, frigidity
Dandelion anemia, liver, age spots, blood cleanser, endurance, hypoglycemia
Devil’s Claw deep muscle & tissue cleanser, relieves disease & aching in the body
Dong Quai hot flashes, hormone balance, nervousness, brain nourishment
Echinacea Purpurea antibiotic, infections, blood purifier/builder, lymph system (180)
Eleuthero (formerly ginseng, siberian) energy, stress, endurance, depression, impotency/
Ezekiel 47:12 — And the fruit thereof shall be meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine.
Revelation 22:2 — And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
• Do not build up in the body or produce harmful side effects like synthetic drugs
• These natural foods are the key to good health
Anti-Gas * relieves gas, indigestion, bloating, gastroenteritis, clears stagnant food
Blood Build * blood purifier/builder, hepatitis, cirrhosis, chronic liver disfunction
Breathe E-Z TCM Conc. (30) * allergies, lungs, sinusitis, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma
HY-C * hypoglycemia, diabetes, dry cough, thirst, night sweats, builds liver and pancreas
IF-C * anti-inflammatory, hemorrhoids, gallstones, hepatitis, swollen lymph glands
KB-C * kidneys, arthritis, heavy legs, strengthens bones, rejuvenates sex organs
Kidney Activator * diuretic, urinary infections, nephritis, prostitis, edema in legs and chest
Liver Balance * balances emotions, hepatitis, gallstones, anemia, cleanses liver of chemicals
Lung Support * lung healer, lymph, asthma, wheezing, emphysema, chronic cough, bronchitis
Mood Elevator * anti-depressant, fatigue, neurosis, PMS, depression, energy
Natures Chi TCM Concentrate (30) helps increase energy,  decrease appetite and aid in weight
Nervous Fatigue Formula * strengthens heart, angina, pain, palpitations, exhaustion
Para-Cleanse w/ Paw Paw (10-day) convenient intestinal parasite cleanse
Spleen Activator * ulcers, stomach, colitis, hernia, rejuvenate digestive tract, antiseptic
Stress Relief * stress, calms nerves, insomnia, neurosis, paranoia, hyperventilation
Tiao He® Cleanse (15-day) over-all body cleanse, great diet start
Trigger Immune® * rebuilds immune system, restores energy, corrects polarity
VS-C® * canker /cold sores, shingles, viruses, herpes simplex, cancer, immune
Try Quality Herbs Available From:
New Products
Independent Distributor
Capsicum Shaker finest red pepper to enhance flavor and health (2 - 3 oz.)
Sea Salt Shaker mineral salt from ancient sea deposits (2 - 7.5 Oz.)
* Concentrated formulas available. One capsule equals three regular capsules
Hawthorn Berries heart, hardening of the arteries, regulates heart rhythm, diuretic
Ho Shu Wu calms nerves, fertility, improves stamina, prevents graying hair
Hops insomnia, nervousness, decreases desire for alcohol, hyperactive children
Horsetail hair loss, split ends, nails, contains silica, scar tissue
Hydrangea arthritis, gout, kidney, bladder, gallbladder, dissolves stones, bone spurs
Juniper Berries restores pancreas and adrenals, diuretic, dropsy, uric acid
Kava Kava Concentrate* promotes restful sleep, reduces anxiety, insomnia, panic (60)
Kelp thyroid, goiter, fingernails, helps take fat off hips, complexion, trace minerals
Licorice * adjusts blood sugar, cough, hoarseness, adrenals, Addison’s disease
Lobelia asthma, congestion, pneumonia, strong relaxant, pleurisy, lungs
Maca promotes stamina, mental and physical strength, male and female (90)
Marshmallow lungs, expels phlegm, kidneys, bed-wetting, inflammation
Milk Thistle Time Release silymarin for liver protection, damage & disorders (60)
Mullein nervous cough, lung and sinus congestion, T.B., Lymphatic
Nopal nutrients for pancreas and liver, digestion, blood sugars, production of insulin
Olive Leaf * (extract) immune booster, cold, flu, blood pressure, cholesterol (60)
Parsley bad breath, blood builder, high in potassium, kidneys, diuretic, thyroid
Parthenium similar to echinacea, gentle cleanser, improves immune
Passion Flower tension, stress, sleep, calming, well being, drug withdrawal
Pau D’Arco ** (taheebo) historically for cancer, leukemia, tumors, yeast infection
Paw Paw Cell-Reg® promotes healthy cells, powerful preventative (120)
Psyllium Hulls ** scrubs colon, best fiber, diverticulitis, colon blockage, great absorber
Psyllium Seed seeds are mucilage and swell up to 14x for colon health, fiber
Red Clover ** cancer, tumors, skin problems, relaxes nerves, spasms, menopause
Red Raspberry female, pregnancy, nausea, diarrhea, gas, colic, lactation, chromium
Red Yeast Rice good source of fiber to help maintain normal cholesterol levels (120)
Rose Hips natural vitamin C, colds, infections, blood purifier, flu, sore throat
Safflowers gout, digestion, reduces cholesterol, liver, gall bladder
Sage stimulates hair growth & color, improves memory, sore gums and throat, nerves
Sarsaparilla testosterone, body building, impotency, hair growth
Saw Palmetto Concentrate * prostate, breast builder (small or saggy), colds, rids mucus, glands
Slippery Elm ** stomach, digestion, diaper rash, diverticulitis, hiatal hernia, ulcers (7 oz.)
Spirulina green food, high protein, energy, super nutrition
St. John’s Wort Concentrate * depression, nature’s anti-depressant, balances nervous system
Stevia Powder unusually sweet, no calories, diabetic friendly (1.26 Oz.) / (50 Pk)
Uva Ursi spleen, bladder and kidney infections, diuretic, diabetes, gonorrhea, cystitis
Valerian Root * natural tranquilizer, pain, muscle spasms, nerves, promotes sleep
White Oak Bark hemorrhoids and bleeding, varicose veins, pyorrhea, pin worms
Wild Yam preventative of miscarriage, promotes progesterone, cramps, glandular balance
Wood Betony natural sedative & tranquilizer, cleansing for liver or spleen
Yarrow obstructed perspiration, nosebleeds, chicken pox, colds, fever, flu
Yellow Dock anemia, blood purifier, itching, liver, skin problems, hepatitis
Yucca natural cortisone, arthritis, reduces joint inflammation, skin problems
Personal Care Products
Aloe Vera Gel scar tissue, burns, skin healer
Black Ointment pulls toxins out of the skin
EverFlex Pain Cream® painful joints and muscles
Golden Salve skin healer, antibiotic
Healing AC Cream burns, cuts, bruises
Herbal Shampoo for all hair types
Herbal Trim® Skin Treatment tightener, toner
Peppermint Oil breath, indigestion, stomach
Pau D’Arco Lotion cancer, fungus, skin problems
Irish Moss Lotion hand & body lotion
Pro-G-Yam® (500mg) progesterone cream
Suncare Lip Balm spf 15
Suncare Sunscreen spf 30
Sunshine Brite Toothpaste brightner
Sunshine Conc. Cleaner non toxic, all purpose
Tea Tree Oil fungus, acne, infection, athletes
ache, burns
Jojoba Oil scalp and hair problems
Tei Fu® Essential Oil/Massage Lotion
Vari-Gone® Cream varicose veins (2 oz.)
MSM/Glucosamine Cream joint pain
Nature’s Fresh enzymes, removes odors/stains X-Action Gel stimulating topical gel
Now available: Natria® skin & hair care products from all natural sources
Romance Enhancers
X-A Sex rejuvenator, stimulant, hormone balancer, energizer, glandular system
X-Action Gel Put action into your life, topical gel, glandular system (15 ml)
X-Action® Men’s Rejuvenates, stimulates, promotes stamina and energy, glandular system
X-Action® Women’s Enjoy more desire, stamina and energy, glandular system
** Available in larger quantities
Single and Comb. herbs 110 caps. per bottle unless noted ( )
7-Keto lower weight set point (30)
Appetite Control reduce appetite
Carbo Grabbers® blocks the carbs (60)
Cellu-Smooth® w/Coleus cellulit (90)
CLA lean muscle mass (75)
Chromium GTF regulates blood sugars
Collatrim lose inches, burn fat
Everybody’s Fiber soothing (125 g)
Everybody’s Formula protein powder
Garcinia comb. decrease appetite
Healthy Blast meal replacement (14 pk)
LOCLO 5 sources of fiber (apple/cinn.)
Fat Grabbers
Burn fat (120 cap)
Protein, low carb, plus fiber (1240 g)
Fiber to absorb cholesterol (360 cap)
MetaboMax EF® #1 hot seller (90)
Nature’s Cortisol Formula® (90)
Nature’s Hoodia Formula® (90)
Nature’s Three psyllium fiber
Nutri-Burn Drink van./choc.,caffeine free
SF® (Skinny Formula) it really works
SynerProTein® super protein shake
Pre-packaged programs
CleanStart® 14 day cleanse / detox, apple/cinnamon or wildberry
Dieter’s Cleanse 14 day program
MetaboStart EF® 14 day 7-keto weight loss
Chemical & Environmental
Enviro-Detox Milk Thistle/Liver
Grapine® High Potency w/ Protectors
Grapeseed & Pine Bark (60)/(90)
Kudzu / St. John’s Wort Alcohol
Milk Thistle Comb. Liver cleanser (90)
Super Antioxidant Cell repair (60)
Aloe Vera Juice * Burn plant, relief of burns and sunburn, soothing to stomach
Bentonite, Hydrated Natural Clay helps eliminate toxins
Berry Healthy® Delicious, 6 berry powders, antioxidant benefits (6 oz.)
Chlorophyll, liquid Calcium assimilation, body odor, builds red blood cells (16oz)/(32oz)
Collatrim Plus® Enhance lean body mass, conjugated linoleic acid, reduce fat
Colloidal Minerals 64 essential trace minerals from plant deposits, tastes great!
Colloidal Silver Inhibits growth of bacteria, infection & virus fighter, 14 ppm
GreenZone® PH/GreenZone Ultimate Powder Whole foods, super nutrition, algae
Herbal Beverage Instant coffee replacement, made from grains and herbs
Herbal Punch Healthy cool-aid for kids and adults
Liquid Cleanse Provides support for healthy bowel and liver function (16oz)
Mineral-Chi Tonic Trace minerals, with chinese herbs to balance body’s energy
Nature’s Noni® (Morinda Citrifolia Juice) Over-all tonic, supports several systems of the body
Recovery Great sports drink helps to rehydrate when replacing electrolytes (14.8 Oz.)
Thai-Go® Drink Delicious energy drink w/ mangosteen fruit & berries, powerful antioxidants (2-25 oz.)
Tofu Moo (Natural/Carob) Soy base milk replacement, easy to make, delicious
Vegetable Seasoning Broth Delicious broth for soups or seasoning (9. Oz.)
Vita Lemon Delicious energizer drink for energy and weight loss
VitaWave® Liquid Vitamins / Minerals Antioxidants, black raspberry flavor (32 fl. Oz.)
Home Appliances
Nature’s OzoneFresh® Refrigerator Unit to reduce food spoilage and bacteria
Nature’s Spring® RO delivers 35 gallons of purified reverse osmosis water daily
energy, helps build enzymes, hormones and antibodies
HCP-X colds, viruses, infections, headaches, congestion
Immune Stimulator contains beta glucans, fights for immune (90)
IN-X general infection, fever, flu, sore throat, tonsillitis
Lymphomax® swollen lymph glands, tonsillitis, body tonic, mastitis
Seasonal Defense allergies & assists the body during seasonal changes (90)
SUMA (Comb.) energy, premature aging, sexual dysfunction
THIM-J strengthens thymus, reverses tumors, epstein barr, exhaustion
Una de Gato (Cat’s Claw) colon, arthritis, cancer, immune builder
5-W 5 weeks before delivery to prepare body, tone uterus & birth canal
Breast Assured® protects breast health (60)
Breast Enhance safe & effective herbs to enhance size (90)
Cramp Relief relieves pain, bloating & cramps
Menstrual Reg provides nutrients to help balance hormones
Men’s Formula w/Lycopene prostate problems, zinc (60)
V-X herbs for vaginal health, can be added to bolus
Anti-Gas Formula gas, indigestion and bloating formula
Artemisia Combination parasites, worms, wormwood & mugwort
Blood Sugar Formula (Ayurvedic Herbs) pancreas, liver
Cholesterol-Reg® II inhibits production of LDL’s and plaque (90)
CLT-X colitis, diverticulitis, irritable colon, digestion, diarrhea
Gallbladder Formula gas, liver, pancreas, spleen, dizziness
Gastro Health * inhibit growth of bacteria, soothe stomach ulcers (60)
Herbal Pumpkin parasites, tumors, prostate support
I-X food sources high in iron, aids iron absorption, anemia, fatigue, sties
Intestinal Soothe & Build colitis, ulcers, Crohn’s, pain, inflammed
LB-X lower bowel cleanser, constipation, herbal laxative
LBS II® ** stool softener, constipation, bad breath, cleanses
LIV-J enhance liver function, gall bladder & urinary plus
Liver Cleanse Formula strengthener of gall bladder, spleen, liver
PLS II inflammation, poultice for wounds, soothing
Senna Combination chronic constipation, stubborn bowels
SF® decreases appetite, dissolves fat, blood sugars, digestion, energy
Small Intestine Detox cleans for better food absorption
Yeast Fungal Detox decongestant, hay fever, bronchitis (90)
ALJ ** lung, sinus, bronchitis, allergies, cough, asthma
Bronchial Formula (Ayurvedic Herbs) asthma, respiratory
Fenugreek & Thyme sinus & migraine headaches, dissolves mucus
Four asthma, bronchial and food allergies, laryngitis
HistaBlock® open nasal passageways, irritants & pollutants (90)
Marshmallow & Fenugreek expel lung mucus, emphysema
Sinus Support EF® sinus problems, natural antihistamines, allergies
SnorEase® reduces snoring and mucus, opens nasal passages (60)
CC-A cold, flu, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, virus
E-Tea® herbs historically used for cancer, tumors & fibroids
Echinacea/Golden Seal a powerful combo of natures antibiotics
Elderberry Defense® respiratory, anti-viral, royal jelly, echinacea
FV fights flu virus, prevents flu & cold symptoms, digestion
Glyco Essentials (90) Glyconutrients for easy absorption, cellular communication and
AdaptaMax® adapt during physical, emotional and mental stress
APS II® herbal aspirin, pain, muscle relaxant, headaches
EW eye infection, improves vision, cataracts, glaucoma, liver
Herbal Sleep promotes natural sleep, relaxant, stress, muscle tension
Nerve Control anxiety, hyperactivity, insomnia, nervous breakdown, stress
Nerve Eight® reduces nervous tension, anxiety, stress, restores
Perfect Eyes® eye health, improves vision, macular degeneration w/ lutein (60)
Stress-J A.D.D., Spastic colon, nervous stomach, hyperactivity
Stress Pack w/Nutri-Calm® Stress-J, Suma, Hops concentration (30 pk)
Triple Relief® natural pain relief for muscles (90)
ing, loss of sexual interest, miscarriages, speeds wound healing 100 iu (180)/ 400 iu (60)/400 iu(200)
B6 Vitamins motion sickness, nausea, water retention, carpel tunnel (120)
B12 Complete, Liquid B Vitamins easy assimilation, increased energy, tastes great (2 oz)
Black Currant Oil candida, herpes, gla’s, alcoholism, nerve sheath repair (90)
Bowel Detox bowel regularity, protection from cancer, fiber, cleanser (120)
Brain Protex w/ Huperzine antioxidants, to promote brain function in adults (60)
C-Vitamin Ascorbates non-acidic w/ calcium, easy on stomach (9 oz)
C-Vitamin Chewable freeze dried orange juice great for kids or adults (120)
C-Vitamin - Citrus Bioflavonoids asthma, colds, veins, hot flashes, hemorrhoids (90)
C-Vitamin Time Release ** adrenals, bruising, bleeding gums, nosebleeds (60)/(180)
Calcium w/Magnesium & Vitamin D great organic calcium formula (200)/(240)
Coral Calcium ph balancing, alkalizing to offset acidity, 50 servings (75 g)/(90)
Liquid Calcium easily absorbed, supports healthy bones, tastes great (16 oz)
Nature’s Sea-Calcium excellent vegetarian source of calcium/magnesium (75 g)/(120)
Caprylic Acid/Caprylimune fights harmful candida, yeasts, warts (90) / (150)
Carotenoid Blend powerful antioxidant, eye health, cancer prevention (60)
Cellular Energy energy production to relieve fatigue, exhaustion, weakness (60)
Cellular Build, Nucleotide Formula may enhance digestion, enzymes (60)
Charcoal (Activated) food poisoning, absorbs bacteria, vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal gas
Chlorophyll Caps benefits of liquid, convenience of capsule (60)
Chondroitin rebuild cartilage and healthy join structures, use with glucosamine (60)
Chromium GTF reduce sugar craving & fat, diabetes, high blood pressure (90)
Co Q10 (10mg/30mg) antioxidant, heart, alzheimer’s, circulation, brain (60)
Co Q10 Soft Gel (75mg) powerful antioxidant for better absorption (60)
Colostrum/Plus IP 6 powerful immune enhancer, beneficial intestinal flora (90)/(60)
Defense Maintenance offset harmful food, water, pollution, life-style, builds immune (120)
Dha omega 3 fatty acid, brain development and retinal protection (60)
DHEA-F / DHEA-M natural hormone, improves mood and energy, boosts drive
E-Vitamin Complete w/Selenium ** heart, fertility, circulation, muscles, menopause, skin, ag-
Liquid Nutrition
Needed if consuming antibiotics, birth control pills, coffee, sugar, refined foods caps/(120) tabs
These herb food formulas are composed of two or more herbs to support certain
systems. All symptoms (as reported by doctors) should be considered nutritional
deficiencies of the mentioned system.
Lose Weight and Inches Naturally
5-HTP Power (Hydroxytryptophan) improve mood, sleep, weight loss, serotonin to brain (60)
A & D Vitamins skin, hair, blackheads, infection, vision, strengthens eyes (10,000 iu/400iu)
Adrenal Support increase energy, relieve fatigue, helps rebuild energy reserves (60)
Alpha Lipoic Acid fights aging, universal antioxidants for cell protection (60)
Acidophilus Milk Free / Bifidophilus Flora Force friendly bacteria (90)
B-Complex Vitamins nervous system, fatigue, mental stress, muscles, hyperactivity
Herbal Combinations
Evening Primrose Oil liver and spleen conditions, MS, balances hormones, gla’s (90)
EverFlex® glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, devil’s claw, healthy joints (60)
Fibralgia® (Fibro Malic) malic acid with magnesium to relieve fibromyalgia (90)
Flaxseed Oil fatty acids, laxative, reduce triglycerides, healthy hair that shines (60)/(8 oz)
Focus Attention ADD & ADHD (hyperactivity), brain focus (90)/(3.3 oz)
Folic Acid Plus essential for human health, especially developing fetus (90)
Free Amino Acids digest protein, build & maintain lean muscles, energy (60)
GABA Plus glutamine & passion flower to focus brain and calm nervous system (60)
Germanium Combination memory, sinus headaches, tumors, cancer, aging (30)
Glucosamine rebuild cartilage and healthy joint structures, use with chondroitin (60)
IGF-1 insulin-like growth factor, anti-aging, energy, lean muscle mass (1 oz spray)
Indole 3 Carbinol powerful antioxidant to protect at cellular level (60)
Iron (Chelated) itching, irritability, hair loss, vitality, depression, anemia (180)
L-Carnitine helps liver burn fat, improves muscle weakness (30)
L-Glutamine alcohol craving, fatigue, menopause, senility, aging, brain food (30)
L-Lysine shingles, cold sores, mononucleosis, candida, herpes
Lecithin heart, arteries, nervous system, brain, cholesterol, psoriasis, fat dissolver (270)
Lutein powerful antioxidant, macular degeneration, breast health (60)
Magnesium anti-stress, depression, muscle builder, nature’s laxative (180)
Master Gland balances and feeds all glands, for males and females (120)
Mega-Chel® oral chelation, cholesterol, heart, numbness, fatigue (90)/(180)
Melatonin Extra restores natural sleep, energy, reverse aging (60)
Monthly Maintenance® P. M. S., hormone balancer, female corrective (180)
MSM (Sulphur) healthy joints, fibromyalgia, ph balance of acid /alkaline (90)
Multi Vitamins & Minerals Time Release super one-a-day multivitamin (60)
N-Acetyl Cysteine protect cells against free radicals, supports detoxification (60)
Nature’s Prenatal® natural vitamins & minerals, before & during pregnancy/lactation (180)
Nature’s Phenyltol® w/NEM powerful, natural pain reliever (60)
Niacin migraines, cholesterol, depression, digestion, skin, reduces cellulite (90)
Nutri-Calm® insomnia, anti-stress, soothes, calms nervous system (60)
Omega-3 HI EPA “good fats” for health of veins, arteries, heart, arteriosclerosis, arthritis (60)
Pantothenic Acid stress, fatigue, adrenals, old age appearance, gray hair
Phyto-Soy phytonutrients from soybeans, diminish health risks male & female (90)
Potassium Combination regulates heart beat, muscles & reflexes, dropsy, energy
Pregnenolone (mother of all hormones) most abundant hormone in the body (60)
Probiotic Eleven contains 11 strains / l-reuteri - chewable probiotic (90)/(60)
SAM-e emotional well-being, brain, nerve, liver & heart health, joint mobility (30)
Skeletal Strength® minerals, prevent osteoporosis & thinning bones, leg cramps (150)
S.O.D. w/Gliadin fight aging, protect cells, super antioxidant & enzyme for every cell (60)
Super GLA evening primrose, borage oil, black currant oil, gamma linolenic acid (90)
Super Supplemental Multi Vitamins & Minerals with or without iron (120)
Target Endurance athletes, endurance, nutrition for muscle cells (90)
Target P-14 / TS II minerals chelated to amino acids to support pancreas / thyroid (90)
Thyroid Support restore energy, mineral balance, support thyroid function (60)
Trace Mineral Maintenance 70 minerals chelated by nature for better absorption (450)
Zinc taste/smell loss, prostate, needed to repair injured tissue, anorexia (150)
Zinc Lozenges (Soothinc) sore throat, colds, cough, improve immune system (96)
100% Natural Vitamins & Minerals
C-X natural hormone replacement & balancing, menopause, hot flashes
FCS II menstrual cramps, hormones, relaxant
Female Comfort menstrual, balances hormones & emotions
Flash-Ease increases estrogen, decreases hot flashes (60)
Herbal Trace Minerals anemia, pregnancy, good for animals
HSN-W® / HSN Botanical Benefits for healthy hair, skin and nails
HY-A hypoglycemia, adrenal rebuilder, energy, mood & blood sugar swings
Lymph Gland Cleanse natural antibiotic, infection fighter
Lymph Gland Cleanse-HY infection fighter, natural antibiotic
Nf-x supports female health, post-partum relief, cramps
PBS blood sugar problems, pancreas
Pro-Pancreas blood sugar problems, diabetes, rebuilds and strengthens
PS II® prostate problems, urinary, hormone balancer
Red Beet Root Formula balancing blood sugars, energy, weight loss
SugarReg® regulate and lower blood sugar, pancreas, liver (60)
Thyroid Activator® strengthens thyroid, metabolism, trace minerals
TS II (with Hops) regulates thyroid, hyper-over active / hypo-under active
Wild Yam & Chaste Tree progesterone, hormone balancer
Bone/Skin Poultice bone healer, wound healer, poultice
CA, Herbal * calcium for nerve sheaths, bones, teeth, cartilage
IF Relief (90) may helps give the body what it needs to relieve acidity, inflammation, pain
Joint Health (Ayurvedic Herbs) arthritis, stiffness, gout
Joint Support arthritis, joint stiffness, bursitis, gout
Nature’s Phenyltol® w/NEM (60) Powerful natural muscle relaxant and pain relief
SC Formula (Shark Cartilage) tumors, cancer & arthritis
Blood Pressurex targets underlying causes, normalizes (60)
BP-X® blood purifier, poison ivy/oak, acne, psoriasis, eczema
Capsicum & Garlic w/Parsley high blood pressure, cholesterol
Cardio Assurance® normal homocysteine levels, circulatory support (60)
GC-X high or low blood pressure, equalizer
Ginkgo & Hawthorn Comb. brain, heart, ringing in ears, vertigo
Ginkgo/Gotu Kola w/Bacopa * memory, brain energy (60)
HS II® strengthens and feeds the heart, cleanses blood vessels
Nattozimes Plus (60) Supports normal cardio function, nutrients to nourish the heart,
circulation, breaks down fibrin in blood
Vari-Gone® (contains horse chestnut) varicose veins, hemorrhoids (90)
Cranberry & Buchu Concentrate kidneys, bladder, infections, bacteria
JP-X kidney and bladder infection, strengthens and cleanse, prostate
Kidney Activator * bladder, bedwetting, strengthens entire urinary system
P-X® decrease prostate P.S.A. Count, use with herbal pumpkin
Urinary Maintenance kidneys, bladder, sodium-potassium balance (120)
Skin Detox (Ayurvedic Herbs) skin detoxification, restore balanced state
Natural Changes® C-X, Wild Yam & Chaste Tree, Flax Seed Oil, Calcium, Nutri-Calm® (42 pk)
Super Algae contains klamath lake algae, super food with trace minerals, nutrition
All Cell Detox general cleanser, cleanses toxins from all systems
Energ-V® a synergistic combination of all the herbs for energy
GreenZone®, Ultimate, Capsules nutrition for energy and life (360)
Heavy Metal Detox assist body in detoxification process (90)
Nature’s Noni® (Morinda Citrifolia Juice) balances ph, beneficial for all body systems
Nature’s Sweet Life Xylitol Sweetener
Calcium Crunch Dark Chocolate (28/ 1.27 oz. bars) Contains 35%  RDV of Calcium, fortified
with magnesium and phosphorus, flax seeds
Raspberry Dark Chocolate (28/ 1.27 oz. bars) Contains vitamin E, B12, vitamin C, co-enzyme
Q10,  flax seeds (omega-3 fatty acids)
Cinnamon Gum (100) May help reduce cavities and dental plaque, promotes oral health
Spearmint Gum (100) May help reduce cavities and dental plaque, promotes oral health
Peppermint Mints (240) Promotes oral health, protects teeth, freshens breath
Lemon Mints (240) Promotes oral health, protects teeth, freshens breath
Xylitol Peppermint Mouthwash (16 fl oz) Helps prevent plaque, improve dental health and
freshen breath