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The Moreno Method of
Cupping Therapy Program
An Alternative to Deep Tissue Massage
and Acupuncture
illustr ations to r
expla ioner and
pract e!
Copyright © January 2014 by Baz Moreno/Keith Moreno
Ciudad de Mèxico, D.F. , Mèxico/Atlanta, Georgia USA
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any
means without written permission of the author.
The information in this book is not intended to replace the
services of trained, medical professionals. Neither is it intended to
be a substitute for medical advice. The reader/participant is
advised to consult with his/her healthcare professional in regards
to matters relating to their health and matters that may require
medical attention or diagnosis.
Dr. Moreno has attempted to
be as accurate and thorough
as possible in the creation of
this course. Notwithstanding
the fact that he does not
warrant or represent, at any
time, that the content within
are entirely accurate due to the
rapidly changing nature of
medicine, medical laws and
occupational and innovational
creations (due to need)
throughout the world.
While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this
publication, the author assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions,
or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived
slights of specific persons, peoples, schools of thought or organizations
are unintentional.
Dr. Moreno does
not make any
guarantees of
income with the
completion of
this course.
Participants are
cautioned to use
their own
judgment about
their individual
and to act
Despite the efficacy of this course, it is not
intended for use as a source of medical
advice. All participants are advised to avoid
diagnosing and familiarize themselves with
the laws of their state, providence or
country in order to avoid doing harm.
Throughout your participation in
this course and upon completion,
you may contact Dr. Moreno with
b questions.
[email protected]
Section Two of Three
Module 6: Application
of Cups………………….….…………….59
Module 7: Locating Points for
the Moreno Method ……………….……64
Module 8: Common Issues
and Illnesses pt 1………………………..78
Despite the efficacy of this course, it is not
intended for use as a source of medical
advice. All participants are advised to avoid
diagnosing and familiarize themselves with
the laws of their state, providence or
country in order to avoid doing harm.
Throughout your participation in
this course and upon completion,
you may contact Dr. Moreno with
b questions.
[email protected]
Application of Cups
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Handling Techniques
The Moreno Method of Cupping is aware of the importance of the
various methods of manipulating the energy points of the body. Of
course, there are other techniques that will not be employed in this
course due to training, experience, supplies, and liability.
One cup - this technique uses a single cup which is applied where
the energy point , pain or area of concern is located. The size of the
cup will be determined by the extent of the pathogen to treat. For
example, in sprains, bruised areas, painful points, elbow pain or for
an opening and drainage of abscesses, etc.
Multiple Cups - this technique is used with several cups. You
will usually use a pathogen which covers an extensive area of
the body or to its application in several points of agreement the
pathogen in question. Its number can vary from 2 to 10 cups.
There should be distance of 3 to 7 cm between the cups.
// Page 60
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Fixed Cup – With this technique the cup should remain in the selected
area for 5 to 20 minutes. The cup should be monitored when applied
during the summer season or in an area with very thin muscle.
Periodically, this technique may require application until the skin color
changes. If it becomes purple, the application has extended it’s time.
Caution must be exercised to be certain that the skin does not break or
blister. This technique can be used in the healing of the majority of the
Moving Cup – This is the preferred method for the Moreno Method. It’s
use requires the application of a lubricant in order to achieve the
smooth gliding of the cup. Pressure may be applied. Cups made of
crystal, with a large mouth, thick wall and smooth edges may be used.
This method is preferred on the back, chest , waist, abdomen,
buttocks, thighs, and developed muscles and too, in cases of
diminished sensibility, paralysis, joint pain, muscular degeneration,
arthritis, etc.
Two hands can be used to increase the pressure and too, ease the
gliding of the cup.
When working over the heart and sternum, be careful not to pull the
cup to release. Slide a finger between the cup and the client to release
the pressure.
// Page 61
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Acupressure Cup - this procedure makes use of acupressure on the
point by using pressure and circular massage on the pressure point
for a period of time, either by hand or with your finger. Afterwards, the
cup is applied to area(s). The two techniques are applied to increase
the stimulation. Clinically, this method is used for acute cases, intense
pain, traumatized tissues, sprains, etc.
Some illnesses wil
l recommend the
use of Hijama(Bloo
dletting )
cupping style.
However, the More
no Method
suggests the use o
f acupressure
and fixed cupping
for such
// Page 62
Despite the efficacy of this course, it is not
intended for use as a source of medical
advice. All participants are advised to avoid
diagnosing and familiarize themselves with
the laws of their state, providence or
country in order to avoid doing harm.
Throughout your participation in
this course and upon completion,
you may contact Dr. Moreno with
b questions.
[email protected]
Locating Points for the Moreno Method
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Use of Abbreviations for Acupuncture Points
Spleen – Sp
Heart - Ht, He or H
Small Intestine – Si
Bladder – Bl or Ub
Kidney – Ki or K
Pericardium – Pc or P
Triple Burner – Tb or Sj
Gallbladder – Gb
Liver – Lv or Lr
Lung – Lu
Large Intestine – Li or Co
Stomach – St
Governing Vessel – Du or Gv
Conception Vessel (Ren) – Cv
Extra Acupunture Points - Ex
// Page 65
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Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
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St-16 yìng chuāng
(Breast Window)
Location: On the chest, in the 3rd intercostal space, 4
cun lateral to the anterior median line.
St-17 rǔ zhōng
(Breast Center)
Location: On the chest, in the 4th intercostal space,
4 cun lateral to the anterior median line, in the center
of the nipple.
St-18 rǔ gēn
(Breast Root)
Location: On the chest, directly below the nipple,
at the base of the breast, in the 5th intercostal
space, 4 cun lateral to the anterior median line.
St-21 liáng mén
(Beam Gate)
// Page 66
Stomach Meridian
Location: On the upper abdomen, 4 cun above the
center of the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to the anterior
median line.
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
St-25 tiān shū
(Celestial Pivot)
Location: On the middle of the abdomen, 2 cun lateral to
the umbilicus.
St-30 qì chōng
(Penetrating Qi)
Location: Above the inguinal, 5 cun below the center
of the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to the anterior median line.
St-31 bì guān
(Thigh Gate)
Location: On the anterior aspect of the thigh, on the line
connecting the anterior superior iliac spine and the lower
lateral border of the patella, level with the lower border of
the symphysis pubis, in the depression on the lateral side of
musculus sartorius when the thigh is flexed.
St-34 liáng qīu
(Beam Mound)
Location: When the knee is flexed, on the anterior aspect of
the thigh, on the line connecting the anterior superior iliac
spine and the lower lateral border of the patella, 2 cun above
the patella.
St-36 zú sān lǐ
(Leg Three Miles)
Location: On the anterior aspect of the lower leg, 3 cun
below ST 35, one finger-breadth (middle finger) from the
anterior crest of the tibia.
St-40 fēng lóng
(Abundant Bulge)
Location: On the anterior aspect of the lower leg, 8 cun
superior to the external malleolus, lateral to ST 38, two
finger-breadth (middle finger) from the anterior crest of the
St-41 jiě xī
(Stream Divide)
Location: At the junction of the dorsum of the foot and the
lower leg. in the depression at the midpoint of the
transverse crease of the ankle between the tendons m.
extensor hallucis longus and digitorum longus.
// Page 67
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Lung Meridian
Lu-5 chǐ zé
(Cubit Marsh)
Location: On the cubital crease, on the radial side of the tendon
m. biceps brachii.
Lu-7 liè quē
(Broken Sequence)
Location: On the radial margin of the forearm, superior to the
styloid process of the radius, 1.5 cun above the transverse crease
of the wrist.
Pericardium Meridian
Pc-6 nèi guān
(Inner Gate)
Location: On the palmar aspect of the forearm, 2 cun above the
transverse crease of the wrist, on the line connecting PC 3 and PC
7, between the tendons of m. palmaris longus and m. flexor carpi
Large Intestine Meridian
Co-4 hé gǔ
(Joining Valley)
Location: On the dorsum of the hand, between the 1st and
2nd metacarpal bones, in the middle of the 2nd metacarpal bone
on the radial side.
Co-10 shǒu sān lǐ
(Arm Three Miles)
Location: With the elbow flexed, the point is on the dorsal
radial side of the forearm, on the line connecting LI 5 and LI 11,
2 cun below the transverse cubital crease.
Co-11 qū chí
(Pool at the Crook)
Location: With the elbow flexed, the point is on the lateral end
of the transverse cubital crease, at midpoint between LU 5 and
the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.
// Page 68
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Small Intestine Meridian
Si-9 jiān zhēn
(True Shoulder)
Location: Posterior and inferior to the shoulder joint, when
the arm is adducted, the point is 1 cun (finger inch) above
the posterior end of the axillary fossa.
Si-11 tiān zōng
(Celestial Gathering)
Location: In the region of the scapula, in the depression in
the center of the subscapular fossa, level with the 4th
thoracic vertebra.
Si-14 jiān wài shū
(Outer Shoulder Shu)
Location: On the back, 3 cun lateral to the lower
border of the spinous process of T1.
Kidney Meridian
Ki-3 taì xī
(Great Stream)
Location: On the medial aspect of the foot, posterior to the
medial malleolus, in the depression between the tip of the
medial malleolus and tendo calcaneus.
Ki-25 shén cáng
(Spirit Storehouse)
Location: On the chest, in the 2nd intercostal
space, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline.
Du (Governing) Vessel Meridian
GV-2 yāo shū
(Lumbar Shu)
// Page 69
Location: On the sacrum, on the posterior median line in
the hiatus of the sacrum.
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Gv-4 mìng mén
(Gate of Life)
Location: On the lumbar region, on the posterior median line,
in the depression below the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar
Gv-8 jīn suō
(Sinew Contraction)
Location: On the back, on the posterior median line, in the
depression below the spinous process of the 9th thoracic
Gv-9 zhì yáng
(Reaching Yang)
Location: On the back, on the posterior median line, in the
depression below the spinous process of the 7th thoracic
Gv-10 líng tái
(Spirit Tower)
Location: On the back, on the posterior median line, in the
depression below the spinous process of the 6th thoracic
Gv-12shēn zhù
(Body Pillar)
Location: On the back, on the posterior median line, in the
depression below the spinous process of the 3rd thoracic
Gv-14 dà zhuī
(Great Vertebra)
Location: On the posterior median line, in the depression
below the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra.
Liver Meridian
Lv-3 taì chōng
(Great Surge)
Location: On the dorsum of the foot, in the depression
proximal to the 1st metatarsal space.
Lv-14 qí mén
(Cycle Gate)
Location: On the chest, directly below the nipple, in the 6th
intercostal space, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline.
// Page 70
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Conception (Ren) Vessel Meridian
Cv-3 zhōng jí
(Middle Pole)
Location: On the anterior median line of the lower abdomen, 4
cun below the umbilicus.
Cv-4 guān yuán
(Gate of Origin)
Location: On the anterior median line of the lower abdomen,
3 cun below the umbilicus.
Cv-5 shí mén
(Stone Gate)
Location: On the anterior median line of the lower abdomen,
2 cun below the umbilicus.
Cv-6 qì hǎi
(Sea of Qi)
Location: On the anterior median line of the lower abdomen,
1.5 cun below the umbilicus.
Cv-8 shén què
(Spirit Gateway)
Location: In the middle of the abdomen, in the center of the
Cv-12 zhōng wǎn
(Middle Epigastrium)
Location: On the anterior median line of the upper abdomen,
4.0 cun above the umbilicus.
Cv-22 tiān tū
(Celestial Prominence)
Location: On the anterior median line of the neck, in the
center of the suprasternal fossa.
Gallbladder Meridian
Bl-11 dà zhù
(Great Shuttle)
Location: On the back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of
the spinous process of the 1st thoracic vertebra.
Bl-12 fēng mén
(Wind Gate)
Location: On the back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of
the spinous process of the 2nd thoracic vertebra.
// Page 71
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Bl-13 fèi shū
(Lung Shu)
Location: On the back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border
of the spinous process of the 3rd thoracic vertebra.
Bl-15 xīn shū
(Heart Shu)
Location: On the back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border
of the spinous process of the 5th thoracic vertebra.
Bl-17 gé shū
(Diaphragm Shu)
Location: On the back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower
border of the spinous process of the 7th thoracic vertebra.
Bl-18 gān shū
(Liver Shu)
Location: On the back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border
of the spinous process of the 9th thoracic vertebra.
Bl-19 dǎn shū
(Gall Bladder Shu)
Location: On the back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border
of the spinous process of the 10th thoracic vertebra.
Bl-20 pí shū
(Spleen Shu)
Location: On the back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border
of the spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebra.
Bl-21 wèi shū
(Stomach Shu)
Location: On the back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border
of the spinous process of the 12th thoracic vertebra.
Bl-22 sān jiāo shū
(San Jiao Shu)
Location: On the back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border
of the spinous process of the 1st lumbar vertebra.
Bl-23 shèn shū
(Kidney Shu)
Location: On the back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower
border of the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar vertebra.
Bl-24 qì hǎi shū
(Sea of Qi Shu)
Location: On the back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border
of the spinous process of the 3rd lumbar vertebra.
// Page 72
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Bl-25 dà cháng shū
(Large Intestine Shu)
Location: On the back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border
of the spinous process of the 4th lumbar vertebra.
Bl-26 guān yuán shū
(Gate Shu)
Location: On the back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border
of the spinous process of the 5th lumbar vertebra.
Bl-28 páng guāng shū
(Bladder Shu)
Location: In the region of the sacrum, 1.5 cun lateral to the
middle sacral crest, at the level of the 2nd posterior sacral
Bl-32 cì liáo
(Second Crevice)
Location: In the region of the sacrum, medial and inferior
to the posterior superior iliac spine, in the 2nd sacral
Bl-37 yīn mén
(Gate of Abundance)
Location: On the posterior aspect of the thigh, 6 cun below
UB 36, on the line connecting UB 36 and UB 40.
Bl-40 wěi zhōng
(Supporting Middle)
Location: Midpoint of the transverse crease of the popliteal
fossa, between the tendons m. biceps femoris and m.
Bl-43 gāo huāng shū
Location: On the back, 3.0 cun lateral to the lower border
of the spinous process of the 4th thoracic vertebra.
Bl-52 zhì shì
(Will Power Chamber)
Location: On the lower back, 3.0 cun lateral to the lower
border of the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar vertebra.
Bl-57 chéng shān
(Supporting Mountain)
Location: On the posterior midline of the lower leg between
UB 40 and UB 60, when extending the toes straight or lifting
the heel, the point is below of m. gastrocnemius in the apex
of the depression.
// Page 73
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Bl-60 kūn lún
(Kunlun Mountains)
Location: On the foot, behind the external malleolus, in the
depression between the tip of the external malleolus and
tendo calcaneus.
Spleen Meridian
Sp-5 shāng qiū
(Shang Mound)
Location: On the depression distal and inferior to the medial
malleolus, midpoint between the tuberosity of the navicular bone
and the tip of the medial malleolus.
Sp-6 sān yīn jiāo
(Three Yin Intersection)
Location: On the medial aspect of the lower leg, 3 cun above
the medial malleolus, on the posterior border of the medial
aspect of the tibia.
Sp-8 dì jī
(Earth Pivot)
Location: On the medial aspect of the lower leg, 3 cun
below SP 9, on the line connecting the tip of the medial
malleolus and SP 9.
Sp-9 yīn líng qúan
(Yin Mound Spring)
Location: On the medial aspect of the lower leg, in the
depression of the lower border of the medial condyle of the tibia.
Sp-10 xuè hǎi
(Sea of Blood)
Location: When the knee is flexed, on the medial aspect of the
thigh, the point is 2 cun above the mediosuperior border of the
patella, on the bulge of the medial portion of m. quadriceps
Sp-15 dà héng
(Great Horizontal)
Location: On the middle of the abdomen, 4 cun lateral to the
center of the body.
// Page 74
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Gall Bladder Meridian
Gb-14 yáng bái
(Yang White)
Location: On the forehead, directly above the pupil of the
eye, 1.0 cun superior to the eyebrow.
Gb-21 jīan jǐng
(Shoulder Well)
Location: On the shoulder, directly above the nipple, at the
midpoint of the line connecting DU 14 and the acromion.
Gb-24 rì yuè
(Sun & Moon)
Location: On the upper abdomen, directly below the
nipple, in the 7th intercostal space, 4 cun lateral to the
anterior midline.
Gb-30 huán tiào
(Jumping Round)
Location: On the lateral side of the buttocks, when the
patient is in the lateral recumbent position and the thigh is
flexed, this point is at the junction of the lateral 1/3 and medial
1/3 of the line connecting the greater trochanter and the hiatus
of the sacrum.
Gb-34 yáng líng quán
(Yang Hill Spring)
Location: On the lateral aspect of the lower leg, in the
depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula.
Gb-39 xuán zhōng
(Suspended Bell)
Location: On the lateral aspect of the lower leg, 3 cun above
the tip of the external malleolus, on the anterior border of the
Gb-40 qiū xū
(Hill Ruins)
Location: On the foot, anterior and inferior to the external
malleolus, in the depression on the lateral side of the tendon of
m. extensor digitorum longus.
// Page 75
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Triple Burner/San Jiao Meridian
Tb-14 jiān liáo
(Shoulder Crevice)
Location: On the region of the shoulder, when the arm is
abducted, the point is posterior to LI 15, in the depression
posterior and inferior to the acromion.
Tb-15 tiān liáo
(Celestial Crevice)
Location: On the region of the scapula, midway between
GB 21 and SI 13, on the superior angle of the scapula.
Heart Meridian
Ht-5 tōng lǐ
(Connecting Interior)
Location: On the palmar aspect of the forearm, the point is
on the radial side of the tendon m. flexor carpi ulnaris, 1.0 cun
above the transverse crease of the wrist.
Ht-6 yīn xī
(Yin Cleft)
Location: On the palmar aspect of the forearm, the point is
on the radial side of the tendon m. flexor carpi ulnaris, .5 cun
above the transverse crease of the wrist.
Extraordinary Points
huá túo jiā jǐ
(Gall Bladder Point)
Location: On the superior lateral aspect of the lower leg, 2
cun directly below the depression anterior and inferior to the
head of the fibula, GB 34.
(Uterus Point)
Location: 4 cun below the umbilicus, 3 cun lateral to the
anterior midline.
dannang xue
(Gall Bladder Point)
Location: 1-2 cun below GB34.
// Page 76
Despite the efficacy of this course, it is not
intended for use as a source of medical
advice. All participants are advised to avoid
diagnosing and familiarize themselves with
the laws of their state, providence or
country in order to avoid doing harm.
Throughout your participation in
this course and upon completion,
you may contact Dr. Moreno with
b questions.
[email protected]
Common Illnesses and Issues
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Hemorrhoids are swollen and
inflamed veins around the anus
or in the lower rectum. This
issue mainly occurs in adults.
The problem can be attributed
to poor diet, excessive
consumption of spicy foods,
prolonged standing or sitting,
diarrhea, pregnancy, humidity,
dryness, heat, etc.. All of the
above can cause stagnation of
energy and cause bleeding
disturbances in blood
circulation, occurrences of
elongation in the veins of the
anus and result in the
manifestation of hemorrhoids.
Fixed: Apply cups to
listed points for 15 to
20 minutes.
// Page 79
qì hǎi shū
dà cháng s 4
hū Bl-25
yāo shū D
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
In this disorder occurs pain in
corresponding journey of the sciatic
nerve. Its origin is classified into two
types: one primary pain, another is
secondary pain. Its main symptom is
pain in the hip and back thigh, until the
heel. It refers to as a touch electrical,
ardent pain, such as burning, throbbing
pain, which is compounded with the
Fixed: Apply the cups points
of the large intestine and
gall bladder meridians for
15 minutes.
huá túo jiā jǐ (Ex)
huán tiào Gb-30
yīn mén Bl-37
wěi zhōng Bl-40
// Page 80
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Pulmonary Tuberculosis
A contagious, chronic, highly variable disease that is caused by a bacterium of the
genus Mycobacterium. It is usually communicated by inhalation of the airborne
causative agent and affects the lungs. It may spread to other areas such as the
kidney or spinal column via local lesions or by way of the lymph or blood vessels.
It is characterized by fever, cough, difficulty in breathing, inflammatory infiltrations,
formation of tubercles, weakness in waist/knees, pleural effusion, lack of appetite,
night sweats and hot flashes.
fèi shū Bl-13
shēn zhù Du-12
gāo huāng shū Bl-43
wèi shū Bl-21
qū chí Li-11 (arm)
zhōng wǎn Cv-12
chǐ zé Lu-5 (arm)
// Page 81
Moving: Glide the cup
from Bl-13 to Bl-21, from
top to bottom, 5 to 10 times.
Despite the efficacy of this course, it is not
intended for use as a source of medical
advice. All participants are advised to avoid
diagnosing and familiarize themselves with
the laws of their state, providence or
country in order to avoid doing harm.
Throughout your participation in
this course and upon completion,
you may contact Dr. Moreno with
b questions.
[email protected]
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
It manifests itself as a sensation of having something stuck in the throat
(minus difficulty swallowing). Occasionally, it is accompanied by a feeling of
tightness in the chest and/or feeling of abdominal fullness, etc. Most of the
cases consist of emotional factors; anxiety or depression. This disorder is
associated with the stagnation of energy and phlegm.
Fixed: Apply cups
To points for 10 to
20 minutes.
// Page 83
xīn shū Bl-15
gé shū Bl-17
shèn shū Bl-2
tiān tū Cv-22
shān zhōng C
qì hǎi Cv-6
nèi guān Pc-6
zú sān lǐ St-36
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
This condition is
characterized by the
twisting of the neck
to one side that
results in abnormal
carriage of the head
and is usually
caused by muscle
spasms. It is also
known wryneck. The
limited motion can
be caused by neck
sprain, poor
positioning of the
head during sleep,
pillow too high or too
low. The area may
be affected by wind
and cold.
Moving: Glide the cup over
and around the painful points
20 times.
// Page 84
hū 1
ij ān jǐng Gb i-11
jīa zōng uán
tiān líng q
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Acute Low Back Pain
It is caused by injuries to
muscles, tendons, ligaments or
joints caused by sprains or
small tears. Most cases
originate from heavy-lifting,
use of extreme force
accompanied by a sharp turn.
There is a stagnation of energy
and blood in the joints,
tendons and muscles.
zhì shì Bl-52
qì hǎi shū Bl-24
wěi zhōng Bl-40
Moving: Glide the cup
Over the mentioned points.
// Page 85
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Hiccups happen when a spasm contracts the diaphragm. This spasm causes an
intake of breath that is suddenly stopped by the closure of the vocal cords
(glottis). This disorder is caused in most of the times by pathogenic cold,
stagnation of food, stagnation of energy, cold energy of spleen and stomach and
deficiency of the original energy caused by severe diseases and chronic
diseases. This symptom may present in problems of the stomach, intestines,
gallbladder, stomach, esophagus or diaphragm.
Fixed: Apply cup for
5 to 15 on mentioned
// Page 86
gé sh
wèi s Bl-17
liáng ū Bl-21
nèi g én St-21
uān P
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Sprained Rib
In most cases this is due to sudden,
aggressive movement, by loading
heavy things, a direct blow, or
frequent and intense coughing. It is
caused by an inadequate circulation
of energy, which causes the
stagnation of energy and blood.
jǐ (ex)
huá túo jiā
nèi guān P
// Page 87
Fixed: Apply cup to
Mentioned points for
10 to 15 minutes.
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Renal Colic Pain
This is the pain that is mainly present in calculations in the kidney or
urethra. It is referred to as intense cramping pain in lumbar area or
abdomen, but can radiate toward the lower abdomen, external genital
area and the internal face of thigh. It is said to be caused by attack of
humidity and heat, which pulls in a gradual way toward the bladder.
Therefore, allowing the formation of stones which obstruct the urinary
Fixed: Apply cup for
15 to 20 minutes.
// Page 88
shèn shū Bl-23
cì liáo Bl-32
guān yuán Cv-4
zhōng jí Cv-3
yīn líng qúan Sp-9
sān yīn jiāo Sp-6
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Inflammed Prostate
Prostatitis is a disease that occurs in the young, male adult. Can be caused by
bacteria, virus or other pathogen that attacks the prostate gland. It relates to
excessive sexual activity, alcoholism, or urinary inflammation, etc. It is manifested
by frequent urination, difficulty in urination, pain in groin, abdomen, scrotum, rectum
or lower back. Painful orgasms, urgent need to urinate and flu-like symptoms are
also common.
páng gu Cv-4
guān yu v-3
zhōng jí an Sp-9
yīn líng o Sp-6
sān yīn
// Page 89
Fixed: Apply cup to
The points for 10 to
15 minutes.
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Inflammation and Stiffness of Spine
It is a chronic disorder, that slowly develops. It is characterized by a permanent
pain located in the lumbar area. It usually manifests during the morning and is
accompanied by stiffness in the lumbar area. Stiffness and discomfort decrease
with the movement.
ū Bl-23
huá tú
yāo shū Bl-40 (leg)
wěi zhō
// Page 90
Fixed: Apply cup(s) to
the points for 15 to
20 minutes.
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Lumbar Muscle Tear/Sprain
It may be referred to as
chronic lumbago. This
disorder involves
chronic lesions of
ligaments, tendons,
tissues and muscles of
the lumbar area. It is
caused by chronic
fatigue or by acute
injuries not treated in
time. It is mainly
characterized by pain
and discomfort. The
pain may be permanent;
and occasionally the
pain is tolerable,
compounded with the
movement of the waist.
The wind and cold
make it worse.
wěi zh
// Page 91
Moving: Glide the cup on the
points and paths between the
above points, as well as in the
painful points. Move from top
to bottom, bottom to top, 5 to
10 times.
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Postpartum Urinary Retention
Urinary retention is a common and frustrating complication in women during the immediate
period after giving birth to a child. Physiologic changes in the bladder that occur during
pregnancy prepare mothers to develop symptomatic retention of urine during the first hours to
days after delivery. This disorder is characterized by limitation or inability of the urination and
bladder distension, accompanied by pain. It is caused by inflammatory injury of the bladder
causing it to function poorly.
Fixed: Apply cup to
The points for 15 to
20 minutes.
// Page 92
guān y u 2
cì liáo B
v -6
qì hǎi C Cv-4
guān yu v-3
zhōng jí an Sp-9
yīn líng o Sp-6
sān yīn
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Stye or Hordeolum
It is an acute infection caused by bacteria. It is located at the edge of the eyelid and
is characterized by an area with erythema (redness of the skin), local edema,
hardening in oval shape and intense pain on palpation. It is caused by heat that
attacks the spleen and stomach or by attack of wind and direct external heat that
affects the eye. A stye can exist internally or externally.
dà zhuī Du-14
qū chí Co-11 (arm)
hé gǔ Co-4
// Page 93
Hijama Recommended.
Commence with acupressure
on each point for 1 minute.
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Acute Tonsillitis
Consists of an acute inflammation of the tonsils. There is an inflammation of the
mucous membrane of the pharynx and can be accompanied by fever, aversion to
cold, sore throat (odynophagia), which compounds swallowing, speech and
coughing. It is produced by attack of external pathogenic wind and heat, fire of lung
and stomach, and wind and heat that builds up in the throat and larynx.
dà zhuī Du
dà zhù Blu-12
shēn zhù D
fèi shū Bl11(arm)
hé gǔ Co-
// Page 94
Hijama Recommended:
Instead, apply acupressure
to he points for 1 minute and
Follow with cupping for10 to
15 minutes.
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Chronic Rhinitis/Post Nasal Drip
It is a syndrome of chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose,
which includes several types of rhinitis and is characterized by the nasal obstruction
(either permanent or occasional with runny nose). In hot weather, the nasal
obstruction decreases. The cause is due to a deficiency of lung and spleen.
n Bl-12
fèi shū B 0
pí shū B jǐ (ext)
huá túo Bl-24
qì hǎi sh v-8
shén qu
qì hǎi C Cv-4
guān yu
// Page 95
Moving: Glide cup over the
shoulder points and the extra
point several times until the skin
appears red.
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Allergic Rhinitis
Nasal allergy is produced by some material or climates. It is generally characterized
by nasal obstruction, accompanied by sneezing, and transparent nasal discharge. It
is caused by lung deficiency, and a deficiency of the energy of the spleen and
fèi shū B Bl-24
qì hǎi sh g Cv-17
shān zh
v -6
qì hǎi C t-36
zú sān l
// Page 96
Fixed: Apply cup to
The points for 10 to
15 minutes.
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Ringing in the Ears/Hearing Loss
Abnormal hearing can be caused by several types of diseases. The tinnitus is the
perception of persistent characteristic noises in the ear. Hearing disorders can be
from mild loss of hearing to total deafness. The origin of these disorders is due both
to syndromes of excess and deficiencies. Its cause may be due to kidney
ī Du-14
ū Bl-19
ū Bl-23
taì xī K
// Page 97
Fixed: Apply cup to
The points for 10 to
20 minutes.
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Frozen Shoulder
Adhesive capsulitis is a
condition characterized by
stiffness, inflammation and
pain in the shoulder joint.
Signs and symptoms
typically begin gradually,
worsen over time and then
resolve, usually within one or
two years. Frozen shoulder
is common in women beyond
50 years of age. Stagnation
of blood and energy and
nutritional deficiencies in the
joints are the cause of the
Fixed: Apply cup for
15 to 20 minutes on
Each point.
// Page 98
jiān zhēn Si-9
jiān yú Li-15
jiān liáo Tb-14
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
This disease refers to the so-called heel spurs. It is caused by
degeneration of the calcaneus and is considered as a degenerative
disease caused by chronic trauma. Calcaneodynia is characterized by
intense pain in the heel, particularly during the morning, which increases to
the initial decline of ambulation with the movement. When walking the pain
is increased and subsequently decreased. On physical examination, the
painful point is located on the inner side of heel.
kūn lún Bl-60
shāng qiū Sp-5
// Page 99
Acupressure: Apply finger
ressure to the points for one
minute after applying the
cup to points for 15 to 20
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Insufficient Breast Milk
This happens to women in the
postpartum period between the
second and tenth day. It is
characterized by the absence or
insufficiency of the secretion of milk
by preventing the proper feeding of
the product. This disorder must be
alterations in the mammary gland,
maternal hemorrhage or by the use
of an inadequate method to feed
the baby. The lack of milk is due to
a stagnation of energy in the liver.
An increase of rest, water and
nutritious foods will improve milk
Fixed: Apply cup for 10
to 20 minutes.
// Page 100
gān shū Bl18
pí shū Bl-20
rǔ zhōng St17
shān zhōng
rǔ gēn St-18
guān yuán C
zú sān lǐ St36
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Biliary Colic
Biliary colic is a steady or intermittent ache in the upper abdomen
(usually under the right side of the rib cage). It happens when
something blocks the normal flow of bile from the gallbladder. In
addition, is presented by cholecystitis or infections in gallbladder.
In many cases, the pain is radiated toward the right shoulder.
gān shū Bl-1
dǎn shū Bl-1
rì yuè Gb-24
dannang xue
// Page 101
Fixed: Apply cup 15
To 20 minutes to
mentioned points.
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Menstrual Disorders
Such disorders consist of irregularities with the monthly cycle, the
amount of blood, and the color. Disorders consist of short periods and/or
longer periods without a regular cyclical pattern. The cause is due to
kidney deficiency, spleen deficiency or stagnation of blood.
Moving: After allowing the cup
to sit for 10 to 15 minutes, glide the
cup over the bladder meridian,
from top to bottom, until a red
color is visible.
// Page 102
gé shū Bll-18
gān shū B
pí shū Bl-2
shèn shū B
qì hǎi Cv-6
guān yuán
zhōng jí C
an Sp-9
yīn líng qú
dì jī Sp-8
o Sp-6
sān yīn jiā
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Medically speaking, it is known as
cephalalgia. It is a continuous pain
in the head. The pain can be
anywhere in the head or neck. As
the brain has no pain receptors,
headaches are not felt in the brain.
The pain is caused by disturbances
of the pain-sensitive structures
around the brain.
dà z
jīan jǐ i-4
hé gǔ Lu-7
liè qu
// Page 103
Fixed: Apply the cup
to the points for 10
to 20 minutes.
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
It is characterized by
numerous and frequent
watery bowel movements.
This disorder can occur
throughout the year, but it is
most common during the
summer and autumn. The
most common cause is
gastroenteritis which is
commonly referred to as
rotavirus in children and
norovirus in adults. Often
times, a rehydration solution
(water, sugar and salt) is
used to remedy the problem.
dà zhù Bl-11
pí shū Bl-20
dà cháng shū Bl-25
tiān shū St-25
zú sān lǐ St-36
// Page 104
Fixed: Apply cup(s) 5 to
20 minutes to the
mentioned points.
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
A stroke is a condition in which the brain cells suddenly die because of a
lack of oxygen. A stroke can be caused by an obstruction in the blood
flow, or the rupture of an artery that feeds the brain. The patient may
suddenly lose the ability to speak, there may be memory problems, or
one side of the body can become paralyzed.
fēng mén Bl-12
huá túo jiā jǐ (ex)
xīn shū Bl-15
gān shū Bl-18
huá túo jiā jǐ (ex)
shèn shū Bl-23
huán tiào Gb-30
yáng líng quán Gb-34
xuán zhōng Gb-39
qū chí Co-11
hé gǔ Co-4
// Page 105
Moving: Glide the cup
along the bladder
channel, back and forth,
10 to 20 times.
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
When we ingest food, small amounts of air enter the body. Yet, when we digest
food, gas, mainly in the form of hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide is released.
As the gas builds up, the body gets rid of it by either burping (belching) or flatulence
(farting). Often, flatulence occurs and the person is not aware that it is happening.
When there is a smell, there are usually small amounts of sulfur gases due to food
not being digested properly. The food starts to rot and releases sulfur. Excessive
flatulence is a sign of a spleen deficiency, stomach deficiency and stagnation of
Fixed: Apply cup(s) to points
for 5 to 15 minutes.
// Page 106
dà cháng shū Bl-25
zhōng wǎn Cv-12
shén què Cv-8
guān yuán Cv-4
zú sān lǐ St-36
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Sexual Impotence
This disorder is present in males. It is defined as the inability of the penis to
experience an erection and too, sustain it during sexual intercourse. It is classified
as primary when there is no history of erection and consummation of the sexual
intercourse. If there is a history of erections and sexual intercourse previously, this
is called secondary sexual impotence. In the majority of the cases it is a functional
disorder. Secondary sexual impotence may be uncomfortable with the cupping
Fixed: Apply cup(s) to points
for 10 to 20 minutes.
// Page 107
shèn shū Bl-23
mìng ménDu-4
guān yuán Cv-4
cì liáo Bl-32
taì xī Ki-3
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Your liver is the largest organ inside your body. It helps your body digest food, store energy, and remove
poisons. Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. Some people who have hepatitis have no symptoms. Others
may experience:
Loss of appetite
Nausea and vomiting
Dark-colored urine and pale bowel movements
Stomach pain
Jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes)
Some forms of hepatitis are mild, and others can be serious. Some can lead to scarring, called cirrhosis or
eventually, liver cancer.
Moving: Glide cup from top
to bottom 5 to 10 times.
Afterwards, use acupressure
on legs and feet.
// Page 108
gān s hū
Bldǎn shū 18
Blpí s hū B 19
wèi shū
qí mén L 1
v -1
zhōng w 4
yáng líng Cv-12
taì chōng án Gb-34 (leg)
Lv-3 (foo
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Acute Mastitis
Inflammation of the mammary gland. Although it may be caused by chemical or
physical agents, the causes are almost entirely infectious, and mostly bacterial.
Clinical signs vary with the severity of the disease, but include pain, heat and
swelling of the affected quarter or half or gland, and gross abnormality of the milk,
either as clots or flakes, and wateriness of the liquid phase. Hijama Recommend:
Stimulate points for 1 to 5
minutes and apply cup(s) to
points for 5 to 15 minutes.
// Page 109
fèi shū Bl-13
xīn shū Bl-15
yìng chuāng St-16
rǔ gēn St-18
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Pink eye (conjunctivitis) is an inflammation or infection of the transparent
membrane (conjunctiva) that lines your eyelid and covers the white part of
your eyeball. When small blood vessels in the conjunctiva become
inflamed, they're more visible. This is what causes the whites of your eyes
to appear reddish or pink. Pink eye is commonly caused by a bacterial or
viral infection, an allergic reaction. Pathogens or waste attack the eye and
cause blockage of the channels that cause stagnation of energy and
dà zhuī Du-14
shēn zhù Du-12
fèi shū Bl-13
gān shū Bl-18
// Page 110
Hijama Recomme
Use acupressure
and then
apply cup(s) to po
ints for 10
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Postpartum Cramping
It is a physiological phenomenon common in the early postpartum
period that is characterized by numerous contractions. It can cause
severe pain in the lower abdomen. In most cases, the pain decreases
or disappears in a week, but can become severe after a week. It is
thought to be caused by deficiency of blood after childbirth or cold
pathogen that causes stagnation of energy and blood.
Fixed: After applying
acupressure for one minute,
apply cups to points for 15
to 20 minutes.
// Page 111
gé shū Bl-17
shèn shū Bl-23
qì hǎi Cv-6
guān yuán Cv-4
zhōng jí Cv-3
xuè hǎi Sp-10(leg)
sān yīn jiāo Sp-6
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Insomnia is the inability to
sleep in a normal way. The
degree of severity can be mild
to severe. In mild cases is
manifested with difficulty falling
asleep or if asleep, wakes up
easily; in severe cases, it is
manifested by inability to sleep
throughout the night. This
symptom can occur alone, or
be accompanied by headache,
dizziness, tachycardia, lack of
memory, etc. When you have
mental tension, stress or
anguish, this symptom is
Fixed: After applying
acupressure for one minute,
apply cups to points for 10
to 20 minutes.
// Page 112
jīan jǐng Gb-21
shēn zhù Du-12
xīn shū Bl-15
gé shū Bl-17
gān shū Bl-18
pí shū Bl-20
zú sān lǐ St-36 (leg)
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
A respiratory infection caused by a number of viruses. The viruses pass through the
air and enter your body through your nose or mouth. The flu can be serious or even
deadly for elderly people, newborn babies, and people with certain chronic illnesses.
Flu symptoms include:
•A 100oF or higher fever or feeling feverish (not everyone with the flu has a fever)
•A cough and/or sore throat
•A runny or stuffy nose
•Headaches and/or body aches
•Nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea (most common in children)
Moving: Glide cup on points
from top to bottom and side
to side, several times.
// Page 113
dà zhuī D
ufēng mé 14
fèi shū B l-12
hé gǔ Li- 3
4 (hand)
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
The time in a woman's life when her period stops. It usually occurs after the age of
45, but may happen sooner. Menopause happens because the woman's ovaries
stop producing estrogen and progesterone. Symptoms include a change in sexual
attitude, problems with vagina and bladder, sleep issues, hot flashes and change in
Fixed: Apply cup(s) to
points for 10 to 20 minutes.
// Page 114
xīn shū Bl-15
gān shū Bl-18
pí shū Bl-20
shèn shū Bl-23
zhōng wǎn Cv-12
qì hǎi Cv-6
nèi guān Pc-6 (arm)
sān yīn jiāo Sp-6 (leg)
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Coughing is the body's way of removing foreign material or mucus from the lungs
and upper airway passages or due to reacting to an irritated airway. A productive
cough (phlegm producing) should not be suppressed with medication. Coughs can
derive from viral illnesses, infections, chronic lung disease, stomach acid backing
up into esophagus, smoking or nasal discharge.
Fixed: Apply cup(s) 5
to 20 minutes on each
// Page 115
dà zhuī Du-1
fèi shū Bl-13
jīan jǐng Gb-2
gāo huāng s
hū Bl-43
shān zhōng
chǐ zé Lu-5
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Pediatric Bronchitis
In children, acute bronchitis
usually occurs in association
with viral respiratory tract
infection. Acute bronchitis is
rarely a primary bacterial
infection in otherwise healthy
children. Symptoms of acute
bronchitis usually include
productive cough, pain behind
breastbone and pain during
deep breathing or coughing.
Generally, the clinical course
of acute bronchitis is selflimited, with complete healing
and full return to function in
10-14 days. dà zhuī Du-14
fēng mén Bl-12
fèi shū Bl-13
shēn zhù Du-12
qū chí Li-11 (arm)
hé gǔ Li-4
// Page 116
Moving: Glide the from top to bottom
on infant’s back or use fixed method
for 5 to 10 minutes.
Use acupressure on arm and
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Infantile Anorexia
Infantile anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that has its onset during the early
developmental stage of separation and individuation between the ages of six months
and three years. According to Chinese medicine, it presents from 1 to 6 years. Infantile
anorexia nervosa is characterized by food refusal and leads to failure to thrive. The
infant refuses to eat in an attempt to achieve autonomy and control with regard to the
mother, a maneuver that serves to involve the mother more deeply in the infant's
eating behavior and to meet the infant's need for attention. The cause is weakened
energy in the intestine and stomach due to inadequate nutrition that causes damage to
the stomach and intestine.
Fixed: Apply cup(s) for 5
to 10 minutes. Use Moving
method and glide cup
until the skin turns red.
// Page 117
pí shū
wèi sh l-20
sān jiā Bl-21
huá tú shū Bl-22
tiān sh jiā jǐ (ext)
zú sān St-25
lǐ St-36
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Baby Diarrhea
A baby's bowel movements normally come in different colors,
textures, and odors based on what the baby eats (breast milk,
formula, or pureed foods). A baby's stool is normally loose
compared to an adult's. A looser stool every once in a while is not
uncommon. However, if bowel movements suddenly become much
looser or more watery, frequent, and profuse, it may be diarrhea. It
is caused by a deficiency in the spleen and stomach.
Fixed: Apply cup(s)
to points for 5 to 10
minutes. Apply acupressure
for one minute.
// Page 118
qì hǎi shū B
dà cháng s
hū Bl-25
guān yuán
shū Bl-26
shén què C
tiān shū St25
guān yuán
zú sān lǐ S
t-36 (leg)
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Infantile Inguinal Hernia
There is frequently a presentation of the inguinal hernia and the umbilical
hernia during childhood. The hernia is seen in the groin area and refers
heaviness and swelling in the scrotal area. There is a "ball" in the lower
abdomen which is clearly seen. As the child cries it is more evident. And it
disappears in a state of rest. The testicle is normal size. The umbilical
hernia is seen when the child is crying or evacuating, increasing the navel
fèi shū
pí shū l-13
dà chá l-20
cì liáo g shū Bl-25
tiān sh l-32
qì hǎi St-25
guān y -6
zhōng án Cv-4
zú sān Cv-3
lǐ St-3
// Page 119
Fixed: Apply cup(s)
5 to 10 minutes.
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Nighttime urinary continence is considered a developmental delay opposed to an
emotional problem or physical illness. It occurs in children of 3 to 12 years and is
characterized by presenting the act of urination when sleeping. Despite allopathic
opinion, it is believed that bedwetting can have its origin in alterations of the
emotional state, for example, scare, fatigue, change of atmosphere or place of
residence, the majority of cases occur in children excitable and hypersensitive.
Acupressure: Apply acupressure
on each point for a minute. Then
apply cup(s) for 5 to 10 minutes.
// Page 120
fèi shū Bl-13
pí shū Bl-20
shèn shū Bl-2
qì hǎi Cv-6
guān yuán C
zhōng jí Cv-3
yīn líng qúan
Sp-9 (leg)
sān yīn jiāo S
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Heat stroke
Heat stroke can kill or cause damage to the brain and other internal organs. Although
heat stroke mainly affects people over age 50, it also takes a toll on healthy young
athletes. Heat stroke results from prolonged exposure to high temperatures -- usually
in combination with dehydration -- which leads to failure of the body's temperature
control system. The medical definition of heat stroke is a core body temperature
greater than 105 degrees Fahrenheit, with complications involving the central nervous
system that occur after exposure to high temperatures. Other common symptoms
include nausea, seizures, confusion, disorientation, and sometimes loss of
consciousness or coma. Moving: Glide cup over points
on back. Apply fixed cup(s)
for 5 to 20 minutes.
// Page 121
dà zhuī Du
huá túo jiā
jǐ (ext)
qì hǎi Cv-6
guān yuán
Cv -4
qū chí Li-11
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Abdominal Pain
Abdominal pain is caused by inflammation, distention of an organ, or by loss of the blood
supply to an organ. Abdominal pain in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may be caused by
contraction of the intestinal muscles or hyper-sensitivity to normal intestinal activities.
Fixed: If person has intense
pain , start with acupressure
on each point for one minute.
Follow by applying cup(s) for
5 to 20 minutes.
// Page 122
pí shū Bl-20
wèi shū Bl-21
tiān shū St-25
qì hǎi Cv-6
zú sān lǐ St-36 (leg)
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
It is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. Asthma causes
recurring periods of wheezing (a whistling sound when you breathe), chest tightness,
shortness of breath, and coughing. The coughing often occurs at night or early in the
Fixed: If person has
problems breathing, start with
acupressure on each point
for one minute. Follow by
applying cup(s) for 5 to 15
// Page 123
Dingchuan (ext)
fèi shū Bl-13
gāo huāng shū Bl-43
chǐ zé Lu-5 (arm)
fēng lóng St-40 (leg)
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Stomach Pain
Stomach pains are very common and frequent. This disorder can be
presented as gastritis, abdominal issues, lactose intolerance, ulcers,
indigestion, constipation, stomach virus, etc.
Moving: If the person is very sick,
glide the cup various times
along points located on the back.
Acupressure can be applied to
each point.
// Page 123
gān shū Bl-18
pí shū Bl-20
wèi shū Bl-21
zhōng wǎn Cv-12
zú sān lǐ St-36 (leg)
Moreno Method of Cupping Therapy
Uterine Prolapse
Uterine prolapse is falling
or sliding of the uterus
from its normal position
into the vaginal area. The
muscles and ligaments
weaken and cannot hold
the uterus in the pelvis and
it drops into the vaginal
canal. Lack of estrogen,
pelvic tumor, obesity,
normal aging and excessive
coughing can contribute to
a prolapse. Symptoms
include low backache,
repeated bladder
infections, heaviness in
pelvis, frequent urination
and painful intercourse.
Fixed: After applying
acupressure for one minute,
apply cups to points for 15
to 20 minutes.
// Page 124
dà zhuī Du-1
shēn zhù Du
fèi shū Bl-13
jīn suō Du-8
gé shū Bl-17
pí shū Bl-20
shèn shū Bl23
qì hǎi Cv-6
guān yuán C
zhōng jí Cv-3
Congratulations! You have completed
Section 2a.
Soon, you will help change the way people view
holistic health practitioners.
Throughout your participation in
this course and upon completion,
you may contact Dr. Moreno with
b questions.
[email protected]